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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Lol, so now you are trying to stick to rabulistics? Oh, wait: You are doing it the whole time.:lol:

You bs talker are not in the position to evaluate the military impact of the russian attacks. And, to correct your confused view: Russia actually attacked kiev many, many times before even one drone has reached moscow.

And the humilation exists only in your degenerated brain. It doesn't even makes sense.
LoL? This is the level of this forum? A teenage level exchange?

No degenerated brain. One thing is for sure: its the PUtin fans that have more of their heads in the sand than Putin’s own Govt and you are an example of it.

1. Russia doubles its borders with NATO and turns Baltic into a lake surrounded by NATO countries.
2. Has no troops on the newly formed NATO border because has no military
3. Has mined what it has occupied with no hope of ever changing Ukraine’s political or alliance trajectory
4. ANd raised interest rates to 8.5% overngiht because a rouble is worth less than a penny.
5. And spokesperson cries of unheard of consequences every time Moscow is attacked.

So no humor, only reality. You should check it out for a change
LoL? This is the level of this forum? A teenage level exchange?
Your level from the beginning, ignoring obvious facts, babbling about psychological effects, constantly changing the topic and so on.

No degenerated brain. One thing is for sure: its the PUtin fans that have more of their heads in the sand than Putin’s own Govt and you are an example of it.

1. Russia doubles its borders with NATO and turns Baltic into a lake surrounded by NATO countries.
2. Has no troops on the newly formed NATO border because has no military
Irrelevant because a) they were de facto already in the Nato and b) they are not the same level of lunatics like the ukrainians. Why? Hmm, maybe because they are actually real countries and not western constructs like ukraine?

And Russia do not even need much troops there, a few nucklear missiles are more than enough.
3. Has mined what it has occupied with no hope of ever changing Ukraine’s political or alliance trajectory

Ah, our Nato bot FourMikeEcho has a Glass Crystall and he can look into the future. Who says, besides you Nato bots, the so called ukraine will even exist as a country like today?

4. ANd raised interest rates to 8.5% overngiht because a rouble is worth less than a penny.
5. And spokesperson cries of unheard of consequences every time Moscow is attacked.
Yeah, and last year you were masturbating about the "sanctions from" hell, like you were babbling about Russian missile stocks would be empty in march 2022. We have a german saying: Lobe den Tag nicht vor dem Abend. Maybe you should try to understand, what this even mean ...

Let's bookmark your answer.
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The Anglo-Zionist/Putin Plan to destroy the EU
blah blah blah

The plan is more simple, and the target is not destroy EU, EU destruction is collateral damage, the target is to calm down big powerful ascending China.

-USA persuades EU vassals to change energy supplier from Russia natural gas to USA shale gas. Done
-China access to Russia natural gas. Done
-USA shale gas run out, but Russia keeps sending natural gas to China, meanwhile EU collapses without energy. We'll see it.

George Soros, real POTUS, article in 2015:

Covid was the first big collaboration of new Sinoamerican partnership, Ukraine was the second, and Niger is the third.

Summer Operations | Bradley Square Becomes Stryker Square. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.08.16

In some way it s a reality NATO has intervend in the war, there are polish deads, there are british soldiers dead, and even some americans has been killed by russian troops.

We don t know all about this, for obvious reasons, all actors wants to hidden this reality for different reasons.

Bringing F-16 warplanes to the war just will expose american weakneass against russia air defence systems. Just imagine the first hit of F-16 to the ground, it would demoralize not just the US army, all the west depend consumers of US weaponry.

Nothing will be the same for US air force if they dare to provide warplanes or intervene with air force.

West must accept Ukraine has lost this war, it s the best they can reach, for the sake of killing some thousands of russians it was stupid to follow the war course.

NATO will have half of Ukraine and give it to Poland, that way NATO gets some expansion, and naive russians are eager to accept this for some sanctiones reliefs.My take.
Volunteers joining from NATO nations are not NATO troops unless they are under NATO command, so there are no NATO troops in Ukraine, except for a few liason officers.

