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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia can’t destroy Himars firing 6 rockets in 30sec. With 99% pinpoint accuracy, The rockets will reach the target over 50 miles away in 5 to 7mins. Himars truck can then travel up to 80kph. After firing Himars the truck can hide in those 7mins.
And you complain about personal insults and getting banned.


This is what your friend stated 👇 Of course, the hatred he expressed doesn't bother you, but you like to highlight when we respond to him. You're a hypocrite.

Much better is, that they don't care about the morale finger from EU when beating welfare seekers from the ME and Africa to a pulp.

That's literally their job, they're armored personnel carriers, they're not meant to fight on the front line. What the fcuk is that dork taking about?

So why do they have guns on the top then if they weren't to be joining in battle?
This is what your friend stated 👇 Of course, the hatred he expressed doesn't bother you, but you like to highlight when we respond to him. You're a hypocrite.

Childish excuses.

Seems your need more time in Afbanistan to contemplate.

If someone breaks the rules report it it.



The U.S. has supplied at least 20 HIMARS rockets to Ukraine. Their announcement to provide the weapons in June was part of a larger $700 million military aid package


HIMARS rockets have been particularly effective in fighting Russia’s offensive in Donbas by allowing Ukraine to attack Russian supply and ammunition depots.

They were also crucial in forcing Russia to withdraw from Kherson. “That was only possible because the Ukrainians had this extended strike capability to degrade those bridges. Without the HIMARS, I don’t think the Ukrainians would have liberated Kherson,” Barros says.

Until the New Year’s Day attack, HIMARS rockets had mostly been used to target Russian infrastructure. “What’s different about the recent strike is that they hit an area where there happened to be a lot of Russian military personnel, so there was a very high casualty count,” Williams says. “What we’ve seen until now is HIMARS being used to target Russian logistics and weapon and artillery stockpiles.”

On their Muslim minorities in the Caucasus, other than periodic ethnic cleansing, Russia has imposed harsh assimilation policies, including forced teaching of Russian, converting all surnames into Russian, and forced relocation.

Russia runs minority areas through local henchmen loyal to the Kremlin and brutal enough.

Russia does not give to its own ethnic minorities (especially in the Caucasus) 10% of the rights it has demanded from Ukraine.

Russia acts in abject bad faith. Uses Ukrainian minorities as an excuse for its own land grab.

If assimilation of minorities would be enough of an excuse, then the North Caucasus should have already been invaded and separated from Russia.

They call it a " tragedy"? Tragedy is when a fire or traffic accident occurs.

It is anything but tragedy. If it was a tragedy, the suicide of Hitler would have been considered a tragedy, as well.

Russian state assassinated Chechnyan president Dzhokhar Dudayev by tracking his satellite signal in 1996. That was a tragedy.


It was something avoidable.

It's a little sad to be killed because idiots use smartphones around you.

But from the enemy point of view, it's a great success.

Every smartphone in the battlefiled is a potential spy. No matter if it's in flight offline mode, it can be hacked previously and keep sending signal to enemy.

Any smartphone in the battefield should shooted like a enemy.

It was something avoidable.

It's a little sad to be killed because idiots use smartphones around you.

But from the enemy point of view, it's a great success.

Every smartphone in the battlefiled is a potential spy. No matter if it's in flight offline mode, it can be hacked previously and keep sending signal to enemy.

Any smartphone in the battefield should shooted like a enemy.

Your phone can connect to multiple masts at any time, so as you move and get further away from one, you don't drop calls as your phone searches for a better signal from another. Coverage does over lap, but the phone jumps around looking for the strongest signal. So by looking at connection strength at 2 or 3 masts you can estimate the area where the phone is. Times that by several hundred idiots using their phones would have made this an easy find for nato military intelligence.
but Russians have REAL commodities to back up its currency the Ruble- Gold, oil and gas especially- US doesnt have that available on a practical scale- and i know for a fact that in today's world, the dollar is a prostitute compared to Gold, oil and gas- its value as exchange medium is even in jeopardy as we speak.
Know that US is the top producer of oil AND gas in the world. Its industrial and consumer capacity means its economy consumes the most as well.. Both metrics are higher than Russia. You don't have to like the US, but please don't fabricate facts.
What has Pakistan gotten anything to do with what I've said? I discussed Ukraine and you brought Pakistan in. What kind of diversion is this? Try to stay on topic and don't bring in other countries which have nothing to do with the topic at hand.
Because you keep on bringing Israel persecution in this. Feel free to bring Israel's fascist rulings in a thread intended for that purpose. You keep on acting like the mouthpiece with for Tass and then complain about Western propaganda. Do you put Western news to a higher standard than Kremlin's mind control apparatus?
its not the defences or defence lines in bukhmat nor the nato equipment though ukranian are fighting well , russian fighters are fighting hard too, but they lack tactical leadership i think they need yemeni or hizboullah or irgc advisors... this is what they lack.
the whole war and whole plan and tactics arms numbers ..... every thing must have been rethought from april 2022... when the war changed from a war between russia and ukraine to a war between nato and russia in and around ukraine .
every one should hope this war ends as fast as possible... but never by a defeat for one side especially the russian side ...the end through negotiations with no winner no loser will make any other war avoidable
The US govt would never acknowledge the destruction of the HIMARS by the Russian armed forces. That would be dumb if they do it. How are they going to sell them if they acknowledge that someone else is taking them out? Use your common sense!
Thanks for confirming that you invented a reason for the US to send more HIMARS without having any facts to back it up.

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