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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Thats on the level of Bosnia, one of the poorest countries in europe with no strategic industry or any particularly high tech. A country people are leaving en masse due to the poor wages and living conditions. And your real sanctions have just started.

If they had any brain, which they dont, they would not keep their money in the west.

But, what are their options? investing in their own failed countries? nope, they wont do that. Invest in an African bank? In African derivatives? African Bonds? Indian socks? with he level of Indian corporate governance and a country on the verge of civil war and genocide? lol. Keep your money under the pillow? They have no choice.
They invested in the west because of the very reason that the west became havens of wealth. It was seen as a safe and secure place to store their wealth.

No longer.

And you are deluded if you don’t think there are huge pockets of wealth all throughout the non western world to invest.

Classic Thucydides Trap. Pain on both sides, and for the world, but at least the decoupling is better then a war.
The decoupling will make a war far more likely actually
Actually what is unprecedented here is the seizure of personal assets by the western countries. Just think about what kind of message this sends to rich Chinese, Arabs, Pakistanis, Africans about what would happen if your country runs foul of the west and their messianic ideology?

The message is very clear. I had quoted some highly educated Americans in my circle above who said something like 'what could China do if we don't pay them the debt back'? And, as I said, when the UNSC has less authority than the board of my local county library facility, then the world is becoming a Jungle. A true Jungle. A Jungle without any pretense of 'order'.
And you guys tell me to study history? The US did bomb North Vietnamese supply lines, the most prominent one is the Ho Chi Minh Trail which ran thru Laos and Cambodia. The reason why the US did not bomb Chinese soil was because of the Geneva Convention that governs certain rights and duties of neutral powers. The word 'neutral' here denote participation, not any ideological/political biases.

It is one thing to use historical precedents, which is what you did, it is another to actually know and understand the reasons why that are applicable to the current situation without resorting to historical precedents, which is what you do not know how and why.

Because the VKS is not as effective as US in doing the same job, so for now, there is no need for the Ukrainian Air Force to go after the VKS. Attacking Russian ground forces is more important.
Yes, the US did bomb North Vietnamese supply lines, just like Russia is bombing Ukrainian supply lines inside Ukraine but not NATO countries.

The Ukrainian Air Force is getting their Su-25s shot down by Russian Flankers so clearly the strategy of focusing on attacking Russian ground forces isn't working. Their Su-27s don't have targeting pods either, so their Su-25s and TB-2s are all they've really got. What they can do - but are unable to do - is use their Su-27s to down Russian cruise missiles and Su-24s/Su-34s to stop THEIR forces from getting hit by tactical strikers. But they can't. So to me, their inability to get air to air kills indicates Russian air superiority - not air supremacy, but also not air parity.
Due to the occupation of Ukraine, sunflower oil sales start to restricted in Belgium and the Netherlands.

The situation in Ukraine and Russia, known as "Europe's breadbasket", causes an increase in the prices many of foodstuffs, especially flour and sunflower oil. Most of Europe's wheat and sunflower oil needs are met by Ukraine and Russia.

Some major supermarket chains in Belgium, including Colruyt and Lidl, have restricted the sale of sunflower oil, flour and canned vegetables. Lidl and Colruytgroup allow a maximum of 2 bottles of oil and 2 packets of flour per customer.

In the Netherlands, there is a shortage of sunflower oil in the near future. Supermarkets are start to limit the number of sunflower oil bottles that can be purchased per customer. Supermarket chains such as Plus and Jumbo limited cooking oil sales to 1 bottle per customer. Two-thirds of the sunflower oil imported by the Netherlands comes from Ukraine.

Şükrü Temiz, owner of the Turkish-based supermarket chain Temiz, tells Dutch media, "I'm afraid we will soon have to sell sunflower oil for 5 euros per liter. The costs have increased a lot." The price of 1 liter of sunflower oil in supermarkets in the Netherlands currently ranges from 1.8 to 2 euros. Prices were in the 1.2-1.4 range during the summer months.
Is this really. big deal? do you need oil to cook food? You can bake it, steam it. I dont get the issue with oils.

Oily food is very unhealthy anyway.
Is this really. big deal? do you need oil to cook food? You can bake it, steam it. I dont get the issue with oils.

