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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ukrainian troops amassed around the city have the unenviable task of pushing through minefields towards an enemy that has long anticipated their advance.

But their biggest handicap is the one they rarely hear until it is too late. Russian jets fire half-metric-ton bombs that glide in from afar – from outside of the reach of Ukraine’s air defenses – and then devastate Ukrainian positions at will. Sometimes as many as 20 in as many minutes are launched into Orikhiv.

Ukrainian radar systems provide some warning, coupled with the brief and ominous roar of an incoming missile. But the eventual target is often obliterated without notice.

So when Ukraine says it urgently needs F-16s, it is because Ukrainian troops are dying daily because of Russian air superiority. Despite Western promises, even the training is yet to begin. On Friday, Ukraine welcomed the news that the US approved the transfer of F-16s when training is complete. But it remains the case that Ukraine is unlikely to receive jets until next year.

Armchair critics of the slow pace of Ukraine’s counteroffensive seem to have conjured a superhuman Ukraine, capable of overturning any basic military precepts, based on the collapse of Russian positions in Kyiv’s lightning advances on Kharkiv and Kherson last year. They now expect an army that was almost written off 18 months ago, to now be able to achieve a feat no NATO army would even attempt.

Lavrov losing his cool - again ...

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>> remind how how many times has russia drawn a red line - only to wipe it out and then draw another new one ?!
Russia air defense is obviously corrupt and incompetent. Otherwise cannot explain why a cheap drone could fly hundreds of km into Russia undetected then crashed into a strategic bomber. The king is naked.

Considering Russia air defense weakness, will be an interesting bet. Putin and his psycho comrades threaten Ukraine and the West with nuclear war almost every week. Can Russia intercept incoming ICBMs?
I am a China proponent and wish a bi-polar world. You seem to be an intelligent person or you would not be on this forum debating what you believe in.

But please don’t bury your head in the sand and look at a singular view. China has a huge unemployment problem (20+%), a demographic problem, slowest GDP growth since it started recording it, and now a financial pyramid it has built with its multi trillion housing sector that it cannot bailout and the biggest institutions are about to face collapse.

These are the areas that the Chinese Govt is focused on fixing. These are problems of a large scale and will eventually overcome. So when you state hte fact ‘one is declining and other is rising’ so at least be aware of what the Chinese are dealing with.

Xi can do more damage to China than US or the EU: by using Taiwan as a distraction , it will temporarily take focus off these issues without gaining anything significant. Short term will work, long term will not.

China can fall into the imperial trap of distraction and arrogance which many European nations and the US fell into in Iraq in 2003.

ONly China can make the right choices for itself.
Thanks to Ukraine war China won't have energy supply problems in the future.

Thanks to USA twisted plans.

USA is creating future energy supply problems to EU and solving China future energy problems.

Those are the facts.
USA speech is the opposite to facts, as always! :enjoy:
Damn, it's crazy to see civilians were still in Robotyne despite the heavy fighting since weeks..... But good news they have been liberated from Russian vermin.

By accounts in telegram, the fighting wasn't that heavy, but advancing under artillery fire in places advantageous for ambushes was.

Russians had scattered firing positions flooded with levies, and draftees, with regulars very far away. Levies stood to death, but did little, and regulars fell back very quickly after taking return fire.

Whomever commands Russian defence there decided to maximize the advantage in trading territory for bodycount.

So, Russians falling back quickly, and easily for the first time is a bad thing.
By accounts in telegram, the fighting wasn't that heavy, but advancing under artillery fire in places advantageous for ambushes was.

Russians had scattered firing positions flooded with levies, and draftees, with regulars very far away. Levies stood to death, but did little, and regulars fell back very quickly after taking return fire.

Whomever commands Russian defence there decided to maximize the advantage in trading territory for bodycount.

So, Russians falling back quickly, and easily for the first time is a bad thing.

To those saying Robotyne was a small unimportant village. It isn't.

Robotyne is a strategic village on the highground and gives you a high view all the way to Tokmak. Robotyne was indeed part of the first line of defense, all others are currently under manned or irrelevant since the troops supposed to be standing there have been sent on contact of the Ukrainian forces. There was an important number of motorized rifle brigades and BARS units including other reserves sent to defend the area.

Given the current situation, indeed Russians could be soon forced to fall back to the second line of defense and abandon a number of key positions.
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