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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


You are helping by cheering for the victim, we are helping by giving them condoms. Lol
You have no idea how sick that sounds, do you ? Of course not. Giving condoms to the rapist is an act of kindness to the rape victim. That is essentially what you are saying China is doing FOR Ukraine.

A Russian ATGM crew destroyed a Ukrainian armored personnel carrier. The model of the armored personnel carrier is difficult to determine, but at maximum drag it is very similar to the American M113 armored personnel carrier.

The Ministry of Defense showed an episode of the combat work of Russian special forces in Ukraine.

Recently, one of the problems at the front has been a large number of PFM-1 petal mines. The Ukrainian army, retreating, with the help of cluster shells, massively carries out mining with PFM-1 petal mines. The Soviet plastic mine PFM-1 is copied from the American BLUE-43 and weighs only 80 grams. The mine contains about 37 grams of explosive VS-6D in liquid form. Russia abandoned the PFM-1 mines and switched to the PFM-1C version, which self-destructs after 40 hours. Ukraine also abandoned them and began to destroy mines, but the process was apparently too slow since they appeared at the front.

Russia has begun using the new Lastochka-M attack drones in Ukraine. There is no information on the new UAV. It is assumed that the drone "Swallow" is an analogue of the Skylark-1 LE made in Israel. It is only known that the "Swallows" in the course of combat use fragmentation and cumulative ammunition and they were struck by armored vehicles and manpower of the enemy. The drone is launched from a catapult and lands on an airbag. The UAV drops small-caliber ammunition adapted for use from the air. If we assume that this is a modernization of the Israeli Skylark-1 drone, then the characteristics of the Lastochka UAV will be something like this. Take-off weight 7.5 kg, payload 1.2 kg, operating time up to 3 hours, flight distance up to 40 km, application altitude up to 5000 meters. The drone uses 43 mm grenades adapted for air strikes.

A short story by a pilot about what kind of missiles the Su-35 aircraft is equipped with for combat missions.

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