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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Well lets not turn this into a covid thread. Try managing 1.4bil people and see the differences. But that justifies 1 mil dead in US and 70k new deaths since Shanghai lockdown?

Whether Ukraine can have a bomb us speculation, fact is Russia has it and US does not even dare get involved. I still remember Biden saying severe consequences if Ukraine was invaded, then we know it was just sanctions as usual. Lololol

Hopefully, but do you think US would nuke Russia if Ukraine gets nuked? I don't think so.

I am just speculating but if Russia is pushed to one corner, you think they will just surrender Crimea? I mean just plain simple common sense. Think!

China can't even manage a city of hundreds thousands people let alone 1billions.

Im not comparing china to the US im comparing china with poorer 3rd world country like Vietnam & Cambodia. Which for some reason are more efficient with the handling of covid than china. Even recording less death & infection per capita compared to china. Heck even India are better at handling it than china.

Wagner being Wagner as usual.

LOL if true the Russian can kiss keeping crimea goodbye.
It's widely believe the killing have something to do with Ukrainian SBU. While I do not denied that there are chance that this might have been the work of Russian splinter fraction. But chances are really low......
Except Ukrainian doesn't give 2 crap about Dugin. The guy is a nobody outside of Russia and most Ukrainian doesn't even know he exist. If Ukrainian SBU are inside Russia they will be targeting more important individuals than Dugin. This is like if a country assassinate Jordan Peterson.

It's more likely the Russian did it. Because of internal powerplay.
Make sense to withdrawal beyond the river. It's a natural defense but this also means Russia has given up on Kherson.

It will just shell it for ever across the river but is focus will be donbass where it is making slow gains.

Once it grabs small area left it will ask Ukraine to either come to negotiation table or fight a forever war.

We all know what USA will decide then with respect to money

Question is will ukriane try to push beyond the river or not.
Russia orderly withdrawal means they have given narrowed their target more.

Russia is feeling internal pressure from war.
Haha another forever war fanboy.
So how exactly will Russia shell across the river when Ukraine has the range advantage with HIMARS?
Peak oil was supposed to be in 2008. Its all nonsense.


nope, Russia is about 50 years behind. Look at the wepoany. Its obvious.

These are invisible crossing point? US cant see at night?

What could China and India do to the EU? They are so benign its not funny.

you seem to understand this but the top brass in Russia does not, or they would not have started this.
Peak of normal crude oil already happened more than one decade ago, and that's the cause of diesel being more expensive than gasoline currently in some countries (like Spain), something unique in history (it always was cheaper same amount of diesel than gasoline).

It's harder get diesel from non-crude oil sources like shale oil.

And that started to happen in the start of this year, effects is just starting to happen.

So you back off and try to derail the thread.
That is a long way from the stupid claim that the US is to blame for the war.
War is a Russian thing. Like Cuba 1962 missile crisis was a USA thing.

But political/economically unstabilization of Ukraine is a Western/USA, like in Cuba was a USSR thing.

Without Western money in Ukraine, it never would happen war.
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Haha another forever war fanboy.
So how exactly will Russia shell across the river when Ukraine has the range advantage with HIMARS?
I agree Russia has no arterllery or MRLS only ukriane has.. Russia re like Taliban they don't have any weapons


seems Russia goal is to take donbass... ironically it would have done much better if it had stick to it's original plan

Except Ukrainian doesn't give 2 crap about Dugin. The guy is a nobody outside of Russia and most Ukrainian doesn't even know he exist. If Ukrainian SBU are inside Russia they will be targeting more important individuals than Dugin. This is like if a country assassinate Jordan Peterson.

It's more likely the Russian did it. Because of internal powerplay.
In an intelligence op stand point.

There are nothing to gain for the Russian partisan to hit that guy, this is a symbolic target, and if they can hit him, they would be able to hit more useful secondary target, then why him?

On the other hand, this op have "See what I can do" reason behind it, I mean if this is a sustained operation then we would have heard another assassination by the same group or similar Russian partisan group, but they are all but disappeared after this. I mean, it could be Russian clamping up and eliminate those fractions, but that remain unlikely. This is more or less a terror campaign, and you need subsequent operation to be a campaign.....It cannot be just one off.

