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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Seriously, the situation in Ukraine can't really be salvaged, keep dumping mobilised troop in place won't change anything, tey need time to rearm, regroup and retrain their troop before they make another big push.

They may as well, just withdraw everywhere and then regroup and come back after winter...

Honestly, even after regrouping, training, and arming, it’s no good for the Russians. Ukraine is armed to the teeth, and the worst enemy you can fight is the one that is fully alert and analyzing all threat parameters.

The Russians are emperors without clothes.

This war is lost, and Russia is relegated to local power, not even a regional one.

The US also played a risky game cornering Russian and calling its bluff, and succeeded and effectively showed the Europeans had no clothes. Had it not been for US arms, Intel, etc., and NATO cover, they would've been spanked around.
Can you create a 'How Iran is supreme and Israel is shivering' thread. This is not an Iranian forum so you won't be shot for expressing yourself. And leave this thread to Ukraine battle. I will gladly join the thread and learn all the times the Israelis have been defeated and how they have reduced in size as a country over that period ( I am not a fan of Israel and I wish they had lost some or all of the battles. But I also not a fan of fake supremecy of Iran either )

Baghdad Bob unmasked. This strategic picture improving daily sounds like one of these famous quotes from 2003:

  • "There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"
  • "My feelings, as usual, we will slaughter them all."
  • "Our initial assessment is that they will all die."
  • "No I am not scared and neither should you be!"
  • "We will welcome them with bullets and shoes."
  • "They're not even [within] 100 miles [of Baghdad]. They are not in any place. They hold no place in Iraq. This is an illusion ... they are trying to sell to the others an illusion."
  • "Faltering forces of infidels cannot just enter a country of 26 million people and lay besiege to them! They are the ones who will find themselves under siege. Therefore, in reality, whatever this miserable Rumsfeld has been saying, he was talking about his own forces. Now even the American command is under siege."

The Iranian weapons have proven their superiority by keeping Ukraine movement in check just like they deter Israel from expansion of Jewish territories and hold on to sovereign Syrian territory of Golan. This is a strategic withdrawal , i Understand of course and this withdrawal goes all the way to Moscow before Russia makes a come back stronger than ever.

We should just wait and see, for sure.

A better word is ”Frontbegradigung”. A popular German tactic used on the Eastern front from 1943 and onwards. Gives the right context.

Im Zweiten Weltkrieg bekam „Frontbegradigung“ eine etwas andere Bedeutung. Der Begriff wurde – vor allem in der zweiten Hälfte des Krieges – zum Euphemismus für einen vom Gegner erzwungenen Rückzug der deutschen Truppen.

During World War II, "front straightening" took on a slightly different meaning. The term became – especially in the second half of the war – a euphemism for a retreat of German troops forced by the enemy.

I think that is the most responsible comment on the situation in Kherson , so far :

I find it puzzling that the Russians are coming out with those retreat statements.

If they are retreating , what is the purpose does it serve to let your enemy know your intentions ?

And if they are not retreating , think what such announcement do to their troops moral . . .

A few days ago, Ukrainian intelligence lost track of a few Units within the City of Kherson, those unit weren't withdrawn so the logical explanation is that they ditched their uniform and equipment and blend into the civilian population.

What intel suggest is that they are going to use those people and ambush the Ukrainian troop in the city when the Ukrainian approach the city, and have it capture on camera or blog or anything that suggesting Ukrainian is fighting Ukrainian. That is for propaganda value. That is what the SBU suggest the likely motive.

Russia knows Kherson is lost, because there is no way to supply Kherson and anywhere Northwest of Dnieper River. That way at least they can use Kherson for something.

That is why Ukrainian is taking their time to approach Kherson and they are mindful that Russian straggler would stay behind and create issue, most likely they will be sending National Police, SF and Recon people in first, clear the city and see what's what before the main group move in.

It's called draw out and crush. `Ukrainians move forward and the Russian drones and artillery will pick them off. The remnant forces will be surrounded and pounded with a surprise counter attack.
lol, they can do that now if they wanted to, they have the artillery position and city to mask where they launch the drone from. They don't have any of that on the other side of the river to do this.

