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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Tough to say but looks more like artillery strike. Their hands and legs are not bound and they are still wearing their body armor and vests and helmets. 1 body is away from the rest and others laying on their backs or laying on their stomach.

Kind of reminds me of this when Russian troops are clumped together at the beginning of the video. Course this is more grenade attack from drone than an actual artillery strike.

Also in the link of the telegram social network it says with google translate

With love from the 80th brigade of the Armed Forces

Series 3 or lead poisoning


Content from flower garden owners

80th Brigade is a Ukrainian Air Assault unit. So would they have a drone recording an execution? Or just their results from an attack lets say an artillery strike.

I am truly aghast at the behaviour of russian troops, they are like lemmings, they just sit their waiting to be blown up by these drones. The don't move or even try to avoid the drones, or even bother looking up and trying to locate and shoot down the drones. The ukies are no better.

Glad to see the American warmongers finally admit that both the Russians and Ukies have lost the same number of men, around 100,000 killed and injured. In that sense, Russia and Ukraine are peer adversaries. This is natural selection in action, stupidity is removing the detritus of society...still, that leaves all those russian and Ukrainian women looking for husbands abroad.
You are misunderstanding what I am saying. Perhaps a language barrier between us.

Russia has no say in who joins NATO. NATO however will have a concern with how Russia will behave given a Ukrainian entry into NATO.
NATO knows what happens if Ukraine stays out of NATO, as we are experiencing that right now.
NATO also knows how carefully Russia is avoiding getting into a conflict with NATO.
So it cannot be ruled out.
Afghan army didn't recieve 45bn$ in 6 months , and all those weapons were under nato forces afghans were only allowed to fly trainer jets or Russian copters,
Usa played smart here usa depleted all the European countries of their existing Russian weaponry now what choice Europe has other than buying American weapons ? Tens of countries ordered himmars , half of Europe will buy f35 so usa is the main beneficiary.
Usa economy is war economy they feed on wars if this one is over they will need another one perhaps taiwas vs china or may be India vs Pakistan . Usa can't live without wars
President trump wws the only president who opposed war and even spoke against generals and pentagon
He said our generals wants war to benefit weapon industry and I'm tired of these endless wars let's build america again
Israel got about $3BN from 71-74. In today's currency thats about $20BN. So same rough order of magnitude. But Israel was not staring down a near superpower directly (like Russia). It was one proxy against another (less military competent) set of proxies.

Israel in terms of approximate scale and ability to operate weapons is close to Ukraine situation. It won't be exact because no country has gone against Russia head-on.

Yes its true US is going hunting for wars. But so has Russia, interfering via Wagner in theaters. This is the bad behavior of powers (some great, some want to be considered great). Not sure what that adds to the argument. It is not as if US and China are at war and China does not have a track record of expansion and aggression, in which case your argument may hold water.

I am no proponent of zero covid but saving millions of life at the expense of economic growth was a choice made by China. Killing 1 mil was your democratic choice. Even with such a policy we have the largest surplus in decades and a 3% growth. Anyway, Russia at odds with the West is beneficial for us, US is now screwing Europe selling gas at triple the price and using subsidies to deindustrialize Europe. In the end there is only China or US at the top. Thanks Biden.
Two points:
1. A million people died when there was no vaccine. No country (3rd world or 1st world) stuck its head in the sand once science proved they could defeat COVID. Unfortunately, Xi would rather keep on imprisoning its entire cities (and its economic production) that take the step. I am not gloating on this stupidity: i am saying this could be like 1940s when penicillin was discovered and saved lives, and then China would have denied it helps and keep its economy hostage. Death rates plummet if vaccine is used and its been around for almost 2 years.

2. Its not US the country that sells gas to Europe. There are European energy companies (Shell for example). This is not a command / communist economy where one state controlled entity is selling to the other. Governments are not doing deals. The companies making money are the energy companies that buy at one market rate and sell at another and are raking in record profits (most of them are European companies). It is a bad situation but there will be unprecedented temporary taxes on them as a consequence.
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It will be tactical nukes when he gets desperate. He will create a buffer radiated zone between Russia and NATO. Nobody is going to nuke Russia even if Ukraine gets nuked. That's the power of the P5. But if course the current situation is still manageable, its just how much Ukraine is willing to let go. 60% of Kherson on the east bank, Donbass and Zaphoriye. Or years of bombing n suffering, this can go on forever.

The Russian intention had never been about getting territory from Ukraine exvept for Crimea which rightfully belonged to Russia. Their aim was like the SinoViet war of 1979, teaching a lesson and pressurising Ukraine into an agreement. Of course we know shit like that would never work, and now this escalated into land grabbing to justify the war cost. To me Russia will most likely keep the territories in the East and of course Crimea. It's just common geographical sense.
A radiation buffer? Is Putin's army that keeps on withdrawing going to create some sort of physical curtain / metal barrier ? Seriously? You understand that there are Russian towns right across , and while ground zero may be at a location in Ukraine, the radioactive fallout will travel in all directions.

Moscow is only 400 - 500 miles in land, not in Kamchatka peninsula where you can make it somebody elsels problem. This lack of depth between capital and border is what prompted the invasion and is likely a major deterrent in using nukes (killing their own civilians)

I had been listening to propaganda like this for the past 6 months that Russia will lose. Its a war and advancement and retreat is normal. I think Russia is courageous enough to retreat to defensible east side albeit all the hoohah and political pressure. Militarily, its the right thing to do. I salute them for their bravery to do the right thing. LOSE MEN FOR TERRITORY EQUALS LOSE BOTH MAN AND LAND.
Retreat is normal when there is gain taking place elsewhere. Its been on retreat for months so may be you have blocked that part of the developments. Last time it mobilized more people left the country than joined. Its out of prisoners now. Where do you think the military might will come from? While Russia has not used 100% of its military, it needs to keep a reserve for a war not with Ukraine. They will not commit those
Ukraine says Iran has stopped transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia because of an offer that was difficult to reject.