More likely than not that announcement or taking of responsibility are a shell for Ukrainian, Ukrainian created that group to keep the terror up, which they can't do on the front.

But then am I 100% sure? No, nobody is, and I will just leave it at that..
China can't even manage a city of hundreds thousands people let alone 1billions.

Im not comparing china to the US im comparing china with poorer 3rd world country like Vietnam & Cambodia. Which for some reason are more efficient with the handling of covid than china. Even recording less death & infection per capita compared to china. Heck even India are better at handling it than china.

Wagner being Wagner as usual.

LOL if true the Russian can kiss keeping crimea goodbye.

Again, i dont want to make this a covid thread, but comparing managing 1. 4bil people to small states is just not fair. Still doesn't justify how US had 1 mil ddead. I do suspect Cambodia abd Vietnma is under reporting, who knows. Lol

Russia contemplated the possibility of using tactical nukes or dirty bombs in Ukraine. But US informed Putin that it will intervene and finish the job of destroying Russian forces stationed inside Ukraine and around Ukraine in response.

Putin realized the stakes and shot down the proposal.

Russians are found to be pragmatic when it comes to nuclear option. They do not want to go this far in clashes involving NATO. Good for mankind.

Russians have won wars before. But there is no guarantee that they will succeed in every front that they might choose to open.

Wars suck, bro. Unfortunately, crackheads pop up from time to time and ruin many lives with bad decisions.
Yup informed, and you think Russia cannot retaliate? It will be a WW3. US had been warning informing sabre rattling since day one. But still not a single US troop is there. America stronk and people are afraid? Hahahhaha. First start putting some boots on the ground, don't just use mouth powr like the Indians.

😂 Ukraine is toast?
Russia hasn’t won a battle in months no amount of Chinese “space assets” help would change that. Still waiting for China to supply anything to Russia
Get a grip on reality
Russia lacks precision guidance and ISR, that's their main weakness. After the Soviets fell, their GLONASS system rust2d away, and ffs only 3 spysats? Reality is Russia still owns alot of territory the size of 2 European countries. Take it back then talk. Why did you think Biden had to ask China noy to supply arms? We start pumping intel and open up the precision navigation, Ukraine is toasts.
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Nov 13, 2022 - Press ISW

