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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The refugees in the Middle East and Africa are not caused by China, and China has no obligation to accept these refugees. Europe and the USA are obliged to accept these refugees.
So alevi vs sunni war supported by russia (and a bit usa) is germanies obligation now?

Nonsense, stop generalising the west.
China has accepted all the 300k refugees caused by the China-Vietnam War. In addition, China has accepted 40k Rohingya refugees. China is much kinder than the EU.
1. There were more refugees
2. China started this war
3. China took in (ethnic) chinese only.
4.and discriminated against them still. No formal citizenship…(though then you can claim each year to house 300.000 refugees in UN charts….)


1: show me link of that 40.000. I find one at 3000 that they wanted to resettle asap…there were millions refugees from a bordercountry….
2: china has kept strong ties with the agressor Myanmar….
3. China acts like its mostly a thing of economics. Absolutely no real critiscism or pressure to myanmar.

Seriously…lets use Chinas “kind approach” in european situation….
poland accepted million plus ukranian refugees
Germany accepted million plus syrians.

“China KINDNESS activated”
Sorry we only accept ethnic polish/germans….which we then will never give full status.
Oh maybe a handfull of thousands to atleast be able to say “were taking in refugees!!” While making economic deals and strong diplomatic ties with the agressor.
Sanctions? Critiscism? Ofcourse not…more russian/assad trade deals! Gimme that Money money money!

Seriously. Stop with the lies.
Keep it at “were a developing nation that doesnt like to get involved outside its borders” as an excuse why a superpower and 2nd economy of the world refuses to really take in refugees.
“Kinder then europe” seriously?
The refugees in the Middle East and Africa are not caused by China, and China has no obligation to accept these refugees. Europe and the USA are obliged to accept these refugees.

China has accepted all the 300k refugees caused by the China-Vietnam War. In addition, China has accepted 40k Rohingya refugees. China is much kinder than the EU.

According to International Agreements, China as well as any other country have to give asylum to anyone which can show that they are persecuted.
”Europe” is not a legal entity, and one country in Europe is not responsible for the actions of another European country.
With Your argumentation:
Asians are responsible for the large refugee streams in Asia, therefore Asia needs to take all refugees.
So alevi vs sunni war supported by russia (and a bit usa) is germanies obligation now?

Nonsense, stop generalising the west.

1. There were more refugees
2. China started this war
3. China took in (ethnic) chinese only.
4.and discriminated against them still. No formal citizenship…(though then you can claim each year to house 300.000 refugees in UN charts….)


1: show me link of that 40.000. I find one at 3000 that they wanted to resettle asap…there were millions refugees from a bordercountry….
2: china has kept strong ties with the agressor Myanmar….
3. China acts like its mostly a thing of economics. Absolutely no real critiscism or pressure to myanmar.

Seriously…lets use Chinas “kind approach” in european situation….
poland accepted million plus ukranian refugees
Germany accepted million plus syrians.

“China KINDNESS activated”
Sorry we only accept ethnic polish/germans….which we then will never give full status.
Oh maybe a handfull of thousands to atleast be able to say “were taking in refugees!!” While making economic deals and strong diplomatic ties with the agressor.
Sanctions? Critiscism? Ofcourse not…more russian/assad trade deals! Gimme that Money money money!

Seriously. Stop with the lies.
Keep it at “were a developing nation that doesnt like to get involved outside its borders” as an excuse why a superpower and 2nd economy of the world refuses to really take in refugees.
“Kinder then europe” seriously?
1, Syrian refugees are caused by NATO. Of course, you might say it's the United States and Turkey, not Germany. Germany is only a NATO ally. By the same token, China and Myanmar do not even have an alliance. Why should China be responsible for the refugees in Myanmar?

2, There were only Vietnamese Chinese refugees in the China-Vietnam War, and that war did not cause other nationalities to become refugees. China has given these refugees jobs and land, and their income is three times that of Vietnamese. Do you think China is not good enough for these refugees?

3, Yes, China has not given these people nationality. But that's because we can't give nationality temporarily due to legal procedures, but China has given them equal treatment as nationals, these Vietnamese refugees enjoy Chinese medical insurance, which is even better than that of Americans medical insurance. And we are trying to make the NPC amend the law to give them nationality. It is not easy to give nationality to 300k people at a time, even in an immigrant country like the USA. These 300k Vietnamese refugees will eventually be able to obtain Chinese nationality.

4, China is closely related to several autonomous states in northern Myanmar, not the central government of Myanmar. China has limited influence on Rohingyas in southern Myanmar. And now the Myanmar military government has suspended China's B&R project in Myanmar and blackmailed China to recognize the military government, so the relationship between the military governments of China and Myanmar is cold now, and they are unable to adjust the Rohingya issue for the time being. And China has taken in 30000 Rohingyas.
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1, Syrian refugees are caused by NATO. Of course, you might say it's the United States and Turkey, not Germany. Germany is only a NATO ally. By the same token, China and Myanmar do not even have an alliance. Why should China be responsible for the refugees in Myanmar?
Hama massacre ring a bell?
Assad petrol bombs?
The russian butcher of aleppo?
“Nato responsible” pfff.
2, There were only Vietnamese Chinese refugees in the China-Vietnam War, and that war did not cause other nationalities to become refugees. China has given these refugees jobs and land, and their income is three times that of Vietnamese. Do you think China is not good enough for these refugees?
China taking in refugees on race basis?

Not giving citizenship after generations?
Kind? Utter bullshit. Those 1 million german citizens will get passports within the generation.