Oily food is very unhealthy anyway.
The thing with the complexity of supply chains is that the impact of one commodity is not solely isolated to the use of that commodity. The rise in energy costs will translate to inflation for a huge range of products and services. You will likely not see the true impact of this until two years from now.
And you guys tell me to study history? The US did bomb North Vietnamese supply lines, the most prominent one is the Ho Chi Minh Trail which ran thru Laos and Cambodia. The reason why the US did not bomb Chinese soil was because of the Geneva Convention that governs certain rights and duties of neutral powers. The word 'neutral' here denote participation, not any ideological/political biases.
"The reason why the US did not bomb Chinese soil was because of the Geneva Convention"

Now I know what Professional in PDF mean.
It means professional comedian. lmao.
But, what are their options? investing in their own failed countries? nope, they wont do that. Invest in an African bank? In African derivatives? African Bonds? Indian socks? with he level of Indian corporate governance and a country on the verge of civil war and genocide? lol. Keep your money under the pillow? They have no choice.

Agreed. The money lies in the West and their allies, including those in the Middle East. China is the only non-member of that group.
As of now too early to say if the global order established since WW 2 is changing but we sure are observing something huge. The Eurasian continent, which is the historic seat of the human activities and power, is going through major changes as we write these lines. I don't see how the old order will survive as was established since WW 2.
Does not.

We know that.

More like because of the lack of PGM. Not because Russia is 'humane'. The major problem with using dumb bombs is that the tactic actually take longer to accomplish what you want, and what you want is enemy submission, not destroying stuff. Destroying wide swaths of land can compel that surrender. But so does destroying more specific targets that will cost you less munition and time while still getting the same behavior.

Russians are using a lot of PGM but maybe they don't have as many PGM as they ought to or would need to pull off as alternative to unguided bombing of massive swathes of land. This is both due to unwillingness to totally level entire cities via unguided bombing runs and because there is no need. They are doing exactly what you said, using PGMs on specific targets.

Maybe it is the truth and not illusion.

As of now, there is no need for the Ukrainian Air Force to contend with the VKS mano-a-mano. But consider history of Desert Storm vs Viet Nam. US airpower faced an air defense system that was Soviet sourced same as North Viet Nam, and yet in DS the US lost 75 aircrafts vs thousands over North Viet Nam. In both air theaters, the US dominated numerically and operated whenever it wanted. Until or unless the VKS conduct operations like the US over VN and Iraq, the Ukrainian Air Force should leave air defense to ground forces and take its few fighters straight to Russian ground forces.

Not according to the latest news. Why shelling civilian buildings?

Then why are Ukrainian jets continues to sortie? Back in DS, some Iraqi jets made flights to Iran and the reason was because we did not get to them quick enough. But Ukrainian jets are not escaping but flying to attack Russian ground forces. If Ukrainian fighters can attack Russian ground forces, they can also challenge the VKS in the air, and for now, it is better to go after Russian ground forces.

I didn't know Ukraine Airforce is still operating. When was the last time it contested airspace control against VKS? Ghost of Kiev was made up. When did UAF and VKS do air combat? How does UAF attack Russian ground forces? They are using drones very sparingly and carefully choosing when to use and what to use against. NATO feeding intel is very valuable in this kill chain but I wouldn't call some air to ground only light drones and MALEs at best as UAF contesting air superiority with VKS.

Sorry, but that does not compute. Russia do not have the luxury of time, and yet, Russia self restrained because Russia want to keep intact 'big cities and infrastructure' and that Russia do not want to hurt the Ukrainians too much.

Russia doesn't have the same luxury of time as US had with Iraq and Afghanistan. This is the chasm of economic, industrial, and monetary gap between Russia and USA. Russia I don't think could really afford a sustained conflict of trying to occupy and control parts of Ukraine while fighting insurgents who are well armed and constantly fed more arms. Quite unlike insurgents US fought against. At least those guys didn't get manpads and ATGMs.

Then what is preventing China from helping Russia to provide overwhelming odds against the Ukrainians and their US supplied MANPADS?

If it is true that Poutine fired several generals and house arrest his FSB chief, the mental contortions people go thru to try to salvage face for the Russian military is entertainment and nothing more.

China and Russia did not supply their own modern ATMGs and manpads to Iraqi insurgents or Taliban during DS and US war in Afghanistan. I was saying that even US would have lost many more units like Russia is losing units in Ukraine if US enemies had those supplies. This has nothing to do with you saying why doesn't China supply Russia then. That would be like asking why doesn't China supply US during DS lol. Russia is in the position of US in Desert Storm. It is the one waging war and invading into and controlling/contesting.

