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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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What did you achieve? Your legacy is mixed. Even in 2022, US has resources invested there at expense and of US civilians. Should have spent 20 years on cleaning up Mexico and south America of cartels because 100,000 opiate related deaths in 2021.

The cartels are deliberately mixing powerful opiates like fentanyl in cocaine and heroin.

well, I am just saying we ride with our general.

As for what do we achieve? Ask the politician, don't ask me.
What i want is government policy up to EU level. Im happy how things develop. You are frustrated.
Dude, just stop.
You were always this conserative type (which is fine) but now you are completely on the hypocritical political line of the West.
You don't need to be a Russian coc*su*ker but pls, change your view to a realistic one.
And always these attacks against Foinikas, he is one of the really objective/neutral members in this forum.
Foinikas is a good European, you are hateful/childish in your views. You are just the exact 1to1 copy to "Putin slaves", only other side of the coin.
You remember me always on the young lad in the BF V campaign.
Foinikas would be just a normal dude doing his duty (like most ordinary folks), you are fanatic bc you are young and don't see the things as they are.
Pls, stop it. Or are you a troll?
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LMAO this is going to be Lukashenko's downfall... Belarus army being even less motivated to attack Ukraine. It's going to be hilarious. Putin wants Lukashenko to send his army,let's see how Belarus top brass and population will react...
Things have to be very bad for the Russian to ask for Belarus help.

And you know what, it make Belarus a target too. And it was not protected by Russian nuclear missile....

Fair game everyone.

LMAO this is going to be Lukashenko's downfall... Belarus army being even less motivated to attack Ukraine. It's going to be hilarious. Putin wants Lukashenko to send his army,let's see how Belarus top brass and population will react...

I think Putin and Lukashenko will split Ukraine like Germany and Russia split Poland in 1939.
US didn't lose those planes? PAVN didn't roll into Saigon?
:lol: That is pathetic.

I wonder if this is the state of professional military education (PME) in the PLA. Or maybe we should wonder if there is any PME in the PLA at all.

Since am Air Force, am going to stick to airplanes, for now.

The airplane is what we may call a 'force projection' platform, meaning it can carry soldiers far beyond the immediate battlefield. A truck can also carry but a truck can be stopped by the enemy, the ground, or even the weather. But the airplane, the moment it is airborne, is essentially unstoppable. Except by another airplane. What this mean is that if a military power have a weapon that radically altered the ways of battle, like the horse or the machine gun or the airplane, the best way to defeat that military is by matching to the same or better weapon.

Since the airplane can carry the war to practically anywhere, if I am in your airspace, you are immediately on the defensive. See Pearl Harbor, for one example. Defensive measures from the ground cannot deter the airplane. They are line of sight (LOS) limited, meaning you cannot use your AA guns or launch SAMs UNTIL the airplane is known. Your LOS maybe as simple as your human eyes or complex like a radar. But the bottom line is that ground defensive measures are reactive, not responsive.

Nani? Is there a difference between 'react' and 'response'? Yes. The difference can be life or death.

Being reactive is means you have to wait for a stimuli before you can act. Being responsive mean you can be preemptive which mean looking for/at intelligence, having intuition, be formulaic, and finally predictive. The airplane is a responsive platform. It will carry the fight to beyond your borders and into enemy airspace, forcing him to respond to you over there.

The US did lost thousands of airplanes over North Viet Nam, but very few of them from air-air engagements because the North Vietnamese Air Force had very few fighters. The vast majority of US air losses in VN came from AA and SAMs, meaning the US was always the initiator of the fight and the NVA was reacting. So whenever people brought up raw statistics, they are being intellectually dishonest. They deceived using statistics. They gave off the impression that somehow the NVAF was powerful enough to stop US airpower.

Forward to the current Russia-Ukraine war, or specifically the air war. Now that it is clear that the VKS is a shiddy air force, and I hate to be so blunt about any air force, the numerically inferior Ukrainian Air Force should be wise to husband what they have to attack Russian ground forces. Here is why...

So far, the VKS have not deliver ordnance like the way US airpower did in VN. We seen heavy bombers did the 'carpet bombing' and fighter-bombers like the F-105 and F-4 doing more focused attacks. So what the NVAF did with their few MIG-21s was to do hit-and-run air tactics. For example, in a formation of 50 fighter-bombers, hit one and the entire force will jettison their bombs. If the VKS have been CONSISTENTLY flying heavy bombing sorties, the Ukrainian Air Force can respond in the same way the NVAF did, thereby saving Ukrainian forces from Russian bombs. But since the VKS did nothing or so little of heavy bombing, the Ukrainians can leave their air defense to reactive ground based methods like AA and SAMs, and use their jets to take the fight to Russian ground forces. If the VKS is as capable as US airpower, there would be no Ukrainian Air Force remaining by the 3rd day latest.

This is what PME does. Your PLA leadership probably could do the same if they had not been too busy making money.
Russia have used following missiles to engage various targets in Ukraine.