All weapons have an expected attrition rate. Noone expects that if Ukraine gets F-16, none will be shot down. The US lost aircraft both over Iraq and former Yugoslavia without Armageddon occuring.

The West is happy to support Ukraine as long Ukraine is decimating Russians.
That is winning for NATO.
The plan is more simple, and the target is not destroy EU, EU destruction is collateral damage, the target is to calm down big powerful ascending China.

-USA persuades EU vassals to change energy supplier from Russia natural gas to USA shale gas. Done
-China access to Russia natural gas. Done
-USA shale gas run out, but Russia keeps sending natural gas to China, meanwhile EU collapses without energy. We'll see it.

George Soros, real POTUS, article in 2015:

Covid was the first big collaboration of new Sinoamerican partnership, Ukraine was the second, and Niger is the third.
The Soros rats are already leaving the sinking ship called Europoor. Sorry, my mistake, i am such a stupid Russian. Europe!

Its impressive they have drone coverage this far behind the lines.


Volunteers joining from NATO nations are not NATO troops unless they are under NATO command, so there are no NATO troops in Ukraine, except for a few liason officers.
And how do you genius know, who is under Nato command and who is not? Correct: You do not know.
The West is happy to support Ukraine as long Ukraine is decimating Russians.
That is winning for NATO.

"Decimating Russians". Spoken like a true Nazi lunatic back then in the good old times, huh? When Operation Barbarossa and then Operation Unthinkable were actually a real thing, at least in the degenerated brains of the western superior race.:enjoy:

Uh, the parallels ...
Stay on topic, boy. Your nato air def was humilated and you know what? This is not even important. Important is the fact, that they hit the intended targets with many tons of payload and the effects will accumulate and they do:

No amount of lunatic trash talk with no connection to the reality like this here will change something about this.
Now you are talking: military talk vs. trash talk. I am not going to stand for air defence since there is no data, but the strategic purpose of Russia’s offensive operations have been neutered. Ukraine is like Iran when the Scud attacks in the Iran-Iraq war took place. Sure they attacked Tehran but did not change the outcome of the war despite all the supplies that Iraq was getting and war ended up in a negotiated settlement to pretty much where the border was before Saddam attacked.

As for air defence effectivness:
1. Its clear Russia realizes that not enough of its missiles make it through to make it a difference so unlike a shock and awe that would be expected out of a superpower , it Just attacks once a fortnight and then goes back to sleep;

2. Russian Air Force nowhere to Be seen on the battlefield since March 2022 So no air domininance. Instead Ukrain Is able to use its Limited air inventory to launch STorm Shadows when it needs to
In some way it s a reality NATO has intervend in the war, there are polish deads, there are british soldiers dead, and even some americans has been killed by russian troops.

We don t know all about this, for obvious reasons, all actors wants to hidden this reality for different reasons.

Bringing F-16 warplanes to the war just will expose american weakneass against russia air defence systems. Just imagine the first hit of F-16 to the ground, it would demoralize not just the US army, all the west depend consumers of US weaponry.

Nothing will be the same for US air force if they dare to provide warplanes or intervene with air force.

West must accept Ukraine has lost this war, it s the best they can reach, for the sake of killing some thousands of russians it was stupid to follow the war course.

NATO will have half of Ukraine and give it to Poland, that way NATO gets some expansion, and naive russians are eager to accept this for some sanctiones reliefs.My take.
What planet do you guys live on ? This information about NATO being helpless against Russia air defence’s may be true if we did not have below data points:
1. Serbia had nothing but Russian defences and in its entirety shot down two aircraft while pretty much agreeing to every condition NATO asked of it.
2. Today Israel at will strikes where it wants. Syria even with S300s should have shot down at least one airplane in The last 45 years. Score 0.
3. Desert Storm and then again in 2003, Iraq non existent in air defence.

I know what will be next: That was then this is now. Israel is now over Syria. And its true that Russia technology has evolved but so has NATO.

