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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

You seriously want to be corrected on who caused all the wars, devastation and color revolutions in the past century
You seriously want to be corrected that we are not living in the past century, and the present people of European countries are not responsible of what happened in the past, where all were busy in killing others.

The present people of EU countries are not bound to give asylum to refugees under any law.

And if they are indeed giving asylum today, then it is only and only on the basis of humanity.

Look at Iran and all other Muslims countries.
How Afghan refugees are considered as 2nd class citizens in Iran.
How Afghans are not even able to get the citizenship of Iran despite living for decades there.
How Afghans are not even able to marry any Iranian (especially women) like a normal Iranian can marry.

Afghans in EU countries have far more rights as compared to the so-called Islamic Republic of Iran.

And then come such people like you from Iran and other such dictatorships with low records of human rights, and try to criticize the human friendly people of EU countries of today, who make sacrifices in order to give asylum to refugees and to give them equal human rights.

That's Myanmar's internal affairs. It's not China's place to tell others how to run their countries. Maybe don't stick your nose in where it doesn't belong and your nose won't get broken.

This is the peak of stupidity. You have no problems when China backs up the Myanmar Army today, but you have problem when China has to stop Myanmar's Army from the massacre of Rohingya.

China Pledges Support for Myanmar’s Junta, ‘No Matter How the Situation Changes’

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You seriously want to be corrected that we are not living in the past century, and the present people of European countries are not responsible of what happened in the past, where all were busy in killing others.

The present people of EU countries are not bound to give asylum to refugees under any law.

And if they are indeed giving asylum today, then it is only and only on the basis of humanity.

Look at Iran and all other Muslims countries.
How Afghan refugees are considered as 2nd class citizens in Iran.
How Afghans are not even able to get the citizenship of Iran despite living for decades there.
How Afghans are not even able to marry any Iranian (especially women) like a normal Iranian can marry.

Afghans in EU countries have far more rights as compared to the so-called Islamic Republic of Iran.

And then come such people like you from Iran and other such dictatorships with low records of human rights, and try to criticize the human friendly people of EU countries of today, who make sacrifices in order to give asylum to refugees and to give them equal human rights.

This is the peak of stupidity. You have no problems when China backs up the Myanmar Army today, but you have problem when China has to stop Myanmar's Army from the massacre of Rohingya.

China Pledges Support for Myanmar’s Junta, ‘No Matter How the Situation Changes’

Iran is for Iranians, and not for anyone else.
EU nations have committed national suicide by opening their borders to everyone who came, and even giving incentives for people to come.
Today European natives have become minorities in many of their own cities. Some Europeans have woken up to this fact and are trying to fight back, but it's already too late.
You seriously want to be corrected that we are not living in the past century, and the present people of European countries are not responsible of what happened in the past, where all were busy in killing others.

The present people of EU countries are not bound to give asylum to refugees under any law.

And if they are indeed giving asylum today, then it is only and only on the basis of humanity.

Look at Iran and all other Muslims countries.
How Afghan refugees are considered as 2nd class citizens in Iran.
How Afghans are not even able to get the citizenship of Iran despite living for decades there.
How Afghans are not even able to marry any Iranian (especially women) like a normal Iranian can marry.

Afghans in EU countries have far more rights as compared to the so-called Islamic Republic of Iran.

And then come such people like you from Iran and other such dictatorships with low records of human rights, and try to criticize the human friendly people of EU countries of today, who make sacrifices in order to give asylum to refugees and to give them equal human rights.

This is the peak of stupidity. You have no problems when China backs up the Myanmar Army today, but you have problem when China has to stop Myanmar's Army from the massacre of Rohingya.

China Pledges Support for Myanmar’s Junta, ‘No Matter How the Situation Changes’

You are really commited sectarian follower of secularism, thing is that they not welcome anybody because of so called "humanism" that is just cute word for filling labour and demoghrafic gaps, so it is just from necessity not altruism, once when white human resource appear like ukrainian one, they switch towards it as they banned afgans in favor of ukrainians, that is all you need to know about integrity and truthfullness of so called european humanistic values.
Never understood russia plan
Do you want or not take all ukraine?
If so why wouldnt you do a no fly zone?

Confused polciy that simply prolonged a war
Keep to thread (general statement). Thank you.
air defence systems intercepted all of them but somehow there are videos on the internet of the bridge being hit and today has been closed for traffic. :lol:

Russian bots are such a bunch of clowns,they were the ones claiming the moskva wasn't hit,then there was an accident but fire is extinguished and the ship is returning to port and then finally admitting it sank,LMAO.

looks like it is out of action now - not fit to move vehicles over - that will affect resupply efforts. v.v.v precise strikes along the bridge, basically the same as what you will get with an LGB.

All hail HIMARS..

Smart from the Ukrainians, they decided to attack the width of the bridge instead of the entire length. And it proves how impressive HIMARS accuracy is.
looks like it is out of action now - not fit to move vehicles over - that will affect resupply efforts. v.v.v precise strikes along the bridge, basically the same as what you will get with an LGB.

All hail HIMARS..
I guess the russians managed to take down all the Himars rockets…..they just opted to use the bridge instead of their Sam-300.

Another brilliant chess move from Putin.

Smart from the Ukrainians, they decided to attack the width of the bridge instead of the entire length. And it proves how impressive HIMARS accuracy is.
An invasion army needs constant supply of fuel, foods, water, ammo, everything even toilet paper. Huge amount every day. If Russians are cut off, bridges destroyed, they will starve either to death or must retreat.
100 Haubitze
That’s massive.
The Russians have nowhere to hide.


Die "Panzerhaubitze 2000" kann bis zu 40 Kilometer weit schießen.

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