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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

5000 Russian tanks, artillery and MLRS have been destroyed by Ukraine. Russia has ~35000 other tanks, artillery and MLRS in storage, in use. Some in storage need repairs.

Russia has not fully mobilized their 1.3 million armed forces. Russia can get 2+ million to fight the EU. France and UK won't use nukes on Russia. Rather, Putin would threaten EU member states with nuclear annihilation if EU states don't surrender.

Ukraine has the largest army in Europe (xRussia). Most heavy weapons. Putin wants Ukraine to be a road in Romania and the Balkans, as the von Schlieffen plan was a road into France. Belarus is one such road to invade into Poland. Königsberg is too small to have a large scale operation out of. There is to be a front there, though only one of many fronts. There would be 5 Ukraine size conflicting vs the EU: Finland, Baltics, Königsberg into Poland, through Ukraine into Romania, and Belarus into into Central Europe. Only 15% of Russian heavy weapons have been destroyed. Much of the rest is in need of repair. If Trump returns in 2025, and leaves NATO in 2026.

That give NATO Europe/EU 4 years to build up to have a impenetrable defense.

If Putin wants to use nukes on the EU, and Trump USA wants to leave NATO, that must materialize into EU states (xUNSC states) having their own nukes, in numbers comparable to Putin, to prevent war.

This is why Ukraine must win the war. The safety of Europe depends on it. Ukraine is the bufferstate to protect the heart of the EU from a south front attack.

European arms makers need to be on full shift making weapons for the next 4 years.

Gales of Stupid laughter
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do I see correctly , they entrenched Tanks?

when people want to learn that is wrong for many reasons
Bush cia (Putin and Trump) are behind bitcoin.

Russians have millions of bitcoins. If bitcoin go to millions per bitcoin. Russia would be rich and Europe poor. Russia is trying to collapse the EU economy/euro so the EU cannot fund a military to defend from Russia. That is the main objective of this Ukraine War, a dress rehearsal of a Russian war on the EU, softening the EU economy and political sphere to make a Russian invasion possible in 4 years, if Trump returns to the white house. Russia won the first year of war. Europe is suffering from high inflation.

NATO: EU Cannot Protect Europe Alone Amid Threats From Terrorism, Russia​

EU is not strong enough to defend from a full Russian invasion with full mobilization. That is NATO Supreme Allied Commander speaking.

Gales of Stupid laughter
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There has to be a reason why Germany is spending 100 billion more into defense.

Germans know, as NATO chief knows, that Russia is capable of a full invasion of Europe and winning.

Russia has been holding back a full mobilization war on Ukraine. Held back SU-35s for air superiority. Held back on newer tanks and equipment. This is the dress rehearsal. EU should not believe itself to be safe with a Russian defeat. Rather, prepare. There were many gales of stupid laughter in Europe about Nazi Germany rearming and threatening Europe, assuming France and the UK could easily defeat the Germans. Don't underestimate the enemy Russians.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

Gales of Stupid laughter
Poland is being armed to the teeth and it represents much tougher front than Ukraine. Polish are nationalistic people and will fight. Do not let their good looks fool you.

You might have heard about Nordic Defense Cooperation between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden? These countries will support each other if either is invaded. Terrain and atmospheric conditions present additional challenges in these countries.
Poland is absolutely amazing now. Its becoming an armed camp. It has the same population of ukraine. Poland will never be invaded again.

Nordics are a superpower comparing to russia. 25 million nordics with their economy and wealth would simply crush any russian army. They have very high tech and are fierce fighters.

Europe has its current borders for a reason, they are not easy to change, as russia is finding out. Historically, all the European counties only exited because they are fierce fighters and tough as nails. with a few exceptions. (Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, Macedonia) these were never independent countries historically.
Trump plans to turn the US into a Russian-style, Putinesque dictatorship.

This was known about Trump. Trump wants to assassinate whistle blowers.

This is Putin:

This week, Trump has vomited journalists that oppose and leak on Trump need to be raped in prison.

Trump Is Hoping to Put a Serious Number of Reporters in Jail During a Second Term

“Donald Trump ended his pre-midterm rally blitz in disgusting fashion, calling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ‘an animal,’ championing the death penalty, and giddily imagining the prison rape of the journalist who reported on the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The rally on Monday wasn’t the first time Trump imagined journalists being raped in prison. He laid out the same fantasy at a rally in Texas last month, saying the reporter would give up the identity of the leaker as soon as thy realize they are ‘going to be the bride of another prisoner very shortly.’ The audience burst out in laughter, just as they did Monday night in Ohio.”

