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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russian troops mindset after just retreating from Kherson only to see another massive attack from another direction. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Well, it is going to be shit regardless, because Russia is not withdrawing these troop back to Russia for R&R, they are most likely going to push them into another battle right after this.
Well, it is going to be shit regardless, because Russia is not withdrawing these troop back to Russia for R&R, they are most likely going to push them into another battle right after this.
Probably Bakmut offensive besides acting as defensive filling gaps from Kherson to Luhansk.
Probably Bakmut offensive besides acting as defensive filling gaps from Kherson to Luhansk.
They are going to Bakhmut, no doubt about that.

Which is what the Ukrainian doing there is grinding down the Russian for fun. Bakhmut have no value to either side, I still don't know why Russia is attacking, because you can't go to Sloviansk and Kramatorsk even if you take Bakhmut.......

But well....
For the first time since the WW2 war could enter Russian territory as the Ukrainians gain momentum and head for the border, panic must be setting in Moscow :-
The war is taking place inside Russian territory already. Ukranian commandoes have conducted multiple sabotaging operations inside Russia. These troops are called "saboteurs."

One of the operations was similar to Apache Night Raid in Iraq in 1991 and Operation Neptune Spear in 2011 in its conduct:

These men are among the most courageous in the world.
I am no proponent of zero covid but saving millions of life at the expense of economic growth was a choice made by China. Killing 1 mil was your democratic choice. Even with such a policy we have the largest surplus in decades and a 3% growth. Anyway, Russia at odds with the West is beneficial for us, US is now screwing Europe selling gas at triple the price and using subsidies to deindustrialize Europe. In the end there is only China or US at the top. Thanks Biden.

Meanwhile Vietnam (&even cambodia) records lower infection & death compared to china with lockdown. So china are actually more incompetent than Vietnam at handling covid.
It will be tactical nukes when he gets desperate. He will create a buffer radiated zone between Russia and NATO. Nobody is going to nuke Russia even if Ukraine gets nuked. That's the power of the P5. But if course the current situation is still manageable, its just how much Ukraine is willing to let go. 60% of Kherson on the east bank, Donbass and Zaphoriye. Or years of bombing n suffering, this can go on forever.

The Russian intention had never been about getting territory from Ukraine exvept for Crimea which rightfully belonged to Russia. Their aim was like the SinoViet war of 1979, teaching a lesson and pressurising Ukraine into an agreement. Of course we know shit like that would never work, and now this escalated into land grabbing to justify the war cost. To me Russia will most likely keep the territories in the East and of course Crimea. It's just common geographical sense.
Let’s wait, Putin can’t start a nuclear war by himself. He can order it, however the order must be approved by Shoigu and Gerasimov, and Russia nuclear forces must agree. A tactical nuke makes no sense because the damage is limited. If nuke then hundreds. The question is if Putin wants to occupy nuclear deserts next to Russia. Don’t forget Ukraine can assemble nukes too, they have materials.

I don’t think Russia can keep anything, if so, then the war will continue forever.
These are invisible crossing point? US cant see at night?

Optical satellites obviously cannot. IR, and SAR can, but there are fever of them, and they have higher orbits. So, a crossing which was done in an organised manner in, say, 30m have less chances being picked up.
Response like what? sanctions? Lollolo. For gods sake, you see US troops on the ground? They can keep on shouting, but everybody knows, no P5 will fight direct wars amongst themselves.

China must be hard at work supplying shit to NK and Iran to supply to Russia. Lol
US responded to nuclear sabre-rattling:

Putin understood the stakes:

You are welcome to show which clause in the NATO Charter or in The 1997 Foundation Act signed between NATO and Russia that says Russia is involved in the NATO membership process.

You are misunderstanding what I am saying. Perhaps a language barrier between us.

Russia has no say in who joins NATO. NATO however will have a concern with how Russia will behave given a Ukrainian entry into NATO.
US responded to nuclear sabre-rattling:

Putin understood the stakes:

The biggest defense Russia have against nuclear weapons is that large part of their country already look like post apocalyptic nuclear hellscape.


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