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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Horribly failed?
Last time i checked it was still ongoing with most material intact, reserves uncommitted and villages taken.

The russian fail is ofcourse the 3 day special operation turning into afghanistan on steroids for russia.

Yep. A clueless 12 year old.

What megalomaniac nato aspirations are you talking about?
Russia was the one invading ukraine in a replay of russian colonial history.
Ukranians are now fighting to liberate their stolen land.
Ah, so you have a "lange Leitung", like we say here in Germany. Ok, let's wait, how long you need to accept the reality. And don't forget to pay the ukrainian refugees their money.

What megalomaniac nato aspirations are you talking about?
Russia was the one invading ukraine in a replay of russian colonial history.
Ukranians are now fighting to liberate their stolen land.
There was no "russian colonial history" in this universe, but bloody european colonial history lasting to these days and turned into delusions about world control. These are the megalomanic nato aspirations, you uneducated european Herrenmensch.

And ukrainians are dieing for these megalomanic aspirations. Used by the west as literall cannon fodder.
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Ukrainian Bradley suffers direct hit from Russian tank ----- AND carrys on without caring !!!​

>> it was but a scratch from a Russian MBT it seems...
Horribly failed?
Last time i checked it was still ongoing with most material intact, reserves uncommitted and villages taken.
1945 must be some kremlin paid trolls.

The Hard Reality: Ukraine’s Last-Gasp Offensive Has Failed​

The cold, hard truth in the war between Russia and Ukraine today is that Ukraine’s last-gasp offensive has failed, and no amount of spin will change the outcome.

Russian general who was in charge of Ukrainian invasion until he was purged by Putin is found dead​

>> Russian / Putin's form of retirement plans ?

Russian general who was in charge of Ukrainian invasion until he was purged by Putin is found dead​

>> Russian / Putin's form of retirement plans ?
NotSure, but it looks like his online troll army general is super motivated to try and escape a similar fate. :lol:
1945 must be some kremlin paid trolls.

Instead of doing so much digging to finally get some commenters opinion piece aligning with your views….
Maybe pay attention to count that large part reserves have not been used up. So any “offensive failed” is a bit premature.

Furthermore, ukraine is the invaded party. As such their motivation to kick out the russians and as such their troop pool will be much higher then you russian cheerleaders are predicting.

Lets sit back and wait. And in meantime enjoy those dead russian cannonfodder and blown up artillery crews we have been seeing so much of. True denazification!

Can you tell these trainees that all is ok?
Afterall The ukranian offensive failed and war is all but over. No panic!
Instead of doing so much digging to finally get some commenters opinion piece aligning with your views….
Maybe pay attention to count that large part reserves have not been used up. So any “offensive failed” is a bit premature.
I don't need digging and i don't need commenters and your nato presstitutes to deliver ME an opinion piece aligning with my views. I can read and write Russian, so i have sources you will never have in your life.

YOU need it, to come again into touch with the reality. And the reserves left are soo big, you even have to throw the 82nd Reserve Brigade against the Russian wall. The Marders and Strykers are already burning, soon the same will happen with the british trash cans called Challenger 2.

Furthermore, ukraine is the invaded party. As such their motivation to kick out the russians and as such their troop pool will be much higher then you russian cheerleaders are predicting.

Lets sit back and wait. And in meantime enjoy those dead russian cannonfodder and blown up artillery crews we have been seeing so much of. True denazification!
How is that going to work, with >300k KIA and combined loses >1Million? Ah, i forgot: The Nato Nazi ZeGerman wanna go full "Volkssturm" ...

Can you tell these trainees that all is ok?
Afterall The ukranian offensive failed and war is all but over. No panic!
Of course not. And this polemic question shows exactly your real age: Most of you westerners are literally infantiles.

The same story, when you are downplaying the russian strikes. The last strike delivered probably more payload then all Himars and Storm Shadow strikes combined. But you are virtually masturbating here to 2, TWO, GMLRS missiles hitting Russian targets.:crazy:
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NotSure, but it looks like his online troll army general is super motivated to try and escape a similar fate. :lol::lol:
Ah, this must be the reason, why ZeGerman has almost twice the posts compared to me in a similar timeframe. Because i am the troll ...:enjoy:
The Anglo-Zionist/Putin Plan to destroy the EU

(1) invade Ukraine
(2) make sure the European Union member states do not rearm and significantly build up their militaries to rival Russia militarily, make Russia seem weak as Russia wins the war. The most important media agenda - "Russia won the war, though is very weak"
(3) stage inflation, energy crisis in Europe to make Europe weaker and more vulnerable, make Europe less concerned with rearmament, focus on climate change and energy crisis, not military build up - "why rearm when 'we are going to die from global warming' when the temperature increases by 0,5 degrees C", "defeating CO2 is more important than defeating Putin"
(4) annex parts of Ukraine
(5) have a weakened Ukraine join, not NATO, join the EU, Ukraine NATO membership blocked
(6) have Europe pay the trillions in rebuilding Ukraine, instead of rearming, nearly bankrupt Europe
(7) have an incident to start a new Ukraine war blamed on Europeans in a staged false flag, make Putin seem the victim of "Ukrainian aggression or folly", Ukraine "broke the terms of the cease-fire" or another staged blame Europe event to make Russia seem the victim
(8) Russia invades the European Union from this new incident in Ukraine
(9) Since the war was over a non-NATO member, US does not get involved in sending many divisions to defend Europe
(10) Russia complains about European nations helping Ukraine, invades Baltic in "protest", says Russia is the victim, US says this is a European Union war, not NATO war
(11) Russia bombs the EU, gets fifth columnist citizens to protest against the EU for caring about Ukraine, gets massive protests to destroy Europe from within
(12) mass protests against the EU during the war, Europe collapses, European governments collapse as Russia captures more and more European territory

Because Europe was unprepared in not rearming in 2022, 2023, 2024...

Europe collapses. Trump and Putin rival EU is destroyed. Anglo-Zionist MAGA defeats "woke caring leftist Eurotrash".

This is why rearmament is so vital. It destroys the entire agenda of Putin. Europe wins by default in a massive rearmament. The plans of Putin go crash and burn.

If you care about Ukraine, then you significantly rearm, or else watch public support of Ukraine vanish as Europe burns in a Russian attack.

If you believe Putin invaded Ukraine because Putin is a mad person, then expect to be awed and dumbfounded more at evil and unprepared to defeat evil. There is a script to this war. The mission - the downfall of Europe. And Trump had preknowledge and did not warn Europe and Ukraine to stop the war.

Putin secretly plans for an invasion of Ukraine, and Putin shares that info with Trump. Shows how close the two really are.

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