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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

This is again escalating fast. Russia is showing that even if it fires a salvo of missiles US/NATO cannot do much other than denouncing.

I mean they’ll keep taking back their territory as they have been.
What’s Russia going to do 🤷🏿‍♂️

Russia is firing missiles upon missiles. Crippling Ukrainian power infrastructure. How will Ukraine fight during a harsh winter?


Unlikely that Poland missile fired from Russia - Biden

Oldie did a U-turn. Oldie understands the consequences. If the US admits that Russia fired a missile against a NATO member it would mean an actual war against Russia.

Dude, admit it. Russia has done all it could and the US/NATO stood as spectators. Providing weapons to Ukraine is nowhere near enough. Like I said before, apart from economic sanctions the US/NATO have no other options.
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NATO is low on men, money, ammunition, good rail network, good military vehicles, so this is wise.

True, but hopefully not, they have to duke it out conventional- but NATO will lose alot of soldiers either way, for one, because of lack of element of surprise- Russia is already in a war, so that makes Russia already prepared, but NATO countries just have postures and forces hanging out- are they REALLY REALLY ready to die for an attempt to use Ukraine as their next proxy?

but Russia has destroyed so many of the Ukranians, its increasingly fighting NATO- just as mercenaries for now, but still...NATO forces are getting closer and their citizens are fighting in larger numbers- and if you really think Russia is low enough on ammunition that its not prepared for NATO, you will will learn the hard way.
Your predictions and “screenshot this” expertise has been wrong on every occasion.

This trash “analysis” falls in the same bin.
Nato has 3 million standing army. Yet “running out of men”

Your predictions and “screenshot this” expertise has been wrong on every occasion.

This trash “analysis” falls in the same bin.
Nato has 3 million standing army. Yet “running out of men”


Stop bluffing. That time has long passed. NATO did nothing when actual help was required. Even the Ukrainians have openly lambasted US/NATO for doing nothing. Your 3 million standing army has only stood and watched the spectacle. That is the bitter truth.

Even the Polish are now saying one thing and the US president something else. You need to admit the reality. Russia isn't Iraq/Afghanistan. You won't attack Russia directly with force because Russia has the ability to strike back and even start a World War.

Even your staunchest allies like India and Israel are taking a cautious approach by limiting their support to US/NATO. They abstain at UN votes and provide lip service. Modi says that time for war is over LMAO India continues to buy cheap Russian oil.
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Stop bluffing. That time has long passed. NATO did nothing when actual help was required. Even the Ukrainians have openly lambasted US/NATO for doing nothing.

Without western money, intel, military support Ukraine would have been overrun instead of retaking 50% of the territory russia occupied.

Ukranians ofcourse always like to see more help…however they are not a Nato member.
Your 3 million standing army has only stood and watched the spectacle. That is the bitter truth.

Even now the Polish are saying one thing and the US president something else. You need to admit the reality. Russia isn't Iraq/Afghanistan. You won't attack Russia directly with force because Russia has the ability to strike back and even start a World War.
Russia has thousands of nukes. (Apart from a considerable standing army, though conventionally no near peer)
Ukraine is not a nato member.

So in that context….Ofcourse Nato is not rushing to start worldwar/nuclear holocaust to “look tough”. What are you…an 8 year old?

US saying it wasn’t Russian missiles

Likely an S-300 missile

We have 2 ground truths:
  1. Multiple radar operators confirming they clearly seen 2 manuevering cruise missiles going there
  2. A Russian propaganda channel posting a photo of a missile flange earlier than anybody in the Poland itself
After that we have 2 reactions:
  1. MH-17 style denial being issued by RU
  2. Biden going - "not deny, not confirm"

Without western money, intel, military support Ukraine would have been overrun instead of retaking 50% of the territory russia occupied.

Ukranians ofcourse always like to see more help…however they are not a Nato member.

Russia has thousands of nukes. (Apart from a considerable standing army, though conventionally no near peer)
Ukraine is not a nato member.

So in that context….Ofcourse Nato is not rushing to start worldwar/nuclear holocaust to “look tough”. What are you…an 8 year old?

Give it up. The writing is on the wall. You have no answers. Russia is walking away unscathed.

LOL Biden U-turn is laughable. Even the NATO is now hiding behind an investigation. Why is Biden already claiming that Russia didn't fire the missile when the investigation isn't concluded yet?
Nah, the real problem is the West fear their domination of the World being lost to an Asian power. China does not export their political system to the World, while the West is pushing their democracy to the World like the Jesus preachers did to the native "savages" in their colonies.

It is not about EXPORTING only, China is always on the other side of equation on human rights.
For example, if West has issue with human rights in Iran, then China will be supporting Iran.
The same is with Russia.
The same is with North Korea.

So, why should the western people support Chinese Government when it is always standing on the other side and bringing negative results for the western people?

Just imagine, if the Western countries are standing on the opposite side, would it be possible for China to still support them?

The problems with China didn't started after it became a economic power, but these problems existed much before that.

And the western people also question the logic to have economical ties with China, when it is always standing on the other side.
It is not about EXPORTING only, China is always on the other side of equation on human rights.
For example, if West has issue with human rights in Iran, then China will be supporting Iran.
The same is with Russia.
The same is with North Korea.

So, why should the western people support Chinese Government when it is always standing on the other side and bringing negative results for the western people?

Just imagine, if the Western countries are standing on the opposite side, would it be possible for China to still support them?

