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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Exactly what crime have his wife and kids committed that they should be arrested?

What crimes had the wife and children of persian king Darius III when Alexander captured them? They are a war trophy and can be useful in negotiations. Its war and i think we should use evry leverage we have.
What crimes had the wife and children of persian king Darius III when Alexander captured them? They are a war trophy and can be useful in negotiations. Its war and i think we should use evry leverage we have.

You are 20 years old and have the hate of a mindless young fanatic. We have many such people in India. I think time will cure you. :)
I am seeing some heroic, but then ultimately when Russian throw enough people and hardware in it, they will overwhelm the defender.

Mariupol is the key strategic city, basically taking Mariupol will allow the Russian to flank the Ukrainian troop that was in the Donbas region. or at the original frontline. Russia MUST take Mariupol to either force the Ukrainian to withdraw their entire Eastern Flank back toward Dnieper river or risk having them cut off and isolated.

Russian have to know this, and that would be their priority number 1 to take the city, the thing is, there are currently not enough troop to take Mariupol at this moment, and it still favor the defender, the problem is, the defender is cut off, while the attacker can resupply. Which mean if and when the attacker have build up enough strength, they will take Mariupol.

That can be a few days, or a few weeks top, I doubt that would take months. On the other hand, Mariupol held out for 25 days, which considering they are 10 mile from the frontline, they should have felt on day 1 when the Russian attacked.

Interesting. But why Mariupol? They have already taken some Land to the west of Mariupol. Even if they left Mariupol alone and move northward, they already can flank the Ukraine Eastern Front. The problem is that Ukraine Eastern Front also update their perimeter to prevent the flanker to surround their position.
You are 20 years old and have the hate of a mindless young fanatic. We have many such people in India. I think time will cure you. :)

No i believe your problem is simply that you hate european people and even want take the right away from us to defend ourself. You talk about NATO imperialism. What kind of imperialism is it, when each member is in NATO out of free will and the very reason is protection against Russian agression?

Whats alternative to NATO? Becoming vasalls of Russian led Eurasian Empire? The only alternative to NATO would be if EU builds up a nuclear strike force based on France but much bigger. So far NATO is the best way to keep Europe secure.

On a sidenote you say nothing against russian imperialism.
Russia still has plenty of firepower and has a full military industrial supply chain so they can easily make more bombs and missiles if necessary. People here buying into the CNN propaganda are fucking delusional as usual.
It's one thing the Russia have more power, it's a whole other thing they can bring it to bear.

There is a problem for Troop rotation. In a perfect world, you would want a certain number of troop that is at Ready to deploy, and there are troop you CAN Deploy in any moment, and then there are troop you cannot deploy.

Things is, unlike the US, we have a National Guard Structure, which mean the "Standing Army" (the 1,2,3,4, 25, 82,101 division plus assorted troop) is always forward deployable. And this will not take away the combat power for US to defend its own land.

IN war time setting tho, that would complicate a bit, because you have incoming rotation and outgoing rotation, and the incoming rotation will not be active at all because they just come back from the warzone. Which mean there are certain downtime that incoming rotation have to go thru before they can be reactivate again. And the outgoing rotation is also non-deployable. This is the same as equipment.

So yes, theoretically, you can replace equipment that you used with your deployed troop, but that will not be fill up in time. That depends on the wartime economy. A tank need at leas 6 months to build, a fighter jet take at least 10 months, troop training take at least 3 to 4 months, so for the replacement, you are going to have to do without until new equipment is made, but the war will not wait for you to refill your stock, which is why if you are Russia, you will have a problem right now.

The problem is, should I continue to deplete my stock to sustain the war effort, or should I replace them when the new stuff is being made. If they choose option 1. That open up themselves in a strategic level, if they choose option 2, then you will have to do without the replacement stuff for your second rotation, thus limited your firepower.
No i believe your problem is simply that you hate european people and even want take the right away from us to defend ourself.

1. Which post of mine suggested to you that I hate the European people ? For example I don't hate the lovely British journalist Lizzie Phelan who did such wonderful work about the Libya and Syria wars right from when they started :

2. What do you as a Westerner want to defend against ?

You talk about NATO imperialism. What kind of imperialism is it, when each member is in NATO out of free will and the very reason is protection against Russian agression?

So all those regime-change attempts and wars against non-NATO countries in the last seven decades, what were they for ?

Whats alternative to NATO? Becoming vasalls of Russian led Eurasian Empire? The only alternative to NATO would be if EU builds up a nuclear strike force based on France but much bigger. So far NATO is the best way to keep Europe secure.

On a sidenote you say nothing against russian imperialism.

Can you tell me what will be the form of this Russia-led Eurasian empire ?
No i believe your problem is simply that you hate european people and even want take the right away from us to defend ourself. You talk about NATO imperialism. What kind of imperialism is it, when each member is in NATO out of free will and the very reason is protection against Russian agression?

Whats alternative to NATO? Becoming vasalls of Russian led Eurasian Empire? The only alternative to NATO would be if EU builds up a nuclear strike force based on France but much bigger. So far NATO is the best way to keep Europe secure.

On a sidenote you say nothing against russian imperialism.

