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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Wonder if they would fire massive barrage on Kherson City when Ukrainian troops go in? They already taking every valuable item and equipment including fire trucks and toilets. Guess the best thing for the Ukrainians to do is avoid going into the city and concentrate on hitting Russian artillery waiting on the other side of the river from east and south to push them afar from Kherson City. Could send in Ukrainian special forces in civilian disguise to connect with the partisans in the city at night or something.
As I explained, it would not work, Ukrainian is not going to take Russia word for it and willy-nilly waltz into Kherson believing them to be gone, they would do the whole work to security the city. That including moving their own Artillery and HIMARS into range and keep those Russian Arty outside theirs.

It takes them 2 days to get to Kupiansk after Russian vacated that place and 1 day after Russian vacating Bucha. That already show they will proceed with caution if and when they try to retake Kherson.

Just like not doing massive attacks on Donetsk City. Even with all the Russian propaganda.

Well, it's their land, so I sort of understand why they want to play the long game, the trade off is, playing the long game means majority of those Russian troop are going to be able to escape and fight another day.

Be hard for Ukrainians to cross the river to flank and hit the Russian troops in new trenches. However, the Russians are pretty much in static defense and can be hit by artillery and missile strikes, etc. Keep the Russian forces busy instead of somewhere else.
Thing is, Russian didn't even bother to do defensive fortification once they took a city, that's why the September offensive is so successful because I think (I cannot say for sure) the Russia think this wouldn't happened to them, and they do without digging trenches or set up defensive fortification.

And the one they did set up is soddy at best. laughable is the term I would use.

Analysts believe if only Russian spend some time improving their position during the Summer after they captured those land, it would not be easy for Ukrainian to make progress, but then they probably have learnt a lesson by now, they are doing some serious groundwork in the East behind Svatove near Starbolisk, on the other hand, how effective is that is remained to be seen.
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Thing is, Russian didn't even bother to do defensive fortification once they took a city, that's why the September offensive is so successful because I think (I cannot say for sure) the Russia think this wouldn't happened to them, and they do without digging trenches or set up defensive fortification.

And the one they did set up is soddy at best. laughable is the term I would use.

Analysts believe if only Russian spend some time improving their position during the Summer after they captured those land, it would not be easy for Ukrainian to make progress, but then they probably have learnt a lesson by now, they are doing some serious groundwork in the East behind Svatove near Starbolisk, on the other hand, how effective is that is remained to be seen.
They brought in those concrete pill boxes as well, whether its better against modern anti tank missiles and artillery and missiles with pin point accuracy, who knows. I think the Ukrainians can even use the PGK on the artillery shells since they are accurate but cheaper than the Excalibur.
I think the Ukrainians can even use the PGK on the artillery shells since they are accurate but cheaper than the Excalibur.

Some quick info ( for those like me , who had to look this up ) :

155 mm artillery projectile , at max range , will have half of it's round land within 267 meters , of their intended target.

With PGK ( Precision Guidance Kit ), they would hit within 50 m of the target at any range.

The Excalibur , effectively hit within 6 m of a target.

As for costs :

PGK costs about $10,000 , Excalibur - 100,000$ .

So you can say it the Excalibur is 10 times more accurate , but also costs 10 times more.

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The Excalibur , effectively hit within 6 m of a target.

As for costs :

PGK costs about $10,000 , Excalibur - 100,000$ .

So you can say it the Excalibur is 10 times more accurate , but also costs 10 times more.
Its probably worth using if you know you will take oner soldier out.

it would cost 1 Billion to kill 10,000 enemy soldiers. Not a bad return on investment.

The price nato is paying to kill Russians in Ukraine right now is about 40,000 dead at the cost of $40 Billion to nato.

Alternatively, you could probably pay each russian $50,000 to desert.
Its probably worth using if you know you will take oner soldier out.

it would cost 1 Billion to kill 10,000 enemy soldiers. Not a bad return on investment.

The price nato is paying to kill Russians in Ukraine right now is about 40,000 dead at the cost of $40 Billion to nato.

Alternatively, you could probably pay each russian $50,000 to desert.

If you use old weapons and near to expire, then the real cost is less.

Anyway if you numbers are right, then it's 10k by soldier.

The West is flooded by immigrants of whole world to use them as cheap labor force, it would be better giving Russian desertors free flight tickets to the West.
learned from the best. so you admit that 2013 shipment was for Africa not Yemen and we supplied weapon to Yemen after the bombing
Nope, you did not learn from the best.
You are simply trying to gain power and influence from shipping weapons.
The conclusion was that the 2013 shipment was for Yemen.
Roosian military personnel captured an EDM4S-UA anti-drone gun at Ukrainian positions. Earlier, Ukraine received Israeli hand-held UAV suppression systems of the EDM4S-UA type in the Ukrainian modification from the Lithuanian company NT Service. The EDM4S complex is based on a copy of the German G36 rifle. The exact characteristics of the complex have not been published. It is known that it is equipped with 4 directional antennas with a power of 10 watts. With a weight of 5.5 kg. EDM4S suppresses commercial drones at ranges up to 3-5 kilometers for 35 minutes. The EDM4S cost $15,000.

Footage of the explosion on the mine barrier of the BMP-1 of the Ukrainian army and the death of the assault group following it. When properly mined in this way, the mines are located on boards or carts and stretched out in front of the enemy. But in the battles in Ukraine, no one does this and they simply lay rows of mines on the road, as in this case. The driver of an armored vehicle does not always notice these mines, in this case it is strange that an assault group was walking next to the car and she also did not notice these mines.

