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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Wow!!! So you mean to tell me the victors of the world war annexed everything they wanted put jn a rule to permenantly lock in their gains?? Wow!!!! I didnt know that…..
No, You are generally unaware of treaties and International Law.
Please tell this “international community” to vigorously follow the case of Syrias golan heights. Oo nvm zionist are special……

False equivalences will not strengthen Your arguments.

Here i will let your western propaganda talking points be answered by Dr. Marandi.

If You cannot articulate an argument, noone is going to spend half an hour listen to yet another Iranian which You claim (without proof) may have anything to say.

Some fake news german government funded “journalist” tried the same propaganda crap they usually pull, only to gwt absolutly violated by marandi.

This is how you shut down western propaganda:

Foreign diplomats the world over could learn from marandi
I suspect he learned a thing or two from Goebbels and Bagdad Bob.

Not quite , I live and work in Silicon Valley but return to UK regularly.
Still a false flagger.
And You think Silicon Valley is going to be spared in a nuclear exchange…
Think again…
I said half the members..
Im sure I have been reading posts on this forum on and off since 2006 when the cartoons were published in Denmark. If I want to I could find someone posting anti-western gibberish every single day on PDF.

Do you expect members on PDF to worship Western powers? Just learn to live with the fact that not everyone in this world is on your side.

What are “major” industries in Russia that are not sanctioned?

Russia has managed to singlehandedly put most Western economies into recession. That is a fact. As the CNN host explained, Western countries cannot embargo all Russian industries and sectors. Simply because Western consumers also rely on these Russian sectors that deliver certain end products.

Big terrain gains for the Russians..

This is where Russia excels and will continue to make further gains.
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Do you expect members on PDF to worship Western powers? Just learn to live with the fact that not everyone in this world is on your side.

Russia has managed to singlehandedly put most Western economies into recession. That is a fact. As the CNN host explained, Western countries cannot embargo all Russian industries and sectors. Simply because Western consumers also rely on these Russian sectors that deliver certain end products.

This is where Russia excels and will continue to make further gains.
CNN is nothing but American propaganda.
Also most major economies were already heading towards a recession, it’s how economics works after spending trillions during covid lock downs
CNN is nothing but American propaganda.
Also most major economies were already heading towards a recession, it’s how economics works after spending trillions during covid lock downs

What point are you trying to make? Russian moves to curb the export of gas and oil have contributed massively to accelerate recession in Western nations. Even Western economic experts admit this fact.
France: Russia's accusations that UK facilitated attacks on Nord Stream pipeline and Crimea are "baseless"
From CNN's Niamh Kennedy and Saskya Vandoorne
France pushed back against Russia’s accusations that the United Kingdom helped facilitate attacks on the Crimean city of Sevastopol and the Nord Stream pipeline, calling them “baseless.”

I think Russia dont have a clue about who blew up Nordstreams, if they have some prove, they'd publish it.

They accuse UK just because UK is transparent enough to talk publicly about their capabilities of submarine war.

But as Ukraine have just demostrated, any little state can take a submarine drone and put a lot of explosive inside.

If Nordstreams blast was done by some NATO member, likely it was Denmark, just because they are the nearest to blast place, and they can do it more quietly than any other, and they have something to win too, with the baltic pipe.

I think it's frightening than a ruler with nuclear weapons accusses publicly some other state without proves, and likely doing it wrong.

The best defense against Iranian drones is well Known by Israelis for years:

Running to your hole in 5 minutes as soon as sirens go off
The best defense is level to ground all Iranian drones factories :enjoy:

Iran is playing with fire helping Russia.

Rich kids of Tehran can stop of getting new iPhones to upload their pics to Instagram.
https://www.facebook.com/watch/?extid=NS-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C&v=564745535460385 :enjoy:
From George Galloway

"It’s virtual war between the #UK and #Russia after #NordStream attack. How do we know whodunnit? Because of a hack attack on Dizzy Lizzie #Truss’ phone. The #HunterBiden laptop. The #Pelosi y-front scandal and much more

‘It’s done,’ Liz #Truss messaged #AnthonyBlinken seconds after #NordStream explosion.

Those 30k Russian soldiers can’t hold the position forever. They live in a miserable condition in constant fear of precision Ukraine artillery. Hunger. Thirst. The winter is coming. Who knows maybe they will return home alive and in one piece. The war is over tomorrow because Putin falls out of window.

The digit 30k is really surprising, as even 15k before doesn't really correspond to the effect seen on the battlefield.

I think Ukrainians themselves are scratching their heads where did Russians managed to hide so many troops in that city, and the exact troop composition.

It's currently understood that the most just sit in Kherson city, doing nothing.
Some interesting numbers

Ukraine army has 1.2 million soldiers in active service.

In addition to military gears every soldier receives equipment worth $2,000 on average from family and friends (gas mask, boots, winter jacket, helmet, etc.)

The most important military equipment however is the shovel.

To build trench, dig in

Ukrainische Soldaten zertreten nach der Befreiung von Liman eine russische Flagge.

https://www.facebook.com/watch/?extid=NS-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C&v=564745535460385 :enjoy:
From George Galloway

"It’s virtual war between the #UK and #Russia after #NordStream attack. How do we know whodunnit? Because of a hack attack on Dizzy Lizzie #Truss’ phone. The #HunterBiden laptop. The #Pelosi y-front scandal and much more

‘It’s done,’ Liz #Truss messaged #AnthonyBlinken seconds after #NordStream explosion.


Russia are so "good" hacking things, that Zelensky is still alive, meeting online by videoconference with a lot of people everyday, as the bombs fall around him, and nobody in Russia knows where Zelensky is.

They can't hack Zelensky, but they can hack a UK ruler, when UK cyberdefenses must be a million times better than Ukraine.

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