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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

You are wrong. Every nation does the same to others. Do you think that Muslims nations or China would have done something different?

Actually, the Western countries are much better than the so called developing nations and China.

Just look how Pakistan sent all the Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan.

Just look how Arabs behave with Pakistanis.

Or just look how Pakistanis behaved with Bengalis prior to 1971.

Get your facts corrected.

Western countries are hypocritical. You have been colonizing every brown counry on the planet including those that you have now supposedly befriended and call allies LOL

Afghanistan had an illegtimate and imported government. We all know how the US/NATO lost the war in Afghanistan. You guys even failed to provide refuge to Afghan interpreters that helped you during the war. Yes, Pakistan won't provide refuge to Afghan collaborators. Deal with it.

We don't give a crap about Arabs. LOL we have already seen how much love the West shows to Arabs. Just ask the Qataris who are about to host the WC.
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Yeah, that's really hurt, there are rumour that Ukrainian have breached the other side of Dnieper in 3 points (The Kinburn, Oleshky and Nova Kakovkha). The kinburn is already confirmed, if the other 2 is true, that's a big progress
Yes that’s confirmed from what I read too. the Russians retreating 10-20km further from the Knipro because they fear Ukraine artillery. The Himars has a range of 85km, if firing long range ballistic they missiles can reach a distance of 300km.
I am allowed to use emojis if I find something laughable. There is no rule stating I cant use emojis prematurely. Just like how people are allowed to negative rate on things that dont agree with their agenda.

You can give me whatever test data you want, the fact is they have never been tested with Iranian technology. Probably either dated Soviet or old American tech.

The bottom line is that whatever the configuration, which I reject as a valid excuse, Patriots failed in defending Saudi Arabia against Iranian drones. I even gave you evidence whereby Patriot missiles are not designed for drones and low level projectiles, and other members had to remind you of this...yet you continue down this path of configurations.

What use is a patriot if its radars arent up to scratch? You're proving my point.

You basically reposted the article I gave you, and it even says in the headline that they are insufficient against Iranian power. Here's what doesnt make sense, is that patriots have been in Iraq since 2003 and were responsible for friend fire:

There is also no evidence that they left Iraq either so I reject the propaganda that they came to the rescue after Ain al Assad.

1. You are allowed to use emojis (absolutely) but apply them in sensible ways. It is NOT OK to habitually laugh at posts of a particular member to show your disagreement because chances are that you might be wrong. Debate your points and see how it goes. You might correct a point or two but your other points might be proven wrong.

And when a Mod tells you to stop, you stop. Mods understand Forum Rules well enough.

2. You think Americans cannot conduct realistic tests? What is so special about Iranian technology that Americans cannot replicate in house to stress-test their systems? US is globally respected for its technological prowess - they teach others how to do it.

3. Saudi Patriot configuration(s) are equipped with older AN/MPG-53 radar system. The Patriot battery stationed near Abqaiq oil refinery was equipped with a single AN/MPG-53 radar system when Iran attacked said refinery in 2019; the radar system's Line-Of-Sight (120 degree) was easily bypassed because it was pointed towards Yemen. I pointed out this problem back then:

How to address this problem?

A single Patriot missile defense radar can’t watch both high and low at oncebut the whole point of IBCS is to connect previously incompatible systems, in this case Patriot and Sentinel, and let any command post on the network get high-fidelity data from different kinds of radars in different locations.

US introduced much better AN/MPG-64 Sentinel radar system for the Patriot system to detect and track new types of threats including drones and cruise missiles, and also programmed the Patriot system to take cues from multiple sophisticated radar systems in the state-of-the-art IBCS Patriot configuration to defeat drones and cruise missiles. This technology was tested in-house.

Further evidence:

Saudi do NOT have IBCS Patriot configuration.

I have repeatedly pointed out that Saudi have work to do. But they are busy antagonizing US. Iran and Houthi see opportunity in this rift.

4. So you reject FACTS because they do not fit your narrative? Very constructive. No wonder you are putting off other members left, right and center.


NATO have remarkable surveillance capabilities. They can see a lot of activity in real time.

They do not need to "investigate" as stated in some articles. They know what happened.

Now the point is about doing something about it or chicken out. Now the ball is in your court.

Your side talks about BALLS. Time for your side to show them.

Nobody will play with nuclear button too soon. This is talk of COWARDS.

Ukraine have shown more BALLS than many countries put together in this war. They have conducted operations inside Russian mainland. Zelenskyy put many braggers to SHAME.

