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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Western news adjust its analysis and estimations based on facts on the ground.

Thats why we see pro-russia being constantly wrong every fucking week, 80 times in a row now. (“Ukraine stands no chance”)

And why we actually have western press admitting russians ran a more capable defense then expected.
Using the words western news and analysis in the same sentence is some stand up comedy. There is no analysis at all, there is a narrative and a complete controlled editorial staff. They write, what the Inteligence Agencies told them to write. You even have literall strawman like the "Spiegel" for the MI6 oder Axel Springer for the CIA.

But like a cockroach you just keep showing up when you feel safe again.


The change of tactic towards counter-artillery attrition is not bad either. I am enjoying my daily dose of dead russian fascists. Russia will not be able to keep up with this attrition forever.
Ok Adolf. First you Nato Nazis are dreaming of "decimating" Russians, now you're comparing Russians with cockroaches and enjoying your daily dose of dead Russian. Ookay, don't forget concentration camps etc. for Russians.
USA giving room for united states of europe with its own defense industry?

Then communicating an orderly pullback while open to russian european integration (though warning of putin threat)??

Yes please. Yesterday please!!

What happened however is an America that deliberately pitted europe vs russia, actively tried to undermine european statehood, and sabotaged european independant defense industry whenever it could.
Then it does a 180 and throws its blindsided allies under the bus with the so called “arsenal of democracy” abruptly running off to its island?

More bullshit. Read up on cold war politics and usa diplomacy/actions up until 2022??

And unless you want to let China reign as the new superpower then yes…russia turning into a cheap resource colony of China is not ideal. Especially not alongside usa dumping most of its allies.

Shortsighted MAGA idiocy.
But hey….you could use those billions and tax cut the rich some more
As expected more insults.
Let me guess almighty merkel and Germanys reliance on cheap Russian gas share no blame 🙄
Worst chancellor in modern times, but but trump and maga right?

Btw those tax cuts worked wonders best economy went to one of the worst by enacting democratic policies. But please tell me what cnn/bbc has been parroting.

And please don’t blame America for Europe’s lack of a defense industry, they can’t even build a plane any longer without a multinational consortium
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I think one of the purposes of USA will all this is that Russia will have at least one or more reasons to hate every single European country.

It doesnt matter in what, but every European vassal of USA must contribute to fck Russia, so economic relations will be damaged forever, and Russia markets of all kind will be free to use by China.

USA is declining and China is elevating itself.

So USA is letting fall their little dumbfucks European vassals economically, in order to liberate resources for the future almighty China.

The battle of the Russian T-90M "Proryv" tank with the support of two BMP-3s in Ukraine. An abbreviated episode of the attack of the Russian T-90M Proryv tank and two BMP-3 armored vehicles in Ukraine. A mechanized Russian group of the 85th brigade enters Kleshcheyevka and, under the cover of the lead tank T-90M Proryv, carries out a landing from two BMP-3 armored vehicles. After the suppression of the positions of the Ukrainian army and the landing of troops, the tank puts a smoke screen and, together with the BMP-3 armored vehicles, retreats to their original positions. There is no information about the further course of the battle.

Are you kidding me?

1: America actively opposed too much european-russian integration. As such it partly made sure the “threat” remained.

2: America wants europe to buy their weapons at a premium…but otherwise remain completely dependant and subservient. Including granting America massive military bases which are mostly for american interest and power projection.
Not sure buying weapons at a premium is valid point: F-35 costs about the same as a Rafale and Typhoon . A stealth jet for comparable price to a 4+ gen jet. ANd the first version of Typhoon’s for a decade weren’t capable of ground attack. The tornados were made by variant (air to ground or air to air) when most US equipment was already multi-role. This is why rest of NATO (that don’t produce those airplanes) favor the premium.

S400 is designed for shooting down fast fighter jets

Range is not a issue

If Russia has a strength it’s in air defense

Sending F16 will be like Leopard, will make ZERO difference to the outcome

also electronic warfare advantage is with Russia

They have trained against F16 for decades

Now they will have a field day
S-400 the ultimate in ‘its the best weapon in the world but we will save it for the alien space craft when they attack because nothing else is better and we are pretty sure it will work against the B2’.

