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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Mariupol is the what we called "Convergent" between Russian Southern Force (From Crimea), Russian Northern Force (From Kharkiv) and Separatist Troop from the East

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At this point majority of the Russian troop are pinned in Mariupol, they can by-pass it but it they would have to leave troop to pin Mariupol Defender in place, otherwise they will just breakout and hammer Russian rear. Which mean at this point the Russia troop so sorely needed to crush the blue line (The 6 Ukrainian Battalion position at the pre-war demarcation line ) is stuck in Mariupol they cant move until the city is taken.

Once the city is taken, then it free up troops on 3 fronts. and it will allow the Russian freedom of movement to either crush the Blue Line above Mariupol, or go North and take Kharkiv or Go West to try and take Dnipro (Probably not going to do that, if it was me, i will go after the 6 Battalions)

Which mean if I am Ukrainian defence. If I lost Mariupol, that comes a question would I want to leave that blue line (in black circle) to stay there, and potential get crushed by a double envelopment. Or should I withdraw them and put them along the defensive line across the river with the Southern Defender (The Red Circle) If I do that, then I will basically leave the Entire South East open to the Russian, if I don't do that, I risk my troop getting defeat in detail because Russia is going to overwhelm all the position 1 by 1 by local superiority.
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I think they will leave that line and retreat towards kiev
A2/AD assets can be deployed at the border of Ukraine in Poland and No Fly Zone can be established over Ukranian airspace.

If they do that then Russia will have to resort to exclusively Iskander, Kh-101, Kalibr, Kinzhal strikes from Russia and Belarus soil and force Ukraine to surrender. It will lead to far more civilian casualties. Ukraine is better off without an American No Fly Zone.
I think they will leave that line and retreat towards kiev
Well, that would be the logical choice if they lost Mariupol before their counter offensive in Kherson take hold,
USA has fought a war with big powers and near-peer adversaries throughout its history.

- British Empire in Colonial times
- Spanish Empire in Colonial times
- Germany in World War 1
- Germany in World War 2
- Japan in World War 2
- North Korea in early 1950s
- Vietcong in the 1960s
- Iraq in 1991
- Yugoslavia in 1999

Other than colonial times, was the US mainland ever in credible danger in any of these wars?
I think they will leave that line and retreat towards kiev
They can't! Once they are on open road. Russia airforce will bomb them to dust. Unless you abandon all equipment and running on food in small number.
1. Which post of mine suggested to you that I hate the European people ? For example I don't hate the lovely British journalist Lizzie Phelan who did such wonderful work about the Libya and Syria wars right from when they started :
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2. What do you as a Westerner want to defend against ?

So all those regime-change attempts and wars against non-NATO countries in the last seven decades, what were they for ?

Can you tell me what will be the form of this Russia-led Eurasian empire ?

You dont get it, its propably too complex to you. Putin said it clearly. He first wanted entire eastern europe under russian opression. After USA leave NATO and Europe is left with only 300 french nukes, entire Europe would fall under russian hegemony. Sorry but Europe wont bow to Russia and NATO is the most important key for our security.

What is important now, is to destroy evry russian presence in europe. Economy, trade, sport, culture and thats exactly whats done. Putin is like hitler and its time to kill them off before they can attack us.

On a sidenote, i give a shit about libya, syria or takatuka land. I only care about Europe.

Putin made NATO more powerful than ever before. For that i have to thank this clown. He achieved not one of his goals and completly miscalculated. Russian economy wiped out, NATO stronger than ever before and for first time ever 100.000 NATO soldiers in Baltics, Poland, Slovenia and Romania. Finland will join NATO and Sweden propably too. In Ukraine his army is exposed as junk troop and all he gets there is dead land.

And it gets worse for the botox kremlin. EU head von der Leyen said there wont be any negotiations with Putins regime. He is a untrustworthy liar. So sanctions stay for eternity. He lost Europe, evrything what generations of russian leaders build up, he threw into the toilet. The entire pipeline system is obsolete by 2023, the tech, science and economic cooperation dead. Russian scientists, students and workers get expelled from Europe. Russians are banned from all sport events. Russian artists thrown out of Europe, fired and hunted out.

Russian opera singers like Netrebko got all contracts terminated and basicly a kick in their a**, thrown out like a cheap redlight district actress.

380 billion € assets of russian central bank taken, beside that all property of russian elites taken. Abramowitch now had to run away like a beaten dog and could not even afford paying a cleaning women anymore. There is a reason why russian elites all lived in Europe and not in that grey, abysmal shithole Russia. They are now stuck in Russia and as spains primeminister said, they can now sail in the Barrentsea. Russian aviation...dead. Russian trains build by german siemens...dead.

And all that is just the beginning. In Germany all bank accounts of people with russian passports got frozen. That means even poor ones dont even get welfare money anymore. Russians get no treatment in hospitals, get no jobs, are kicked out of schools, universities and sport clubs.

We had a russian in our class and most in my class including me said that either he gets out or we wont attend class. Guess what? He was away "ill" since thursday.
Interesting. But why Mariupol? They have already taken some Land to the west of Mariupol. Even if they left Mariupol alone and move northward, they already can flank the Ukraine Eastern Front. The problem is that Ukraine Eastern Front also update their perimeter to prevent the flanker to surround their position.

Mariupol is needed as seaharbor for the independend Donetzk and Luhansk. So it is one of the main goals of the russian offensive with high priority.
In Germany [...] Russians get no treatment in hospitals,
We had a russian in our class and most in my class including me said that either he gets out or we wont attend class. Guess what? He was away "ill" since thursday.

OK, now I am convinced you are posting from a mental hospital ward.
Mariupol is needed as seaharbor for the independend Donetzk and Luhansk. So it is one of the main goals of the russian offensive with high priority.

What value has a sea harbor when we make donetzk wnd luhansk a constant war zone? Putins entire plan was to have peace and minimal damage within a few days. By destroying evrything there we denie him that. Scorched earth tactics are best option for that.
OK, now I am convinced you are posting from a mental hospital ward.

Your opinion is pretty worthless regarding that. Nobody can force us to sit next to a russian in class, right? The fact he called ill and disappeared shows that our pressure worked.

We are at a war and i dont see how letting enemies with us helps in any way.

You are free in your opinion, im free in mine. I will not sit with enemies in vlass and i wont compete in sport with them. Thats what i decided for myself.
If they do that then Russia will have to resort to exclusively Iskander, Kh-101, Kalibr, Kinzhal strikes from Russia and Belarus soil and force Ukraine to surrender. It will lead to far more civilian casualties. Ukraine is better off without an American No Fly Zone.
Russians are already using these standoff munitions in Ukraine.

A2/AD assets such as PAC-3 and THAAD are needed to intercept Russian cruise and ballistic missiles in Ukraine.

USAF can also help intercept them.
OK, now I am convinced you are posting from a mental hospital ward.
Well, this is is reality in Germany. Most of the germans are mentally sick, doing all what the criminal gov told them. If you do not fit in the corridor the gov provided, then you find yourself in a position like a Jew in the third Reich.
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