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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2



Clown of Kiev Clowning the World. He also bought multi-million dollar Villas in Italy & Tel Aviv which is where the scumbag will run to when his mission of fighting to the last Ukrainian is complete.

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What planet do you guys live on ? This information about NATO being helpless against Russia air defence’s may be true if we did not have below data points:
1. Serbia had nothing but Russian defences and in its entirety shot down two aircraft while pretty much agreeing to every condition NATO asked of it.
2. Today Israel at will strikes where it wants. Syria even with S300s should have shot down at least one airplane in The last 45 years. Score 0.
3. Desert Storm and then again in 2003, Iraq non existent in air defence.

I know what will be next: That was then this is now. Israel is now over Syria. And its true that Russia technology has evolved but so has NATO.

So i am not saying you may be wrong, but that you have no bases to be considered seriously that you speak facts.

All the points you enumerate are not relevant to this scenario, we all know Syria is bombed because Russians lets Syria being bombed, any one saying otherwise is a troll, period, there are other threads where we discuss this.

Did you remember when a israeli F-16 was destroyed by a S-200 missile??? Yes your F-16 are not invencible at all.

are going to talk about desert storm now? seriously?

US risk a lot if their warplanes are shoot downed, they are compromised by this request, and they want now Egyptians to give to Ukraine their MIGs.... Look at this...

Training or not training, US would lose a lot of military credibility if Russia shows the world how a F-16 can be shoot downed and probes to be meaningless.
I don't need digging and i don't need commenters and your nato presstitutes to deliver ME an opinion piece aligning with my views. I can read and write Russian, so i have sources you will never have in your life.
Figures that you read and write russian being a russian cheerleading bot and all.

YOU need it, to come again into touch with the reality. And the reserves left are soo big, you even have to throw the 82nd Reserve Brigade against the Russian wall. The Marders and Strykers are already burning, soon the same will happen with the british trash cans called Challenger 2.

10-20% losses are far from full culmination buddy. Especially now Ukraine switched tactics

How is that going to work, with >300k KIA and combined loses >1Million? Ah, i forgot: The Nato Nazi ZeGerman wanna go full "Volkssturm" ...
Ah your using russian figures as well?

Of course not. And this polemic question shows exactly your real age: Most of you westerners are literally infantiles.

The same story, when you are downplaying the russian strikes. The last strike delivered probably more payload then all Himars and Storm Shadow strikes combined. But you are virtually masturbating here to 2, TWO, GMLRS missiles hitting Russian targets.:crazy:
Its precision vs dumb brute force often in this war.

This attack on harbor infrastructure does nothing against military situation, and only further antagonises their former “little brothers”.

Its a geopolitical nightmare for russia.
They can only hope for trump and his idiot magas to win election.
This attack on harbor infrastructure does nothing against military situation, and only further antagonises their former “little brothers”.

Its a geopolitical nightmare for russia.
They can only hope for trump and his idiot magas to win election.
Of course these attacks against the harbour infrastructure does nothing against the military situation today and not even in the coming weeks. But the so called "grain deal" is dead and the weapon smuggling + control of the black sea is dead too. And i hope the next step will be the liberation of Odessa, so ukraine will become a landlocked country.

Why you are even mentioning these attacks? I talked about the cruise missiles attacks and they were directed against the ukr. mainland. Odessa was hit by drones. I will tell you why: Because you are butthurt.

And you as a Nato bot talking about geopolitics is a joke itself. Some Bundeswehr-Drone (=officer) even told me 6-7 years ago, Geopolitics does not exist at all. They are an invention by Kreml bots.:lol:



Clown of Kiev Clowning the World. He also bought multi-million dollar Villas in Italy & Tel Aviv which is where the scumbag will run to when his mission of fighting to the last Ukrainian is complete.

Oh still quoting a pro-Russian NAzi? What a looser you are …
Russia has been committing their forces directly to the front for a month now. We are seeing the slow atrophy of Russia's capable forces and now Ukraine is making gains again. This is exactly what happened in Kherson prior to it's collapse. I wonder if they will have any properly trained/equipped forces manning their main defense line once Ukraine reaches it? It's a lot of land to cover.

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