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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Agree; as the saying goes, when two mountain lions fight, one gets killed other is wounded. The vulture comes to feast. The wounded, while alive, would live with injuries that will affect him and he either perishs on his own or get killed.
which makes me feel like this war is the start of some "domino effect" in the world order...this conflict is very interesting to me too not just because of the conflict itself, but because of all the side issues and developments it has given birth to, and i mean its effects are being felt across the world, people felt the need to take sides, US hasnt been able to push countries opposed to it (voted against US interests on Ukraine in UN for e.g.). I just dont want any nukes to be used. Conventional fighting within UN legal war charter is all we can ask for at this time, and hopefully its not too much.
I had to work, so i was offline here. But, but, did the Kiew-Nato Regime managed to capture Cherson already?:D

Our "military man" said few months ago, the probability for Russia to hold Cherson would be 40%!?


Russia at the same time::D

I never said Kherson is going to fall soon in fact, I said this back in September

The problem is, to pull that off, Ukraine would need at least 2 times the Russian force, Russia has around 20k troop in the area, Ukraine is very tight lip about their formation, but general estimate usually put Ukrainian force at 5 to 6 Brigade, which is roughly 30,000 men. That is not enough to take on the defender. Unless Russia willingly retreats, this counter offensive is going to take a long time to complete. But all in all, unless Russia somehow manages to fix one of the bridges, I don't see how Russia can hold on indefinitely, they may be able to hold until winter came, but once fighting season start again next year, it will still be the same, their position is going to get pounded by HIMARS. And they would have problem bringing in reinforcement.

I always said Ukraine DON'T HAVE ENOUGH troop to take Kherson directly. And it's quite clear, and I have stated numerous times, that Ukraine trying to encircle Kherson and starve them out this winter. While "I WISH" they would just evacuate Kherson and bomb it to rubble, but that's NOT what the Ukrainian do. And I had predicted Russia will have a hard time holding Kherson in the winter and would consider lucky if they still hold it After Winter

Winter HAD NOT EVEN CAME yet. So come back and say this again in Feb 2023 if Kherson still remain with Russia.

I can't be held responsible if you are too stupid to read. It ain't my problem
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Ignore the wet dreams of keyboard commandos here. Everything is fun and games when it's not your own blood being spilt. So much death, so much destruction, the planned and orchestrated use of illegal force against a smaller, weaker and largely peaceful country to what end?

In the end Russia and it's might army, the image, the prestige, the ego has been neutered in Ukraine, and Russian blood is fertiliser for sunflowers on the fields of Ukraine.

War: a massacre of people who don't know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don't massacre each other - Paul Valery .

Don't forget Ukraine also sent forces in the Iraqi War for a peaceful country. It had a hand in the destruction of another.

Honestly, the last twenty years have made me numb to all this.
Don't forget Ukraine also sent forces in the Iraqi War for a peaceful country. It had a hand in the destruction of another.

Honestly, the last twenty years have made me numb to all this.

Yes but the Russians are not innocent either. They have occupied and oppressed Central Asian Muslim lands for many years and oppressed to the point those historic Muslim cities (Bukhara and Samarkand) are almost unrecognizable as Muslim countries, their people are almost unrecognizable as Muslims. Let the fight continue, the Europeans and Russians both shed too much Muslim blood over the last few centuries. Let them fight, we are not complaining.
Yes but the Russians are not innocent either. They have occupied and oppressed Central Asian Muslim lands for many years and oppressed to the point those historic Muslim cities (Bukhara and Samarkand) are almost unrecognizable as Muslim countries, their people are almost unrecognizable as Muslims. Let the fight continue, the Europeans and Russians both shed too much Muslim blood over the last few centuries. Let them fight, we are not complaining.

I agree entirely, my friend. I support Iran policy, as they know you are better off keeping the fight there than here. The majority of Islamic countries, from what I see, have only given lip service to both sides. The issue I have is with peace lovers.
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that was top attack , my guess it was a javelin that hit the tank and the crew of stugna-p only watched it (Stugna is beam riding and i don't think have top attack mode)

Yes but the Russians are not innocent either. They have occupied and oppressed Central Asian Muslim lands for many years and oppressed to the point those historic Muslim cities (Bukhara and Samarkand) are almost unrecognizable as Muslim countries, their people are almost unrecognizable as Muslims. Let the fight continue, the Europeans and Russians both shed too much Muslim blood over the last few centuries. Let them fight, we are not complaining.
I completely agree my friend.
as i said the loner the war continue in the Europe the rest of the world will be calmer . let Europeans taste their own medicine .
I agree entirely, my friend. I support Iran policy, as they know you are better off keeping the fight there than here. The majority of Islamic countries, from what I see, have only given lip service to both sides. The issue I have is with peace lovers.

Yes, it's stupid that Muslims are taking sides of the Russians or Europeans. They forget both parties are killers of Muslims. Muslims have no dog in the fight, we should cheer for both sides so they continue to fight for as long as possible.
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You are talking to someone (also including zegerman) that have some of the shittest, most brain dead logic ever, which they use to fuel their islamophobic posts. No point in talking to them. They are full of shit
Bottom line might is right.

Israel openly say it occupies GOLAN height due to security reasons (,suprisnidont claim them but I think that's the basis of their water deal with Jordan/Arabs)

Similarly Russia will take their Russian speaking territories..that's written in stone. How long will that take at what cost is different story..

that was top attack , my guess it was a javelin that hit the tank and the crew of stugna-p only watched it (Stugna is beam riding and i don't think have top attack mode)

as i said the loner the war continue in the Europe the rest of the world will be calmer . let Europeans taste their own medicine .
Problem is oil..oil will be expensive and grain will not come...
Russians certainly got an order from above to show aggression all along the eastern front. Many sporadic attacks: simultaneous — yes, coordinated — no.
There were talks in the US to send 200+ M109A6 currently being stored/used by National Guard to Ukraine. Me and @Oldman1 talked about it some months ago and it went nowhere.
They should send the M109s, whether its M109A5 or more modern. Perfect timing when in winter there is less foliage and easy to find Russian vehicles including their artillery. Especially in Kherson. I think I read that the Russians may be withdrawing their artillery to the eastern side of Dnipro because of this to be on the safe side from western artillery range especially HIMARS.
I don't think longer range is good, these drone is slow, and mostly not stealth. The longer it travel only mean the more chances you got shot down.

Bear in mind Ukraine is not using loitering munition to attack Russian civilian target and infrastructure, which mean a well hidden troop can launch one of those drone toward enemy formation before they can react. So they don't need a lot of range. It does not work for the Ukrainian if you have to travel 1000km on a 100mph drone that Loud AF
Well the Russians tend to have a hard time covering all of Russian airspace. I mean you can see the previous attacks showing the Russian Crimea Navy HQ being hit by a drone. Attack on Russian oil refinery in Russia itself. Russia is a big country and there are limits to how much they can defend. Its not like they can cover every square km of Russian territory. There are still many rich targets in occupied Ukraine or Crimea as well as near Ukrainian border like logistic bases, airbases, barracks, naval bases, etc. Just saturate the targets as well with cheap drones.
They should send the M109s, whether its M109A5 or more modern. Perfect timing when in winter there is less foliage and easy to find Russian vehicles including their artillery. Especially in Kherson. I think I read that the Russians may be withdrawing their artillery to the eastern side of Dnipro because of this to be on the safe side from western artillery range especially HIMARS.
the problem with less foliage is that Russians also can exploit it
another problem with m-109 is its shorter range that put it in the range of drones like lancet .
, i think if USA want to send artillery , they must send more artillery rockets and their launcher , that have longer range

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