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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

No, if this is an accident or is there is reason why Russia can denied the strike, then no, that is not a declaration of war. But then Russian would have to accept responsibility and pay repatriation. If not, this is going to be see as an act of war.

On the other hand, even if Russia do admit this is a mistake and NATO forgive and forget, they will most likely push pressure on NATO sending more arms to Ukraine.

On the other hand, if this is ruled to be accidental, does it make sense to go down the path of NATO involvement? I'm not saying Poland should just sit there and take these types of accidents but the world needs to tread carefully before escalating.
No use in having a city when all its people are living like cavemen lol get your priorities straight.
This is easy to say when you live in a city you can call your own. Taliban lived in caves till they have the entire country. With your approach, they really should not have cared about taking over the country. Let the ones that fight for their city/country survival determine what the point is. Not when we are peacefully sitting in comfortable homes
On the other hand, if this is ruled to be accidental, does it make sense to go down the path of NATO involvement? I'm not saying Poland should just sit there and take these types of accidents but the world needs to tread carefully before escalating.
There are two issue here if this is ruled to be accidental.

1.) NATO can still response, just not with direct Military interaction. IE boots on the ground.
2.) Poland or Selective country can response on their own. Military interaction can be done thru that

Don't forget, whether or not this is an accidental attack, this may not involve NATO, but as per international law, Poland could response. Because that is a military attack on Poland Soil. Which mean Poland can seek help and form an alliance on the issue and that alliance can per international law involve in the "self-defence operation". Which mean basically it will be the same, if the big player in NATO response to Poland call.
Art 4 is what Poland is doing, it's already active. Which is why I am talking about an investigation.

Article 5 will not work if there is no consensus between member that this is indeed a direct attack, which mean if this is not determined to be, there will not be an article 5.

Until the Russian kills another polish you mean?

If Russia doesn't pay for this attack. They going to be embolden to try another. Whatever NATO is doing its better be good.
That is the determination that NATO will make right? And then they will decide a response based on that.

Let's see..

So he hit a Polish tractor...intentionally? You don't think if he was going to attack Poland they might have hit NATO bases instead?
Nigga, what are you or NATO exactly going to do? Spell it out for me.

Russians still hold significant amount of Ukrainian territory.

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This language is what you have to stoop to. Every withdrawing army has a map like this. You don't compare what htey are left holding on to. You compare against what they set out to do and the costs incurred in doing so.

They set out to capture the capital and turn Ukraine into an extension. They failed miserably, and have 50% of the land left and immense cost. And the ultimate humiliation was when they annexed the land thinking it will be some red line, only to have Ukraine go past it.

A map like this is what a Russian general is showing in Moscow showing how great they did. This is only great if this was what they set out to do, not where they ended up
This is easy to say when you live in a city you can call your own. Taliban lived in caves till they have the entire country. With your approach, they really should not have cared about taking over the country. Let the ones that fight for their city/country survival determine what the point is. Not when we are peacefully sitting in comfortable homes

Are you comparing Ukraine with Taliban? Are you that desperate? I mean it is pointless having a land which cant even have any running water or electricity. Pretty sure Taliban and Afghanistan had both of those things. There are two sides to the war, and you are also guilty of picking sides sat in your own warm home. Where I live doesn't change the facts that Ukraine needs to worry about how to heat, feed and water its people instead of a pissing contest about land.

Nice photo op, very easy to say that when winter hasnt even hit lol

Until the Russian kills another polish you mean?

If Russia doesn't pay for this attack. They going to be embolden to try another. Whatever NATO is doing its better be good.

It's a botched false flag! That's why nothing will happen.
Right, that has nothing to do with falseflags or what you said earlier. Try to think a little more coherently. Russia has been taking out plenty of those advanced weapons with Iranian drones. Your head is so far up Ukraine's arse you can't see whats happening.

Russia literally threw a bunch of missiles and a missiles on NATO territory and doesnt seem to care. They know NATO are the real cowards who dont have balls for a nuke war with Russia. Nothing will happen! Lol

Ah getting other men to fight your battles again. They can stretch it out for you and make it bigger, surgical procedures have advanced jhunglikeashrimp lol
Russia has been saying since April that any supply route is a target. Either because of lack of will, or lack of ability, no supply line has been disrupted. So 6 months later they launch a missile. NATO reaction not here yet, but its been less than 24 hours.
Until the Russian kills another polish you mean?

If Russia doesn't pay for this attack. They going to be embolden to try another. Whatever NATO is doing its better be good.
Well, NATO may or may not get involved, but Poland themselves can and should do something, at least until NATO made a decision.

On the other hand, I would say just Poland alone may already be enough to push Russian off of Ukraine and maintain security in the area, Russian force has been worn to a nub.
Russia has been saying since April that any supply route is a target. Either because of lack of will, or lack of ability, no supply line has been disrupted. So 6 months later they launch a missile. NATO reaction not here yet, but its been less than 24 hours.

LOL so all those sophisticated missiles and satellites Russia has, but they decided to hit a tractor? You need to really think twice before posting BS like this. Pretty sure Russia has the ability to hit those supply lines and have been, especially with Iranian drones, however they cant get every single one...yet. Nothing will happen!

@Deino do you think negative ratings and emojis will make me stop and change my mind? LOL grow up
I found it funny for these Russian worshipper.

Aren't y'all saying Russia is fighting NATO gloriously?? Now it is the EXACT chance to put Russian money where their mouth is and ACTUALLY fight some NATO, why all these suddenly become "This is false flag' and "This is Ukrainian provocation" Aren't these exactly what y'all Russian supporter looking for??


:lol: :lol:
I found it funny for these Russian worshipper.

Aren't y'all saying Russia is fighting NATO gloriously?? Now it is the EXACT chance to put Russian money where their mouth is and ACTUALLY fight some NATO, why all these suddenly become "This is false flag' and "This is Ukrainian provocation" Aren't these exactly what y'all Russian supporter looking for??


:lol: :lol:

Lol Russia doesnt need to hit a Polish tractor to make US scared, all they have to do is announce high alert of its nuclear force for US to publicly back down. This was a botched falseflag, just like the rest.

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