3M14 Kalibr LACM
Iskander-K LACM (Hypersonic)
Kh-101 ALCM
Iskander-M SRBM (Hypersonic)
Tochka-U SRBM

LACM = Land Attack Cruise Missile
ALCM = Air Launched Cruise Missile
SRBM = Short Range Ballistic Missile

Didnt Russia also fire some missile like P800 from the Bastion coastal system within the past day or 2 ?
:lol: That is pathetic.

I wonder if this is the state of professional military education (PME) in the PLA. Or maybe we should wonder if there is any PME in the PLA at all.

Since am Air Force, am going to stick to airplanes, for now.

The airplane is what we may call a 'force projection' platform, meaning it can carry soldiers far beyond the immediate battlefield. A truck can also carry but a truck can be stopped by the enemy, the ground, or even the weather. But the airplane, the moment it is airborne, is essentially unstoppable. Except by another airplane. What this mean is that if a military power have a weapon that radically altered the ways of battle, like the horse or the machine gun or the airplane, the best way to defeat that military is by matching to the same or better weapon.

Since the airplane can carry the war to practically anywhere, if I am in your airspace, you are immediately on the defensive. See Pearl Harbor, for one example. Defensive measures from the ground cannot deter the airplane. They are line of sight (LOS) limited, meaning you cannot use your AA guns or launch SAMs UNTIL the airplane is known. Your LOS maybe as simple as your human eyes or complex like a radar. But the bottom line is that ground defensive measures are reactive, not responsive.

Nani? Is there a difference between 'react' and 'response'? Yes. The difference can be life or death.

Being reactive is means you have to wait for a stimuli before you can act. Being responsive mean you can be preemptive which mean looking for/at intelligence, having intuition, be formulaic, and finally predictive. The airplane is a responsive platform. It will carry the fight to beyond your borders and into enemy airspace, forcing him to respond to you over there.

The US did lost thousands of airplanes over North Viet Nam, but very few of them from air-air engagements because the North Vietnamese Air Force had very few fighters. The vast majority of US air losses in VN came from AA and SAMs, meaning the US was always the initiator of the fight and the NVA was reacting. So whenever people brought up raw statistics, they are being intellectually dishonest. They deceived using statistics. They gave off the impression that somehow the NVAF was powerful enough to stop US airpower.

Forward to the current Russia-Ukraine war, or specifically the air war. Now that it is clear that the VKS is a shiddy air force, and I hate to be so blunt about any air force, the numerically inferior Ukrainian Air Force should be wise to husband what they have to attack Russian ground forces. Here is why...

So far, the VKS have not deliver ordnance like the way US airpower did in VN. We seen heavy bombers did the 'carpet bombing' and fighter-bombers like the F-105 and F-4 doing more focused attacks. So what the NVAF did with their few MIG-21s was to do hit-and-run air tactics. For example, in a formation of 50 fighter-bombers, hit one and the entire force will jettison their bombs. If the VKS have been CONSISTENTLY flying heavy bombing sorties, the Ukrainian Air Force can respond in the same way the NVAF did, thereby saving Ukrainian forces from Russian bombs. But since the VKS did nothing or so little of heavy bombing, the Ukrainians can leave their air defense to reactive ground based methods like AA and SAMs, and use their jets to take the fight to Russian ground forces. If the VKS is as capable as US airpower, there would be no Ukrainian Air Force remaining by the 3rd day latest.

This is what PME does. Your PLA leadership probably could do the same if they had not been too busy making money.
Are you really talking about battle tempo to these yahoo??

LOL, you expect these people understand what you are talking about??

Dude, you have my admiration, I would just laugh at them and move on....
In Mariupol (encircled),the Russian army advances but is facing a very strong resistance. Azov have sworn to fight to the last.
Apparently, Leave no man behind does not exist for the Russian

Sad for those who fall..........
What's the story here/
Oh,just the usual double standards and gross hypocrisy of course.
Its all part of the "rules based international order",ie theres one set of rules for the west and its vassals,and another very different set for the people/countries that the west doesnt like.
Pretty simple really....
Putin just tried to prevent the outbreak of a world war. But he failed to foresee the trap of getting (UK-US coordinated) Russia into the swamp. Among the global military powers in the world, the only non-globalist leader is Putin. Russia's mistakes, failures are another story, but I see that Putin's complete demonization is just unfair and western-biased point of view.
It still remains to be seen if Russia will lose this. Apparently there are enough cannon-fodders in Russia and they may well gain enough to strike a hard bargain.

Actually, Trump was a favorite to win 2024 BEFORE this war.
Now, any hint of an association with Russia is toxic. Trump is toast.

True... This war is blessing for Biden. No questions about it so far. Attention is diverted from the Covid policies, from the inflation to the war. But one slip and Republicans would grab whatever they can from that.
It still remains to be seen if Russia will lose this. Apparently there are enough cannon-fodders in Russia and they may well gain enough to strike a hard bargain.

True... This war is blessing for Biden. No questions about it so far. Attention is diverted from the Covid policies, from the inflation to the war. But one slip and Republicans would grab whatever they can from that.

It is way too early to say. Inflation is picking up and it is starting to become a serious problem. I think it will only get worse. A lot of people are very stressed and unhappy with the direction things are going.
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