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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Do you have relevant news links?
Apparently you have no backing for your comment that Turkey is kind to EU states.
Why comment on things You know nothing about? Anyone that has a minimum of knowledge about this would not ask for sources.

Russia's justice ministry has moved to liquidate the evil "jewish agency of israel" Russia branch

For those unfamiliar, this is an office set up in Russia and other eastern euro countries to harvest zionist migrants to emigrate to occupied palestine and steal palestinian lands.. Not only does this give loyal new citizens whos entire livelihoods depend on the zionist entity, but they even displace the native middle eastern looking jews with eastern euro whites to make israel look like a "white country" to the racist west..
Has Russian surrendered yet ? Cause I am hearing this since day 1 that Russians are losing badly and will be done within few weeks ? what happen ?
If Russia withdraw because the Russian military cannot sustain the war, would that qualify as a defeat? After all, that is how people calls the US after Viet Nam and Afghanistan.
If Russia withdraw because the Russian military cannot sustain the war, would that qualify as a defeat? After all, that is how people calls the US after Viet Nam and Afghanistan.
Well we have to see if Russians achieve their goals, and by goals I don't mean changing ones as per situation of that time, but goals that those countries set out before they went into the war.
Erdogan misusing the Turks living in Germany as fifth column. When German authorities forbad Turk political rallies he calling Germany nazi, fascism. Erdogan believed he can do everything in foreign countries. Imagine Erdogan calls all Turk speaking people in China to public political rallies. Putin is the same. Putin believes wherever a Russian lives he has the right to attack the host country.

Apparently you have no backing for your comment that Turkey is kind to EU states.
Why comment on things You know nothing about? Anyone that has a minimum of knowledge about this would not ask for sources.
I already gave him several links to sources.
He ignored the whole post.

Its hilarious.
One hand we have nationalist islamist dictator erdogan who occupies european land, threatens war, calls us (his allies which send patriot shield for defense) nazi racists who like to see muslim children die….and treats european turks as “volksdeutschers” fifth column, openly asking them to form a mini-turkey in another land.

Then we have a chinese who claims this behaviour is “kind and generous” to europe…and it is those (evil/racist?) europeans that do not accept turkey.

While china sends millions of muslims to re-education camps…something both many muslim and chinese posters here keep a blind eye on…cause it is so inconvenient for their ummah-china alliance vs evil racist west world view….
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Russians bombed Odessa, hardly the ink was dried. Putin is exposed as liar. He is not interested that Ukraine can resume export of grains. Why he signed in the first place? Remarkably he sent Shoigu.
The only people that Benefit from this whole situation are Israelis and the Americans there is no reason for Russia to attack the port after the deal they are winning the war regardless but the clown zelensky is getting all Ukrainian males killed but the Jews have already escaped to Israel sooner or later they will return and form a government in Ukraine but there wont be any Ukranian anymore
I wouldn't be surprised if these Israelis got their nuke tech from Ukraine

The European Union, Israel and Egypt have signed a tripartite natural gas export deal as the bloc seeks to diversify away from Russian energy.

They want Europe to be dependent on Israeli gas from the stolen Land
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