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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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So did the appalling performance of the Russian armed forces. They have failed to operate as a combined military force, with poor command and control, a breakdown in encrypted communications (with the result that Nato intercepts their exchanges and passes them on to the Ukrainians) and useless leadership. Generals almost never die on the battlefield in modern warfare but four Russian generals have managed to get themselves killed by venturing too far forward in a desperate bid to sort out the chaos at the frontline. Putin, in fits of fury, has sacked eight more.
Well the healthy were busy looking for hospital beds and oxygen while many were sick or dying. Again, the disruptions wasn't mainly attributed to the above but the surging COVID related investment in IT caused a huge shortage in skilled IT workers.

Most large firms on average significantly increased their investment in IT, automation and remote operations post COVID.


The pandemic had already rattled the industry when India’s abrupt national lockdown last year forced the sector to shift to remote working practically overnight. “But now, with the disruption, this seems more serious. This feels like it will be worse,” Sikka said. “It’s just the sheer number of people getting sick.” Executives and analysts say many companies have reported as many as 10 per cent of their employees are off with Covid-19. But that number does not include the workers who are busy caring for sick family members.

Remote working means that companies no longer need to concentrate their resources into a given location to get maximum efficiency etc - it means western companies can now look to have their roles in the "far rung locations of their own countries" to look for individuals etc... There will be more relocation of IT services back to the western world ( i work for company that is looking to relocated over 4,000 IT resources back to the UK through setting up new IT campuses in the UK in all manner of locations that they never considered before as viable).

Remote working coupled with hybrid working adoption is a game changer now.. it works very well and that is now a proven concept.

Not appropriate for this thread .. but things will get worse for India's IT industry and not better from here on out ..
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Hard to do when we would have to live under the kremlins botox dwarfs opression. As i said, lets first kill of pancake face. Then other problems

I don't think homeless and hungry American or British people will support your idea of eliminating Putin. They will first want to question their own governments why the governments are keeping them homeless and hungry while simultaneously the governments tolerate the presence of stupid, muscular women who carry expensive handbags whose price can feed a person for a year or some stupid sports star or Wall Street stocks analyst whose mansion's cost could have been used to create a nice neighborhood of 50 homes to house the homeless or the American government having the military budget for its criminal invasions-oriented military as being 700+ billion dollars for just 2020-21 when those financial and material resources could have been instead used to remake USA's socio-economic system into a welfare system where housing, basic food, electricity, healthcare, education, internet etc would have been free because they are basic human rights. So tell me now, is eliminating Putin something to do or to overthrow the anti-human Western Capitalist system which causes so many deprivations to its own citizens let alone carrying that ridiculous system to other places through imperialism ?
So did the appalling performance of the Russian armed forces. They have failed to operate as a combined military force, with poor command and control, a breakdown in encrypted communications (with the result that Nato intercepts their exchanges and passes them on to the Ukrainians) and useless leadership. Generals almost never die on the battlefield in modern warfare but four Russian generals have managed to get themselves killed by venturing too far forward in a desperate bid to sort out the chaos at the frontline. Putin, in fits of fury, has sacked eight more.
Will have to say this is not a well thought out compaign for the Russian.

They simply chew more than they can bite.

On the other hand, I wanted to focus on why Russian lost a lot of General (4 or 5) and higher level of command.

That goes to how Ukrainian manage to sip thru the Russian defence net and attack their Command Structure, that require a advance level of battlefield intelligence and also direct strike capability. I watched a Youtube video showing how Ukrainian target the 33rd motorised infantry headquarter (which lead to the death of a general) and I have found it really unsettling for the Russian, because that mean they know their flag officer movement, know when and where they were, and what were they doing in order to be able to strike them. That is a very serious intelligence failure.

I will try to find that video again, it's some war leak type video.
Lass mich raten...Ossi aus Sucksen ohne Wahlrecht in Deutschland.

Haha, und wieder haste Schwachsinn geredet. Du bist so primitiv. Weißt nicht mal das Sachsen im Bundesländervergleich top ist, also den Niedergang durch die von dir bevorzugte Idiotenpolitik etwas raus zögert. Du bist eine Nullnummer und kannst dir sicher nicht mal alleine die Schuhe zubinden. Da brauchste Hilfe von Mamma. Beim "Denken" wirste ja auch betreut. Haha, wenn deine Existenz nicht so traurig wäre, käme ich aus dem Lachen nicht mehr raus.
Furthermore, If Russia is issuing all its best weapons to try to win this war, they have probably both exhausted their stockpiles of more conventional PGMs and maybe getting desperate. (I hope an Onyx missile technology is also captured in the event it is fired in Ukraine, that will complete all Indian supersonic and hypersonic cruise missile technology leakage to the outside world)

Of course they are not firing those Kinzals, and Zircons. There is nothing in Ukraine they can bomb which warrants their use.

They are saving them for NATO, and as terror weapon for targets further West
Did I ever argue with your about Australia trade? why you suddenly brought it in and want to force me to talk about it? I only care about China's overall exports and surplus, the earth has over 200 countries, I have no interest to dwell on each of them.

