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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Looks like there will be a formal military response of sorts.. The nature of the reporting itself suggest this wont be brushed away under the carpet. Poland/Lativa/Estonia have been itching for a more robust action against Russia when the Russia-Ukraine war started ...

Rather careless of Russia to be targeting locations so close to NATO terrority ...

It may be Poland who will militarily respond to an attack on its terrority and then Russia can decide if NATO's Article 5 is real or not ....

Lets see...

So the response to a probable accident is a declaration of war?
It’s no abuse of power when I give negative rating for an open insult with the N-word and even more if justifying this brutal and unjustified war with the othe N-word as of all Ukranians including women, kids and elders are Nazis and there are justified to be killed.

As such stop with these insults and offence and I won‘t rate you, otherwise I will continue anr report your BS!

You don’t do the same when racism is used against Iranians.

Look at the comments made by Beny
Interesting, you make good points. China does not seem to be behind Russia and wants a settlement. Russia is maybe hoping it can annex those two territories where it declared as Russian , and end the war. Ukraine does not seem down for that so Russia is stuck. Putin doesn't seem to have an exit plan. If the West can provide for him an exit plan where he can save some face, I'd say the war would be behind us.

The war can only ends with negotiation, and by "the war" I don't mean just this one, because even after Ukraine successfully push Russian off everywhere that was belong to Ukraine prior to 2022 or even 2014, the Russo-Ukrainian will NOT end there, this will only be part 1 (or 2 if you count 2014 as well) of the Russo-Ukrainian war. As long as the ambition is there, Russia will come back for Part 2, 3 or 4 or whenever until they either got bored or have no mean to continue.

The only way I can see this war went out is to basically just grant Ukraine NATO membership. They may as well be, after we have send them that many advance equipment and let them know our secret and share our Intel capability with them, it would be stupid not to include Ukraine in NATO? Because it would be extremely stupid to have all these hardware and knowledge to either go back to Russia or worse, went to China, if NATO dump Ukraine.

I don't think Ukrainian are willing to negotiate unless NATO membership is on the table, because if not, there are no way it can guarantee Russia won't come back and do a Part 2. And then I think Russia is not going to like that. Which mean mostly, the war continue.

About Trump, yeah, he is detrimental to the success of the Republican party. He has no shot at reelection if nominated. I don't understand why Republican party doesn't nominate DeSantis for 24', as he would actually have a chance. As you said if Trump counters by running independent , it will split the vote. There is still around 10-15% of only-Trumpers in the party. If GOP can get them to rally around DeSantis , we could see Republicans take the presidency in 24', imo. Tough choices ahead for the GOP.

The reason is simple. Money.

As a once proud Republican, it's not hard to know Trump bring GOP a lot of money for their election, because Trump sell GOP like he sell his real estate, there is a draw for Trump to the backer of GOP, IIRC, GOP campaign fund has been raised around 50% from 0.9 billion to around 1.4 billion in 2021, for example, GOP dumped some 500 million on Predue 2021 Senate Runs-Off election against what his face from Democrat party and lost. I mean before Trump comes in, that amount of campaign money is unheard of.

Now I am not saying GOP people may pocketed some of those, but a large war chest for GOP usually welcome.

On the other hand, the only viable candidate is DeSantis, But again, the trump thing will most likely tear his campaign apart. I mean, it's one thing to have a Presidential Election for Trump to cry foul on, think about what happen if Trump denied the Primary of 2024 presidential candidate election if and when he lost? This is going to bring down the entire GOP....
Excellent question

BMP, ADs and MBTs are closer to the front line and do not need long range Shahed.

They are being taken care of with lancet loitering munition which appears to be a replica of Iranian drones.
Yes, the lancet drone is being used against military equipment, not iranian though and not the drone he was refering to. Ive seen some footage - and I still have to see it do some damage to armor. Seems more capable against vehicles and trucks if they dont move and arent hidden in a forest. But it seems to be extremely slow. You could probably defend your vehicle with a shotgun against it..
Seems nato looking/creating excuses to heat it up and spread the war to europe.
I feel sorry for the countries that will be guinea pigs in this war that will engulf entire europe.
The globalist zionists evil designs to destroy europe are stepping up
incredible if true. I dont believe it.
It's confirmed in Kinburn. The other two is just rumour

Air assets in western ukraine to guard against further attacks for sure. Probably too early to send troops. That will be at the next false flag. I mean I might be a real attack by russia, but at the end of the day it makes no difference who did it. If nato wants to go in, it will go in under any justification.

You can't deploy NATO Anti AIr Asset without Ground troop.

What I mean is for NATO to deploy AA system in and around ALL Ukrainian territories outside of the frontline, so Kharkiv, Kyiv Lviv and place like that. And that would take over the responsibility for defending a "Possible" invasion route for the Ukrainian, that will free up to around 20 Brigade, just in the west and east along, if NATO are determined, they can deploy their force in forward Area but not frontline, like Kharkiv, Sloviansk, Kramatorsk or Zaporizhzhia, that would release another 10 to 15 brigades, that's almost half of the Ukrainian military.
Yes, the lancet drone is being used against military equipment, not iranian though and not the drone he was refering to. Ive seen some footage - and I still have to see it do some damage to armor. Seems more capable against vehicles and trucks if they dont move and arent hidden in a forest. But it seems to be extremely slow. You could probably defend your vehicle with a shotgun against it..

Shahed has up to more than 1000 km nominal range. It is too much for a BMP and is for power grid and factories of the mainland.

Lancet is very close to arrays of Iranian loitering munitions. It is likely a tech transfer IMO.
Seems nato looking/creating excuses to heat it up and spread the war to europe.
I feel sorry for the countries that will be guinea pigs in this war that will engulf entire europe.
The globalist zionists evil designs to destroy europe are stepping up
Wh-who do you think is currently invading Ukraine right now? Israel? 🇮🇱
So the response to a probable accident is a declaration of war?
No, if this is an accident or is there is reason why Russia can denied the strike, then no, that is not a declaration of war. But then Russian would have to accept responsibility and pay repatriation. If not, this is going to be see as an act of war.

On the other hand, even if Russia do admit this is a mistake and NATO forgive and forget, they will most likely push pressure on NATO sending more arms to Ukraine.
If this is true, let's say for argument sake, this is a Russian missile attack on Poland.

The things we should do is to send in NATO troop in Ukraine, not as a forward fighter, but to guard Ukraine Ground and Air Space, and we move in with all our Anti Air Asset and secure the border for Ukrainian, and then transfer a hell lot of weapon to Ukraine and release the entire Ukrainian military (half of them are currently tasked to defend their own soil), maybe with NATO CAP over Ukrainian Airspace.

That would probably the adequate response.

But let's wait on the investigation.
I was thinking the same. Peace keeping troops along Belarus-Ukraine border to “prevent escalation” and air defence systems to prevent any future mistakes by russian missiles.

There is footage of multiple explosions today

People will believe you though. You have absolute media supremacy which overrides air supremacy.
Two NASAMS systems hardly cover the entire Ukraine. They might be very successful in their sector.
I was thinking the same. Peace keeping troops along Belarus-Ukraine border to “prevent escalation” and air defence systems to prevent any future mistakes by russian missiles.
Yeah, i mean, of course it's not going to be like people think a missile attackon Poland and we send in 3000 nuke to Russia.......I mean, that's quite stupid....

I would probably also go with no fly zone. That way, you make every missile launching platform target and you can go after them in the air. And also stop air launch ballistic/cruise missile.

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