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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

You did! You said Patriot systems werent configured properly. This is irrelevant and a lame excuses. Iranian drones outmaneurvered Patriots and that's the reality.

What are you talking about?! Patriots are in Iraq and have an ABM role:

"In addition to these roles, Patriot has been given the function of the U.S. Army's anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system, which is now Patriot's primary mission. The system is expected to stay fielded until at least 2040.[5]"

They are also insufficient against Iran, got nothing to do with "configuration":

Wrong, when Iran launch the ballistic missiles in retaliation against U.S. bases, there were no Patriots at the time. There was no need since at the time U.S. was fighting ISIS that doesn't have ballistic missiles. And even your Iranian military showed before and after changes with the attacks where there was no radars in Iraq and then afterwards there were tons of them. Even the Iranian posters posted and talked about it. I'm sure someone can post it here to show it.

I found it funny for these Russian worshipper.

Aren't y'all saying Russia is fighting NATO gloriously?? Now it is the EXACT chance to put Russian money where their mouth is and ACTUALLY fight some NATO, why all these suddenly become "This is false flag' and "This is Ukrainian provocation" Aren't these exactly what y'all Russian supporter looking for??


:lol: :lol:
Exactly. Always claim they are actually fighting NATO (Ukraine) until when real NATO comes. Then it becomes denial.

There are two issue here if this is ruled to be accidental.

1.) NATO can still response, just not with direct Military interaction. IE boots on the ground.
2.) Poland or Selective country can response on their own. Military interaction can be done thru that

Don't forget, whether or not this is an accidental attack, this may not involve NATO, but as per international law, Poland could response. Because that is a military attack on Poland Soil. Which mean Poland can seek help and form an alliance on the issue and that alliance can per international law involve in the "self-defence operation". Which mean basically it will be the same, if the big player in NATO response to Poland call.
Should be a limited attack in response. Like hitting a Russian base in Kherson or even Crimea. Let the Russians know not to send missiles into western Ukraine near Poland.
Patriot configurations are NOT homogeneous around the world - there are technical differences in launchers, interceptors, and even radar systems in use.

I pointed out that Americans have demonstrated Patriot configurations that can detect, track and intercept drones and/or cruise missiles in real time. I can present evidence of these live-fire trials, if necessary.

Question mark is on Saudi Patriot configurations:

"It's not an interceptor-shortage problem: It's a radar problem. Those radars are not able to detect low-flying weapons," Saab explained.

As for BMDS capability in Iraq:

The Department of Defense confirmed last week that it deployed Patriot air and missile defense systems to Iraq. The two batteries went to Ain al-Asad Air Base and Irbil Air Base — three months after Tehran targeted those bases with ballistic missile attacks. Tehran took advantage of the lack of ballistic missile defenses, inju
ring dozens of U.S. troops.

Clear enough?

Do not laugh at my posts "prematurely." Take this as a warning. WE are not exchanging jokes here.

I am allowed to use emojis if I find something laughable. There is no rule stating I cant use emojis prematurely. Just like how people are allowed to negative rate on things that dont agree with their agenda.

You can give me whatever test data you want, the fact is they have never been tested with Iranian technology. Probably either dated Soviet or old American tech.

The bottom line is that whatever the configuration, which I reject as a valid excuse, Patriots failed in defending Saudi Arabia against Iranian drones. I even gave you evidence whereby Patriot missiles are not designed for drones and low level projectiles, and other members had to remind you of this...yet you continue down this path of configurations.

What use is a patriot if its radars arent up to scratch? You're proving my point.

You basically reposted the article I gave you, and it even says in the headline that they are insufficient against Iranian power. Here's what doesnt make sense, is that patriots have been in Iraq since 2003 and were responsible for friend fire:

There is also no evidence that they left Iraq either so I reject the propaganda that they came to the rescue after Ain al Assad.
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This thread is hilarious. If Russia wanted to it could have carpet bombed Ukraine like America did to Iraq, Korea and Vietnam. The Russians choose not to do so.

Russia could have in fact dropped a single nuclear bomb in the outskirts of a major Ukrainian city and the war would be over.

The only reason they are not doing so it because Ukrainians are their blood brothers.

Russia cannot carpet bomb Ukraine because VKS is unable to overcome Ukranian A2/AD assets.

From early March, the VKS lost the ability to operate in Ukrainian-controlled airspace except at very low altitudes due to its inability to reliably suppress or destroy increasingly effective, well-dispersed and mobile Ukrainian surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems.


