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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Could you debate somewhere else about China Vietnam and what not,nobody gives a flying fck about your discussion.
Just a note
Certainly off topic
Same same but different
Refugee waves in Vietnam, China exist thru history however never comparable to such genocide extent of Russia war against Ukraine. Vietnam accepted waves of chinese refugees when Ming dynasty collapsed.
Putin in contrast just follows his forefathers businesses: stealing other people territories, selling oil and gas to make the livings. Much money goes into military complex. The rich remain rich and in power, vast majority of Russians have no say, remain poor. Putin hates Ukraine because it has a democratic structure, liberty, european as well as Nato membership perspective, more wealthy in the future. Last but not least Ukraine has grains surpluses.
Chinese make the livings by hard work.
That’s something I wish the Russians will learn eventually.
Ukrainian news: antiradiation missiles for Himars are coming.

It's the first time I hear that HIMARS/M270 had antiradiation ammo.
When you are on the US side of any military conflict, especially in modern times, you will hear the US military and govt do, say and see everything BUT WIN the war. Have u noticed that pattern too?
Most refugees in the world have relations with NATO. Dare you deny that? Is Germany not a member of NATO?
The point is to understand the separation between refugee and immigrant, because in Europe 99% are immigrants and not refugees. When the refugee goes to the first safe country, he/she is considered a refugee. But if he/she wants to leave and go elsewhere, then he is an immigrant.
So when the Ukrainian goes to Poland or Romania or the EU (there is an agreement) he/she is considered a refugee.
Another example is the Syrian who went to Turkey or Jordan or the Venezuelian that went to Colombia.
If he/she wants to go elsewhere, then he/she is an immigrant, and usually an illegal one.
The point is to understand the separation between refugee and immigrant, because in Europe 99% are immigrants and not refugees. When the refugee goes to the first safe country, he/she is considered a refugee. But if he/she wants to leave and go elsewhere, then he is an immigrant.
So when the Ukrainian goes to Poland or Romania or the EU (there is an agreement) he/she is considered a refugee.
Another example is the Syrian who went to Turkey or Jordan or the Venezuelian that went to Colombia.
If he/she wants to go elsewhere, then he/she is an immigrant, and usually an illegal one.
A refugee always leave because of an immediate threat to his personal being. He is compelled by circumstances beyond his control. His choices are quickly reduced to the stark 'leave or die' situation. Finally, his final choice to leave is always understandable and even sympathized by others.

On the other hand, an immigrant leave by choice, compelled mostly by economic and/or financial gains. His current life is not threatened or at worst, threats are perceived rather than material, and is time dependent. Finally, his choice to leave are not always hospitably received by his intended destination.

When you are on the US side of any military conflict, especially in modern times, you will hear the US military and govt do, say and see everything BUT WIN the war. Have u noticed that pattern too?
That is true. So always take the opposite of the US military. Victory against the US military is assured. :enjoy:
During every crisis it is always interesting to see how the EU adopts (or fails to do so),

Moving to qualified majority and a further shared energy market/stock will definately help the EU become more robust and fast acting

Few side notes On Europe.

I read that some here, complain that this war get's different interest and response than wars in other places . which are ignored.

I agree there is for sure something in that.

But one must take into account and remember , that Europe was the scene for the two most horrific wars in human history .

European earth is drenched with the is blood of millions that have died there in wars.

Than for a while it seems that European countries took a new path . It no longer seemed likely that they would engage in this kind of war again.

Now again we see Artillery exchange , in a mass that we have not seen since world war 2.

So yes , i too find find this war is disturbing , specially because it takes place in Europe.

A sign that humanity is not heading in the right direction.

One of the biggest stars (and unsung heros) of this war is the Russian GRU.

It is unbelievable how accurate Russian targeting and inteligence is deep inside ukraine. no way in hell they can be getting these sorts of intel from satelites.

They have deeply infiltrated the Ukie government and intel services. And they have provided devastating intel on mass gatherings of mercenaries and western equipment.

The sheer desperation of the ukies constantly purging senior members of the government,intel, military speaks to the absolute panic and paranoia their succesful efforts have caused the ukies.

Russian intelligence capabilities are absolute world class.

ps. The Ukie commander of the special forces just got dismissed by paranoid mr.winning zelensky.

Few side notes On Europe.

I read that some here, complain that this war get's different interest and response than wars in other places . which are ignored.

I agree there is for sure something in that.

But one must take into account and remember , that Europe was the scene for the two most horrific wars in human history .

European earth is drenched with the is blood of millions that have died there in wars.

Than for a while it seems that European countries took a new path . It no longer seemed likely that they would engage in this kind of war again.

Now again we see Artillery exchange , in a mass that we have not seen since world war 2.

So yes , i too find find this war is disturbing , specially because it takes place in Europe.

A sign that humanity is not heading in the right direction.

There is no comparison. The Russia invasion is an all out war against Ukraine. Also. Russia poses a direct threat to Europe. You can’t compare it to x,y war in Africa or elsewhere. People here fear a potential Russia invasion. They see it what the Russians are doing in Ukraine, looting, raping, killing. The US fears a possible Russia attack as well. That’s why the US is massively involved, the weaker the Russians become the better it’s for US security.

The Ukraine contact group has 50 countries. That means 50 countries consider Russia as a direct threat. That’s more than 30+2 Nato members.
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