“This year, as Trump has privately strategized about what a second term, potentially starting in 2025, could look like, he’s begun occasionally soliciticing ideas from conservative allies for how the U.S. government and Justice Department could go about turning his desires — for brutally imprisoning significant numbers of reporters — into reality,” RollingStone reports. “Several months ago, the former president briefly asked a small gathering of his allies and at least one of his attorneys about what would have to be done to make that authoritarian, First Amendment-shredding vision a norm, according to a source who was present.”

Confirmed by Rolling Stone:

Trump is planning to turn the US into Russia and handing over Europe to buddy Putin.

Gales of stupid Laughter
5000 Russian tanks, artillery and MLRS have been destroyed by Ukraine. Russia has ~35000 other tanks, artillery and MLRS in storage, in use. Some in storage need repairs.

Russia has not fully mobilized their 1.3 million armed forces. Russia can get 2+ million to fight the EU. France and UK won't use nukes on Russia. Rather, Putin would threaten EU member states with nuclear annihilation if EU states don't surrender.

Ukraine has the largest army in Europe (xRussia). Most heavy weapons. Putin wants Ukraine to be a road in Romania and the Balkans, as the von Schlieffen plan was a road into France. Belarus is one such road to invade into Poland. Königsberg is too small to have a large scale operation out of. There is to be a front there, though only one of many fronts. There would be 5 Ukraine size conflicting vs the EU: Finland, Baltics, Königsberg into Poland, through Ukraine into Romania, and Belarus into into Central Europe. Only 15% of Russian heavy weapons have been destroyed. Much of the rest is in need of repair. If Trump returns in 2025, and leaves NATO in 2026.

That give NATO Europe/EU 4 years to build up to have a impenetrable defense.

If Putin wants to use nukes on the EU, and Trump USA wants to leave NATO, that must materialize into EU states (xUNSC states) having their own nukes, in numbers comparable to Putin, to prevent war.

This is why Ukraine must win the war. The safety of Europe depends on it. Ukraine is the bufferstate to protect the heart of the EU from a south front attack.

European arms makers need to be on full shift making weapons for the next 4 years.

Gales of Stupid laughter

There are things on paper and then there are logistics requirements, operational requirements, and economics.

Those 1.3 million troops are split across paramilitary, army, air force, and navy.

Russia committed all branches of its military to war effort in Ukraine. Over 200,000 troops and irregulars were dispatched in the format of Land Forces to invade Ukraine. VKS have its own personnel and actively used for strikes in Ukraine. Russian Navy have its own personnel and actively used for strikes in Ukraine. Over 400,000 personnel might be involved considering all forces and operational requirements.

Then there is the factor of ROTATIONS and REPLACEMENT of Combat Losses in the battlefield.

Your hypothesis is impractical. Russia have had its hands full in Ukraine - its biggest military operation since World War 2.

But losses are staggering in terms of men and equipment. Many combat units crippled. Many officers KIA. Many logistics units crippled. The organization is shaken. Morale is shaken.
They couldn't take the Kiyv Rus area, the origins of Russia. And the child is now the master.
It's the origins of Ukraine also. These were very similar people inhabiting kyevan Rus. One called "Rus" and the other "Rusyn". Then they branched off. Rusyn became the ukranians quite recently. I would not call one the child of the other. Its just that the Rus expanded further and became larger.
Against the EU, Russia would use their entire air force, navy, army, reservists, paramilitary.

Russia is deliberately not playing the full deck, because then the EU would prepare for the full deck seeing the full deck in Ukraine. The war on the EU would be much worse than on Ukraine.

Russia would not likely attack EU until buddy Trump has left NATO.

Or started a war with China.

These are possible scenarios and Europe needs to prepared for this. Germany is. Poland is. Baltic States are. More need to prepare for a worse war than in Ukraine.

Russia a fight on so many fronts, Russia could get 2 million boots on the ground from drafts. Only strength can keep the peace.

Gales of stupid laughter
It would take years for Russia years to rebuild it's army before they can pull out another invasion like this.

and it wont take US military "years" to rebuild its army before it can pull another invasion like this? you always use different rules for Russia than you use for western countries- hypocrite.
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