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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The refugees in the Middle East and Africa are not caused by China, and China has no obligation to accept these refugees. Europe and the USA are obliged to accept these refugees.
Today millions of refugees are coming to EU and US/Canada/Australia ... and they were not caused refugees by US/West. They are granted asylum only on the basis of humanity, while local governments are dictators, or religious nuts, or internal wars which have nothing to do with the EU.
You will be an utterly unjust person if you deny this humanitarian act of the Western countries and still claim that all these millions of refugees during the last couple of decades were all caused by the West.

In addition, China has accepted 40k Rohingya refugees.

Instead of that, it would have been better for China to tell dictator forces in Myanmar to stop the massacre instead of supporting these dictator forces.
Today millions of refugees are coming to EU and US/Canada/Australia ... and they were not caused refugees by US/West. They are granted asylum only on the basis of humanity, while local governments are dictators, or religious nuts, or internal wars which have nothing to do with the EU.
You will be an utterly unjust person if you deny this humanitarian act of the Western countries and still claim that all these millions of refugees during the last couple of decades were all caused by the West.

Instead of that, it would have been better for China to tell dictator forces in Myanmar to stop the massacre instead of supporting these dictator forces.
Call in the 'sap to derail the thread with deranged tirades... You seriously want to be corrected on who caused all the wars, devastation and color revolutions in the past century and more precisely after the break up Soviet Union and it's subsequent unipolar world?

I don't mind you living in delusion but reflecting such... so blatantly in posts takes it to a whole new level...
... a call to the lala land.
Instead of that, it would have been better for China to tell dictator forces in Myanmar to stop the massacre instead of supporting these dictator forces.

That's Myanmar's internal affairs. It's not China's place to tell others how to run their countries. Maybe don't stick your nose in where it doesn't belong and your nose won't get broken.
When you are on the US side of any military conflict, especially in modern times, you will hear the US military and govt do, say and see everything BUT WIN the war. Have u noticed that pattern too?
Yes, everyone has seen Saddam Hussein, Gadaffi, Mullah Omar, Usama bin Laden and Milosevich celebrating their victories…

The ‘most-hunted weapon in all of Ukraine’: How HIMARS stalled Russia’s brutal advance​

They seek HIMARS here, they seek HIMARS there. Those Russians seek HIMARS everywhere. Is HIMARS in heaven or is HIMARS in hell? That demned elusive HIMARS” .... 8-)
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