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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


This is the endgame planned by Putin for the US and Europe:

UFC Sean Strickland calls Americans “stupid” for supporting Ukraine​

American mixed martial artist Sean Strickland has called Americans who support Ukraine “stupid” in a post on Twitter on Aug. 18.

"Makes me laugh when Russia invaded Ukraine and I said it is insane that we're getting involved...," Strickland wrote.

"Everyone attacked me and called me an asshole. Billions of dollars later, some inflation, and now all you stupid f*cks are upset... God, Americans are the definition of stupid."

The endgame is - for you to believe you were wrong for supporting freedom for Ukraine. That it was your fault, you Leftist Democrats in the USA for the suffering in Ukraine. It was European whites fault for the demise of Europe via staged crisis after crisis from this war. To blame you, not Putin, not Trump.

I was aware of this in February 2022. Europe has to rearm, or else Europeans are going to be stupid as this Strickland, blaming supporters of Ukraine for the suffering Russia is causing and plans to cause. Putin is using military to achieve ends. Therefore, Europe needs a military equal or greater in artillery, drone and missile firepower than Russia. And more nukes than Russia.

Washington is not trying to crush the Russians in Ukraine. Washington is trying to get you to say fighting the Russians is futile. So, the USA only sends limited amount of equipment, when Ukraine requires three times the firepower of the Russians in Ukraine to liberate the occupied territories, says a US Army general. This is common sense stuff.

UK and US are waiting for the pro-Ukrainians to get exhausted of supporting Ukraine and instead support the Kissinger agenda of ceding Ukrainian territory to Russia and Russia is allowed to get away with another war, with plans for more wars. US and UK don't care about you or Ukraine. Sending a ~dozen challenger 2 tanks only to show support, waiting for pro-ukrainians to get "schooled" by Russian victories and you to say, the war was a waste.

The only thing that defeats this is a grand rearmament of Europe with Ukraine getting much more equipment to fight the Russians from that rearmament. Did Europeans open many dozens of munitions factories to last a 5- or 10-year European war vs Russia.? No, Europe is low on munitions.

The whole thing is scripted to put the blame of war on those fighting for freedom from Russian occupation.
Trump wanted to move troops out of Germany and downsize/close bases. Since Germany is rearming (give me a break it will take decades before they have a capable force again) you should have been all for this.
Unfortunately it’s easier for you to cast insults, sad.
USA giving room for united states of europe with its own defense industry?

Then communicating an orderly pullback while open to russian european integration (though warning of putin threat)??

Yes please. Yesterday please!!

What happened however is an America that deliberately pitted europe vs russia, actively tried to undermine european statehood, and sabotaged european independant defense industry whenever it could.
Then it does a 180 and throws its blindsided allies under the bus with the so called “arsenal of democracy” abruptly running off to its island?

The whole threat of Russia turning into North Korean or anything else is a direct result of European policies, so once again not our problem.
More bullshit. Read up on cold war politics and usa diplomacy/actions up until 2022??

And unless you want to let China reign as the new superpower then yes…russia turning into a cheap resource colony of China is not ideal. Especially not alongside usa dumping most of its allies.

Shortsighted MAGA idiocy.
But hey….you could use those billions and tax cut the rich some more
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This is the endgame planned by Putin for the US and Europe:

UFC Sean Strickland calls Americans “stupid” for supporting Ukraine​

American mixed martial artist Sean Strickland has called Americans who support Ukraine “stupid” in a post on Twitter on Aug. 18.

"Makes me laugh when Russia invaded Ukraine and I said it is insane that we're getting involved...," Strickland wrote.

"Everyone attacked me and called me an asshole. Billions of dollars later, some inflation, and now all you stupid f*cks are upset... God, Americans are the definition of stupid."

The endgame is - for you to believe you were wrong for supporting freedom for Ukraine. That it was your fault, you Leftist Democrats in the USA for the suffering in Ukraine. It was European whites fault for the demise of Europe via staged crisis after crisis from this war. To blame you, not Putin, not Trump.

I was aware of this in February 2022. Europe has to rearm, or else Europeans are going to be stupid as this Strickland, blaming supporters of Ukraine for the suffering Russia is causing and plans to cause. Putin is using military to achieve ends. Therefore, Europe needs a military equal or greater in artillery, drone and missile firepower than Russia. And more nukes than Russia.

Washington is not trying to crush the Russians in Ukraine. Washington is trying to get you to say fighting the Russians is futile. So, the USA only sends limited amount of equipment, when Ukraine requires three times the firepower of the Russians in Ukraine to liberate the occupied territories, says a US Army general. This is common sense stuff.

UK and US are waiting for the pro-Ukrainians to get exhausted of supporting Ukraine and instead support the Kissinger agenda of ceding Ukrainian territory to Russia and Russia is allowed to get away with another war, with plans for more wars. US and UK don't care about you or Ukraine. Sending a ~dozen challenger 2 tanks only to show support, waiting for pro-ukrainians to get "schooled" by Russian victories and you to say, the war was a waste.

The only thing that defeats this is a grand rearmament of Europe with Ukraine getting much more equipment to fight the Russians from that rearmament. Did Europeans open many dozens of munitions factories to last a 5- or 10-year European war vs Russia.? No, Europe is low on munitions.

The whole thing is scripted to put the blame of war on those fighting for freedom from Russian occupation.

Ah, and a brainless and selfish martial arts fighter’s opinion is now relevant in international politics and the definition on what’s right and lawful and what’s not?
No wonder that the US has so many critics.

