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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

It is hard to believe they have 1million soldier under arms - guess it would be true - given that Ukraine has done as a full mobilisation.

Russia has done 300k ( which is actually 1million according to its own leaks) - which means that this will be a status quo war once those russian's come online.

Russia needs more troops if it is to over-turn the ukranian army which is now up to speed, fully trained and experienced.

What Ukraine needs now is guns - lots and lots of new weapons..
The 300k mobi figure came from Shoigu. That’s obviously a fake. Putin signed the mobi decree with the real number classified as top secret.
Realistic is 500,000. However Russia reserves are many millions. So the total mobi can be something between 500,000 and 5 million.


Sevastopol: Unmanned surface vehicles hit Admiral Makarov, flagship of Russian Black Sea Fleet


At least three ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, including the Admiral Makarov flagship, were damaged as a result of the unmanned surface vessel [USV] attack on 29 October.

Source: GeoConfirmed, a volunteer-managed outlet mapping the war in Ukraine based on geolocations, on Twitter

Details: GeoConfirmed investigators have analysed footage from the unmanned surface vessels [USVs are speedboat-size vessels that can pack hundreds of pounds of explosives – ed.], which roamed the harbour and the sea near Sevastopol.

The investigators released footage of an attack on an Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate. They concluded that the Admiral Makarov is the only one that matches this description in the Black Sea. The footage stops when the USV hits the vessel and explodes.

I'm still wondering , aren't minesweepers supposed to be equipped with equipment to detect such threats . why that minesweeper, Ivan Golubets was not able to detect the threat

⚠️ Today at 4.20 am, the Kiev regime carried out a terrorist attack against the ships of the Black Sea Fleet and civilian ships that were on the outer and inner roadsteads of the Sevastopol base.
well i don't call that terrorist attack that was a completely legit and fair target
Its just the optics cheating you. The windspan is 2,5 meters and the angle makes the drone look shorter than its own wingspan.
problem is something else , the drone is shahed-131 or Geran-1 whatever you like call it , they claimed its shahed-136 or Geran-2 they have 1 1m difference in size and that is what started it
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I kept saying they should try to evacuate the city and level it with the Russian inside, they can do that with anything in their arsenal, M777, casear, HIMARS or even D-30 or 2S19. But no such order came which mean they are most likely sitting it out on the outskirt and wait until they capture Nova Kakovhka and try to complete the encirclement.
Let us know when this day comes!

Ukranians keep dying at a fast rate, and they will never take Kherson, screenshot this. lol. THe war momentum has obviously shifted back in Russia's favor.
What point are you trying to make? Russian moves to curb the export of gas and oil have contributed massively to accelerate recession in Western nations. Even Western economic experts admit this fact.
The point was it’s an economic cycle and a recession was coming and inflation rising despite the war breaking out. At least in the U, Russia has had a minimal contribution towards the recent economic downturn. I suggest you take an undergrad economics class if you can’t figure that out.
Trump will sell Ukraine from day 1.
Poor Ukrainian will suffer, when he is taking pictures with Putin.

Trump will be more game changer than Iranian drones.
France, US, Germany and many other sent Iraq from fighters to chemical weapons against Iran.
The poster you qouted is Iranian what else did you expect him to say? he will only share with you an Iranian perspective on things... They are sending weapons and not a neutral party but actual combatants in the Ukrainian war
no sending weapon won't make you combatant . Its just business
False equivalences will not strengthen Your arguments.
what's false about it in 1967 israel attacked united Arab republic and annexed it
man i never expected this level of uncalculated thinking method u and the western school guys follow!!!!
this war should have never started a series of catastrophic political strategy and management by every one mainly ukraine and westerns exploded the situation!!
and this war should end as fast as possible but instead a further much more series of catastrophic political strategy and management by every one mainly ukraine and westerns now is making the exploded situation even worse ....
it is smart diplomacy not pumping more gun powder to the fronts that will help every one but mainly ukraine!!!
a f.u.c.k.e.n promise to join nato to become more secure ???? now ukraine is 30 years back from 24 february!!!!! all this could have been avoided by a couple of visits between kiev and moscow prior to that for few thousand dollars worth of tickets or fuel for jets.
wake up a loss for russia is impossible only the price is getting higher to end this , and ukraine will be the most suffering!!
historically the russians had some land given to ukraine like crimea all those regions could have been negotiated to be arms free...
no one will listen before its too late
That’s a hopeless war for Russia.
Ukraine is supported by the US, EU, Nato, 50-country-alliance. As soon as Putin realizes it and pisses off, the sooner the war can end. That’s the only way out.
Record breaking inflation numbers in the euro zone

10.7% and climbing!!!!

And thats the total inflation “officially” being counted

Real jnflation, especially on things people need daily like food, energy , rent/mortgage is probably 30-50% range

It is unbleivable how rapidly euros are losing their standards of living. And the major industries on taxpayer life support havent gone down yet, and german government is desperately borrowing 200billion to temporarily stop the bleeding

This is unbelievable. UK sources are claiming upto 10k britons could freeze this winter

Ukies have no water or electricity.

This is what happens when your so dumb that you make your economically prosperous countries jnto a battlefield to fight Russia on washingtons behalf
Some interesting numbers

Ukraine army has 1.2 million soldiers in active service.

In addition to military gears every soldier receives equipment worth $2,000 on average from family and friends (gas mask, boots, winter jacket, helmet, etc.)

The most important military equipment however is the shovel.

To build trench, dig in

Ukrainische Soldaten zertreten nach der Befreiung von Liman eine russische Flagge.

Already the Roman Army considered the shovel their most important weapon ;-)

man i never expected this level of uncalculated thinking method u and the western school guys follow!!!!
this war should have never started a series of catastrophic political strategy and management by every one mainly ukraine and westerns exploded the situation!!
and this war should end as fast as possible but instead a further much more series of catastrophic political strategy and management by every one mainly ukraine and westerns now is making the exploded situation even worse ....
it is smart diplomacy not pumping more gun powder to the fronts that will help every one but mainly ukraine!!!
a f.u.c.k.e.n promise to join nato to become more secure ???? now ukraine is 30 years back from 24 february!!!!! all this could have been avoided by a couple of visits between kiev and moscow prior to that for few thousand dollars worth of tickets or fuel for jets.
wake up a loss for russia is impossible only the price is getting higher to end this , and ukraine will be the most suffering!!
historically the russians had some land given to ukraine like crimea all those regions could have been negotiated to be arms free...
no one will listen before its too late
I guess You find it annoying that other people have principles.
no sending weapon won't make you combatant . Its just business
Sending weapons to one of the sides in a war. makes an attack from the other side legal.

what's false about it in 1967 israel attacked united Arab republic and annexed it
In 1967, Israel responded to Egypts blockade. Blockades are an act of war.

The Golan Heights are legally disputed territory, Ukraine is not.

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