Russia doesn't need military help. It is controlling parts of Ukraine, Zelensky wants to negotiate and settle things, Russia is not being attacked and lost no land.

You missed my point here with your reply. It has nothing to do with China. What I'm saying is when US went on adventurism, no one supplied US enemy. Here Russia is fighting a nation several times larger, much more sophisticated than Vietnam (of the Vietnam war era), and constantly supplied by others. If US was doing the war on Ukraine here instead of Russia, the USA would have lost similar numbers. Of course US would plan things differently and not endanger their equipment quite as willingly and impatiently perhaps but that's because it would have the ability to sustain this war much more than Russia has. Russia's overall GDP and productivity is less than California's.
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I think someone show shared Col. Macgregor video above. Here is another one. Sadly, while the Colonel is far more honest, people like Gerald Celente are no better than the likes of the anchors in CNN or Fox News.

Here is part 4 of the video.

I think his Canadian-arab or something

Seems they learning it's easy to fight against unequipped or untrained American proxies in MENA. But it's much tougher to fight against an actual world power military.

A lot of Gung Ho volunteers from these Western countries also went back cuz of contract terms or seeing how tough combat is, when you can't just camp out and call air support.
Russians are using a lot of PGM but maybe they don't have as many PGM as they ought to or would need to pull off as alternative to unguided bombing of massive swathes of land. This is both due to unwillingness to totally level entire cities via unguided bombing runs and because there is no need. They are doing exactly what you said, using PGMs on specific targets.

I didn't know Ukraine Airforce is still operating. When was the last time it contested airspace control against VKS? Ghost of Kiev was made up. When did UAF and VKS do air combat? How does UAF attack Russian ground forces? They are using drones very sparingly and carefully choosing when to use and what to use against. NATO feeding intel is very valuable in this kill chain but I wouldn't call some air to ground only light drones and MALEs at best as UAF contesting air superiority with VKS.

Russia doesn't have the same luxury of time as US had with Iraq and Afghanistan. This is the chasm of economic, industrial, and monetary gap between Russia and USA. Russia I don't think could really afford a sustained conflict of trying to occupy and control parts of Ukraine while fighting insurgents who are well armed and constantly fed more arms. Quite unlike insurgents US fought against. At least those guys didn't get manpads and ATGMs.

China and Russia did not supply their own modern ATMGs and manpads to Iraqi insurgents or Taliban during DS and US war in Afghanistan. I was saying that even US would have lost many more units like Russia is losing units in Ukraine if US enemies had those supplies. This has nothing to do with you saying why doesn't China supply Russia then. That would be like asking why doesn't China supply US during DS lol. Russia is in the position of US in Desert Storm. It is the one waging war and invading into and controlling/contesting.

Russia doesn't need military help. It is controlling parts of Ukraine, Zelensky wants to negotiate and settle things, Russia is not being attacked and lost no land.

You missed my point here with your reply. It has nothing to do with China. What I'm saying is when US went on adventurism, no one supplied US enemy. Here Russia is fighting a nation several times larger, much more sophisticated than Vietnam (of the Vietnam war era), and constantly supplied by others. If US was doing the war on Ukraine here instead of Russia, the USA would have lost similar numbers. Of course US would plan things differently and not endanger their equipment quite as willingly and impatiently perhaps but that's because it would have the ability to sustain this war much more than Russia has. Russia's overall GDP and productivity is less than California's.
The US could not fight a country like Ukraine because those numbers of war dead would not be acceptable to the American public. This is why the US is reluctant to really fight against peer powers and only bombs/murders poor defenseless people in the Middle East and elsewhere in the developing world.
The US could not fight a country like Ukraine because those numbers of war dead would not be acceptable to the American public. This is why the US is reluctant to really fight against peer powers and only bombs/murders poor defenseless people in the Middle East and elsewhere in the developing world.

Do you serious believe in these US released numbers of Afghanistan? Note no country releases correct numbers in war period that is just the first thing you need to know..

Why do you think the Americans signed all their forces as contractors? The reason for that is to not be obligated to confirm deaths.

They have lost atleast 500k+ US, Western NATO including contractors but they had no legal obligation to reveal the numbers and also the numbers which they released for the Afghan security which is 70.000 is absolutely laughable atleast 800.000 to 900.000 Afghan security forces died and I know the numbers seems over the top but technically not as we are talking about a continously war for 20 years the casualities really pilled up
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