I agree with you and he has controversial views on life in general
I agree with you and he has controversial views on life in general

Nothing controversial about my views on life in general. I am a simple person and just say that in human affairs and in our interaction with the natural we should be as simple and rational as possible.
That is why I think it is insane the amount of people who want NATO to intervene directly against Russia. They think we are fighting the typical rump states and insurgents that the US has been fighting, instead we are fighting a great power that has advanced weaponry, nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles.

These fighters going in bought the baloney that the Russians were incompetent and they thought they were going to play Rambo, saving Ukraine. Instead, they saw with their own eyes what it was like fighting a great power with a massive arsenal, seeing their recently acquainted friends blown to pieces, an arm there, a head there, in the matter of seconds. That probably made this shit all too real and that's why a lot of the foreign legion are tripping over themselves trying to get out knowing that they would be nothing but cannon fodder.
Nobody is suggesting counter-invasion of Russia but Ukraine can be secured if necessary. A2/AD assets can be deployed at the border of Ukraine in Poland and No Fly Zone can be established over Ukranian airspace. NATO is much better armed than Russia in fact.

For perspective, NATO did not allow Russia and its allies to bomb YPG in Syria. This was a red line.

That line was crossed once and Russia was stopped in its tracks:

Joe Biden is old and spent, however. Do not expect much from him in regards to Ukraine.

You should rest easy.

Russia still has plenty of firepower and has a full military industrial supply chain so they can easily make more bombs and missiles if necessary. People here buying into the CNN propaganda are fucking delusional as usual.
Russian cannot sustain a prolonged war in Ukraine due to its degrading economic situation. Putin administration is seeking desired results in Ukraine at earliest.

Russian forces are doing whatever they can to produce desired results in Ukraine at earliest; Russian forces have used highest count of cruise missiles and ballistic missiles to strike at high value and distant targets across Ukraine, and dispatched over 200,000 troops and irregulars to Ukraine to take as much ground as possible.

Ultimate objective is to take Kyiv by force and execute regime change if possible.

Let us see.

The US could not fight a country like Ukraine because those numbers of war dead would not be acceptable to the American public. This is why the US is reluctant to really fight against peer powers and only bombs/murders poor defenseless people in the Middle East and elsewhere in the developing world.
You are in dire need of history lessons.

USA has fought a war with big powers and near-peer adversaries throughout its history.

- British Empire in Colonial times
- Spanish Empire in Colonial times
- Germany in World War 1
- Germany in World War 2
- Japan in World War 2
- North Korea in early 1950s
- Vietcong in the 1960s
- Iraq in 1991
- Yugoslavia in 1999

War On Terror was relatively different in its conduct - it was aimed to dismantle Al-Qaeda Networks around the world in response to 9/11, and this objective was achieved in the Middle East as well as in Af-Pak region. NATO invaded, occupied and changed the political landscape of Iraq in the mix. NATO also changed the political landscape of Libya in the mix.

Do you think modern Russia can replicate anything close to War On Terror on scale and scope? Not even remotely close.

Modern Russia has not fought a near-peer adversary in fact:

- Chechnya in the 1990s
- Georgia in 2008
- FSA in a war-torn and compromised Syria in the 2010s
- Ukraine in 2022

Russian military performance in Ukraine has shown the limits of its warfighting capability and capacity.

USA, UK and Germany have created military doctrines in fact. Others are followers.

Iraq created insurgency doctrine on the other hand. Afghan Taliban also adopted Iraqi insurgency tactics.
It's time the West realised that India is fickle and two faced. Always were and always will be. China at least has been consistent in revealing its loathing and contempt of us in the West.
Interesting. But why Mariupol? They have already taken some Land to the west of Mariupol. Even if they left Mariupol alone and move northward, they already can flank the Ukraine Eastern Front. The problem is that Ukraine Eastern Front also update their perimeter to prevent the flanker to surround their position.
Mariupol is the what we called "Convergent" between Russian Southern Force (From Crimea - Red), Russian Northern Force (From Kharkiv - Yellow) and Separatist Troop from the East (Green)

Russian Movement.jpg

At this point majority of the Russian troop are pinned in Mariupol, they can by-pass it but it they would have to leave troop to pin Mariupol Defender in place, otherwise they will just breakout and hammer Russian rear. Which mean at this point the Russia troop so sorely needed to crush the blue line (The 6 Ukrainian Battalion position at the pre-war demarcation line ) is stuck in Mariupol they cant move until the city is taken.

Once the city is taken, then it free up troops on 3 fronts. and it will allow the Russian freedom of movement to either crush the Blue Line above Mariupol, or go North and take Kharkiv or Go West to try and take Dnipro (Probably not going to do that, if it was me, i will go after the 6 Battalions)

Which mean if I am Ukrainian defence. If I lost Mariupol, that comes a question would I want to leave that blue line (in black circle) to stay there, and potential get crushed by a double envelopment. Or should I withdraw them and put them along the defensive line across the river with the Southern Defender (The Red Circle) If I do that, then I will basically leave the Entire South East open to the Russian, if I don't do that, I risk my troop getting defeat in detail because Russia is going to overwhelm all the position 1 by 1 by local superiority.
Troop movement.jpg

That is why Ukrainian is counter attacking Kherson, because if they manage to retake Kherson, this will force Russian to divert some troop toward the region because it would be a free ride toward Crimea, where their supply is based) It's really depends on whether or not Ukrainian retake Kherson first or Mariupol fall first.
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