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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

confirmed and what

that Ukraine attacked a NATO country and killed its citizen .
every body knew its Ukraine S-300 that hit Poland because no S-300 from Russia controlled areas can reach Poland .

Indeed its time for bringing Article 5 of NATO , its time to give western part of Ukraine to Poland
Russia is known to lob missile from Belarus, and it's known Russian uses S-300 for ground attack, it's not that far from Brest to the Poland-Ukrainian border. It's well within range of S-300 range.
I do not make lame excuses for any side. I am Facts & Figures oriented.

US has not fielded BMDS in Iraq.

You did! You said Patriot systems werent configured properly. This is irrelevant and a lame excuses. Iranian drones outmaneurvered Patriots and that's the reality.

What are you talking about?! Patriots are in Iraq and have an ABM role:

"In addition to these roles, Patriot has been given the function of the U.S. Army's anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system, which is now Patriot's primary mission. The system is expected to stay fielded until at least 2040.[5]"

They are also insufficient against Iran, got nothing to do with "configuration":

1. Not true.

2. These lame bureaucratic proceedings show LACK of spine to respond to Russian moves in quick fashion under the garb of "investigations." As if NATO does not have surveillance assets in place to fugure out what happened in Poland.

So NATO will take 1 day to call a meeting in which burgers and tea will be served to a bunch of bureaucratic cowards to reassure each other? Then NATO will take another day to condemn Russia? Then NATO will take another day to announce more sanctions on Russia? Then NATO will take another day to announce more aid to Ukraine?

About time NATO shows what it can do when up against a big power besides application of proxy warfare.

Ukraine has shown much more spine than NATO in my view. Shame.
Its not in NATO's interest to escalate. Miscalculations can lead to a nuclear exchange. Arming the Ukrainians to bleed the Russians is the most effective approach for NATO.
Russia is known to lob missile from Belarus, and it's known Russian uses S-300 for ground attack, it's not that far from Brest to the Poland-Ukrainian border. It's well within range of S-300 range.
and its well known Ukraine hit Apartment's building with S-300 in Kiev :devil:
This thread is hilarious. If Russia wanted to it could have carpet bombed Ukraine like America did to Iraq, Korea and Vietnam. The Russians choose not to do so.

Russia could have in fact dropped a single nuclear bomb in the outskirts of a major Ukrainian city and the war would be over.

The only reason they are not doing so it because Ukrainians are their blood brothers.
and its well known Ukraine hit Apartment's building with S-300 in Kiev :devil:
That does not negate anything I said, in fact, I remember I have debated with you about S-300 being used to hit ground target, and I remember you agreed it was being used by Russian.

This thread is hilarious. If Russia wanted to it could have carpet bombed Ukraine like America did to Iraq, Korea and Vietnam. The Russians choose not to do so.

Russia could have in fact dropped a single nuclear bomb in the outskirts of a major Ukrainian city and the war would be over.

The only reason they are not doing so it because Ukrainians are their blood brothers.
It's like when US invaded Canada in 1812.

We didn't burn you to the ground because Canadian is blood brother to the US. LOL

If they are blood bother, you wouldn't invade at all lol..........what a pile of dog shit.
You did! You said Patriot systems werent configured properly. This is irrelevant and a lame excuses. Iranian drones outmaneurvered Patriots and that's the reality.

What are you talking about?! Patriots are in Iraq and have an ABM role:

"In addition to these roles, Patriot has been given the function of the U.S. Army's anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system, which is now Patriot's primary mission. The system is expected to stay fielded until at least 2040.[5]"

They are also insufficient against Iran, got nothing to do with "configuration":

Patriot configurations are NOT homogeneous around the world - there are technical differences in launchers, interceptors, and even radar systems in use.

I pointed out that Americans have demonstrated Patriot configurations that can detect, track and intercept drones and/or cruise missiles in real time. I can present evidence of these live-fire trials, if necessary.

Question mark is on Saudi Patriot configurations:

"It's not an interceptor-shortage problem: It's a radar problem. Those radars are not able to detect low-flying weapons," Saab explained.

As for BMDS capability in Iraq:

The Department of Defense confirmed last week that it deployed Patriot air and missile defense systems to Iraq. The two batteries went to Ain al-Asad Air Base and Irbil Air Base — three months after Tehran targeted those bases with ballistic missile attacks. Tehran took advantage of the lack of ballistic missile defenses, inju
ring dozens of U.S. troops.

Clear enough?

Do not laugh at my posts "prematurely." Take this as a warning. WE are not exchanging jokes here.
Its not in NATO's interest to escalate.
NATO is low on men, money, ammunition, good rail network, good military vehicles, so this is wise.
Miscalculations can lead to a nuclear exchange.
True, but hopefully not, they have to duke it out conventional- but NATO will lose alot of soldiers either way, for one, because of lack of element of surprise- Russia is already in a war, so that makes Russia already prepared, but NATO countries just have postures and forces hanging out- are they REALLY REALLY ready to die for an attempt to use Ukraine as their next proxy?
Arming the Ukrainians to bleed the Russians is the most effective approach for NATO.
but Russia has destroyed so many of the Ukranians, its increasingly fighting NATO- just as mercenaries for now, but still...NATO forces are getting closer and their citizens are fighting in larger numbers- and if you really think Russia is low enough on ammunition that its not prepared for NATO, you will will learn the hard way.
That does not negate anything I said, in fact, I remember I have debated with you about S-300 being used to hit ground target, and I remember you agreed it was being used by Russian.
I never deny it , as I recall the discussion was about if it would be precise in that role or not
but the question is from where the missile get fired . Russian controlled areas ? I don't think you suggest that as you knew its impossible .
only remain two options , somewhere in western part of Ukraine or Belarus . the longest range S-300 missile is 200km the village is more than 130km from the nearest possible Belarus air-defense (I say possible because I don't knew where exactly they are, Do you knew where the nearest to the village is) but only 65km from Lviv.

and well Lviv was under attack guess what they use against those Russian missiles
Its not in NATO's interest to escalate. Miscalculations can lead to a nuclear exchange. Arming the Ukrainians to bleed the Russians is the most effective approach for NATO.

It was easy to TALK SHIT about Russia while using Ukraine as a proxy?

Now that a NATO member state Poland is struck, a meeting is called tomorrow to serve tea and cookies to bureaucratic cowards who will reassure each other with empty patting and discuss ways to minimize the incident.

It was an accident....

What if Putin is not playing games anymore? What if this attack is a soft reminder to NATO to back off now?

WE shall see how tough NATO really is.
This thread is hilarious. If Russia wanted to it could have carpet bombed Ukraine like America did to Iraq, Korea and Vietnam. The Russians choose not to do so.

Russia could have in fact dropped a single nuclear bomb in the outskirts of a major Ukrainian city and the war would be over.

The only reason they are not doing so it because Ukrainians are their blood brothers.
Cain would have been proud of Kremlin
What a beautiful geopolitical move by Russia.

They have now attacked the most vocal, and rabidly anti Russian state in NATO. This puts nato in a corner

Take it in the a** and move on, or directly respond on Russian territory

I will bet any amount of money/ any body organ that NATO will take the L and move on

This will be a shocking wakeup call for those little fart in the air baltic states. If they really think western euros would sacrifice nuclear anahilation to save some latvian/lithuanians… lol

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