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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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So who's winning the war? In reality and on Social media ?

There are 4 wars. Military, propaganda, economic and political.

Russia lost propaganda, economic and politival war. With extreme force they might win military. But even thats not sure yet.
There are 4 wars. Military, propaganda, economic and political.

Russia lost propaganda, economic and politival war. With extreme force they might win military. But even thats not sure yet.
Lets hope the war ends soon...

@Apollon that is literally you in the video, under age radical teen.

We need not use that cringey and anti-Nature word "underage" but yes when I watched the vid I too was reminded of Apollon.

Russians get no treatment in hospitals, get no jobs, are kicked out of schools, universities and sport clubs.

Meanwhile in NATO leader USA like I informed you yesterday :

We had a russian in our class and most in my class including me said that either he gets out or we wont attend class. Guess what? He was away "ill" since thursday.

You are just brainwashed and are acting as a lynch mob. Please stop.

On a sidenote, i give a shit about libya, syria or takatuka land. I only care about Europe.

That says in a sentence why you dislike the pan-human nature of Communism. You don't care how many of the world's peoples are crushed under the bombs and boots of the oppressive, Capitalist imperialist entity called NATO.

OK, now I am convinced you are posting from a mental hospital ward.

Actually like @Ich indicated Apollon is the normal in much of the West - idolizing sports stars and "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" and buying the latest car on loan while paying money to get homes, healthcare, education and living between the sprawls of ugly skyscrapers which enable crime. Essentially a disharmonious life yet they don't complain to their governments but instead become the government's gun-arms to terrorize progressive societies.
Not for NATO to be precise. PAC-3 and THAAD are extensively tested in this respect (both have demonstrated the capability to intercept different types of missiles in homeland trials). Expensive? YES. But NATO can afford associated costs.

Interception is not 100%. It's 100 km from Belarus to Kiev. Iskander and Kinzhal reach that within a minute. Yes, it is possible to intercept, but expensive and rate is not 100%.
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