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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I think Russia has lost way too much men and material

it was never sustainable to lose this much equipment and resources

its not WWII you cannot win wars by outbuilding military equipment

at some point you need to come into the 21st century

looking at the Russian Army it was a 1980s army at best

tactics were even worse, they never made use of even their best equipment like the Su35 and Su34 aircraft

T90 and Terminators were rolled out into forest without infantry

this is exactly how not to fight a war
The Battle of Kherson is over.

where will Ukraine focus its military forces next?
Hi everyone, I am a lay man regarding this ongoing conflict.

So, can somebody please answer my 2 basic questions:
1. What is the objective of this special military operation?
2. How long this special operation is estimated to last?

Thanks in advance.

PS: Please no trolling.

1.) Depends on who you are or what were you leaning.

If you are a Russian Supporter and buy what Putin sell, then the War in Ukraine is for Russian brother to "Liberate" the little brother Ukraine from the Evil West. And to rid of Ukrainian Nationalism because there are no Ukrainian identity, as they are little Russian.

If you are a Western Supporter or have a Western view, the reason for this Special Military Operation is to for Putin to divert from the uncertainty of the future in Russia after COVID setback (It was said to be the worse year in Russia before this war, so now they can blame Western Sanction instead of their own incompetency) Also Eastern Ukraine is resource rich county, it's the Russian aim to take control of Eastern Ukraine.

2.) Don't know. Depends on whether or not Russia have enough fun in Ukraine or when Ukraine will join a binding Alliance like NATO, the War will only stop then. Because if not, even if Russia is beaten back this time, they already have that view that "Ukraine Does Not Actually Exist" then they will come again in maybe 2 or 3 years after they recover from this current war. And then the West will help Ukraine again, they may or may not been able to beat them off, and then it loop gain in a High-Low-High intensity conflict. Until either Russia loses the taste or Ukraine joined NATO.

Every rusky supporters needs to be put on suicide watch right now. After the Copium comes the Ropium after all.
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They are going to need Oxygen instead of Copium after this......It's not longer enough if they just rely on Copium....

Some tend to ignore the fact that the donations of western artillery out range russian artillery. They might be smaller in numbers, but given enough time, range and precision is giving Ukraine the upper hand. Some analysts even complain about Ukraine not making full use of this artillery advantage during offensive operations already.

Do you know for sure if Ukraine is able to deny Crimea access to the water from Dnieper from the west side? I still dont see how they could possibly do that from the west bank.

Russian Artillery already a non-factor since September, the incoming rounds is about the same as outgoing for the Ukrainian. And the fact that Russia have to buy sub-par munition from North Korea says a lot on their ready to use stock. Russia is hurting badly in this war militarily, they just don't tell anyone about it.

Yes, if Russia loses Nova Kakokva, it dam up the fresh water from the Dnieper, Ukraine can stop that supply and then Russia will need to either desalinate sea water or truck drinkable water to Crimea. This is going be bad for the already damaged Kerch Bridge.
well you say it yourself , western population . did people in any area of Syria voted for independence ?
and those Iran helped Syria fight was a cozy alliance of 96 nations rejects , antisocial , head-choppers and cannibals
why they refused Asad offer to held an election by international observers and let people decide , and they said no , they won't accept any election if Assad participate in it ?
And thats the whole weakness of the argument: Syria is not a kingdom. Because Hafiz had power, does not mean it should be handed me down. Thats certainly Iran's spiritual leader is considering. Passing power to the next son is not worthy of elections. This is what threw Egypt out of wack after Mubarak. Next you are going to say MBS held elections in Saudi Arabia and the world was against it.

Feel free to counter, but I am more interested in talking tactics and weapons in the war and note the moral debate of who is right and how is morally wrong. There no rights or wrongs in the Ukraine war and both NATO and Russia have blood in their hands going back 150 years. What matters is how they use the tactics and weapons to defeat each other.
You come across as a very immature and low iq person. Your coping mechanism to hard facts is to “lol this sucks. That sucks. Only zionist weapons good west stronk”

Iran has massively improved the american tow (toophan).

