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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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He is sitting inside a building and showing nothing. He could be on Russian payroll in exchange for his personal safety. Russians have shot a number of Foreign reporters dead in Ukraine (if you didn't knew). This war zone, dear.

Let me tell you something: shelling does not distinguish between friend and foe.

Bellingcat is mapping incidents of civilian harm and war crimes in Ukraine in real time:

Numerous incidents have occurred in Kharkiv as well.

Some members do not double-check information it seems.
Yes, I fully accept that it is a guy in a room. Not 100%. I merely posted this as a source of interest.
Due to the occupation of Ukraine, sunflower oil sales start to restricted in Belgium and the Netherlands.

The situation in Ukraine and Russia, known as "Europe's breadbasket", causes an increase in the prices many of foodstuffs, especially flour and sunflower oil. Most of Europe's wheat and sunflower oil needs are met by Ukraine and Russia.

Some major supermarket chains in Belgium, including Colruyt and Lidl, have restricted the sale of sunflower oil, flour and canned vegetables. Lidl and Colruytgroup allow a maximum of 2 bottles of oil and 2 packets of flour per customer.

In the Netherlands, there is a shortage of sunflower oil in the near future. Supermarkets are start to limit the number of sunflower oil bottles that can be purchased per customer. Supermarket chains such as Plus and Jumbo limited cooking oil sales to 1 bottle per customer. Two-thirds of the sunflower oil imported by the Netherlands comes from Ukraine.

Şükrü Temiz, owner of the Turkish-based supermarket chain Temiz, tells Dutch media, "I'm afraid we will soon have to sell sunflower oil for 5 euros per liter. The costs have increased a lot." The price of 1 liter of sunflower oil in supermarkets in the Netherlands currently ranges from 1.8 to 2 euros. Prices were in the 1.2-1.4 range during the summer months.
sunflower oil is €3,50 right now in Netherlands
The scary thought is that if there is a Russia-NATO engagement later in this war and Russia has mostly depleted its conventional ammunition by that time, it may have no choice but to dip into the nuclear pile.
May, Dude that encounter is definitely going to be nuclear.
May, Dude that encounter is definitely going to be nuclear.
I remember something said by Lavarov. He said words to the effect of WW3 will be nuclear.

It was not a threat, more a simple statement of facts.
I remember something said by Lavarov. He said words to the effect of WW3 will be nuclear.

It was not a threat, more a simple statement of facts.
Considering nukes were used in WW2, it is inevitable that they would be used in WW3.
I actually rode with Tommy Frank on Thunder Run. Well, granted, he wasn't "IN" Baghdad International like the rest of us, but he was pretty close....

That's him in Baghdad on the April 2003 (we just took Baghdad) inspecting a Saddam Palace

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What did you achieve? Your legacy is mixed. Even in 2022, US has resources invested there at expense and of US civilians. Should have spent 20 years on cleaning up Mexico and south America of cartels because 100,000 opiate related deaths in 2021.

The cartels are deliberately mixing powerful opiates like fentanyl in cocaine and heroin.

US never attacked China for supplying Vietnam and in Vietnam US had 3000+ planes shot down. In fact during the height of the Vietnam war in 1972 Nixon went hat in hand to Beijing.

It's funny, Ukraine is 1/4 the size of Russia by population, 1/8 by GDP. It is putting up a good fight like Imperial Japan did against the US. They're doomed to a slow loss by war of attrition since their heavy weapons and most of all, oil, isn't being replenished, just like Imperial Japan was, but they're doing OK.

But Vietnam? lol they were what, 1/10th US population, 1/50th by GDP? yet US lost 3000+ planes, 5000+ helicopters. Then tanks rolled into Saigon and it was all over.
They don’t need heavy weapons when they have a weapon like Javelin and stingers they can destroy helicopters and tanks they will get S-300 aswell. Russia doesn’t even control the skies. They don’t have fuel for their trucks soldiers don’t have food. But sure it is going OK.
Current russian losses in Ukraine

By Ukraine military so its questionable
Do opposition parties in Greece support Putin's Russia?
They support neutrality and the Communist Party of Greece is against everything NATO does.

Russia backed separatists AKA Russian bums who go to Ukraine to take land and women.

These people were born and lived in Ukraine most of their lives,just like millions of others. They have land and families. They started fighting back when the ultranationalists took power in 2014 and sent the Ukrainian Army to put down the revolts and demonstrations in Eastern and South Ukraine. The ones who managed to create militias and resist where the ones in Donbass.

Did you follow the conflict back in 2014-2015? Probably not.
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