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Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, November 13
Frederick W. Kagan
November 13, 3:30 pm ET
here to see ISW’s interactive map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This map is updated daily alongside the static maps present in this report.
ISW is publishing an abbreviated campaign update today, November 13. This report discusses the likely evolution of the war following Ukraine’s operational success in regaining control of western Kherson Oblast. The Russians are not setting conditions for a relaxation of hostilities for the rest of the fall and into the winter but rather are launching a new offensive in Donetsk Oblast. The Ukrainians will likely use combat power recouped from the liberation of western Kherson to reinforce their ongoing counter-offensive in Luhansk Oblast or to open a new counter-offensive drive elsewhere. This is not the time to slow down aid or press for ceasefires or negotiations, but rather the time to help Ukraine take advantage of its momentum in conditions that favor Kyiv rather than Moscow.
Ukraine has won an important victory in the campaign that liberated western Kherson Oblast, culminating in the withdrawal of Russian forces completed on November 11.[1]
Russian President Vladimir Putin had been determined to hold this key terrain, possession of which would have allowed him to renew his invasion of unoccupied Ukraine from positions on the west bank of the Dnipro River. That consideration was likely more important in Putin‘s calculations than the symbolic value of retaining the only oblast capital his forces had seized since February 24, 2022. (Russia had already taken Luhansk City and Donetsk City in its 2014-2015 invasion.) Putin had committed substantial Russian forces to the defense of western Kherson, including many of the remaining elite airborne units available to the Russian military.[2] He also committed reinforcements generated by the partial mobilization of reservists he had ordered on September 21.[3] Those forces had dug in and fought hard to hold their ground, taking many losses. Ukraine’s success despite this Russian determination and allocation of scarce elite units is in many respects even more impressive than its victory in Kharkiv Oblast in mid-September.[4]
Ukraine’s success resulted in large part from the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ (UAF’s) innovative use of the US-provided HIMARS precision rocket system to disrupt Russian supply lines. The HIMARS munitions the US has given Ukraine are not suitable for destroying bridges—their warheads are too small and are not optimized for such strikes. The UAF developed a tactic to work around that limitation by conducting multiple precision strikes across the key Antonivskiy Bridge and the road that ran atop the Kakhovka Dam in such a way as to break the roadways in a line across them, rendering them unusable without actually destroying the bridges’ infrastructure (or badly damaging the dam).[5] The UAF continued to strike the bridges as the Russians sought to repair them, targeting the repair equipment as well as the roadways until the Russians finally gave up. The Russians attempted to construct a pontoon bridge under the Antonivskiy Bridge as a mitigation, but the UAF attacked that effort as well, causing the Russians to abandon it.[6] The Russians were left at the end with barges ferrying supplies, equipment, and reinforcements from the east to the west bank.[7] The UAF attacked the barges and landing areas as well, but the ferry system was in any case insufficient to supply the 20,000-some Russian mechanized troops trying to hold their lodgment on the western bank of the river.[8]
It was clear that the Russians would be unable to defend that lodgment by the time Russian Army General Sergey Surovikin took command of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on October 8.[9] Surovikin signaled his intention to withdraw from western Kherson almost immediately and likely began setting conditions to retreat within a couple of weeks.[10] It is not clear whether Putin authorized Surovikin to abandon western Kherson fully at that time or whether Surovikin had to continue working to persuade Putin of the hopelessness of any effort to hold on in western Kherson. However that may be, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu met with Surovikin on November 9 in a staged, public setting and ordered him to withdraw, which Surovikin promptly did.[11]
Putin likely elevated Surovikin and let him withdraw from western Kherson on condition that he take the rest of Donetsk Oblast using Russian forces recouped from western Kherson as well as newly-arriving mobilized servicemen.[12] This observation offered by Andriy Zagorodnyuk, chairman of the Ukrainian Center of Defense Strategies, is the likeliest explanation for the resumption in the intensity of Russian offensive operations first around Bakhmut and then to the southwest around the Vuhledar area that began on October 28.[13] These offensive efforts otherwise make little operational sense. They are far from operationally significant locations apart from Bakhmut and were launched during a difficult muddy time by inadequately prepared mobilized servicemen before Russian commanders in the area had amassed enough combat power for decisive operations.[14] Surovikin likely ordered them to start when they did as an earnest sign of his commitment to Putin.
Russian offensive operations in Donetsk Oblast will intensify in the coming weeks as additional mobilized servicemen arrive along with forces withdrawn from western Kherson. Ukrainian forces in the area will find themselves hard-pressed, and Kyiv will very likely have to divert troops to defend against these renewed Russian offensives. The Russians are not likely to make operationally significant gains despite their renewed efforts, although they could conceivably take Bakhmut over time at enormous cost. Russian mobilized servicemen have shown themselves to be inadequately trained, poorly equipped, and very reluctant to fight.[15] They are not arriving in cohesive units but rather are being sent largely as individual or small unit replacements to units that have been fighting without rest for nine months, have suffered devastating losses in men and equipment, and are largely demoralized themselves.
Russian forces operating in Donetsk Oblast include conventional units of the regular Russian Armed Forces, mobilized servicemen, Wagner Private Military Company troops, BARS (Russian volunteer reserve) formations, militia units from the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, soldiers from Ramzan Kadyrov’s Chechen units, and volunteer battalions.[16] This bizarre congeries of combat forces will have considerably less effective combat power than would a grouping of regular units of similar size. It is extremely unlikely that Surovikin will be able to forge it into a force able to conduct large-scale offensive mechanized maneuver warfare, particularly since he is not even taking (or being allowed to take) the time to build a coherent strike force before hurling it into the attack. This weird mix of forces will likely make some gains through sheer weight of numbers, but Ukrainian defenders, likely reinforced, will most probably force it to a halt over the next few months not far from its starting points.
