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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia hits Poland following better than expected Democrat performance in the midterm elections. Russia wants Trump in power for 2024 and will continue to try to destabilize Europe and negatively affect the global economy and energy supply.

US gov't anticipated this and will respond with sanctions and continued arms support to Ukraine while trying to push ahead with recovery of the economy and post-covid state.
Russia hits Poland following better than expected Democrat performance in the midterm elections. Russia wants Trump in power for 2024 and will continue to try to destabilize Europe and negatively affect the global economy and energy supply.

US gov't anticipated this and will respond with sanctions and continued arms support to Ukraine while trying to push ahead with recovery of the economy and post-covid state.
That probably will result in opposite effect.

Because Trump are not really a party for EU collective defence, and also everyone know that he has a softspot for Putin, the more he try to destabilase Europe, the more Trump is not going to be elected, and that is before his hand pick candidate is defeated at a 80% rate.
Yep, 2 missiles flew complex trajectories, evading missile defences, and struck the same target.

Kh-555 is TERCON guided. All this maneuvering required individual programming for the guidance system to recognize all terrain features on the way to the target.
Yep, 2 missiles flew complex trajectories, evading missile defences, and struck the same target.

Kh-555 is TERCON guided. All this maneuvering required individual programming for the guidance system to recognize all terrain features on the way to the target.

Poland could respond with JASSM cruise missile strikes
Polish whinings are now main headline in Spanish press.

So something will happen. In other case the incident would be minimized in main press.
That probably will result in opposite effect.

Because Trump are not really a party for EU collective defence, and also everyone know that he has a softspot for Putin, the more he try to destabilase Europe, the more Trump is not going to be elected, and that is before his hand pick candidate is defeated at a 80% rate.
EU definitely does not want Trump. Russia is betting on halting global recovery and recovery of US economy up to 2024, to give Trump momentum going into presidential elections. Of course we know all of this beforehand and I question Russia's ability to be effective at creating such conditions. It will depend on the desperation of Putin and the political process. Biden will create a political process for sake of de-escalation going into 2024, so I believe we are in good hands.

Russia may be also testing the waters here and may attempt a strike on supplies from Poland to Ukraine in the future. I do not believe they will cross that line, however. Seems the stage is being set for political process/negotiations.
Right, that has nothing to do with falseflags or what you said earlier. Try to think a little more coherently. Russia has been taking out plenty of those advanced weapons with Iranian drones. Your head is so far up Ukraine's arse you can't see whats happening.
Exactly when did an iranian drone take out some advanced weapon in Ukraine?
Exactly when did an iranian drone take out some advanced weapon in Ukraine?

Oh dear, have you forgotten about the Russian purchases of Iranian drones wreaking drones on Ukrainian AD? The western media wont shut up about it. I recommend using Google. Ukraine is in darkness, wakey wakey.
EU definitely does not want Trump. Russia is betting on halting global recovery and recovery of US economy up to 2024, to give Trump momentum going into presidential elections. Of course we know all of this beforehand and I question Russia's ability to be effective at creating such conditions. It will depend on the desperation of Putin and the political process. Biden will create a political process for sake of de-escalation going into 2024, so I believe we are in good hands.

Russia may be also testing the waters here and may attempt a strike on supplies from Poland to Ukraine in the future. I do not believe they will cross that line, however. Seems the stage is being set for political process/negotiations.
Would have agreed with you before Mid-term.

Trump is white hot toxic now for a lot of reason and if Republican uses trump he will most likely lose to any Dem candidate, Biden withstanding, and if Republican ditches Trump, Trump might just go run as an independent and Republican got done again, which is not going to look good for the GOP in 2024.

Whatever Russia wants to do, it won't have any effect on the ground in Ukraine because that war is dead, Russia will need at least 3 times the strength it has now to push Ukrainian counteroffensive back, and then another 3 times to roll back more Ukrainian ground, and by strength, I don't mean send in the mobik.

The problem with Russia is always manpower, they can't generate enough manpower in this war, and they can't train enough to face the frontline, and then that time has come and gone, now we are seeing battlefield with Ukrainian usually having 2 to 1 or even 3 to 1 advantage. This war is lost, If Russian is smart, they would retreat and regroup and get more supplies from Iran, Syria, North Korea or China if they are willing to, and then come back again with a organised attack, sending missile won't change the ground situation, sending mobik soldier won't change the ground situation, it only make the war worse for them.
In UK the Poland missile strike killing 2 farmers in Poland is news running for hours now. UK media is all agog. Attack on one NATO country is an attack on ALL NATO countries is the shrill cry. Pundits from several countries are pontificating.
Its HOT HOT news

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