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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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China is no neighbor of russia since nobody lives in siberia. Russia since 1000 years is a european nation. Their entire monarchy was German for example. When all connections to Europe are cut, Russia plain and simple dies off.

Lots of Russians in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. Lots of Russian girls marry Chinese guys too considering Chinese guys have the hots for Russian girls :smitten:
It's near impossible to shoot down Iskander, Kh-101, Kalibr, Kinzhal. Even if possible, it is very expensive to do so.
Not for NATO to be precise. PAC-3 and THAAD are extensively tested in this respect (both have demonstrated the capability to intercept different types of missiles in homeland trials). Expensive? YES. But NATO can afford associated costs.

Americans don't care about Saudis slaughtering Yemenis with bombs. They sure don't care about Russians slaughtering Ukrainians with bombs out of compassion. If they care, it's only because of dick measuring contest with Russians, not because of compassion.

Well... no argument from me in this case. Fair enough.
Only difference being that @Apollon would not have killed even a fly in his whole carrier as a keyboard warrior. :lol:

Im not a keyboard warrior. I want safety for my country and continent and Russia is a threat for us. Its that simple. Beside that, my mother raised me so of course it would not be easy for me to kill someone. Even more so when its first time.

Fake and debunked. Car was from russian saboteurs who tried to escape.
Lots of Russians in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. Lots of Russian girls marry Chinese guys too considering Chinese guys have the hots for Russian girls :smitten:
The richness of Russia lie in Moscow megapolis and Far East, so yes, Putin will sell his country for cheap to China.

So who's winning the war? In reality and on Social media ?
Other than colonial times, was the US mainland ever in credible danger in any of these wars?

- Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in World War 2.
- Germany had plans to bomb New York City in World War 2.

Americans were not willing to give them a chance on the other hand - USA mobilized for war and launched its military operations against both in 1942. The idea was to bring the war to them before they could reach US mainland.

Other countries mentioned were also well-equipped to fight a war in regional context and were difficult to fight in their home-turf.

My point is that USA have certainly taken its chances with well-equipped countries from time-to-time.

But modern Russia? Not so much.
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