Syria is one of Russia’s top 3 closest allies. Why not let them deploy one and shoot down an IAF jet, since they tend to fly as if SAMs don’t exist and bomb when they wish and where they wish over Syria

S400 is designed for shooting down fast fighter jets

Range is not a issue

If Russia has a strength it’s in air defense

Sending F16 will be like Leopard, will make ZERO difference to the outcome

also electronic warfare advantage is with Russia

They have trained against F16 for decades

Now they will have a field day
S-400 the ultimate in ‘its the best weapon in the world but we will save it for the alien space craft when they attack because nothing else is better and we are pretty sure it will work against the B2’.

Syria is one of Russia’s top 3 closest allies. Why not let them deploy one and shoot down an IAF jet, since they tend to fly as if SAMs don’t exist and bomb when they wish and where they wish over Syria

S400 is designed for shooting down fast fighter jets

Range is not a issue

If Russia has a strength it’s in air defense

Sending F16 will be like Leopard, will make ZERO difference to the outcome

also electronic warfare advantage is with Russia

They have trained against F16 for decades

Now they will have a field day
S-400 the ultimate in ‘its the best weapon in the world but we will save it for the alien space craft when they attack because nothing else is better and we are pretty sure it will work against the B2’.

Syria is one of Russia’s top 3 closest allies. Why not let them deploy one and shoot down an IAF jet, since they tend to fly as if SAMs don’t exist and bomb when they wish and where they wish over Syria
Many prominent western commentators are pro Russian

Not everyone is a NATO fan boy
Its called democracy. Find ONE Russian sitting in Russia that can talk about even the war let alone criticize the military’s performance.

The ones most vocal are a few failed colonels and Scott Ritter. Hardly the luminaries that you think. But even if they did, thats perfectly okay, everybody is entitled to their opinion and not go to jail for that opinion
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LMAO, please give me sources.

Russia let the bombing in Syria, you still believe this lie of israel surpassing russian defences...this is enoguh for me to end debate.
Russia is in an exposed position in Syria. It might be able to take out a few Israeli aircrafts, but would risk getting SEAD attacks in return.

Neither Israel, nor Russia has any interest in a conflict.
Russia wants to supress Saudi supported rebels, and Israel wants to limit Irans activities in Syria.
200 men of Ukraine tank army have completed the 12 week training on M1 Abrams tanks in Germany.

The tanks can roll. First batch of M1s will arrive from the US next month.


Not sure buying weapons at a premium is valid point: F-35 costs about the same as a Rafale and Typhoon . A stealth jet for comparable price to a 4+ gen jet. ANd the first version of Typhoon’s for a decade weren’t capable of ground attack. The tornados were made by variant (air to ground or air to air) when most US equipment was already multi-role. This is why rest of NATO (that don’t produce those airplanes) favor the premium.
The estimated lifetime cost of an F-35A is $650M.
As expected more insults.
Let me guess almighty merkel and Germanys reliance on cheap Russian gas share no blame 🙄
Worst chancellor in modern times, but but trump and maga right?

Btw those tax cuts worked wonders best economy went to one of the worst by enacting democratic policies. But please tell me what cnn/bbc has been parroting.

And please don’t blame America for Europe’s lack of a defense industry, they can’t even build a plane any longer without a multinational consortium
For ‘ze german’: This time Europe had to include Japan and saudis want on the tempest. Economics in a prosperous non command economy means critical mass is not there. Europeans work closely with US not because they are slaves but because they fundamentally believe their values are closer (not exactly the same but closer) than US than Russia.

Thats hte bottom line. Imagine if Germany’s philophy was closer to Russia’s: once past the cheap gas, the court system and restrictions on objecting to Govt policy would result in going to jail (eventually). It won’t effect you because you would be happy in a PUtin world, but a different you would go to jail for opposing Govt direction much like you complain about here (but in an opposing view).

I am sure if majority of German’s wanted it, they would change the political set-up over time. BUt they don’t . The fact you want it matters for nothing.

Slow down uneducated Adolf and learn some elementary math. Let's see: How many proven Javelin Hits we have compared to the thousands delivered missiles? Correct: Only a tiny fraction, because in most cases this overpriced toy does not hit anything. Or it does not even work at all. That system is simply overpriced and overcomplicated garbage to rob money from the taxpayers, like most of the western weapon systems.

The same goes for the rest of your examples, you are overhyping the few examples of successful hits delivered by these systems.

It is the same pure retardation with the drones strikes against moscow: Russia deliveres 20-40t with one strike and you are playing it down or ignoring it completely. But if your Nazi regime in Kiev deliveres few kg of paylod to moscow, you start here to masturbate.

