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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The only people that Benefit from this whole situation are Israelis and the Americans there is no reason for Russia to attack the port after the deal they are winning the war regardless but the clown zelensky is getting all Ukrainian males killed but the Jews have already escaped to Israel sooner or later they will return and form a government in Ukraine but there wont be any Ukranian anymore
I wouldn't be surprised if these Israelis got their nuke tech from Ukraine

The European Union, Israel and Egypt have signed a tripartite natural gas export deal as the bloc seeks to diversify away from Russian energy.

They want Europe to be dependent on Israeli gas from the stolen Land
You seem seeing Jews everywhere. Beware, Jews come and steal your underwear. Seriously, the Jews are right and leave Russia. Lavrov sees Jews and Nazi as same.
You seem seeing Jews everywhere. Beware, Jews come and steal your underwear. Seriously, the Jews are right and leave Russia. Lavrov sees Jews and Nazi as same.
Well You seem to concerned about the jews also as I can tell from your comment no I dont wear the underwear the only thing they would be grabbing is deez nutz Lavrov is a smart man and he sees the things the way they are Nazi is just short for Ashke Nazi so you cant blame Lavrov for not being a sheep like you?
If Russia withdraw because the Russian military cannot sustain the war, would that qualify as a defeat? After all, that is how people calls the US after Viet Nam and Afghanistan.
Of course, it's a failure.

Even as long as Russia does not win Odessa and Kharkov in the end, it will be a failure.
I already gave him several links to sources.
He ignored the whole post.

Its hilarious.
One hand we have nationalist islamist dictator erdogan who occupies european land, threatens war, calls us (his allies which send patriot shield for defense) nazi racists who like to see muslim children die….and treats european turks as “volksdeutschers” fifth column, openly asking them to form a mini-turkey in another land.

Then we have a chinese who claims this behaviour is “kind and generous” to europe…and it is those (evil/racist?) europeans that do not accept turkey.

While china sends millions of muslims to re-education camps…something both many muslim and chinese posters here keep a blind eye on…cause it is so inconvenient for their ummah-china alliance vs evil racist west world view….
There is no reeducation camp in China, which is a rumor fabricated by the western media.
Another breach of International Humanitarian Law by Russia. Why am I not surprised

Article 48: Basic rule

In order to ensure respect for and protection of the civilian population and civilian objects, the Parties to the conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly shall direct their operations only against military objectives.

Under international humanitarian law, civilian objects such as schools, hospitals, and houses are protected. So are humanitarian, religious and medical objects, as well as the environment. In addition, cultural property benefits from an additional protection

There is no reeducation camp in China, which is a rumor fabricated by the western media.
i see it as likely considering the documents shown….but also how the china historically dealt with these matters during taiping rebellion, cultural revolution, falun gong, or that plane of xinjiang leaders “mysteriously” crashing.
Another breach of International Humanitarian Law by Russia. Why am I not surprised

Article 48: Basic rule

In order to ensure respect for and protection of the civilian population and civilian objects, the Parties to the conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly shall direct their operations only against military objectives.

Under international humanitarian law, civilian objects such as schools, hospitals, and houses are protected. So are humanitarian, religious and medical objects, as well as the environment. In addition, cultural property benefits from an additional protection

The school was turned into a military base by the Ukrainians. That is why it was bombed, according to the Russians. So the first breach of "International Humanitarian Law" was by Ukraine using civilian infrastructure for military purposes.
The school was turned into a military base by the Ukrainians. That is why it was bombed, according to the Russians. So the first breach of "International Humanitarian Law" was by Ukraine using civilian infrastructure for military purposes.
Please can you share independent verified information that the school was being used as a military base?
Well You seem to concerned about the jews also as I can tell from your comment no I dont wear the underwear the only thing they would be grabbing is deez nutz Lavrov is a smart man and he sees the things the way they are Nazi is just short for Ashke Nazi so you cant blame Lavrov for not being a sheep like you?
Lavrov is not smart. He is dumb. I don’t know why he turns himself from a diplomat to a dumb stooge.
Israel tends to neutral, now turns hostile. I mean Lavrov accuses Jews are Nazi.
i see it as likely considering the documents shown….but also how the china historically dealt with these matters during taiping rebellion, cultural revolution, falun gong, or that plane of xinjiang leaders “mysteriously” crashing.
Should we also consider incidents such as Belgium cutting black people's hands in Africa and British piracy. Do you think these countries are trustworthy?

With all due respect, that is your position, not your sincerity to discuss the facts with us. That means people like you are our enemies.
Lavrov is not smart. He is dumb. I don’t know why he turns himself from a diplomat to a dumb stooge.
Israel tends to neutral, now turns hostile. I mean Lavrov accuses Jews are Nazi.
Israel and Soros is bankrolling all this shit. You are blind if you can't see this Jewish agenda.

But... but... but Russia is superpower what can reach Paris in two weeks they want!!!
But but but US is stronk, where is US? Ooooo yah teaching Afghans English....
Two of Putin’s top pilots are wiped out in HIMARS missile strike on their motorcade in Ukraine

Israel and Soros is bankrolling all this shit. You are blind if you can't see this Jewish agenda.

But but but US is stronk, where is US? Ooooo yah teaching Afghans English....
Soros is an old man. Israel has 6 million something people. So those few control the world? Ok. I hope they make China to a Jew colony.
Soros is an old man. Israel has 6 million something people. So those few control the world? Ok. I hope they make China to a Jew colony.

I guess you must hate Jews very much. I saw you deliberately attract Chinese hatred for Israel several times.

Are you a German right wing?
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