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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Eastern Ukraine has a major ethnic Russian population. Would not be surprised if they have pro-Russian sentiment.
Would not be surprised if they are now re-thinking that pro-Russia sentiment now that they seen how bad the war is going for Russia.
I have found it really unsettling for the Russian, because that mean they know their flag officer movement

On the other hand, I wanted to focus on why Russian lost a lot of General (4 or 5) and higher level of command.

If you read on WW2, Sidalin routinely threw his generals to frontline duty as a punishment, until he found out nobody good enough left to lead the army.

Also, Russia has a habit of assassinating own military men when they get too influential.

That's why Sidalin purged almost everybody of high stature in the red army sans that Polish general, and Zukov.

I doubt not that some "getting rid of excess officer staff" wasn't a part of Putin's political calculus for the war.
So did the appalling performance of the Russian armed forces. They have failed to operate as a combined military force, with poor command and control, a breakdown in encrypted communications (with the result that Nato intercepts their exchanges and passes them on to the Ukrainians) and useless leadership. Generals almost never die on the battlefield in modern warfare but four Russian generals have managed to get themselves killed by venturing too far forward in a desperate bid to sort out the chaos at the frontline. Putin, in fits of fury, has sacked eight more.

And this reveals his calculus for the progression of the war.

Russian military will now be thoroughly beheaded by Moscow, and more pliant generals will come, who are just ok enough to do attrition warfare.

Very much like USSR in early-to-mid-WW2 period, until Sidalin realised how serious things really were.

Can't find the video anymore (Probably taken down) but I do found the article that goes with this attack

Two American military officials said that many Russian generals are talking on unsecured phones and radios. In at least one instance, they said, the Ukrainians intercepted a general’s call, geolocated it, and attacked his location, killing him and his staff.

Either US is helping them (which is very likely) or Ukrainian have this capability. Which mean Russia is seriously failing on Counter Intelligence......Which is a scary prospect for the Russian

If you read on WW2, Sidalin routinely threw his generals to frontline duty as a punishment, until he found out nobody good enough left to lead the army.

Also, Russia has a habit of assassinating own military men when they get too influential.

That's why Sidalin purged almost everybody of high stature in the red army sans that Polish general, and Zukov.

I doubt not that some "getting rid of excess officer staff" wasn't a part of Putin's political calculus for the war.
Well, what I am afraid of is this,

Two American military officials said that many Russian generals are talking on unsecured phones and radios. In at least one instance, they said, the Ukrainians intercepted a general’s call, geolocated it, and attacked his location, killing him and his staff.

I mean, sure, if they are send to the frontline as punishment, that wouldn't be a big deal (Well, it still kind of is) but if they are using unsecure phone and Ukrainian have the mean (either by themselves or with American help) to trap it. And then have the capability to deliver a strike? Then no general will be safe, unless they are in Russia.

Not sure if you know how much of a breach it have to be to have General Officer killed like that....
Ist das alles was du hast? "Sucksen"? Es steht offensichtlich noch schlimmer um dich als ich dachte.

Ich finde es nur lustig. Das primitive Sucksen. Völlig machtlos in Deutschland. Berlin allein hat schon fast mehr Einwohner als Sucksen. Muss schlimm sein nichts beeinflussen zu können. Mein Vater ist Deutscher. Meine Mutter Griechin. Ich war 2019 zu Wettkampf in Dresden und finde Sucksen lustig. Die dumme Sprache dort. 😅
This article pretty much sums up the war;

Bill Roggio is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and editor of FDD's Long war Journal.

As Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine grinds on into its fourth week, the physical war rages in the cities and countryside, while an information war is waged over the airwaves and on the internet and social media.

On the actual battlefield, the Russian offensive has undoubtedly slowed over the past week. But what is being described as a 'stalled' takeover may be the result of the Russians taking time to reorganize their forces and improve their logistics.

On the Western side of the information war, we were told from the opening days of the conflict that the Russian military would break due to high casualties and defections, loss of tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and aircraft, and domestic opposition.

Videos of Russian battlefield setbacks abound in the media, and strangely there is little reporting on Ukrainian losses.

And yet, over three weeks into the war, Vladimir Putin remains president and the Russian war machine has not collapsed but in fact continues its plodding, imperfect, and messy advance.

Ukraine certainly has won the war on social media and in the press. This gives the average Western viewer the impression of a lopsided victory in favor of Ukraine.

Additionally, the Pentagon has taken the unprecedented step of conducting daily briefings on the war, even though the U.S. is not at war.