Pure lunacy.
We don’t know about the individual Javelin shots any more than you know about what happens to the 100s of tanks lined up in a straight line to take over Kiev.

What we (and you ) do know is that they never took the capital, withdrew and gave up significant part of the gains in the first month, and now keep on re-drawing spineless red lines that keep on getting violated and more of their geographic targets getting attacked. A Tu22 lost, airports being shutdown in the capital. And even ports and ships in th Black Sea. So instead of these red lines working, Ukraine is expanding the attack surface its targeting.

Ultimately war comes down to who can bear more pain. Ukraine’s assumption is that its ability to withstand is slightly greater than Russias. Clearly either you are on a different planet or Putin’s spokesperson is: every time Moscow is attacked it’s met with a ‘this is terrorism and we will increase the pain’ . But pain level stays the same as 4 months ago and Ukrainians have gotten used to that
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I think one of the purposes of USA will all this is that Russia will have at least one or more reasons to hate every single European country.
USA is declining and China is elevating itself.

So USA is letting fall their little dumbfucks European vassals economically, in order to liberate resources for the future almighty China.

I am a China proponent and wish a bi-polar world. You seem to be an intelligent person or you would not be on this forum debating what you believe in.

But please don’t bury your head in the sand and look at a singular view. China has a huge unemployment problem (20+%), a demographic problem, slowest GDP growth since it started recording it, and now a financial pyramid it has built with its multi trillion housing sector that it cannot bailout and the biggest institutions are about to face collapse.

These are the areas that the Chinese Govt is focused on fixing. These are problems of a large scale and will eventually overcome. So when you state hte fact ‘one is declining and other is rising’ so at least be aware of what the Chinese are dealing with.

Xi can do more damage to China than US or the EU: by using Taiwan as a distraction , it will temporarily take focus off these issues without gaining anything significant. Short term will work, long term will not.

China can fall into the imperial trap of distraction and arrogance which many European nations and the US fell into in Iraq in 2003.

ONly China can make the right choices for itself.
Slow down uneducated Adolf and learn some elementary math. Let's see: How many proven Javelin Hits we have compared to the thousands delivered missiles? Correct: Only a tiny fraction, because in most cases this overpriced toy does not hit anything. Or it does not even work at all. That system is simply overpriced and overcomplicated garbage to rob money from the taxpayers, like most of the western weapon systems.
Its a fire and forget system that caused masses of hits on russian armor. (Google it yourself). Especially in the early phases of the russian push to Kiev.

If it did not “hit anything” we would not have ukraine asking for more and heroing the weapon.

maybe not the best value for money perse, but definately had an impact.

The same goes for the rest of your examples, you are overhyping the few examples of successful hits delivered by these systems.
Himars have been causing scores of hits with russia being unable to stop them.

Air defence (though again on the pricey side) has ensured russian critical infrastructure air campaign failed.

You on the other hand have nothing behind your claims.
“Western weapons are shit and have no impact. And ukraine doesnt stand a chance.!”
Yet here we are…one and a half year later….with the near peer superpower having to retreat from 50% of its conquered territory (even that which it claimed as russia proper!!!), now digging in like a rat with millions of mines and trenches.

Keep talking buddy…atleast its entertaining.
It is the same pure retardation with the drones strikes against moscow: Russia deliveres 20-40t with one strike and you are playing it down or ignoring it completely. But if your Nazi regime in Kiev deliveres few kg of paylod to moscow, you start here to masturbate.

Pure lunacy.
Its a matter of effectiveness and precision vs russian use of brute force.
Its more then “which bomb does the biggest boom…derrrrr…” you troglodyte.

Russia spent many many tons flattening cities and hitting theaters/daycare centers

While ukraine is humiliating it with these small but effective strikes.

“Only a small drone”

“Those missiles carry a much smaller explosive warhead then our big booms!”
As expected more insults.
Let me guess almighty merkel and Germanys reliance on cheap Russian gas share no blame 🙄
Worst chancellor in modern times, but but trump and maga right?
No merkel was incompetent and naive.

But allies can make mistakes. And europe is now reaching the 2% budget as requested.

Fact remains USA influence in europe and russia has been heavy.
Fact remains USA vowed to be an ally and proclaimed itself as “arsenal of democracy”

You seem to have some mental block what an utter betrayal it is then to say “not my problem, bye bye, good luck against putin”.
Its literally throwing your allies under the bus in a swift 180 turn.

