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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Possible, dude. Possible.

Average income includes pensioners, students and welfare earners.

Russian average wage is 60k rubles.
Moscow average wage is 140k rubles.
PPP to nominal ratio for Russia is currently 4.
That means average Moscow citizen earns $6k per month equivalent for US wage with free healthcare.
i believe this, because Moscow was voted this year s the best city in the world, for either 2021, or 2022. Not an easy feat to achieve for any city, so Moscow must have a solid overall stability to win that award.
:lol: That is pathetic.

I wonder if this is the state of professional military education (PME) in the PLA. Or maybe we should wonder if there is any PME in the PLA at all.

Since am Air Force, am going to stick to airplanes, for now.

The airplane is what we may call a 'force projection' platform, meaning it can carry soldiers far beyond the immediate battlefield. A truck can also carry but a truck can be stopped by the enemy, the ground, or even the weather. But the airplane, the moment it is airborne, is essentially unstoppable. Except by another airplane. What this mean is that if a military power have a weapon that radically altered the ways of battle, like the horse or the machine gun or the airplane, the best way to defeat that military is by matching to the same or better weapon.

Since the airplane can carry the war to practically anywhere, if I am in your airspace, you are immediately on the defensive. See Pearl Harbor, for one example. Defensive measures from the ground cannot deter the airplane. They are line of sight (LOS) limited, meaning you cannot use your AA guns or launch SAMs UNTIL the airplane is known. Your LOS maybe as simple as your human eyes or complex like a radar. But the bottom line is that ground defensive measures are reactive, not responsive.

Nani? Is there a difference between 'react' and 'response'? Yes. The difference can be life or death.

Being reactive is means you have to wait for a stimuli before you can act. Being responsive mean you can be preemptive which mean looking for/at intelligence, having intuition, be formulaic, and finally predictive. The airplane is a responsive platform. It will carry the fight to beyond your borders and into enemy airspace, forcing him to respond to you over there.

The US did lost thousands of airplanes over North Viet Nam, but very few of them from air-air engagements because the North Vietnamese Air Force had very few fighters. The vast majority of US air losses in VN came from AA and SAMs, meaning the US was always the initiator of the fight and the NVA was reacting. So whenever people brought up raw statistics, they are being intellectually dishonest. They deceived using statistics. They gave off the impression that somehow the NVAF was powerful enough to stop US airpower.

Forward to the current Russia-Ukraine war, or specifically the air war. Now that it is clear that the VKS is a shiddy air force, and I hate to be so blunt about any air force, the numerically inferior Ukrainian Air Force should be wise to husband what they have to attack Russian ground forces. Here is why...

So far, the VKS have not deliver ordnance like the way US airpower did in VN. We seen heavy bombers did the 'carpet bombing' and fighter-bombers like the F-105 and F-4 doing more focused attacks. So what the NVAF did with their few MIG-21s was to do hit-and-run air tactics. For example, in a formation of 50 fighter-bombers, hit one and the entire force will jettison their bombs. If the VKS have been CONSISTENTLY flying heavy bombing sorties, the Ukrainian Air Force can respond in the same way the NVAF did, thereby saving Ukrainian forces from Russian bombs. But since the VKS did nothing or so little of heavy bombing, the Ukrainians can leave their air defense to reactive ground based methods like AA and SAMs, and use their jets to take the fight to Russian ground forces. If the VKS is as capable as US airpower, there would be no Ukrainian Air Force remaining by the 3rd day latest.

This is what PME does. Your PLA leadership probably could do the same if they had not been too busy making money.

So you are saying that VKS is not in Ukrainian airspace, and that UAF is scoring air to air kills and dominating the VKS? VKS is not bombing Ukrainian targets across the country, a country that's the 2nd largest in Europe after Russia itself?
The Russian missile strike in Mykoliav today and yesterday's strike on some military camp in very west of Ukraine both killed a LOTS of people and apparently a lot died while sleeping. I am EXTEMELY sad for the deaths!!! They were someone's sons, brothers, husbands, friends--and human beings. Mykoliav is supposed to be crucial for Russian land advance to Odessa and blocking Ukraine's sea access. I don't think we can write off Russia to get enough to strike a hard bargain. I think Zelenskyy wants to talk with Putin but Putin is not keen as of now; should tell you something. We really need to keep questioning the dominant narrative about this war--we were fed lies about the Iraq War of 2003 and the Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021 and much before or between them.

Apparently, Leave no man behind does not exist for the Russian

Sad for those who fall..........

You should feel sorry for fellow vets who are running away to Poland after saying this isn't Iraq, Russian artillery and cruise missiles are no joke. I greatly admire them for putting their money where their mouth is and then being brave enough to admit that they thought wrong.
You should feel sorry for fellow vets who are running away to Poland after saying this isn't Iraq, Russian artillery and cruise missiles are no joke. I greatly admire them for putting their money where their mouth is and then being brave enough to admit that they thought wrong.

