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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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There's been plenty of videos coming out from volunteers themselves talking about how the situation was a lot worst then they anticipated, they saw friends getting blown up and are now jumping ship.
First of all, I am AGAINST these idea. That's why I didn't go when I was asked to, I was even sent one of those form, I can upload it to you and you can hand it over to Ukrainian embassy if you want to go, me, no thanks.

Second of all, most of these people are war tourist. People have fantasy about war, think it is a video game, that's why these people go, and of course this is not video game, and people get blown to pieces. That's why they leave.

Does that mean no one is training the Ukrainian? No., I know for a fact that 3 of those camp are running with vet form US Marine and US Army. People failed to realise this is an undertaking, not a tour.

And War is hell, whether you are facing the Afghani or Iraq or Russian, there are no "Easy" war like what the Russian think when they invade. On the other hand, that does not mean Russian soldier is 6 ft tall, judging by the way they fight, they feel like Varsity team than NCAA division 1.
Soldiers of the special rapid response battalion "Ahmed Hajjaj", trained and designed to eliminate especially dangerous terrorists, are waiting for their turn in Ukraine, helping the residents of Donbass.. This is one of the most powerful and well-trained special rapid reaction battalions and includes 60 members of the Kadyrov family.

Russian and Chechen special forces achieved historic victories against nationalist extremists in Mariupol.

Russian and Chechen special forces achieved historic victories against nationalist extremists in Mariupol.

I have to say... Chechens look tough! Like the Afghan Taliban tough!! Their often shaved moustaches and beards show they are not some pansy-*** fighters--show them as believers in something. But I think they will--or at least should--turn their guns towards Moscow and gain their independence... I don't see much in common between Moscow and Grozny.
First of all, I am AGAINST these idea. That's why I didn't go when I was asked to, I was even sent one of those form, I can upload it to you and you can hand it over to Ukrainian embassy if you want to go, me, no thanks.

Second of all, most of these people are war tourist. People have fantasy about war, think it is a video game, that's why these people go, and of course this is not video game, and people get blown to pieces. That's why they leave.

Does that mean no one is training the Ukrainian? No., I know for a fact that 3 of those camp are running with vet form US Marine and US Army. People failed to realise this is an undertaking, not a tour.

I perfectly understand that many Western military personnel were in Ukraine training Ukrainian forces. This is one of the primary reasons why Russia attacked. Because the West is using Ukraine as a sacrificial lamb in an anti-Russian crusade. What else did you expect would happen?

Of course the foreign legion is not on the frontlines. The fact that many are getting blown the **** up while still being in the safety of West Ukraine, just shows you how vicious the Russian bombings have been.

This whole situation is so tragic regardless of what angle you are looking at.
Dude, just stop.
You were always this conserative type (which is fine) but now you are completely on the hypocritical political line of the West.
You don't need to be a Russian coc*su*ker but pls, change your view to a realistic one.
And always these attacks against Foinikas, he is one of the really objective/neutral members in this forum.
Foinikas is a good European, you are hateful/childish in your views. You are just the exact 1to1 copy to "Putin slaves", only other side of the coin.
You remember me always on the young lad in the BF V campaign.
Foinikas would be just a normal dude doing his duty (like most ordinary folks), you are fanatic bc you are young and don't see the things as they are.
Pls, stop it. Or are you a troll?
He's fought with half the forum. I wasn't following it all,but first he pissed off the Persians by insulting them,then he started insulting the Chinese and their leaders. Then he fought with other people.

The war in Ukraine is bad. Orthodox are killing Orthodox and the Russians and Ukrainians are brothers. Imagine Czechs invading Slovakia.

Personally,I believe Russia,Belarus and Ukraine should unite again. But a lot of people in Ukraine want the money and "progress" of the West. They want LGBT rights,feminism and liberalism. They want more independence. They want to forget the Russian identity of theirs and many of them want to forget their Slavic culture and become more "Europeans".

All that is because of the poverty and oppression they had endured under the communist tyranny,but also because of the influence of USA and Western Europe after the fall of communism.

So their leaders are acting like so many in the ex-Eastern Bloc:

They want to join NATO and the EU to get money,new weapons and to become a "progressive" society.

One thing that you might notice is that most governments in Europe are "centrist". They are almost all the same. Politically correct,promoting LGBT rights,feminism,extreme secularism and atheism,refugees and capitalism.

There are a few countries who resist that. Hungary is one,Poland used to be one,Russia and Belarus are the ones who resist the most.

Germany had no problem with the Russians,they wanted peaceful trading. France wanted stability in Europe as well.