I keep explaining this simple fact but you refuse to let it sink in.
Btw those tax cuts worked wonders best economy went to one of the worst by enacting democratic policies. But please tell me what cnn/bbc has been parroting.
Please read up on multiple economic studies and sources about how “tricke down economics” is FAR from the best way to boost the middle class economy?

they are holding out a “tricke down!” carrot in front of your nose like your a donkey.
You will get crumbs while they break your back but you keep happily chasing after that carrot.

wake up man. Tax cuts for super rich benefits the rich foremost. You are being played by years and years of propaganda to act against your own interest.
And please don’t blame America for Europe’s lack of a defense industry, they can’t even build a plane any longer without a multinational consortium

American military industry complex does not want true competition.
They want europe to buy american weapons instead.
They make sure this happens by heavy lobbying, bribery, political pressure.

Europe is at fault too. It is not a black and white matter which seems to dominate your simplistic thinking
Slow down uneducated Adolf and learn some elementary math. Let's see: How many proven Javelin Hits we have compared to the thousands delivered missiles? Correct: Only a tiny fraction, because in most cases this overpriced toy does not hit anything. Or it does not even work at all. That system is simply overpriced and overcomplicated garbage to rob money from the taxpayers, like most of the western weapon systems.

The same goes for the rest of your examples, you are overhyping the few examples of successful hits delivered by these systems.

It is the same pure retardation with the drones strikes against moscow: Russia deliveres 20-40t with one strike and you are playing it down or ignoring it completely. But if your Nazi regime in Kiev deliveres few kg of paylod to moscow, you start here to masturbate.

Pure lunacy.

Ukraine having a Javelin stockpile is different from how many were used in war.

From where you got the idea that Javelin does not hit anything?

Russia has lost over 2253 tanks in Ukraine. Not sure how many are Javelin kills but Ukrainians have credited this weapon for numerous kills in the war. Customer knows better.

Ukraine has utilized HIMARS very calculatively and effectively in the war. HIMARS jamming propaganda is debunked.

Americans have soft corner for Russians, this is why you see big names like Donald Trump and Elon Musk not wanting to support Ukraine.

When Elon cut off Ukraine's access to Starlink, he claimed that Russians had jammed his network. Absolutely false claim.

When US was not providing HIMARS to Ukraine, some in US claimed that Russia had jammed HIMARS. Absolutely false claim.

Americans overhype Russians and use this as a pretext to not support Ukraine. US could develop a very strong Ukrainian army long ago but this was not given priority. WE still do not see US training legions of Ukrainian troops and helping Ukraine in a significant way.

Russian advances in Syria and Ukraine are entirely due to American soft corner and tacit approval.

Ukrainian leadership is frustrated but Zelensky was told to SU and be thankful for the limited support.

It is easy to mock Ukraine, a country that was not prepared to fight a war with a neighboring giant.

Ukraine has no choice but to utilize its weapons calculatively. Blitzkrieg is not possible.
Ukraine having a Javelin stockpile is different from how many were used in war.

From where you got the idea that Javelin does not hit anything?

Russia has lost over 2253 tanks in Ukraine. Not sure how many are Javelin kills but Ukrainians have credited this weapon for numerous kills in the war. Customer knows better.

Ukraine has utilized HIMARS very calculatively and effectively in the war. HIMARS jamming propaganda is debunked.

Americans have soft corner for Russians, this is why you see big names like Donald Trump and Elon Musk not wanting to support Ukraine.

When Elon cut off Ukraine's access to Starlink, he claimed that Russians had jammed his network. Absolutely false claim.

When US was not providing HIMARS to Ukraine, some in US claimed that Russia had jammed HIMARS. Absolutely false claim.

Americans overhype Russians and use this as a pretext to not support Ukraine. US could develop a very strong Ukrainian army long ago but this was not given priority. WE still do not see US training legions of Ukrainian troops and helping Ukraine in a significant way.

Russian advances in Syria and Ukraine are entirely due to American soft corner and tacit approval.

Ukrainian leadership is frustrated but Zelensky was told to SU and be thankful for the limited support.

It is easy to mock Ukraine, a country that was not prepared to fight a war with a neighboring giant.

Ukraine has no choice but to utilize its weapons calculatively. Blitzkrieg is not possible.
Good analysis. But I dont think Ukraine was not prepared. They were prepared but did not prepare well. Since they are victims they can claim that they were not ready and require support to create a narrative of foreign aid.
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