Without air superiority, Russia’s attempts at strategic air attack have been limited to expensive cruise and ballistic missile barrages at a much more limited scale. These failed to achieve strategically decisive damage during the first seven months of the invasion. However, the latest iteration is a more focused and sustainable bombardment of the Ukrainian electricity grid, blending hundreds of cheap Iranian-supplied Shahed-136 loitering munitions against substations with continued use of cruise and ballistic missiles against larger targets.

Carpet bombing = not possible

Use of standoff munitions = possible
The war can only ends with negotiation, and by "the war" I don't mean just this one, because even after Ukraine successfully push Russian off everywhere that was belong to Ukraine prior to 2022 or even 2014, the Russo-Ukrainian will NOT end there, this will only be part 1 (or 2 if you count 2014 as well) of the Russo-Ukrainian war. As long as the ambition is there, Russia will come back for Part 2, 3 or 4 or whenever until they either got bored or have no mean to continue.

The only way I can see this war went out is to basically just grant Ukraine NATO membership. They may as well be, after we have send them that many advance equipment and let them know our secret and share our Intel capability with them, it would be stupid not to include Ukraine in NATO? Because it would be extremely stupid to have all these hardware and knowledge to either go back to Russia or worse, went to China, if NATO dump Ukraine.

I don't think Ukrainian are willing to negotiate unless NATO membership is on the table, because if not, there are no way it can guarantee Russia won't come back and do a Part 2. And then I think Russia is not going to like that. Which mean mostly, the war continue.
Could be like the Korean War with a truce but hasn't ended. So in a scenario where Ukraine kicks the Russians out but Putin refuses to end the war. Artillery strikes, special forces, missile strikes etc. like you see with the Korean War during the Cold War days where skirmishes are ongoing. North Korea firing artillery, sneaking in special forces by submarine, North Korean and South Korea ships sometimes firing on each other, even a South Korea ship being sunk.

Russia cannot carpet bomb Ukraine because VKS is unable to overcome Ukranian A2/AD assets.

From early March, the VKS lost the ability to operate in Ukrainian-controlled airspace except at very low altitudes due to its inability to reliably suppress or destroy increasingly effective, well-dispersed and mobile Ukrainian surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems.


Without air superiority, Russia’s attempts at strategic air attack have been limited to expensive cruise and ballistic missile barrages at a much more limited scale. These failed to achieve strategically decisive damage during the first seven months of the invasion. However, the latest iteration is a more focused and sustainable bombardment of the Ukrainian electricity grid, blending hundreds of cheap Iranian-supplied Shahed-136 loitering munitions against substations with continued use of cruise and ballistic missiles against larger targets.

Carpet bombing = not possible

Use of standoff munitions = possible
I be happy to see them try and lose a bunch of strategic bombers that were a threat to NATO.
Wrong, when Iran launch the ballistic missiles in retaliation against U.S. bases, there were no Patriots at the time. There was no need since at the time U.S. was fighting ISIS that doesn't have ballistic missiles. And even your Iranian military showed before and after changes with the attacks where there was no radars in Iraq and then afterwards there were tons of them. Even the Iranian posters posted and talked about it. I'm sure someone can post it here to show it.

No, YOURE wrong! Patriots have been in Iraq since 2003 and have never left. This is some fairytale propaganda that they came to the rescue after 2020. Iraq and then Iran was always a missile threat throught the Iraq invasion and resurgency. Obviously you yanks beefed up your shit after getting embarrased by us, but that doesnt negate the fact patriots where present in Iraq and would have had to have radars. There is no way a US base was operating there without ABM protection or radars. To add to that, Iran was a threat since 2005, US was too busy arming ISIS to fight the shia. Stop revising history we all lived through, you may be able to do it with The Crusades or the World Wars, but not with post 9/11 wars.
No, YOURE wrong! Patriots have been in Iraq since 2003 and have never left. This is some fairytale propaganda that they came to the rescue after 2020. Iraq and then Iran was always a missile threat throught the Iraq invasion and resurgency. Obviously you yanks beefed up your shit after getting embarrased by us, but that doesnt negate the fact patriots where present in Iraq and would have had to have radars. There is no way a US base was operating there without ABM protection or radars. To add to that, Iran was a threat since 2005, US was too busy arming ISIS to fight the shia. Stop revising history we all lived through, you may be able to do it with The Crusades or the World Wars, but not with post 9/11 wars.
LOL! Did you see any evidence of Patriots being used during the attacks? Did you?