But the Americans and the British...well,they live too far from Russia to care,they have all these buffer States between them. The Baltics also insisted...and we ended up having almost every country bordering Russia in Europe,to become a NATO member. And then there was Ukraine. The one girl you tell someone not to mess with. The girl next door that you tell the guy from the other side of the neighborhood that she's off limits. That even if she doesn't want you now,he shouldn't hit on her either. He has a lot of girlfriends. Oh he can have almost any woman he likes. But no,he goes there and knocks on her door and flirts with her. Because he wants them all.

There could be peace in this world,but some countries really want everything. There could have been peace in Palestine if Israel moved back to the pre-1967 borders and recognized Palestine.

Now you have idiots like Biden and Johnson and those behind them,doing the same things that Bush and Blair did. And you have Zelensky who is the useful idiot.

But then again,Britain,France and the Ottoman Empire went to war against the Russians in Crimea. The Russians lost,but all countries suffered heavy casualties.


Greek volunteers in Sevastopol,1854. Crimean War.
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If Russia really decides to burn through its missiles stockpile on Ukraine, while pointing its 6000 nukes toward the West to prevent the West from intervening, as a nuclear blackmail, then Ukraine would make even the Dresden bombing by the Allies during the World War II not comparable. What Russia did with its missiles in last two days are perhaps a preview of its firepower mostly unused...

Russia has air superiority and Tu-22 and Tu-95 are all out of range of manpads. Russia so far has not been using mass bombing to limit destruction and damage.

I don't know why western propaganda and social media keeps creating the idea and illusion that Russia does not have air superiority.

Russia operates aircraft and even helicopters and drones without resistance although they are attacked and occasionally shot down by manpads and other short range weapons but they do not have resistance and contesting airspace from Ukrainian Airforce. If the Russians wanted to use bombers, those bombers are far out of range of manpads and Ukraine has very little to no air to air combat capability left. It also has no more (according to Russians) medium to long range air defence missile systems left either.

Russia probably wants to keep big cities and infrastructure intact.

They might also want to try and reduce deaths but no idea how that's like with their soldiers.

Fact is Russia has total air dominance and resistance to that doesn't count as they don't have air dominance.

If during the last 20 years of US war in Afghanistan had Russia and China both constantly giving Taliban free and plentiful manpads, the US would lose many more aircraft or at least create so much trouble for their mission planning that they have to go high only. Taliban's left over stingers from Mujahideens forced USAF to operate higher.

Russia doesn't have the luxury of time. If they want to stay in Ukraine and fight for another 19 years like US did in Afghanistan then yeah sure go high and minimize losses. Some dumb people want to compare orange with apple and say apple is more crisp lol.

Even in Syria, Israelis lost an F-16 with conflict that isn't even 1/1000 the scale and intensity of this Ukraine Russia one. If Iraqis had 1000s of manpads shipped in constantly over months, the USAF wouldn't have been able to win the high technology war so quickly either.
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Russia still has plenty of firepower and has a full military industrial supply chain so they can easily make more bombs and missiles if necessary. People here buying into the CNN propaganda are fucking delusional as usual.

No they can't. PGMs are expensive, and that's money that Russia has little of. The Russian military also imports a lot of Western electronic for its military systems. Replacing losses won't be easy for them. Their PGM stocks are dwindling.
I have to say... Chechens look tough! Like the Afghan Taliban tough!! Their often shaved moustaches and beards show they are not some pansy-*** fighters--show them as believers in something. But I think they will--or at least should--turn their guns towards Moscow and gain their independence... I don't see much in common between Moscow and Grozny.
They have fought a bitter war against Russia.. that ended with the latter everything they asked for.. now they are loyal to Russia..
He's fought with half the forum. I wasn't following it all,but first he pissed off the Persians by insulting them,then he started insulting the Chinese and their leaders. Then he fought with other people.

The war in Ukraine is bad. Orthodox are killing Orthodox and the Russians and Ukrainians are brothers. Imagine Czechs invading Slovakia.

Personally,I believe Russia,Belarus and Ukraine should unite again. But a lot of people in Ukraine want the money and "progress" of the West. They want LGBT rights,feminism and liberalism. They want more independence. They want to forget the Russian identity of theirs and many of them want to forget their Slavic culture and become more "Europeans".

All that is because of the poverty and oppression they had endured under the communist tyranny,but also because of the influence of USA and Western Europe after the fall of communism.

So their leaders are acting like so many of the leaders in the ex-Eastern Bloc:

They want to join NATO and the EU to get money,new weapons and to become a "progressive" society.

One thing that you might notice is that most governments in Europe are "centrist". They are almost all the same. Politically correct,promoting LGBT rights,feminism,extreme secularism and atheism,refugees and capitalism.

There are a few countries who resist that. Hungary is one,Poland used to be one,Russia and Belarus are the ones who resist the most.