Professor Jeffrey Sachs puts it clearly

(and only blind fanatics are indifferent to so much destruction)
They know very well F-16 radar signatures from Syria, F-16 is Israel classic warplane for years, even a S-200 can destroy a F-16,
NATO must think in other ways, F-16 and Gripen are shits in this scenario.

US army is playing with its prestige here, and will encourage Russian, at the first hits.
Syria shot down an F-16 using 27 missiles, after which most of their air defense was destroyed. 5 years later flight operations continues without losses. Does not seem tbat they can repeat making this insignificant.

Russian radars might be powerful, but without AESA radars they can be jammed.
What is a Russian pilot going to do when detecting 100 Gripens, and only one is real?
We have been hearing this for months and now almost 2 years

Russia bypasses all the sanctions with their own chips you really think Russia who lands rovers on the moon needs chips from the West

if that is the case why are they still building new tanks with optics supposedly with chips come from the West

ok lets give it to them yes they do get chips from the West

then this Is even worse NATO getting beat by Russia who has no access to Western chips

you are not serious ?

operation Just Cause against Panama?

then no wonder they get shot down when they meet real air defence operators

here its about equipment + operator

if you gave the Iraqis the Patriot III and Abrams and the US had the Scuds and T72

then US would still win, Iraqis are well known for the most dumbest strategy and very poor operating
I said thus multiple times, USSR had computer industry. Russia has none. Putin degrades Russia to a cheap gas station.

The US flied to the moon with Apollo, with a landing computer that only has a 4 kB RAM, 32 kB hard disc. Every washing machine has more computer power and memory. People ask why the Russians hunt washing machines.

Everything Russia has today is inheriting from USSR. The Russians just crashed the moon vehicle. That’s embarrassing.
Also the people who are cheering for Israeli Arrow 3 missiles just delivered to Germany after US approval - designed to shoot down Russia’s high flying out of atmosphere incoming ballistic missiles.

You will see how Russians will counter it by offering Iran and Hezbullah - sophisticated missile/nuclear tech.
Mh, Israel itself said that Arrow 3 cant stop newest iranian missiles. Now think about what this Arrow3 can do against russian missiles? Nada. Nilch. Nix. Nothing.

The only thing why Germany had bought this scrap is cause US said so. And with the money from germany for the shitty Arrow3 US and Israel will build Arrow4 what is "expected" ( :lol: ) to be able to work against glide vehicles or hypersonic missiles. I wonder how US/Israel will test it if they do not have any working hypersonic missiles with speed of mach 10+.

Summer Operations | The Russians Are Ready For "The Fall" Offensive. Military Summary For 2023.08.21

I think Ukraine needs to get rid of the Russian aircrafts that harrass every Ukrainan aircraft taking off, so they would need fighters to protect their airspace as well.
Another gamechanging wonderwaffle. You infantiles really do not learn anything from your past mistakes.

At first they need to get rid of the strategic air def covering the whole ukraine and flying to the Mars or Jupiter with a manned spacecraft is probably more realistic for Kiev:lol:.

And to have any signifikant radar and missile range, these Nato garbage Jets need to fly very high, WAY above the radar horizon. Good luck outrunning the S-400 and S-300V4 with kinematics outperforming everything the Nato has ... PLUS the R-37M. But in the reality most of these jets probably will be destroyed on the ground, without even flying one sortie.

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Another gamechanging wonderwaffle. You infantiles really do not learn anything from your past mistakes.

At first they need to get rid of the strategic air def covering the whole ukraine and flying to the Mars or Jupiter with a manned spacecraft is probably more realistic for Kiev:lol:.

And to have any signifikant radar and missile range, these Nato garbage Jets need to fly very high, WAY above the radar horizon. Good luck outrunning the S-400 and S-300V4 with kinematics outperforming everything the Nato has ... PLUS the R-37M. But in the reality most of these jets probably will be destroyed on the ground, without even flying one sortie.

hmmm lets see…javelins…trashed scores of russian tanks….himars…fucked up russian rear and even now they cannot take these systems out….excalibur…countbat…performing well. We see russia now losing the counter artillery fight…a far cry from their 10:1 advantage orevious year.
Air defence, better then expected…russian terrorbombing energy and water infra failed.

I would say all in all the western weaponry performed pretty admirably.
By itself f16 will not decide the war…but it will bring a new set of tools to hurt russia with for sure.
Russian VDV BMD4 destroyed east of soledar


hmmm lets see…javelins…trashed scores of russian tanks….himars…fucked up russian rear and even now they cannot take these systems out….excalibur…countbat…performing well. We see russia now losing the counter artillery fight…a far cry from their 10:1 advantage orevious year.
Air defence, better then expected…russian terrorbombing energy and water infra failed.

I would say all in all the western weaponry performed pretty admirably.
By itself f16 will not decide the war…but it will bring a new set of tools to hurt russia with for sure.
Slow down uneducated Adolf and learn some elementary math. Let's see: How many proven Javelin Hits we have compared to the thousands delivered missiles? Correct: Only a tiny fraction, because in most cases this overpriced toy does not hit anything. Or it does not even work at all. That system is simply overpriced and overcomplicated garbage to rob money from the taxpayers, like most of the western weapon systems.

The same goes for the rest of your examples, you are overhyping the few examples of successful hits delivered by these systems.

It is the same pure retardation with the drones strikes against moscow: Russia deliveres 20-40t with one strike and you are playing it down or ignoring it completely. But if your Nazi regime in Kiev deliveres few kg of paylod to moscow, you start here to masturbate.

Pure lunacy.
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