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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

What I read is the tantrums of a Muslim, especially Turkiye, hater. No one makes these claims. It is only in your illusions and insecurity towards Turkiye. 👆
I can get sources for everything of the above. Just a few for you:

Yes how “gratefull” we should be for the “kind and generous” erdogan..our “friend and ally”
So Sell your lies somewhere else…
Erdogan set EU-Turkish relations back many decades. Fact.
Russian Solder to Mother .... "Mother, our asses are being kicked everywhere ...."

( Yup - about sums it all up )

>> Progressing well towards kicking Russians out of Kherson.

You guys need to stop talking about Southern Ukraine. 👇 Those dumb claims aren't making sense any more.


The world's second most powerful army has to dig in and fight on the defensive on many fronts against the Ukrainian army. Thought they were winning. How clever.

This is a war between the West and Russia. The Ukrainians are just providing cannon fodders for the West since Westerners can't handle the serious casualties of going to war with Russia. And Russia is pretty much mopping the West to the floor.
I see many here (funny enough….actually living in the west…our western hospitality allowing them to get education and earn well…) showing nothing but hate and ill wishes for their host country and fellow countrymen.

What to do? Should we use “chinese” style on them??
I mean…you never hear them critisize china so china must be finding the right “diplomatic” approach!

>> Progressing well towards kicking Russians out of Kherson.

Russia are embarrassing themselves. They thought they would be occupying most of Ukraine by now. Instead their army has been shown up to be poorly motivated, their equipment was out of date 25 years ago, and their leadership has been shown to be utterly deluded.
this is about the 10th time we have heard of some glorious ukie counter attack somewhere.

With the same 3-4 “top 1% earners” spambots absolutly spamming page after page.

Only for it to fizzle after a few dozen canon fodder get sent infront of the cameras to become target practise for artillery…..?

At some point someone needs to get banned for wilfully spamming misleading information…….. 1 time 2 times. 8 times? How many times do you have to recycle and spam the same bullshit?

it becomes nauseating.
You guys need to stop talking about Southern Ukraine. 👇 Those dumb claims aren't making sense any more.


This is a war between the West and Russia. The Ukrainians are just providing cannon fodders for the West since Westerners can't handle the serious casualties of going to war with Russia. And Russia is pretty much mopping the West to the floor.

Typical Russian excuse to their garbage performance in Ukraine that they are fighting against the west. If the west was really into it they would have delivered massive number of modern fighter jets,air defence systems and other heavy equipments. They would have hunred of himars and not just 12.

NATO would obliterate the Russians in a few days,of course western haters (but living in the west) like you would disagree.
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