So i am not saying you may be wrong, but that you have no bases to be considered seriously that you speak facts.

Your level from the beginning, ignoring obvious facts, babbling about psychological effects, constantly changing the topic and so on.

Irrelevant because a) they were de facto already in the Nato and b) they are not the same level of lunatics like the ukrainians. Why? Hmm, maybe because they are actually real countries and not western constructs like ukraine?

And Russia do not even need much troops there, a few nucklear missiles are more than enough.

Ah, our Nato bot FourMikeEcho has a Glass Crystall and he can look into the future. Who says, besides you Nato bots, the so called ukraine will even exist as a country like today? And your Nato?

Yeah, and last year you were masturbating about the "sanctions from" hell, like you were babbling about Russian missile stocks would be empty in march 2022. We have a german saying: Lobe den Tag nicht vor dem Abend. Maybe you should try to understand, what this even mean ...

Let's bookmark your answer.
Pls bookmark, and when Putin is relegated to the economic level of an African country as it deserves then we will converge back.
In the mean time check your facts, Finland had no NATO membership. Up until the 90s it was even flying Mig21s.

And may be you are still m***bating, but we have other things to keep us occupying. But enjoy it as clearly its your favorite pastime as every other post refers to that term
blah, blah, blah on EU not being the direct target of Putin.

There is no Sino-American partnership. The Democrats/Obama sent the bioweapon (research) to China in ~2014 at Wuhan to frame the Chinese. While Kissinger and Rockefeller have their dude Trump stage the false flag covid crisis and slow kill shot in 2019/2020.

Europe is going to be under threat from energy crisis for the next decade. As I have said, Europe has no real friends, in such an environment, you have to be energy independent. The entire energy crisis in Europe is staged with cia players playing their Anglo-Zionist roles to directly and purposefully destroy the EU. I said this many times.

Europe must go coal, wind and solar. Uranium is too risky, natural gas is very risky. Keep the nuclear plants open until fully replacing natural gas and there is no more uranium imports. Putin and pals are doing the same to uranium that they are doing to natural gas, only to a lesser extent. Starve Europe economically with energy crisis. Though the big crisis to defend from is war with russia. A Europe fully armed militarily with nukes makes Europe safe from Russian blackmail and attack. The Anglo-zionists use russia to keep Europe dependent and junior partner and small. And the energy crisis would be the only card left of the anglo-Zionists.

Natural Gas consumption in 2021 was 397 billion cubic meters per year. The EU needs about 400 billion cubic meters per year, for consumption and to top off reserves as much as possible.

Based on 2021 production:

If Europe gets half of Algeria - that is 50 billion (in 2022 only got about ~35%)
If Europe gets most of Norway - that is 100 billion
If Europe gets 30% of Canada - that is 50 billion (would need to get whole export)
If Europe gets 67% of Australia - that is 100 billion (would need to get China and Japan's share)
If Europe gets all of Netherlands - that is nearly 50 billion

Europe can reliably get over 200 billion cubic meters per year, from the North Sea, from North Africa and reliable partners. It is the final 150 that is the issue reliant on many diplomatic missions. The Aze-Arm conflict is a staged conflict where Putin is wanting to move the troops into, to deliberately cut off Europe from supplies. Have known this for years. Putin does not want Europe economically, energy and militarily independent.

As Europe decreases usage the safer Europe is. Europe is building the capacity for LNG, need to import it. And if not enough from typical suppliers, swallow your pride and buy from Iran. Europe literally has been buying gas from Russia during the war, Iran is too extreme for Europe.?. This makes no sense, unless there is an agenda to hurt Europe economically, which there is a Putin-Trump agenda to destroy the European Union and harm Europe.

Europe needs long term contracts from these and many other nations, and be energy secure while reducing natural gas usage.

The reason for the European energy crisis, was European gas importation was made for pipeline importation, not sea LNG importation, only having few ports and capacity for sea importation.

If the Russian natural gas goes to China and elsewhere, China needs less natural gas from the marketplace.

