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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Good that Stepan is safe but unfortunate name for a cat since that name is of Stepan Bandera, a Nazi.

I hope that no cat in Ukraine is harmed in this war.

The British War Ministry ( as it should be called instead of Ministry of Defense ) will not talk about the Americans using thermobaric bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan in recent history.
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Democratic ones???.... Really?... Please enlighten us with your wisdom about the "democratic" ones?
Some counties will always be on the border line. But if you can’t tell which is which, it means you probably live in an authoritarian one.

Another way to tell them apart is to look where the refugees are risking their life to get to. Those are the liberal democracies.

Then there are those countries that are moving towards liberal democracy. Those will be in the democratic camp. Ukraine is one of those. Pakistan too. Turkey too.
Some counties will always be on the border line. But if you can’t tell which is which, it means you probably live in an authoritarian one.

Another way to tell them apart is to look where the refugees are risking their life to get to. Those are the liberal democracies.

Then there are those countries that are moving towards liberal democracy. Those will be in the democratic camp. Ukraine is one of those. Pakistan too. Turkey too.

How are you saying that Britain, USA, India, Pakistan, France etc are democracies ?
Dude, just stop.
You were always this conserative type (which is fine) but now you are completely on the hypocritical political line of the West.
You don't need to be a Russian coc*su*ker but pls, change your view to a realistic one.
And always these attacks against Foinikas, he is one of the really objective/neutral members in this forum.
Foinikas is a good European, you are hateful/childish in your views. You are just the exact 1to1 copy to "Putin slaves", only other side of the coin.
You remember me always on the young lad in the BF V campaign.
Foinikas would be just a normal dude doing his duty (like most ordinary folks), you are fanatic bc you are young and don't see the things as they are.
Pls, stop it. Or are you a troll?

You know what i dont understand? When has being conservative being morphed into being a putinist? Guess what? Conservative European means for me to not bow towards a primitive and savage Russia and yes, Russia is primitive for me and always has been.

I see Putins war as test run since he wants all of Europe. He openly said so several times. We can kill his pathetic excuse of a country now before its too late and i fully support that.

I believe i see the things very clearly.

LOL, so if @Foinikas doesn't agree with NATO imperialism / crimes he is a criminal ?

What kind of imperislsm is it when all members come from free will to escape russian agression? Explain please.
LOL, so if @Foinikas doesn't agree with NATO imperialism / crimes he is a criminal ?

His kinda of brain dead... His the type of guy whos willing to take 100 shoots that could end him in order to get one shoot at Turkey.. His willing to jeopardize his country policies and trade included
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I posted his videos first on this thread. His analysis is very refreshing and thankfully is not parroting the MSM script.

I've seen all his videos in past 48 hrs. Very informative indeed.

Haven't listened to Gereld Celente in over 5 to 6 years.... Thanks for reminding me of him...

it means you probably live in an authoritarian one.

Wrong... Canuckistan.

If you still believe along such naive binary terms .. I will assume you are still a child or child like... And leave it at that....

Lol at you world = Authoritarian vs. Democratic
His kinda of brain dead

No, he is just a special kind of people in Greece who support anything what they think is "orthodox people". Putin could rip a babies head off live on TV and those people would ignore it.

They also ignore that Russia has never done a shit for Greece and betrayed us left and right in history. Its quite sad actually. But they have no political power in Greece. You can laugh about them, pity them or whatever at the end of the day they can do no harm, beside ruining our image in the world.

Oh its our fault now too that african countries do retarded contracts with Russia regarding wheat? They are grown up people. They will figure something out. Not our problem.
No, he is just a special kind of people in Greece who support anything what they think is "orthodox people". Putin could rip a babies head off live on TV and those people would ignore it.

They also ignore that Russia has never done a shit for Greece and betrayed us left and right in history. Its quite sad actually. But they have no political power in Greece. You can laugh about them, pity them or whatever at the end of the day they can do no harm, beside ruining our image in the world.

Oh its our fault now too that african countries do retarded contracts with Russia regarding wheat? They are grown up people. They will figure something out. Not our problem.

Boy, you sure change your tune pretty fast. I recall months ago, you used to call Russia your historic brother. But now they are rubbish and were never any good?

To be quite honest, from my experience, your extreme neoliberal pro-atlanticist stance is at odds from many Greek people I've met. Foinikas' stance is probably more in line with many Greeks than yours, even though he might still be a minority. Maybe it's because you live in a rich bubble, who knows.
His kinda of brain dead... His the type of guy whos willing to take 100 shoots that could end him in order to get one shoot at Turkey.. His willing to jeopardize his country policies and trade included

I live in India so should I stop propagating Communism, unity of human kind, abolition of militaries, proposing of political settlements for issues like Kashmir, Korea and Palestine, and start accepting the anti-human, anti-scientific and disharmonious policies of the current Indian government ? Should I discard the rationality that Nature has given me ?

Putin could rip a babies head off live on TV and those people would ignore it.

Yeah and Saddam dipped his enemies in acid tanks and Gaddafi gave viagra to his soldiers to rape females. :rolleyes:Yes, @Foinikas should simply ignore such nonsense.
Putin just tried to prevent the outbreak of a world war. But he failed to foresee the trap of getting (UK-US coordinated) Russia into the swamp. Among the global military powers in the world, the only non-globalist leader is Putin. Russia's mistakes, failures are another story, but I see that Putin's complete demonization is just unfair and western-biased point of view.
what a nonsense
Russia is the aggressor.
Putin is a warmonger.
That’s a fact nobody can deny.
Nobody else except Putin pushes Russia to war.
Haven't listened to Gereld Celente in over 5 to 6 years.... Thanks for reminding me of him...

Wrong... Canuckistan.

If you still believe along such naive binary terms .. I will assume you are still a child or child like... And leave it at that....

Lol at you world = Authoritarian vs. Democratic
No I was talking about Colonel Macgregor
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