Ukraine says Iran could not say No


Ukrian is a broke country, ther economy is much worse then the poorest African country. They don't have a ecnomy working 😆 .

What did they offer Iran? Blond women?

Response like what? sanctions? Lollolo. For gods sake, you see US troops on the ground? They can keep on shouting, but everybody knows, no P5 will fight direct wars amongst themselves.

China must be hard at work supplying shit to NK and Iran to supply to Russia. Lol
The US has already made public they’d sink the Black Sea fleet and wipe out Russian troops in Ukraine if ANY nuke was used.
The war is taking place inside Russian territory already. Ukranian commandoes have conducted multiple sabotaging operations inside Russia. These troops are called "saboteurs."

These men are among the most courageous in the world.
how does 1(or even a few over the past few months) Ukrainian operation in Russia = "The war is taking place inside Russian territory already"?

stop exaggerating man!!
how does 1(or even a few over the past few months) Ukrainian operation in Russia = "The war is taking place inside Russian territory already"?

stop exaggerating man!!
These are the most secretive of Ukranian operations. Details are limited due to obvious reasons.

When I learned about these operations, I was surprised as well.

But I understood that a capable side can fight. Every country is not like Georgia and Kuwait.

I am trying to find relevant articles and compiling them in the repository thread.

Let us see.
Well lets not turn this into a covid thread. Try managing 1.4bil people and see the differences. But that justifies 1 mil dead in US and 70k new deaths since Shanghai lockdown?

Let’s wait, Putin can’t start a nuclear war by himself. He can order it, however the order must be approved by Shoigu and Gerasimov, and Russia nuclear forces must agree. A tactical nuke makes no sense because the damage is limited. If nuke then hundreds. The question is if Putin wants to occupy nuclear deserts next to Russia. Don’t forget Ukraine can assemble nukes too, they have materials.

I don’t think Russia can keep anything, if so, then the war will continue forever.

Whether Ukraine can have a bomb us speculation, fact is Russia has it and US does not even dare get involved. I still remember Biden saying severe consequences if Ukraine was invaded, then we know it was just sanctions as usual. Lololol

US responded to nuclear sabre-rattling:

Putin understood the stakes:

Hopefully, but do you think US would nuke Russia if Ukraine gets nuked? I don't think so.

A radiation buffer? Is Putin's army that keeps on withdrawing going to create some sort of physical curtain / metal barrier ? Seriously? You understand that there are Russian towns right across , and while ground zero may be at a location in Ukraine, the radioactive fallout will travel in all directions.

Moscow is only 400 - 500 miles in land, not in Kamchatka peninsula where you can make it somebody elsels problem. This lack of depth between capital and border is what prompted the invasion and is likely a major deterrent in using nukes (killing their own civilians)

Retreat is normal when there is gain taking place elsewhere. Its been on retreat for months so may be you have blocked that part of the developments. Last time it mobilized more people left the country than joined. Its out of prisoners now. Where do you think the military might will come from? While Russia has not used 100% of its military, it needs to keep a reserve for a war not with Ukraine. They will not commit those
I am just speculating but if Russia is pushed to one corner, you think they will just surrender Crimea? I mean just plain simple common sense. Think!
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The US has already made public they’d sink the Black Sea fleet and wipe out Russian troops in Ukraine if ANY nuke was used.
And you think Russia cant do it? Lol. America likes to warn and talk but in the end there isnt even any American boots in Ukraine. Let alone NATo. An alliance of cowards? Come on, if China pumped up Russia with weapons especially our infamous drones, Ukraine is toasts. HiMARs? Heard if SY400? The reason for Russian poor performance was the lack of space assets, if we just give them access to the Yaogan system and beidou hyperaccurate guidance. You think you can outproduce China? We can basically cteate a new Indian Navy every 3 years
These are the most secretive of Ukranian operations. Details are limited due to obvious reasons.

When I learned about these operations, I was surprised as well.

But I understood that a capable side can fight. Every country is not like Georgia and Kuwait.

I am trying to find relevant articles and compiling them in the repository thread.

Let us see.
You forgot about the car bombing of that guy's daughter, the attack on Kerch Bridge on the Russian side, the explosion in Klintsy. And countless attacks inside Crimea.....

There are no doubt Ukraine SBU operating within Russian border, both the annexed land border and inside Russian actual border
And you think Russia cant do it? Lol. America likes to warn and talk but in the end there isnt even any American boots in Ukraine. Let alone NATo. An alliance of cowards? Come on, if China pumped up Russia with weapons especially our infamous drones, Ukraine is toasts. HiMARs? Heard if SY400? The reason for Russian poor performance was the lack of space assets, if we just give them access to the Yaogan system and beidou hyperaccurate guidance. You think you can outproduce China? We can basically cteate a new Indian Navy every 3 years
China will stay put cause the west economy, both in its honey (trade) or as a stick (sanctions) is of much bigger importance then helping russia re-colonize ukraine

Spare me your excessive bragging about the PLA might when thats purely “on paper”. Your worse then the average “America number 1” yankee.
China will stay put cause the west economy, both in its honey (trade) or as a stick (sanctions) is of much bigger importance then helping russia re-colonize ukraine

Spare me your excessive bragging about the PLA might when thats purely “on paper”. Your worse then the average “America number 1” yankee.
lol, I don't know why people keep indulge in childish people here.

You are talking about a guy who said this

Left Bank.jpg

is more defendable than this

Right Bank.jpg

That said all I need to know about how much he knows about war.......Talking to him on these issue is going to be a giant waste of time.
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