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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Should we also consider incidents such as Belgium cutting black people's hands in Africa and British piracy. Do you think these countries are trustworthy?

With all due respect, that is your position, not your sincerity to discuss the facts with us. That means people like you are our enemies.
Ehmm we in the west get these histories rubbed in our face constantly. Incessantly.
Clearly you are not used when the same is done with China.

Also lets not go back to far and keep it from 2000 and on.
Treatment of falun gong, very low scores on religious tolerance (open doors listing), basically requiring religious institution to be state controlled/adhering to “patriotic” thoughts.
And then the xinjiang seperatism and terrorism starts…how is China likely to act considering all that history?? Well….

so to get back on the question:
how would China act towards turkish behaviour as erdogan does toward europe?? Answer…they would mercilessly crush any seperatist/ideological threath to the CCP.

No turkish erdogan-imams
No turkish military service
No turkish double passports
No turkish tv programs
No turkish politicians rallying support in china
No turkish intelligence keeping ties/eyes on the turkish minority
(so far i kind of agree…i feel we are way to soft in europe against this “fifth column” erdogan interferance)

But likely also:
Patriotism tests
Proof of patriotism

Ehmm we in the west get these histories rubbed in our face constantly. Incessantly.
Clearly you are not used when the same is done with China.

Also lets not go back to far and keep it from 2000 and on.
Treatment of falun gong, very low scores on religious tolerance (open doors listing), basically requiring religious institution to be state controlled/adhering to “patriotic” thoughts.
And then the xinjiang seperatism and terrorism starts…how is China likely to act considering all that history?? Well….

so to get back on the question:
how would China act towards turkish behaviour as erdogan does toward europe?? Answer…they would mercilessly crush any seperatist/ideological threath to the CCP.

No turkish erdogan-imams
No turkish military service
No turkish double passports
No turkish tv programs
No turkish politicians rallying support in china
No turkish intelligence keeping ties/eyes on the turkish minority
(so far i kind of agree…i feel we are way to soft in europe against this “fifth column” erdogan interferance)

But likely also:
Patriotism tests
Proof of patriotism
However i am not your enemy.
I greatly admire China. But simply prefer a softer Deng Xiaoping approach more to a new-Mao approach i am afraid Xi Jinping is moving towards.
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It was very interesting to see that russia resumed gas deliveries after the “maintenance” of nordstream.

Is this a sign of russia being co-dependant on europe paying…shutting gas completely being simply too damaging.

Or is this simply playing with supply to drain as much money out of europe as possible. Saving the “nuclear option” of shutting all gas till later in the winter (or not, if ukraine progress favors russia)

In any case. Europe should get its act together and fill those reserves ASAP.
There is no reeducation camp in China, which is a rumor fabricated by the western media.
Since you appear to make comments without deeper knowledge of the issues, so why should anyone care about anything you say?
Ehmm we in the west get these histories rubbed in our face constantly. Incessantly.
Clearly you are not used when the same is done with China.

Also lets not go back to far and keep it from 2000 and on.
Treatment of falun gong, very low scores on religious tolerance (open doors listing), basically requiring religious institution to be state controlled/adhering to “patriotic” thoughts.
And then the xinjiang seperatism and terrorism starts…how is China likely to act considering all that history?? Well….

so to get back on the question:
how would China act towards turkish behaviour as erdogan does toward europe?? Answer…they would mercilessly crush any seperatist/ideological threath to the CCP.

No turkish erdogan-imams
No turkish military service
No turkish double passports
No turkish tv programs
No turkish politicians rallying support in china
No turkish intelligence keeping ties/eyes on the turkish minority
(so far i kind of agree…i feel we are way to soft in europe against this “fifth column” erdogan interferance)

But likely also:
Patriotism tests
Proof of patriotism

However i am not your enemy.
I greatly admire China. But simply prefer a softer Deng Xiaoping approach more to a new-Mao approach i am afraid Xi Jinping is moving towards.
Because Turkey is the original creator of the East Turkistan organization, the relationship between China and Turkey is very bad, and the relationship between China and Greece is very good.

I just like Erdogan personally. I really think Erdogan is helping the EU stop refugees. You owe Turkey.

Secondly, Mao Zedong, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping are CCP leftists (similar to the US Democratic Party). Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin are CCP rightists (similar to the US Republican Party). You feel right. Xi and Mao belong to the same faction.

But you don't just hate the CCP's left, you hate the still efficient and capable Chinese govt.
Lavrov is not smart. He is dumb. I don’t know why he turns himself from a diplomat to a dumb stooge.
Israel tends to neutral, now turns hostile. I mean Lavrov accuses Jews are Nazi.
Lavrov is holding a top position in Russia and you are not you just crawling on here on the forums Lavrov is a well respected man all around the world
Did you even read the last post what do you want him to call the AshkeNazi than do you have a better word for the Ashke Nazi's ? Not sure why you are so hurt by him calling the ashkenazi A Nazi you act more like a Hasbara troll than a viet

Is Viet suppose to be short for Vietnamese?

Does this man look like he’s on the losing side of anything?

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