If Russia wants to destroy the global economy and Europe for Trump and buddies, Russia would shut down their entire export production and not sell to market.

Fix this importation problem and Europe is in the boat with everybody else.

That is without Qatar, US, Saudi natural gas.

Here is an english chap trying to tell Europe to go off a cliff as the reaction to the energy crisis as the Russian tanks are ready to invade Ukraine in Feb 2022:

The gas crisis is a paradigm shift for the EU’s electricity transition. Action is needed to ensure Europe’s coal phase-out stays on track. Legislation is the only way to guarantee that coal plants are closed by 2030; volatile gas prices have made it clear that you cannot rely on market forces alone.It is a huge wake-up call. Both coal and gas need to go; and fast. The benefits to the economy and the climate are clearer by the day. Keeping 1.5C within reach requires a massive step up in renewables to ensure that all fossil fuels are off the grid by 2035. Now is the moment to double down on Europe’s transition to clean electricity.
Charles Moore European Programme Lead, Ember

When you are at war or on the brink of war, clean energy does not matter. Getting off of natural gas does. Substantially add coal, re open the nuclear power plants. And buy as much solar and wind as possible. Have so much production that Europe exports huge amounts of power. Keep the nuclear running, you need them if you get attacked and power plants are taken out by Russian bombs. Only turn them off when Russia nearly corners the market of uranium and Europe has no access to new power from nuclear. I said months ago that Europe needs a glut, an oversupply, redundancy in energy production.

When Russia launches an attack on the EU, there is going to be a planned energy crisis worse than natural gas shortages. Europe has to get stronger militarily to prevent such a war.

You seem to know too much into the Putin-Trump plans to bring down Europe, did your Anglo-Zionist Trumper side max out natural gas contracts to starve Europe of nat gas.

For decades, you could get natural gas contracts relatively easily, only a few years of issues. Then when Europe needs LNG imports, it is difficult to get a contract. Putin and team planned the whole thing to directly crash Europe.

Trump pal Kissinger advises China:

There is enough natural gas, China is trying to corner the market of orders and contracts to destroy Europe for Trump boss Kissinger.

Kissinger is using both puppets Trump and China to destroy enemy European Union.

If you want to comprehend the level of hatred Kissinger has for the Germans and the German led EEC/EU:

Keeping Germany too small for the world was the Kissinger project of send the jobs to China. 40 years of growth in China to make sure that success did not enter Germany and Anglo-Zionists would have to deal with another stronger powerful Germany as a global leader rivaling the US. Fun fact, Trump was during the 1980s speaking about stopping the rise of Japan because some pundits said Japan was growing so fast that it could replace the USA as largest GDP. Trump was supporter of Anglo-American/Anglo-Zionist dominance, currently known as America First and MAGA, back in the 1980s. Friends with Kissinger, Rockefeller, Rothschild back decades ago in the 80s and perhaps before. Trump was friends with Putin and Russian Criminals/Mafia/Oligarchs in the 1990s. Trump is the deepstate.

During an energy crisis, Europe would find few sources of natural gas, that is the plan. I spotted this during the Qatar-China deal. Once Europe spotted China trying to get as many long term contracts, Europe had to enter negotiations with contracts starting when LNG terminals are expected to go online. There is a literal war on Europe and Europeans have not woken up to the fact that Europe has no friends. Where was the US trying to solve the gas shortages last winter. Europe has no friends. Has to prepare things with the premise that Europe has no friends.

Shows you that there are no real friends of the EU. You would believe that after China sides with Russia, China would be punished with gutting of manufacturing and resource importation. Instead China fills the role that Kissinger laid out for China, for China to be used to suppress the success of Europe. That is the Kissinger role for China. To stop the rise of Germany and the EU.

China has been a pawn and puppet of Kissinger to be used against Europe, as Japan has been a pawn of the Rockefeller TLC. Though there is no Sinoamerican. Washington and the cia want China to be destroyed, almost as much as they want Europe to crash and burn. China is simply being used again and again.

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