Ukraine will also likely recoup combat power from western Kherson and redeploy it to other areas for both defensive and counter-offensive operations. The UAF could conceivably try to chase the Russians across the Dnipro River at various points but is unlikely to do so because the logistics of supporting a Ukrainian lodgment on the eastern bank are very daunting. The UAF is therefore more likely to consolidate its control of the western bank, leave enough force to deter any Russian attempt to cross the river again, and reallocate forces to other areas. The Russian offensive in Donetsk Oblast will likely require the UAF to divert some forces to defend in that area, but the UAF will likely send at least part of the recouped combat power either to reinforce its ongoing counter-offensive in Luhansk Oblast or to open another counter-offensive somewhere else (we will not speculate about where that might be).
Ukrainian forces have continued to make limited gains in Luhansk Oblast and will likely be able to make more gains if they are reinforced by troops from western Kherson. The Russians are also reinforcing their defensive positions in Luhansk Oblast, to be sure, but the UAF has been grinding forward nevertheless, and there is no reason to forecast that the ill-trained, ill-equipped, and low-morale Russian reservists will be able to stop Ukrainian troops, buoyed by their victories, from advancing.
A cessation or prolonged slowing of combat operations over the next few months is therefore very unlikely. The Russians are emphatically not attempting to establish and strengthen defensive positions all along the line but are rather renewing offensive operations in Donetsk Oblast.[17] The Ukrainians will almost certainly continue their counter-offensive operations already underway. Both sides are already fighting in very muddy conditions. They will not likely stop fighting when winter freezes the ground and makes it even more conducive to large-scale mechanized maneuver warfare. Combat is more likely to intensify than to slacken as temperatures drop.
Any attempt at a ceasefire or cessation of hostilities at this time would overwhelmingly favor Russia.
Putin should desire such a ceasefire in his own interest. He should recognize that he needs to give his forces time to recover and allow the reservists flowing into the theater time to integrate into their units, train up, and prepare for serious combat. He should want to stop the Ukrainians from capitalizing on the emotional lift of their recent victories. The fact that Putin continues to whip his generals to offensives in these circumstances is thus a grave error from a military perspective. It likely results from whatever psychological factors led Putin to order the invasion in the first place but also increasingly from Putin’s need to show his toughness to the hardline faction led, at least in public, by Wagner financier Yevgeny Prigozhin. Putin is unlikely to be willing to seek a ceasefire, therefore, unless it is accompanied by tremendous Ukrainian or international concessions.
Napoleon famously quipped: Never interrupt your enemy whilst he is in the midst of making a mistake. That aphorism has never been truer—Ukraine and its backers should take advantage of Putin’s error by continuing to press the counter-offensive in circumstances far more favorable to Kyiv than to Moscow.
Ukraine has by no means liberated the minimum territory essential to its future security and economic survival even with the victory in western Kherson, finally.
The city of Melitopol and surrounding areas, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, land on the east bank of the lower Dnipro River, and territory in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts are all vital terrain for Ukraine, as ISW has previously argued.[18] Discussions about the future of Crimea and other Ukrainian lands illegally occupied by Russia after 2014 are premature. Ukraine must liberate tens of thousands of square kilometers short of those areas if it is to be able to defend itself against future Russian attacks and reestablish a functional economy.
Ukrainians and the West must bend every effort to enabling the liberation of those lands as rapidly as possible before worrying about what lies beyond them. Momentum is an important factor in war. Ukraine has it now. Kyiv and its partners must make the most of it.
Key inflections in ongoing military operations on November 13:
  • Wagner Group Financer Yevgeny Prigozhin asked the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office to open a case against St. Petersburg Governor Alexander Beglov for high treason amid viral footage of Wagner forces murdering one of their own.[19] Prigozhin and Russian nationalist milbloggers largely supported the murder of the alleged traitor.[20]
  • The Russian military grouping stationed in Belarus continues to generate social tensions among Belarusians.[21]
  • Russian sources claimed that Ukrainian forces continued counteroffensive operations in the direction of Kreminna and Svatove.[22]
  • Ukrainian forces continued to consolidate control over the right bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast.[23] Ukrainian forces struck a Russian military base in Chaplynka, Kherson Oblast, 50km south of Beryslav on the eastern bank of the Dnipro.[24]
  • Russian forces continued to conduct offensive operations in the directions of Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and Vuhledar.[25] The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed that Russian forces captured Mayorsk, southeast of Bakhmut.[26]
  • Russian forces continued routine indirect fire against frontline settlements in Zaporizhia and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts.[27] Russian forces struck Zaporizhzhia City with an Iskander missile.[28]
  • Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the demobilization of mobilized students in Russian-occupied Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, likely as part of an ongoing effort to integrate proxy forces into the Russian Armed Forces.[29]
  • Russian forces and occupation officials are forcibly mobilizing men in Russian-occupied Melitopol, Zaporizhia Oblast, and forcing them to construct trenches and defensive fortifications in the city.[30]
  • Ukrainian officials stated that Russian forces are withdrawing from the left bank of the Dnipro River and concentrating forces and equipment in Melitopol, Zaporizhia Oblast, and Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast.[31]
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed an amendment to a draft law that would allow Russian officials to revoke Russian citizenship for disseminating “false” information about the Russian military, participating in extremist or undesirable organizations, or calling for violations of Russian “territorial integrity.”[32]