Also, Ukrainian's Western Artillery outrange Russian one, and its plain on the other side, they will get smoked by Ukrainian artillery unit that pushes closer as the infantry advance..
this sounds like a 180 degree turn on the war by you- what happened?

Btw i saw a telegram post saying Ukraine lost 12,000 soldiers in October 2022 alone. wow. Will Ukraine really be aable to hold onto all its land in East Ukraine? this war is far from over, thats just the fact, but if Russia will actually retreat from Kherson, and Ukraine takes it, then Ukraine has to get that credit for that move and reoccupation of their land, but then again, how that affect and fit into the larger picture of the overall war? What if Russia goes now to take Odessa or incursion from Belarus? THis war is just so fluid that i dont think these moves are affecting the end results or situation of the war.
How are they “gonna take odessa” or have a succesfull push from Belarus? (Failed earlier with more and better troops…and less prepped ukies).

Are you eating colourfull mushrooms again?
Honestly, even after regrouping, training, and arming, it’s no good for the Russians. Ukraine is armed to the teeth, and the worst enemy you can fight is the one that is fully alert and analyzing all threat parameters.

The Russians are emperors without clothes.

This war is lost, and Russia is relegated to local power, not even a regional one.

The US also played a risky game cornering Russian and calling its bluff, and succeeded and effectively showed the Europeans had no clothes. Had it not been for US arms, Intel, etc., and NATO cover, they would've been spanked around.
Well, Russia can do something if they have the backing of China, and China need that flame going if they want to take Taiwan with force, they probably will lose all chances if the war in Ukraine concluded before they themselves have a crack on Taiwan.

The problem is, even with Chinese help to rearm and regroup the Russian, they can't really do anything now as the command and formation is so broken, they need to really go back to Pre-24 Feb line and hang on there and relaunch the attack, anything they feed in now is going to be piecemeal and green, those aren't going to hold.

How are they “gonna take odessa” or have a succesfull push from Belarus? (Failed earlier with more and better troops…and less prepped ukies).

Are you eating colourfull mushrooms again?
Well, you are talking to someone who believe "Kherson is forever Russian" and Russia will use nuke over Ukraine, Putin can sell them toilet paper and tell them it's money and they would believe it lol.

The Pentagon assesses Russia has lost half of its main battle tanks

And the other half is well used by now , and if ever put back on storage , would have to do serious maintenance.
One clown (AZ guy) who literally makes things up, making fun of another clown's (Biden) speech impediment.

or look at it this way.

Russia got beaten by a senile old man who can't distinguish between Kherson and Fallujah. That said the quality of Russian Army and the leadership.

Biden : I beat you, even I don't know where I beat you from.
Finally the Russians piss off.

Congrats to the Ukraine army to the victory of Kherson

Well done
I hope Europeans learn that Russia is not putting their entire stack of chips into Ukraine. Putin is saving the full mobilization of millions of Russians for an attack on the EU.

So Europe would be fighting 5-10 Ukraine Wars at once, Europe needs to prepare for this. Putin would make this move when Trump attacks China, or after Trump leaves NATO.

This Ukraine War is the dress rehearsal of a European War with no US help from Trump in the planned war.

This is why DeSantis is opposed by Trump, for the plan to work to putinize Europe, US would need to abandon NATO Europe to Russia. Such a US leader would need to be in on it with Putin.

Gales of Stupid laughter
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I hope Europeans learn that Russia is not putting their entire stack of chips into Ukraine. Putin is saving the full mobilization of millions of Russians for an attack on the EU.

So Europe would be fighting 5-10 Ukraine Wars at once, Europe needs to prepare for this. Putin would make this move when Trump attacks China, or after Trump leaves NATO.

This Ukraine War is the dress rehearsal of a European War with no US help from Trump in the planned war.

This is why DeSantis is opposed by Trump, for the plan to work to putinize Europe, US would need to abandon NATO Europe to Russia. Such a US leader would need to be in on it with Putin.

Russians can't take a road intersection for months in Ukraine and think they could attack NATO.... LMAO.
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