View attachment 895046

Toophan 1 is the original, while later models have more destructive power deisgned for western tanks

Hezbollah has already humiliated your tanks that were purpose built to be overkill on armor. Zionist bragged it was the most heavily armed tank on earth

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Your coping mechanism resembles a 10 year old.
If your getting touched by a rabbi, there are better methods of getting help my friend
Can you create a 'How Iran is supreme and Israel is shivering' thread. This is not an Iranian forum so you won't be shot for expressing yourself. And leave this thread to Ukraine battle. I will gladly join the thread and learn all the times the Israelis have been defeated and how they have reduced in size as a country over that period ( I am not a fan of Israel and I wish they had lost some or all of the battles. But I also not a fan of fake supremecy of Iran either )

If Russia chooses to leave kherson it will be a very wise move militarily. The strategic picture is improving on Russia side daily.
Baghdad Bob unmasked. This strategic picture improving daily sounds like one of these famous quotes from 2003:

  • "There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"
  • "My feelings, as usual, we will slaughter them all."
  • "Our initial assessment is that they will all die."
  • "No I am not scared and neither should you be!"
  • "We will welcome them with bullets and shoes."
  • "They're not even [within] 100 miles [of Baghdad]. They are not in any place. They hold no place in Iraq. This is an illusion ... they are trying to sell to the others an illusion."
  • "Faltering forces of infidels cannot just enter a country of 26 million people and lay besiege to them! They are the ones who will find themselves under siege. Therefore, in reality, whatever this miserable Rumsfeld has been saying, he was talking about his own forces. Now even the American command is under siege."

Ukies have already thrown everything the have at this and are literally cosncripting 60 year olds.

Meanwhile Russia is patiently training another million men for a winter blitzkrieg anyone with military knowledge knows is coming

And there is no way in hell nato or kiev regime can muster anything to stop it. Hense they keep throwing wave after wave of young stupid ukies to get shredded on open fields that the Russians already have artillery aimed on.

The 100k Russians were militarily speaking the advance guard of the army. The ukies lost 25% of their country and 90% of their army to themm. Now they will soon face the main force. And if your a nato fan, look away cause its going to be very ugly

I'm beginning to think Russian attack on Kherson was just a diversion. They never wanted it in the first place, I think its brilliant military strategy to confuse the west and make Scott Ritter sound like an idiot.
The Iranian weapons have proven their superiority by keeping Ukraine movement in check just like they deter Israel from expansion of Jewish territories and hold on to sovereign Syrian territory of Golan. This is a strategic withdrawal , i Understand of course and this withdrawal goes all the way to Moscow before Russia makes a come back stronger than ever.

We should just wait and see, for sure.
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I think Russia has lost way too much men and material

it was never sustainable to lose this much equipment and resources

its not WWII you cannot win wars by outbuilding military equipment

at some point you need to come into the 21st century

looking at the Russian Army it was a 1980s army at best

tactics were even worse, they never made use of even their best equipment like the Su35 and Su34 aircraft

T90 and Terminators were rolled out into forest without infantry

this is exactly how not to fight a war
this sounds like a 180 degree turn on the war by you- what happened?

Btw i saw a telegram post saying Ukraine lost 12,000 soldiers in October 2022 alone. wow. Will Ukraine really be aable to hold onto all its land in East Ukraine? this war is far from over, thats just the fact, but if Russia will actually retreat from Kherson, and Ukraine takes it, then Ukraine has to get that credit for that move and reoccupation of their land, but then again, how that affect and fit into the larger picture of the overall war? What if Russia goes now to take Odessa or incursion from Belarus? THis war is just so fluid that i dont think these moves are affecting the end results or situation of the war.
this sounds like a 180 degree turn on the war by you- what happened?

Btw i saw a telegram post saying Ukraine lost 12,000 soldiers in October 2022 alone. wow. Will Ukraine really be aable to hold onto all its land in East Ukraine? this war is far from over, thats just the fact, but if Russia will actually retreat from Kherson, and Ukraine takes it, then Ukraine has to get that credit for that move and reoccupation of their land, but then again, how that affect and fit into the larger picture of the overall war? What if Russia goes now to take Odessa or incursion from Belarus? THis war is just so fluid that i dont think these moves are affecting the end results or situation of the war.

Not even the Russians military bloggers believe the BS of their MoD anymore. Just like they destroyed more Himars than delivered and destroyed 300% of the Ukrainian air force and still did not achieve air superiority after nearly 9 months of war. 90% of Ukraine has been "demilitarized" yet they are forcing the Russians to "gesture of goodwill" on several fronts.