[1] https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-***...
[2] https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...; https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...
[3] http://en dot kremlin.ru/events/president/news/69390
[4] https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...
[5] https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...; https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...
[6] https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...
[7] https://isw.pub/Rus101922 ; https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-***...
[8] https://isw.pub/RusCampaignSept9
[9] https://****/mod_russia/17359
[10] https://isw.pub/RusCampaignOct19
[11] https://tass dot ru/armiya-i-opk/16283583; https://tass dot ru/armiya-i-opk/16283573
[12] https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/battle-of-kherson-rus...
[13] https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-***...
[14] https://isw.pub/UkrWar110422 ; https://isw.pub/UkrWar110322
[15] https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...; https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-***...; https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-***...; https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...
[16] https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-volunteer-units-an...; https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign...
[17] https://isw.pub/UkrWar110422
[18] https://isw.pub/RusCampaignOct16
[19] https://****/NordwindZ/24; https://twitter.com/666_mancer/status/1570648427545128960;
; https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1591713928157233152; ; https://****/concordgroup_official/25
[20] https://****/grey_zone/15773; https://****/brussinf/5230; https://****/grey_zone/15774; https://****/concordgroup_official/27; https://****/vysokygovorit/9967; https://****/grey_zone/15767; https://****/grey_zone/15769; https://****/grey_zone/15770; https://****/grey_zone/15773; https://****/brussinf/5230; https://****/grey_zone/15774; https://****/concordgroup_official/27
[22] https://****/mod_russia/21716 ; https://****/boris_rozhin/70153 ; https://****/vysokygovorit/9972 ; https://****/vysokygovorit/9969
[23]https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua/posts/pfbid08gdEhBLPwrrJVfPJF9C...; https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua/posts/pfbid02YCSX87CsqK2udvjM2z...; ;
[24]https://www.facebook.com/sergey.khlan/posts/pfbid0f1tfjBzxtha6tZ5MWBJLhD...; https://****/hueviyherson/29023; https://****/hueviyherson/29043; https://****/mod_russia/21717
[25]https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua/posts/pfbid02YCSX87CsqK2udvjM2z... ; https://www.facebook.com/easternforces/posts/pfbid0ik8MgUNj4jKXZyxjMsNNB...
[26] https://****/mod_russia/21716
[27]https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua/posts/pfbid08gdEhBLPwrrJVfPJF9C...; https://www.facebook.com/easternforces/posts/pfbid0ik8MgUNj4jKXZyxjMsNNB...; https://****/zoda_gov_ua/14645; https://****/zoda_gov_ua/14640; ; https://****/vilkul/2249
[29] https://ria dot ru/20221113/demobilizatsiya-1831176175.html
[30] https://sprotyv dot mod.gov.ua/2022/11/13/na-zaporizhzhi-okupanty-skladayut-spysky-cholovikiv-dlya-prymusovoyi-praczi/
[31]https://www.facebook.com/GeneralStaff.ua/posts/pfbid08gdEhBLPwrrJVfPJF9C...; https://****/andriyshTime/4348; [32] https://www.kommersant dot ru/doc/5666902