That is why I think it is insane the amount of people who want NATO to intervene directly against Russia. They think we are fighting the typical rump states and insurgents that the US has been fighting, instead we are fighting a great power that has advanced weaponry, nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles.

These fighters going in bought the baloney that the Russians were incompetent and they thought they were going to play Rambo, saving Ukraine. Instead, they saw with their own eyes what it was like fighting a great power with a massive arsenal, seeing their recently acquainted friends blown to pieces, an arm there, a head there, in the matter of seconds. That probably made this shit all too real and that's why a lot of the foreign legion are tripping over themselves trying to get out knowing that they would be nothing but cannon fodder.
You should feel sorry for fellow vets who are running away to Poland after saying this isn't Iraq, Russian artillery and cruise missiles are no joke. I greatly admire them for putting their money where their mouth is and then being brave enough to admit that they thought wrong.
This is stupid, that missile in Iraq was not targeting us, and it was an Embassy, not a military base.

And you say stuff like you know what happened in war. Have you ever stand in front of someone else's muzzle? Have you ever been shot at with RPG or Mortar. What is your measuring point to see what is bad and what is of no joke?
Chinese diplomat: The US escalation in the #Taiwan Strait reflects the real provocative behavior of the Americans, and how they classify every country that does not agree with them, and the viewpoint is an enemy to them and their interests.

The White House: "History is being written now.. China must decide where it stands."

In 1999, NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. The Chinese people will never forget.

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That is why I think it is insane the amount of people who want NATO to intervene directly against Russia. They think we are fighting the typical rump states and insurgents that the US has been fighting, instead we are fighting a great power that has advanced weaponry, nuclear weapons and hypersonic missiles.

These fighters going in bought the baloney that the Russians were incompetent and they thought they were going to play Rambo, saving Ukraine. Instead, they saw with their own eyes what it was like fighting a great power with a massive arsenal, seeing their recently acquainted friends blown to pieces, an arm there, a head there, in the matter of seconds. That probably made this shit all too real and that's why a lot of the foreign legion are tripping over themselves trying to get out knowing that they would be nothing but cannon fodder.
Ukraine banned "foreign legion" in front line. Yes, there are some Foreigner who are fighting in the front line but that is individual case, mostly with Georgia Legion.

The aim for Foreign Legion are to train the Ukrainian population on how to fight in one of those training camp. I know, because someone I know in Ukraine ask me to go.

The Ukrainian don't lack fighter, they need people to train them,. that's the difference. If you think you are going there to fight someone else war, then of course you are in a big surprise

I am suggesting you should really research stuff before you post

And finally, I would not say Russia is a great power when Ukrainian themselves bleed them a bloody nose. It's almost certainly over 10000 casualty, that's more than US 2 wars in the middle over 20 years combine. And you are talking about they are facing off with Ukraine, not US or even Germany.
Soldiers of the special rapid response battalion "Ahmed Hajjaj", trained and designed to eliminate especially dangerous terrorists, are waiting for their turn in Ukraine, helping the residents of Donbass.. This is one of the most powerful and well-trained special rapid reaction battalions and includes 60 members of the Kadyrov family.

Russian and Chechen special forces achieved historic victories against nationalist extremists in Mariupol.

Russian and Chechen special forces achieved historic victories against nationalist extremists in Mariupol.
Ukraine banned "foreign legion" in front line. Yes, there are some Foreigner who are fighting in the front line but that is individual case, mostly with Georgia Legion.

The aim for Foreign Legion are to train the Ukrainian population on how to fight in one of those training camp. I know, because someone I know in Ukraine ask me to go.

The Ukrainian don't lack fighter, they need people to train them,. that's the difference. If you think you are going there to fight someone else war, then of course you are in a big surprise

I am suggesting you should really research stuff before you post

There's been plenty of videos coming out from volunteers themselves talking about how the situation was a lot worst then they anticipated, they saw friends getting blown up and are now jumping ship.
You should feel sorry for fellow vets who are running away to Poland after saying this isn't Iraq, Russian artillery and cruise missiles are no joke. I greatly admire them for putting their money where their mouth is and then being brave enough to admit that they thought wrong.

If Russia really decides to burn through its missiles stockpile on Ukraine, while pointing its 6000 nukes toward the West to prevent the West from intervening, as a nuclear blackmail, then Ukraine would make even the Dresden bombing by the Allies during the World War II not comparable. What Russia did with its missiles in last two days are perhaps a preview of its firepower mostly unused...
If Russia really decides to burn through its missiles stockpile on Ukraine, while pointing its 6000 nukes toward the West to prevent the West from intervening, as a nuclear blackmail, then Ukraine would make even the Dresden bombing by the Allies during the World War II not comparable. What Russia did with its missiles in last two days are perhaps a preview of its firepower mostly unused...

Russia still has plenty of firepower and has a full military industrial supply chain so they can easily make more bombs and missiles if necessary. People here buying into the CNN propaganda are fucking delusional as usual.
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