Germany had no problem with the Russians,they wanted peaceful trading. France wanted stability in Europe as well.

But the Americans and the British...well,they live too far from Russia to care,they have all these buffer States between them. The Baltics also insisted...and we ended up having almost every country bordering Russia in Europe,to become a NATO member. And then there was Ukraine. The one girl you tell someone not to mess with. The girl next door that you tell the guy from the other side of the neighborhood that she's off limits. That even if she doesn't want you now,he shouldn't hit on her either. He has a lot of girlfriends. Oh he can have almost any woman he likes. But no,he goes there and knocks on her door and flirts with her. Because he wants them all.

There could be peace in this world,but some countries really want everything. There could have been peace in Palestine if Israel moved back to the pre-1967 borders and recognized Palestine.

Now you have idiots like Biden and Johnson and those behind them,doing the same things that Bush and Blair did. And you have Zelensky who is the useful idiot.

But then again,Britain,France and the Ottoman Empire went to war against the Russians in Crimea. The Russians lost,but all countries suffered heavy casualties.

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Greek volunteers in Sevastopol,1854. Crimean War.
Accurate analysis.

To be honest, I don't blame Ukrainians for wanting to be part of the "prosperous West". But do not ever go full retard and completely ignore your geopolitical situation. The day Ukraine decided to be a pawn of NATO, it went full retard.

The reality is that Ukraine would've prospered the most by declaring itself a neutral state. It is a major crossroads of trade and energy, and it could achieve great development that way. Instead, it is a poor country doing the dirty work of being the grunt running into enemy firepower, while the disgusting ZOG fat cats on Wall Street profit off of the markets while crying crocodile tears in the media.
This is stupid, that missile in Iraq was not targeting us, and it was an Embassy, not a military base.

And you say stuff like you know what happened in war. Have you ever stand in front of someone else's muzzle? Have you ever been shot at with RPG or Mortar. What is your measuring point to see what is bad and what is of no joke?

When did I mention missiles in Iraq?

How come every time you talk you either deliberately twist or incompetently misunderstand what I say? How come everyone else understands me, just not you?
I perfectly understand that many Western military personnel were in Ukraine training Ukrainian forces. This is one of the primary reasons why Russia attacked. Because the West is using Ukraine as a sacrificial lamb in an anti-Russian crusade. What else did you expect would happen?

Of course the foreign legion is not on the frontlines. The fact that many are getting blown the **** up while still being in the safety of West Ukraine, just shows you how vicious the Russian bombings have been.

This whole situation is so tragic regardless of what angle you are looking at.
Well, they can attack all they want, that does not stop anything, in fact, there are camp INSIDE poland and romania where the actual US force training the TDF.

They cannot attack over the border or really close to the border, which mean these camp will continue. And if what I heard is true, there are a lot of those camp all inside Western Ukraine or even inside Poland or Romania.

When did I mention missiles in Iraq?

How come every time you talk you either deliberately twist or incompetently misunderstand what I say? How come everyone else understands me, just not you?
meh. Whatever. I was describing the situation, but seemingly, it went straight over your head

You have no point anyway.

As I Said, Ukrainian did not depend on these foreign fighter for frontline service. They have more than enough man to fight the Russia, they are being invaded, not the other way around. Not the same I can say with Russia.
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Will Halliburton’s exit from Russia’s oil fields pt enough pressure on China to do what Biden asked of Xi in the phone call?

Can Chinese companies replace (technically) what these western companies do in the Russian oil and gas sector? Will this move increase global oil and gas prices or has the world insulated itself from Russian energy markets? Wasn’t this a Russian red line; sanctions (direct or indirect) on its energy industry.

This move seem to indicate that the West is trying to go for the coup de grace and finish off Russia. Killing the Chicken to scare the monkeys, eh?

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Accurate analysis.

To be honest, I don't blame Ukrainians for wanting to be part of the "prosperous West". But do not ever go full retard and completely ignore your geopolitical situation. The day Ukraine decided to be a pawn of NATO, it went full retard.

The reality is that Ukraine would've prospered the most by declaring itself a neutral state. It is a major crossroads of trade and energy, and it could achieve great development that way. Instead, it is a poor country doing the dirty work of being the grunt running into enemy firepower, while the disgusting ZOG fat cats on Wall Street profit off of the markets while crying crocodile tears in the media.

Add to that... Putin is more like an aberration in history. He is one of those once in a century or two leaders who are strong willed and act boldly. This war was totally unnecessary. A post Putin Russia, despite the fear mongering in this thread, would be a Russia like that of a Yeltsin or a Medvedev. There are no more Putins left in Russia and if they are then resources are not around--as they are not even now--to take on NATO. Utter fear mongering started by the Neocons in America!!
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