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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Nice arms package to Ukraine by Italy


Two M270 multiple rocket launchers
six 155mm PzH 2000 self-propelled howitzers
30 units of 155mm M109L self-propelled howitzers
dozens of armoured personnel carriers M113

Ukraine is going to win this artillery ping pong match because of these donations, if only the supply of ammunition doesnt dry out.
I just wish that NATO would supply “advisors” instructing them how to do offensive operations. Better yet, simply take control of all offensive operations.
Today, nobody on the world even heard the news that Ukraine went no water, no power, no transportation.


Media is very very important. China can lead the economy but it stays super weak in media.

Those helicopter shoot downs are absolutely brutal - basically - no chance of survival at all ... no one walked away from that.

The pilot should have put down immediately - but you can see him pulling the helicopter up as he tried to fly away and he paid for that decision with his life and the life of everyone else in that helicopter ...
This is perfect for China. Just let the West keep slugging it out in Europe.
and also great for Iran - keep letting the West slug it out, while making money off it and saving its citizens and soldiers lives in the process by staying out of a war directly. This war that's "good" for China and Iran cant and wont be good for US, IMO.
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and also great for Iran - keep letting the West slug it out, while making money off it and saving your citizens and soldiers lives in the process. A war that's "good" for China and Iran cant and wont be good for US, IMO.

Agree; as the saying goes, when two mountain lions fight, one gets killed other is wounded. The vulture comes to feast. The wounded, while alive, would live with injuries that will affect him and he either perishs on his own or get killed.
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In 1967, Israel responded to Egypts blockade. Blockades are an act of war.

The Golan Heights are legally disputed territory, Ukraine is not.
no Egypt didn't blockade Israel , it only closed its territorial water to Israeli ships , the Israeli ships could sail between KSA and Tiran Island instead of Egypt and Tiran Island , Israel could use Mediterranean sea .
perhaps you are aware that right of innocent passage won't include enemy nations

by the way as far as I'm aware Iran don't build a uav called Geran-2 or Geran-1 also Ukraine also used Iranian weapon so you can't say one side of war

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