Ukraine Project
File Attachments:
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Donetsk Battle Map Draft November 13, 2022.png
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Kharkiv Battle Map Draft November 13, 2022.png
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Kherson and Mykolaiv Battle Map Draft November 13, 2022.png
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Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, November 13, 2022.pdf
Again, i dont want to make this a covid thread, but comparing managing 1. 4bil people to small states is just not fair. Still doesn't justify how US had 1 mil ddead. I do suspect Cambodia abd Vietnma is under reporting, who knows. Lol

Yup informed, and you think Russia cannot retaliate? It will be a WW3. US had been warning informing sabre rattling since day one. But still not a single US troop is there. America stronk and people are afraid? Hahahhaha. First start putting some boots on the ground, don't just use mouth powr like the Indians.

Russia lacks precision guidance and ISR, that's their main weakness. After the Soviets fell, their GLONASS system rust2d away, and ffs only 3 spysats? Reality is Russia still owns alot of territory the size of 2 European countries. Take it back then talk. Why did you think Biden had to ask China noy to supply arms? We start pumping intel and open up the precision navigation, Ukraine is toasts.
Sure thing they just need Intel, come on man.
The Russian army has been hollowed out and much of their weapons expended or destroyed but Intel will turn the tide.
Oh and if it’s so easy why doesn’t China do it, I thought they had a defense pact?
Sure thing they just need Intel, come on man.
The Russian army has been hollowed out and much of their weapons expended or destroyed but Intel will turn the tide.
Oh and if it’s so easy why doesn’t China do it, I thought they had a defense pact?
That's the problem, we are officially neutral and there isnt a defense pact, China is just naively too peaceful, if NATO can supply Ukraine, China can also supply Russia. We were already labelled as evil no matter what we do, might as well go all in and help the Russians. US does not want to exist with China as a near peer, they want to destroy China, and fanboys here think we are the evil one

I suggest you read about the Yaogan and Gaofen system. It is the worlds largest surveillance network.
Again, i dont want to make this a covid thread, but comparing managing 1. 4bil people to small states is just not fair. Still doesn't justify how US had 1 mil ddead. I do suspect Cambodia abd Vietnma is under reporting, who knows. Lol

Yup informed, and you think Russia cannot retaliate? It will be a WW3. US had been warning informing sabre rattling since day one. But still not a single US troop is there. America stronk and people are afraid? Hahahhaha. First start putting some boots on the ground, don't just use mouth powr like the Indians.

Russia lacks precision guidance and ISR, that's their main weakness. After the Soviets fell, their GLONASS system rust2d away, and ffs only 3 spysats? Reality is Russia still owns alot of territory the size of 2 European countries. Take it back then talk. Why did you think Biden had to ask China noy to supply arms? We start pumping intel and open up the precision navigation, Ukraine is toasts.

You accuse Cambodia & Vietnam for underreporting without evidence but not China? Hmmm....

Also LOL if the war in Ukraine tells us anything is that WW3 against the Russian will be a cakewalk. I say bring it on.

That's the problem, we are officially neutral and there isnt a defense pact, China is just naively too peaceful, if NATO can supply Ukraine, China can also supply Russia. We were already labelled as evil no matter what we do, might as well go all in and help the Russians. US does not want to exist with China as a near peer, they want to destroy China, and fanboys here think we are the evil one

I suggest you read about the Yaogan and Gaofen system. It is the worlds largest surveillance network.
Your neighbors doesn't want you to exist either not just the US. Your country are no different than Russia. Also the US didn't just use satellites they also fly spy planes near & inside Ukraine to give full time analysis to the Ukrainian. Sinking of Moskva & pretty much everything else were atributed to western Intel gathering.
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