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Dude, I am arguing the sanction with you, I have no interest on how Australia or US or China trade, this is Russia-Ukraine war thread, if you want to talk about how China trade, go make another thread.

I am saying China have to be a obedience little female puppy (can't use the word I want to use) if they want to have game, that mean unless they want to be isolated to the west, they were not going to help Russia much. As the many article I quote, Business and Bank are abandoning Russia market. Only people like you think China as a whole support Russia. Well, you can support Russia and go back to eat dirt when US sanction applies to you. Because nobody want to be the next Huawei, Evergande and ZTE

One more article

China State Banks Restrict Financing for Russian Commodities​

See how these bank "sensibly" move on from Russia market. Only sunshine like you think they would help Russia. As I said, talk is cheap, you can or even Chinese government can talk how they stand with Russia, but what they do is what really matter.

Pretty much, the heating season for the first time being almost extended into April, a credit to the government.
And I enjoy you people paying double for the Australian Coal. LOL

Did I mention I earned $50,000 from trading BHP stock?
It doesn't look like a hypersonic missile, I would expect it to travel faster in terminal guidance phase.

I could be wrong tho

What's that have to do with China is too chicken shit for US sanction?

Again, name me one western business that go busted after US-China or Australia-China Trade war.

I have another one, ZTE, ask the CEO of ZTE whether or not US is bluffing? LOL

And since when did I admit China is with Russia, I asked what can you China do when country want NATO. I didn't even mention Russia in my post. You really need a pair of prescription glasses now didn't you?
Russian military says they fired hypersonic missiles against Ukraine as reported by Al Jazeera and video of a spokesman of the Russian MOD


Not sure if it was posted before. The aftermath of the bombing of Kherson.

Looks like the Russkies are falling out of Kherson. The attack on the UA barracks in Mikolaeyev a going away present.

There's pictures of Russian MLRS and IFVs digging into berms. Looks like their going full on defensive in other parts of Ukraine, Mariuopol will likely fall to them. They will try and hold their gains now.

Interesting way of transporting helicopters ie wheel them directly - rather than drop them on top of a truck to move them which is the western approach!

Wonder if they will make it back to Russia in one piece or if they get RPG'ed on the way ..
You are just in denial, everyone knows that China is with Russia, even you know it . US sanctions? We went through a lot, do you want to know the result who got hurt more, I happen to get some data here.

Well, if I am in denial, so did the BOC, and seems like your bank are also scare of little US Sanction.

Chinese Banks Set Curbs on Russia Amid US Sanctions

I know Huawei go bang after US put sanction on them. And other Chinese telecom still uses US chip like their little Biatch.

Is China with Europe or against us?

You guys are arguing over something China has intentionally been doing. Treading this middle line. All of you seem to only want to find confirmation of your view and your thinking.

China won't openly support Russia. It causes unnecessary risk. Supporting Russia also for what? So they can do their bidding with their side of the world? What sort of support is necessary beyond buying Russian exports? Which btw is increasing so I guess there is some "support" there.

Military support and direct economic support would create increased tension with US and Europe even so why even do that? What gain has that got for China? None... only welcoming unwanted attention and action. Sure China can hit back and respond but why would China start it? That's a cycle of trading blows vs not rocking the boat.

If Russia is about to be taken over by the US then that's another matter.

Is China with Europe or against? Neither. If US or Europe make some attacks on China, then it would be responded to. However, would China initiate attacks or even direct economic or military support for Russia? That would only give the west reason to respond.

BTW Russia needs no military support.
Of course they are not firing those Kinzals, and Zircons. There is nothing in Ukraine they can bomb which warrants their use.

They are saving them for NATO, and as terror weapon for targets further West
Apparently Russia used there hypersonic missiles to strike Ukrainian Ammo Depots in Western Ukraine

And I enjoy you people paying double for the Australian Coal. LOL

Did I mention I earned $50,000 from trading BHP stock?
We didn't pay more for heating and I don't buy coal, China gets way more surplus overall, as how much China pays for steel, coal or gas, why should I care? China makes more money overal, that's enough for us.
Russian military says they fired hypersonic missiles against Ukraine as reported by Al Jazeera and video of a spokesman of the Russian MOD

Again, that's seems like a normal cruise missile for me. AS I said, I would expect it to be quicker.

But as I said, I do not know.
Haha, und wieder haste Schwachsinn geredet. Du bist so primitiv. Weißt nicht mal das Sachsen im Bundesländervergleich top ist, also den Niedergang durch die von dir bevorzugte Idiotenpolitik etwas raus zögert. Du bist eine Nullnummer und kannst dir sicher nicht mal alleine die Schuhe zubinden. Da brauchste Hilfe von Mamma. Beim "Denken" wirste ja auch betreut. Haha, wenn deine Existenz nicht so traurig wäre, käme ich aus dem Lachen nicht mehr raus.

Ich wusste es. Sucksen erkennt man sofort. 😁
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