Footage of Russian 122-mm D-30 howitzers hitting a column of armored vehicles of the Ukrainian army. The column was discovered on the march with the help of a UAV, after which the airborne troops worked out artillery at the given coordinates. About 5 armored vehicles were reportedly destroyed, after which the column dispersed.

Russian mobile crew 120-mm mortar 2S12 spoke about their combat work in Ukraine. The servicemen use the Ural-4320 truck to move around. Mortar 2S12 "Sani" was put into service in 1981, the minimum range of the mortar: 480 meters, the maximum range: 7100 meters.

A Ukrainian tanker who was captured on October 19 spoke about the state of the Macedonian T-72 tanks transferred to the Ukrainian army. Earlier, Macedonia handed over about 30 T-72 tanks to the Ukrainian army.

Can you actually transfer money from a russian account into an asian one using some Chinese system if anyone knows?

I would be darn surprised if not a single Chinese bank took the risk at free money.

It's trivial for example to find bankers who will help you to bypass the $50k per year FX purchase limit in China.


I did some research. Chinese banks do not service Russian Union Pay transactions..., BUT THEY NEVER DID. The union pay international don't work with PBOC. It works with independent clearing houses in their countries.

So, when they said that Chinese banks dropped Russian Union Pay users, that only means they barred a rare case of Russian banks servicing their transactions by having correspondent accounts with Chinese banks which did UP for them.

The Union Pay network is still operational for Russian banks, with that single exception above.

And if they have CNY accounts, it means they 99% have to work with a Chinese clearing house.
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Exactly he said "Xi said it should oppose the threat or use of nuclear weapons, advocate that nuclear weapons cannot be used and that nuclear wars must not be fought, and prevent a nuclear crisis in Eurasia."

i.e: A nuclear crisis in Eurasia is unacceptable for China. But in another continent (like America) is not China problem :lol:.

That is double speak. Putin is preparing to blame Ukraine and NATO for use of nuclear weapons, same as Putinites blamed NATO for the pipeline destruction.

Also, China already has a policy on nuking Europe. China supports Russia nuking Europe. And would blame NATO whitey for getting nuked if the blame is pinned on Trump buddy/Xi buddy Putin.

China warns of ‘unimaginable consequences’ if nuclear power is forced into a corner
Beijing's vice foreign minister blames NATO for stoking the instability that led to the Russia-Ukraine conflict

China has 100% of their chips in for Putin and Trump destroying Europe. And would blame the EU for defending themselves from a Trump/Putin plot.

China supports the Tucker Carlson narrative. And wants those Europeans that opposed Trump destroyed.

Trump and Putin have the same goals and mission to destroy the EU. Destroy it with Putin supported Brexit, destroy it with Putin supported migrant crisis from Africa, destroy it with Putin supported disintegration of not only the European Union - also of nations in Europe. Finally this Putin War, backed by Trump to destroy Europe and finish Europe off. And China supports Putin and Trump to destroy Europe.
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those tanks are belonging to Netherlands or are the Czech ones that Netherlands was refurbishing ? didn't knew Netherlands have any T-72

it seems pretty much anything had more discipline than Russian soldiers , other wise Russia was not the biggest weapon provider for Ukraine

those aside thats what i don't like about keeping these animals for pets , they simply can't protect themselves if their owners for some reason fail to provide for them , cats are better on this regard but dogs specially the ones who raised from birth as pet are too dependent for their own good
Minor correction
The 90x upgraded T72B come from Czech. Those surplus tanks come from the industry, not from the army.
US and Netherlands pay 90 million USD.
Beginning of delivery in december, completed next year.

Russian asset Snowden and Russian asset Assange attack Democrats over Republican issues and crimes. The Republicans are the party of the cia and military. Democrats the party of the state department, fbi and beltway. The war on terror crimes are neo-con crimes, for these wars are neo-con PNAC wars. Trump is a PNAC neo-con that wants to shift focus from solely wars in the middle east to war on China, EU and Iran.

For reference, Trump wants a purge of the beltway to Trump loyalists:

Jonathan Swan: Trump Already Preparing to Purge DOJ, FBI, and Pentagon to Install Loyalists in 2025​

The Pentagon is Republican, except it is war on terror republicans, not war on NATO for the Russia Republican agenda. The Pentagon, for being pro-NATO, is wanted to be purged to promote Putinites into the brass in the pentagon that want to abandon Germany and EU to Russian invasion.

Did Snowden and Assange try to take down Trump with exposing Trump corruption after Trump corruption. No we had to get that info from Whitney Webb.

Assange was too busy going after Hillary for emails. A coincidence that Assange and Snowden rarely touch Republicans and go after Obama, Clinton and Democratic corruption. This is why Trump was considering to pardon Assange, because Assange is a Republican/Russian asset, same as Putin was trying to sway voters to vote Republican, not Democrat. This is why these are welcome in Russia because both are Republican assets, hounded by the "Democratic-leaning fbi and justice dept".

The entire pro-Putin alt media and alt celebrities are carefully orchestrated by the Pompeo cia and Russia Republican Deepstate of Barr and other PNAC Bushites.

The plan is the replacement of the USA with a Russian style state, with Trump as the chief engineer, backed by Russia Republicans, Pompeo/cia, and Bush fellow travelers. Goal is to abandon EU NATO to Putin. And have war with Iran and China.
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A speech of Shoigu before military commanders

He reads entirely from the paper.
Repeating the shit we have heard 100x elsewhere. Why it is now necessary to open a second front in Belarus.

Like a robot

Putin has successfully degraded him to a brainless stooge.

The commanders look shocked.


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