Reality is despite the so called "mobilization" Russia continues to lose territory,only sending untrained and under equipped cannon fodder to try to plug the holes or slow down the Ukrainians in waves after waves attacks. Reality is Ukrainians have won the attrition war on the Kherson front and Russian position became hard to hold. Reality on the ground is Ukraine is on the offensive while Russia is on the defensive. Once the Russians are thrown out of Kherson Ukrainians can free up forces to the east and the south towards melitopol or mariupol.

Capturing other areas are a pipe dreams,holding current ones would be a good start at least.
Ukraine needs to strike towards Melitopol or Mauripol and split Russian forces from east and south
It would make sense trying to isolate Crimea. But I guess Ukraine would almost be able to do that by holding Kherson, since 2 of 3 major roads out of Crimea would be within striking distance for the ukrainians from the west bank of Dnieper river.
Russia is going to free up most of its capable airborne forces mostly being wasted in Kherson, 7, 76 airborne Division and 11, 83 Brigade. If the russian MOD has some sanity left, they are going to use those mobile forces to counter any ukrainian initiatives left in the near future. But Ukraine is going to free up 8-10 brigades when Russia leaves the west bank, battle hardened, ready to conquer the world.
No matter the russian mobilization, Russia is facing dedicated reinforced ukrainians all over the fronline - there are no easy wins left for Russia. Only hardship.

Ukraine just need a constant inflow of western artillery and airdefence system to keep the status quo, and let ukrainian ingenuity (with some NATO help during offensive operations) exploit russian weaknesses, forcing yet another retreat somewhere, be it north, east or south. I personally want to see Russia retreat from the Zaporizhzia plant.
this sounds like a 180 degree turn on the war by you- what happened?

Btw i saw a telegram post saying Ukraine lost 12,000 soldiers in October 2022 alone. wow. Will Ukraine really be aable to hold onto all its land in East Ukraine? this war is far from over, thats just the fact, but if Russia will actually retreat from Kherson, and Ukraine takes it, then Ukraine has to get that credit for that move and reoccupation of their land, but then again, how that affect and fit into the larger picture of the overall war? What if Russia goes now to take Odessa or incursion from Belarus? THis war is just so fluid that i dont think these moves are affecting the end results or situation of the war.
Russia going to take Odessa after leaving Kherson?? Like how? They cant even move a ship within 150 km of ukrainian held shores. And forget about Russia all of a sudden invading from Belarus. They couldnt with a hundred thousends when Ukraine were unprepared. Now theyre facing destroyed bridges and defensive positions saturated with atgms and manpads. Those mobilzed troops would face a wall crossing the border.
this sounds like a 180 degree turn on the war by you- what happened?

Btw i saw a telegram post saying Ukraine lost 12,000 soldiers in October 2022 alone. wow. Will Ukraine really be aable to hold onto all its land in East Ukraine? this war is far from over, thats just the fact, but if Russia will actually retreat from Kherson, and Ukraine takes it, then Ukraine has to get that credit for that move and reoccupation of their land, but then again, how that affect and fit into the larger picture of the overall war? What if Russia goes now to take Odessa or incursion from Belarus? THis war is just so fluid that i dont think these moves are affecting the end results or situation of the war.
Sure, Ukraine loses 12000 men a month, is that the reason why Russia gives up the entire Left Bank in Kherson because they lose 12000 men a month? Crap, they even have 300,000 mobilised troop on the line, and you are telling me they can't take on an Army that lose 12000 active soldier every month?

Ukraine needs to strike towards Melitopol or Mauripol and split Russian forces from east and south
As I said with @Paul2 there are an unbalance of Ukrainian force stacked around the direction on Tormak. 6 Brigade strength last I reported around 1 month ago. Probably more now, And back then I predicted if and when Ukrainian took Kherson, that force is moving South into Tormak and directly toward Melitopol and eventually control the other choke point toward Crimea.

Now let see if this is the case here.

Think they moved 2 National Guard Bigrade and a Special Force Battalion to the region.

I don't know if they were trying to cut into Melitopol, but you don't need 4 Brigade on that line as there were already 2 TDF brigade in the area.

On the other hand, news report National Guard Brigade and Security Police regiment had moved up from Kramatosk and Sloviansk now in Drobysheve and Lyman. Which mean the Regular Brigade had moved on.
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