The Pentagon assessments often track closely with assessments given by the Ukrainian government.


The Russian military has used a mix of maneuver and siege warfare in an effort to achieve its goal of breaking the Ukrainian military and government and conquering vast regions of the country.

This is not a condemnation of the West's use of information and disinformation.

These tactics play a role in the management of conflicts. But the West should not delude itself into believing that the Ukrainians will be saved by wishful thinking.

Russia has waged its own clumsy disinformation campaign
in an effort to show that its people are united in Putin's so-called 'special military operation' – the name he gives for his country's illegal invasion and war.

On Friday, Russia organized a massive rally in an effort to show the Russian people stand behind him. Meanwhile, thousands of Russians have been arrested for protesting the war.
Putin has also issued a chilling warning to dissenters in his country, likening them to gnats and signaling new repression, while passing laws that make protests illegal and protesters are subject to fines and even prison sentences.

The leader of a unified cause does not employ these tactics.
While each side attempts to promote its narrative of success, one potential sign of the true condition of the Ukrainian defense is Volodymyr Zelensky's recent concession on NATO membership.

Zelensky appears to have caved on one of Putin's reasons for going to war.
'It is clear that Ukraine is not a member of NATO; we understand this,
' the Ukrainian president said. 'For years we heard about the apparently open door, but have already also heard that we will not enter there, and these are truths and must be acknowledged.'
Without NATO membership, Zelensky must rely on Western weapons shipments, sanctions, economic embargoes, and other forms of soft support. It remains to be seen if these efforts are enough to turn the tide against the Russians.

The truth on the ground is that Ukrainians are putting up stiff resistance everywhere in an effort to defend their cities and make the Russians pay for every inch of ground.
But short of the quick capture of Kyiv and the collapse of President Zelensky's government, the Russian assault on Ukraine was always going to take time.
Conventional warfare is a time, manpower and equipment consuming effort and quick victories are rare.
On Friday, Russia organized a massive rally in an effort to show the Russian people stand behind Putin. Meanwhile, thousands of Russians have been arrested for protesting the war.

On Friday, Russia organized a massive rally in an effort to show the Russian people stand behind Putin. Meanwhile, thousands of Russians have been arrested for protesting the war.
We must remember that it took the U.S. military three weeks to take Baghdad and 42 days to conquer Iraq in 2003.

The Russian military is far less proficient than its American counterpart, and the Ukrainians are superior defenders and more highly motivated that Saddam Hussein's army.

As I've written previously, the Russian offensive was launched on multiple fronts and has four major targets: the capital of Kyiv; Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city and the north; the east, including areas west of the Donbas region, and the south, including the ports on the Black and Azov seas.

The Russian military has used a mix of maneuver and siege warfare in an effort to achieve its goal of breaking the Ukrainian military and government and conquering vast regions of the country.

Where the Ukrainians have put of stiff resistance in the cities, Russian forces are bypassing them to take other key objectives, while at the same time the Russians are attempting to surround the cities and pound them into submission with deadly air and artillery strikes.
This can be most easily seen in the north on the Kharkiv front, where Russian troops hit a wall north of the city.

The Russian military is now attempting to encircle Kharhiv, while pummeling it with artillery.
They also dispatched troops southward towards the town of Izium, which U.S. Defense officials said was taken yesterday.

If the Russians can push south of Izium, they can encircle Ukrainian troops in the northeastern part of Ukraine and cut them off from resupply.

This is a classic military maneuver. Once a force is surrounded, they will begin to run out of necessities, like food and ammo.
While each side attempts to promote its narrative of success, one potential sign of the true condition of the Ukrainian defense is Volodymyr Zelensky's recent concession on NATO membership.

While each side attempts to promote its narrative of success, one potential sign of the true condition of the Ukrainian defense is Volodymyr Zelensky's recent concession on NATO membership.

Run out of ammo and you can't defend yourself – it's that simple.
In the south, the situation is also tenuous for the Ukrainians as Russia controls all major coast areas except for Odesa and Mariupol.

The latter city is completely surrounded, being hammered by artillery and starved.
The Russian force is slowing pushing northward from there.
Further west, Odesa is proving to be a tough nut to crack as Russian forces are finding it difficult to reach the city.
Some Russian forces are also pushing north to Kryvyi Rih with the likely goal of reaching Dnipro.
If the Russians could reach Dnipro, the entirety of eastern Ukraine would be in danger of falling to the Russians.