Let us see how mighty Poland is now. Easy to TALK SHIT about Russia from a distance when your country wasn't burning.
I think Chinese elite loves more USA than Russia.

If you are rich, do you would spend your money in Miami or in Siberia?
As someone who knows China in and out, I tell you a secret: Chinese are capitalists. They want to become rich. The weaker the poorer Russia becomes, the cheaper they can buy from the dumb nationalist Putin. As for US or the West, despite their love of anti west rhetoric they will be the first that buy overpriced Tesla and French bags.
Yes that’s confirmed from what I read too. the Russians retreating 10-20km further from the Knipro because they fear Ukraine artillery. The Himars has a range of 85km, if firing long range ballistic they missiles can reach a distance of 300km.
This is going to be fun.

Even British source confirmed Ukrainian force is in Kinburn, if Russia don't get it right, they might have their entire left flank rolled by the Ukrainian, that would not be good,
That's the stupidest logic; it's like saying Pakistan wouldn't carpet bomb India due to some weird blood relations. If you go to war, you go full throttle and leave nothing on the table except for nukes as a last resort. Going in half-assed, you lose before you start the fight and do a significant disservice to your armed personnel who are decomposing 6 feet under.

In my opinion, not much will happen after their meeting except, as you said, to serve tea and biscuits.
Beautifully said, bro.

Some members think that Russia is on a picnic ride in Ukraine - they are soft. Utterly deluded.

Russian forces have bombed some towns and cities to dust, and some troops have committed horrible crimes in some regions. Various sectors of Ukraine plunged to darkness in the present due to frightening volleys of standoff munitions that keep coming after a gap.

I told some members that Russia is attacking Ukraine in force and you guys will see horrible things in time.

Some are still in denial. These members should be dispatched to Ukraine - then they will understand how cozy and comfy they are in their homes. People never learn.

Ukranian fighting spirit is tremendous. They have fought back to mitigate loss of property and lives across the country. Ukraine is creating history unlike many countries.
Beautifully said, bro.

Some members think that Russia is on a picnic ride in Ukraine - they are soft. Utterly deluded.

Russian forces have bombed some towns and cities to dust, and some troops have committed horrible crimes in some regions. Various sectors of Ukraine plunged to darkness in the present due to frightening volleys of standoff munitions that keep coming after a gap.

I told some members that Russia is attacking Ukraine in force and you guys will see horrible things in time.

Some are still in denial. These members should be dispatched to Ukraine - then they will understand how cozy and comfy they are in their homes. People never learn.

Ukranian fighting spirit is tremendous. They have fought back to mitigate loss of property and lives across the country. Ukraine is creating history unlike many countries.

Some members here are too much deluded after decades of being fed of the Russian military might when it is a force rigged with incompetence, corruption and nepotism. So much deluded that they come with claims such as "Russia is soft" "They are sending second rate forces in Ukraine" "The real army is in Russia waiting for NATO".
Nah, the real problem is the West fear their domination of the World being lost to an Asian power. China does not export their political system to the World, while the West is pushing their democracy to the World like the Jesus preachers did to the native "savages" in their colonies.

Why do you people hate democracy so much? i mean I know you people are savages and all. But the ability to vote for someone to represent you is good. Just look at Putin & Xi Jinping to see how they run their country to the ground. Would be nice if someone beat them in an election.

You see... Democracy is *checks note* good.
You want to indulge in small issues.

US supported Ukraine or not, but the final results stay the same that Russia is getting the beating and losing war and economy.

The missile attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure are also temporary. Sooner or later, Russia will lose this battle too, while Russian combined with Iran cannot win against NATO supplies.

Israel and India are very much a non-issue here. What they are doing is wrong, but still it is very much a non-issue and will not have effects to change the results of actual war.

You are wrong. Every nation does the same to others. Do you think that Muslims nations or China would have done something different?

Actually, the Western countries are much better than the so called developing nations and China.

Just look how Pakistan sent all the Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan.

Just look how Arabs behave with Pakistanis.

Or just look how Pakistanis behaved with Bengalis prior to 1971.

People forget that a lot of third world nations engages in subhuman savagery it's not just the West.

India and the surrounding countries blocking the rohingyas, China with their ethnic minorities, Russia with everything they do, The West with the refugee crisis. Even Africa & Asia are just as cruel if not more crueller than the West. And engages in just as much hypocrisy.

China & Russia especially their foreign policy can be sum up in just 4 words: "Two Wrongs, Makes Right."
I like how this thread goes back and forth between talking about the war and then talking about Islam and Muslim nations. 🙃
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