4, China is closely related to several autonomous states in northern Myanmar, not the central government of Myanmar. China has limited influence on Rohingyas in southern Myanmar. And now the Myanmar military government has suspended China's B&R project in Myanmar and blackmailed China to recognize the military government, so the relationship between the military governments of China and Myanmar is cold now, and they are unable to adjust the Rohingya issue for the time being. And China has taken in 30000 Rohingyas.

I dont trust your unsupported number.
Even if it is 30.000 this is ridiculously small for when there is a ethnic cleansing in a border nation…..”kind”
Poland took in a million ukranians.
Didn't the news you read tell you that 300k Vietnamese refugees enjoy the same treatment as the Chinese? The Chinese govt did not drive them away. What's the problem with obtaining nationality later? The Chinese government needs to solve many legal procedures for them, which takes time.

I have clearly told you that the Vietnam War did not cause other ethnic groups to become refugees, only Vietnamese Chinese left Vietnam. In addition, you may not know that almost all Vietnamese have more or less Chinese descent. They can almost show evidence that they are Vietnamese Chinese.
Europe time and again takes in hundreds of thousands of refugees. Many times from conflicts they do not play a part in.
Millions if it is a bordering country.

China only takes in their own race in large numbers.
and if there is an ethnic cleansing in a bordering non ethnic chinese nation…they keep economic deals with the agressor…and take in a token amount (3000 from source). Which will not get citizenship for many generation.

This is far from “kind”
This is far far far less tolerant then europe.
Simple facts.
I admit that 300k Vietnamese refugees have indeed waited for nationality for 40 years, and the Chinese govt is indeed not as efficient as Europe on this issue.
But the Chinese govt has never expelled or repatriated them, and has given them the same treatment. It is clear that they will eventually acquire nationality.

There is a Chinese proverb "Who shit and who wipes his a2s". China will bear the responsibility for the China-Vietnam War(China has accepted all the refugees caused by this war), and the same NATO countries should also bear the responsibility for the wars in which NATO has participated.

China's small number of refugees is due to the small number of wars China has participated in. Avoiding war is the greatest kindness. NATO countries bombed other countries into ruins and accepted some refugees. This is not "kindness", this is "atonement".

China's neighbors have two sources of refugees, one is Myanmar, and China is willing to assume the responsibility of Asian leaders. As long as Rohingya refugees can reach the Chinese border, China will host them. The other is Afghanistan. Afghan refugees should be received by NATO countries.

Who shit and who wipes his a2s!
Why the West wants China to accept more refugees? Because they hate China.

A year ago, the United States asked China to accept Afghan refugees.

US urges China to take Afghan refugees while accusing China of Muslim genocide. In all their scenarios, China is always the villain.
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Could you debate somewhere else about China Vietnam and what not,nobody gives a flying fck about your discussion.
There is a Chinese proverb "Who shit and who wipes his a2s". China will bear the responsibility for the China-Vietnam War(China has accepted all the refugees caused by this war), and the same NATO countries should also bear the responsibility for the wars in which NATO has participated.
Dumping us all under the Nato pile?
Even when USA unilaterally attacks, or it is UN based. Or even when nonsuch thing was applicable (such as start conflict syria)

Such a predictable excuse…
China's small number of refugees is due to the small number of wars China has participated in. Avoiding war is the greatest kindness. NATO countries bombed other countries into ruins and accepted some refugees. This is not "kindness", this is "atonement".
We have somalian, eritrean, iraqi, nigerian, bangladeshi, vietnamese, ukranian, syrian, bosnian, lebanese. Again many not because of Nato starting the war.
Who shit and who wipes his a2s!
Oh so you will host north korean defectors? Oh no you make deals with the korean dictator for money and power (like with assad, like in myanmar..), see them as “illegal economic migrants” and routinely drag them back to be tortured there….

China acts like a swiss banker during WW2.
China cannot wait to make deals and earn from the worst dictators and agressors. Those that caused the refugee crisis.

China then Only takes in some ethnic chinese (no citizenship though!), and a handfull of rohingya (from million refugees….), while regularly dragging back north korean defectors to their death.

“chinese kindness” . You can keep it.

(Last post on subject not derail thread further)
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An episode of the work of Russian assault groups in Ukraine. Machine-gun crew and a professional sniper pair keep the defense in the building and clear the approaches to it in Ukraine from the enemy. (this and other videos have subtitles)

The crew of the Russian air defense system "Buk" spoke about the confrontation with the American MLRS "HIMARS" in Ukraine. The goal is difficult, but the interception of HIMARS MLRS missiles in Ukraine has ceased to be a problem, Russian air defense crews have already gained experience in combating it.

There was information that the English howitzers L119 caliber 105 mm have already been delivered to the territory of Ukraine. In Ukraine, they said that these howitzers in the future should replace the 122-mm howitzers of Soviet production. Howitzers were produced under license and the United States under the name M119. The L118 light howitzer was developed in the UK to replace the obsolete 105 mm M56 howitzers. The howitzer was produced in two versions: L-118 with a conventional barrel and L-119 with a shortened one. L119s were withdrawn from service by England in 2005. Howitzer L-119 with a shortened barrel shoots at 11 km, it is used mainly for training. The firing range of the L-118 howitzer with a conventional high-explosive fragmentation projectile is 17 km, with an active-reactive projectile - 20 km. The weight of the howitzer is 2.3 tons, the calculation is 5-7 people. Among the advantages of the howitzer are its light weight, the ability to be towed by off-road vehicles and transferred by helicopters.

The Russian Ministry of Defense showed the work of operators of the S-300V air defense system in Russia. The video shows the 9S32 multi-channel missile guidance station. The 9S32 station is capable of simultaneously performing a sector search and tracking up to 12 targets at a range of up to 150 km for aircraft and from 60 to 90 km for various types of missiles. The station has been in service with Russia since 1983.

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