The problems with China didn't started after it became a economic power, but these problems existed much before that.

And the western people also question the logic to have economical ties with China, when it is always standing on the other side.

The real problem is that Western powers have problems with almost every developing country. First they colonised, plundered and subjugated developing nations. In today's era, developing nations are economically subjugated.

Bigger nations like China and Russia cannot be bullied into submission. Hence Western chagrin and continued propaganda against both nations.
Stop bluffing. That time has long passed. NATO did nothing when actual help was required. Even the Ukrainians have openly lambasted US/NATO for doing nothing. Your 3 million standing army has only stood and watched the spectacle. That is the bitter truth.

Even now the Polish are saying one thing and the US president something else. You need to admit the reality. Russia isn't Iraq/Afghanistan. You won't attack Russia directly with force because Russia has the ability to strike back and even start a World War.

Even your staunchest allies like India and Israel are taking a cautious approach by limiting their support to US/NATO. They abstain at UN votes and provide lip service. Modi says that time for war is over LMAO India continues to buy cheap Russian oil.

You want to indulge in small issues.

US supported Ukraine or not, but the final results stay the same that Russia is getting the beating and losing war and economy.

The missile attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure are also temporary. Sooner or later, Russia will lose this battle too, while Russian combined with Iran cannot win against NATO supplies.

Israel and India are very much a non-issue here. What they are doing is wrong, but still it is very much a non-issue and will not have effects to change the results of actual war.

The real problem is that Western powers have problems with almost every developing country. First they colonised, plundered and subjugated developing nations. In today's era, developing nations are economically subjugated.

Bigger nations like China and Russia cannot be bullied into submission. Hence Western chagrin and continued propaganda against both nations.

You are wrong. Every nation does the same to others. Do you think that Muslims nations or China would have done something different?

Actually, the Western countries are much better than the so called developing nations and China.

Just look how Pakistan sent all the Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan.

Just look how Arabs behave with Pakistanis.

Or just look how Pakistanis behaved with Bengalis prior to 1971.
You want to indulge in small issues.

US supported Ukraine or not, but the final results stay the same that Russia is getting the beating and losing war and economy.

The missile attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure are also temporary. Sooner or later, Russia will lose this battle too, while Russian combined with Iran cannot win against NATO supplies.

Israel and India are very much a non-issue here. What they are doing is wrong, but still it is very much a non-issue and will not have effects to change the results of actual war.

All wishful thinking on your part. At the end of the day, Russia walks away with more strategically important territory for itself. Something you will never admit. That cannot be termed as loss for Russia.

Russia has turned off the gas tap and the whole world has seen how this has impacted the world economy in so many ways. Initially we heard so much bluff from your side. Russia wasn't going to survive. We all know how that turned out. Almost a year on and Russia is still pouncing Ukraine as we speak.

It isn't temporary. It is ongoing and Russians won't stop until they have completely crippled Ukrainian power grids etc. If it was temporary the Russians wouldn't have carried out multiple missile strikes until now.

The flip flopping by the US is also a dead give away. Biden claims that Russia didn't hit Poland with a missile. Poland and Ukraine claim that Russia fired the missile. It is an absurd comedy.

India and Israel have shown you guys the mirror. They claim to be your best buddies outside the Western region. Their muted response and lip sevice is known to everyone.
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The fall of a Ukrainian 5V55 S-300 SAM missile near the town of Hrubieshu in Poland once again confirmed reports of problems with these missiles. The video shows the recent launch of a Ukrainian missile of the S-300 air defense system. The rocket flies a little and the rocket's solid fuel explodes, this can be seen from the characteristic explosion that occurs in such cases. The fact is that the shelf life of S-300 air defense missiles is 20 years. The last Ukrainian missiles were fired in 1990, then they simply tried to extend their shelf life at the Zhulyansk machine-building plant "Vizar". It turns out that the shelf life of Ukrainian S-300 air defense missiles has already been exceeded by almost 13 years, so the number of cases of their self-destruction and incorrect operation will grow every day. The problem with missiles is also relevant for the Buk-M1 air defense system of Ukraine, there have already been cases of their incorrect operation.

The Ukrainian engineering barrier vehicle IMR-2 was hit by a Russian Lancet kamikaze drone. The IMR-2 obstacle blocking machine is designed to create columned paths in difficult places for the advancement of troops, in simple terms, the machine makes temporary roads. IMR-2 also creates passages in minefields.

The President of Ukraine showed footage of the assembly of Ukrainian sea drones. The same kamikaze boats were recently used in Sevastopol. The length of the new marine drone of Ukraine will be 5.5 meters, the cruising range is 800 km, and the operational range is 400 km. It is reported that the drone has an autonomy of up to 60 hours. The total mass of the sea drone is about 1000 kg, the mass of the warhead is up to 200 kg. The travel speed can reach 80 km/h. The cost of the drone is currently $10,000. Now in Ukraine, a fundraising for the industrial production of this type of drones has been announced.

Combat use of Russian Lancet kamikaze drones in Ukraine. A howitzer of the Ukrainian army fell under the impact of the Lancet drone, but it was not possible to establish the model of the weapon.

Footage of a Ukrainian-made Humvee armored vehicle hit by a mine has been published. The video was filmed during one of their attacks by mobile groups of the Ukrainian army, there were only two Humvee vehicles in the group, the second Ukrainian armored personnel carrier left.


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