Patriot missile defense systems now active in Iraq, say US officials​

By Lolita C. Baldor, The Associated Press
Apr 13, 2020

WASHINGTON — New air defense systems are now protecting American and allied forces at military bases in Iraq where troops have been attacked by Iranian-backed insurgents in recent months, according to U.S. officials.

Patriot missile launchers and two other short-range systems are now in place at al-Asad Air Base, where Iran carried out a massive ballistic missile attack against U.S. and coalition troops in January, and at the military base in Irbil, said officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive weapons movement. A short-range rocket defense system was installed at Camp Taji.

The military has been gradually moving the defensive systems into Iraq over the last few months to provide more protection for troops that have seen a series of rocket and missile attacks.

Soon after Iran launched a massive ballistic missile assault against troops at al-Asad in January, questions were raised about the lack of air defense systems at the bases. But it has taken time to overcome tensions and negotiate with Iraqi leaders, and to also locate defense systems that could be shifted into Iraq. Prior to the missile attacks, U.S. military leaders did not believe the systems were needed there, more than in other locations around the world where such strikes are more frequent.

The systems are now operational, as top U.S. officials warn that threats from Iranian proxy groups continue.
This thread is hilarious. If Russia wanted to it could have carpet bombed Ukraine like America did to Iraq, Korea and Vietnam. The Russians choose not to do so.

Russia could have in fact dropped a single nuclear bomb in the outskirts of a major Ukrainian city and the war would be over.

The only reason they are not doing so it because Ukrainians are their blood brothers.
Exactly, but cheerleaers here want war.
This thread is hilarious. If Russia wanted to it could have carpet bombed Ukraine like America did to Iraq, Korea and Vietnam. The Russians choose not to do so.

Russia could have in fact dropped a single nuclear bomb in the outskirts of a major Ukrainian city and the war would be over.

The only reason they are not doing so it because Ukrainians are their blood brothers.
More like the Russians couldn't afford to lose those bombers. And Ukrainians still have MIGs and Sukhois flying around with air to air missiles. And using a nuke is just stupid, not because the Ukrainians are their so called blood brothers, I mean looking at how they are treating them right now.
This thread is hilarious. If Russia wanted to it could have carpet bombed Ukraine like America did to Iraq, Korea and Vietnam. The Russians choose not to do so.

Russia could have in fact dropped a single nuclear bomb in the outskirts of a major Ukrainian city and the war would be over.

The only reason they are not doing so it because Ukrainians are their blood brothers.

What a load of crap.

You just have to look at Mariupol and cities and villages of eastern Ukraine which have been leveled and carpet bombed to the last house.

Yes but this isn't call of duty where you drop nuclear weapons in a war of agression and BTW the US has made clear they would respond,the reason Russia backed down,surely not because "they see Ukrainians as brothers". The US would simply pulverize Russia. Russia can't even capture a road intersection in eastern Ukraine for months and some here believe the Russian army is some kind of capable fighting force,lmao.

Russians are leveling entire Ukrainian cities,killing,raping,pillaging everything they can find but "they don't because Ukrainian are their blood brothers",lmao.
This thread is hilarious. If Russia wanted to it could have carpet bombed Ukraine like America did to Iraq, Korea and Vietnam. The Russians choose not to do so.

Russia could have in fact dropped a single nuclear bomb in the outskirts of a major Ukrainian city and the war would be over.

The only reason they are not doing so it because Ukrainians are their blood brothers.

That's the stupidest logic; it's like saying Pakistan wouldn't carpet bomb India due to some weird blood relations. If you go to war, you go full throttle and leave nothing on the table except for nukes as a last resort. Going in half-assed, you lose before you start the fight and do a significant disservice to your armed personnel who are decomposing 6 feet under.

It was easy to TALK SHIT about Russia while using Ukraine as a proxy?

Now that a NATO member state Poland is struck, a meeting is called tomorrow to serve tea and cookies to bureaucratic cowards who will reassure each other with empty patting and discuss ways to minimize the incident.

It was an accident....

What if Putin is not playing games anymore? What if this attack is a soft reminder to NATO to back off now?

WE shall see how tough NATO really is.

In my opinion, not much will happen after their meeting except, as you said, to serve tea and biscuits.
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“I ain’t gonna go to war for two Romanian peasants. Losers”

Donald J. Trump

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