In and around Kyiv, the situation has stabilized for the Ukrainians for the time being.
But Russian forces are on the outskirts of the city, and only the areas south of Kyiv are open.
Ukraine is understandably prioritizing the defense of its capital. However, this likely drawing resources from other fronts.

West of Kyiv, Russia forces have stepped up long range attacks, hitting Ukrainian bases with missile strikes, including some key air bases near the Polish border.

While the information campaigns have clouded the reality of the situation on the ground, what has also become clear is that Russian military does not pose a conventional threat to NATO.
Smaller, non-NATO members, such as Moldova, are not so lucky.

Whatever successes the Russian military has had in Ukraine, the operation has exposed serious flaws in its ability to wage war against an adversary with advanced weaponry and sophisticated tactics.
Author Bill Roggio was embedded with the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Army, and Iraqi forces in Iraq between 2005 and 2008, and with the Canadian Army in Afghanistan in 2006. From 1991 to 1997, Bill served as a signalman and infantryman in the U.S. Army and New Jersey National Guard.

Author Bill Roggio was embedded with the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Army, and Iraqi forces in Iraq between 2005 and 2008, and with the Canadian Army in Afghanistan in 2006. From 1991 to 1997, Bill served as a signalman and infantryman in the U.S. Army and New Jersey National Guard.

The Russian air force's inability or unwillingness to gain air superiority over the whole of Ukraine against a less capable foe raises questions about its performance in a potential war against the West.

NATO air power is far superior to that of Ukraine, and would very likely savage Russian armor, ground forces and its logistical support.
NATO ground forces would exploit the Russian military's inability or unwillingness to deploy its infantry to screen against mobile anti-armor teams.

In conclusion, the Ukrainians are currently playing for time, slowly ceding ground while whittling down Russian armor and infantry.
The Russians strategy is also predicated on time; its multi-front offensives also seek to grind down Ukrainian forces and encircle them requires time to execute.
It remains be seen if time is on the Ukrainian or Russian's side. Good arguments can be made for both.
Wars are ultimately about will – the will to sacrifice soldiers, civilians, material, and land in order to set the conditions for victory. Both sides have shown they have the will to continue the fight.

Again, that's seems like a normal cruise missile for me. AS I said, I would expect it to be quicker.

But as I said, I do not know.
I’m just going on what’s reported. Yeah, it does look slower then expected for a supposedly Mach 5+ Missile.

Can't find the video anymore (Probably taken down) but I do found the article that goes with this attack

Either US is helping them (which is very likely) or Ukrainian have this capability. Which mean Russia is seriously failing on Counter Intelligence......Which is a scary prospect for the Russian

Well, what I am afraid of is this,

I mean, sure, if they are send to the frontline as punishment, that wouldn't be a big deal (Well, it still kind of is) but if they are using unsecure phone and Ukrainian have the mean (either by themselves or with American help) to trap it. And then have the capability to deliver a strike? Then no general will be safe, unless they are in Russia.

Not sure if you know how much of a breach it have to be to have General Officer killed like that....

Bigger issue is that they had zero intelligence regarding European actions planned against them.
Well, there you go.

Maybe the Big Bear is not as strong as he looks. So far Russia has only fired 1080 guided missiles in this three week old conflict. They could be pacing themselves or running out of ammo. Only time will tell.
Bigger issue is that they had zero intelligence regarding European actions planned against them.
Well, but then that's offensive intelligence. They have to be in a good enough network in the EU to vet intel like that. I will not fault them for not capable of doing that

But what I am talking about with the General being kill and Ukrainian knowing their position is defensive intelligence, something they would have, and should have processed. That is lacking, and that is scary for people like me.

I for one will not have Putin visit the front line, that is a good way to get dead.

Maybe the Big Bear is not as strong as he looks. So far Russia has only fired 1080 guided missiles in this three week old conflict. They could be pacing themselves or running out of ammo. Only time will tell.
Well, missile only good when you get good intel (knowing where to hit and more importantly, WHEN to hit them) otherwise you are just using it as a random destruction tool. Which is what I suspect the Russian is doing at the moment.
Ich finde es nur lustig. Das primitive Sucksen. Völlig machtlos in Deutschland. Berlin allein hat schon fast mehr Einwohner als Sucksen. Muss schlimm sein nichts beeinflussen zu können. Mein Vater ist Deutscher. Meine Mutter Griechin. Ich war 2019 zu Wettkampf in Dresden und finde Sucksen lustig. Die dumme Sprache dort. 😅

*gäähhn* und welche Schuhgröße haste?
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