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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Tell me what europ has oil or what. They need to mamge expenses as well. Germany increased 100 billions for weapons 200 billions subsidy in bills. How about weak economy in europ. They are many poor countries in Europe man bring your fuck8ng horses back on earth. People like you are so Arrogant and not realizing the Temperature. When you drive foolishly then Accidents happen.Europe as to mange housing medical and schooling for those 5 millones people plus Europe has to look after their mental health. Big task..
You are clueless. That’s a war. People will go to extremes. If no oil no gas no electricity, ok, people will still survive we just go back to old age. No joke, I myself have prepared for everything I built this oven for the coming winter. many Germans do that here.

You don't have 100 missiles next to a HIMARS, but you don't store 100 HIMARS missile off site somewhere, again, Logistic is about you have 1 next to you, 1 on the move, and 1 also on the move as backup, and unless Ukraine can produce 4 HIMARS rocket per every launcher, they won't have any store up.
not next to you , you have those missiles somewhere , load the Himras , the himras go somewhere else and fire its load , come back and reload and again go somewhere else and again empty its load , that's how you increase the survivability of the system . may look unnecessary but its how its done and the result showed its effective way to do it
You only will store whatever you have spare, and that is NOT the case for the Ukrainian, and I suggest you go read something about Just-In-Time logistic model before your next comment, because I cannot further dumb down the concept for you, and you obviously have no idea what is just-in-time logistic model.

not available for me it want subscription , and you can do that for fuel and ammunition as your production is limited and your consumption is not constant , one day you use more , one day you use less
where do you guys this sh**. I am not jewish or Israeli (common accusation from those that are out of arguments). This makes no sense. About 85% of Jewish population is split between Israel and US.

Most of the rest of it is in advanced countries spread around Europe. Ukraine's population is only 0.2 % jewish so completely insignificant.

Total number of Jews around the world is 14M and change with most living in rich countries. WTF do you think anybody would want to Ukraine. 14M makes it slightly more than population of Tehran, less than Karachi.

I got news for you, there are very few Jews and almost nobody wants to leave the country they are in.
once 80% were living in Europe
Who is “we”?
we means us
I'm pretty shocked about the the Russians refurbishing T62s instead of T72s and T80s. It be like refurbishing M60s instead of the old Abrams. They are even asking for Belarus to provide T72s as well.

What do you think of the Russians making such defensive lines?
wasn't t-62 or t-64 supposed to be better than t-72 and T80 is actually based on it ?
t-72 was just a lower class tank that could be produced a lot faster
Hack ,

Seems like you estimates on the repair bridge were over optimistic.

The rail bridge seems still closed 5 days after ( not repaired in a few hours as you estimated ) and they have not even began the highway repair.
the train pass over it , so the rail must be fixed , they are just fixing the guards and railing on its side , not a priority job that's why it seems slower. and the actual repair and train begin work was a lot faster than what I predict
by the way what's your idea about the speed of repair on the road it seems they don't need to replace one plate at all and the repair would be a lot faster in the road (about it not begin look at the right side of the photo their floating crane already move one plate into place to be fixed I'm more interested to see what they want to do with other section
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the train pass over it , so the rail must be fixed , they are just fixing the guards and railing on its side , not a priority job that's why it seems slower. and the actual repair and train begin work was a lot faster than what I predict
by the way what's your idea about the speed of repair on the road it seems they don't need to replace one plate at all and the repair would be a lot faster in the road (about it not begin look at the right side of the photo their floating crane already move one plate into place to be fixed I'm more interested to see what they want to do with other section

Really don't see how that is possible , the clip they posted about the train passing looked fake and could have been taken anywhere any time.

If they really had solid evidence they would post a clip of it going through the damaged area , they did not post it ,cause they don't have it . From the looks of the tracks , nothing can drive through it. And the picture show they are still working on it.

Have not seen even one reliable picture of a train passing over the damaged area , nothing but propaganda fake clips.

As for the high way -On those two pieces that fell into the sea , they have not even began working - you estimated a week , yet the work has not even started yet.


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not next to you , you have those missiles somewhere , load the Himras , the himras go somewhere else and fire its load , come back and reload and again go somewhere else and again empty its load , that's how you increase the survivability of the system . may look unnecessary but its how its done and the result showed its effective way to do it

not available for me it want subscription , and you can do that for fuel and ammunition as your production is limited and your consumption is not constant , one day you use more , one day you use less

once 80% were living in Europe

we means us

wasn't t-62 or t-64 supposed to be better than t-72 and T80 is actually based on it ?
t-72 was just a lower class tank that could be produced a lot faster

the train pass over it , so the rail must be fixed , they are just fixing the guards and railing on its side , not a priority job that's why it seems slower. and the actual repair and train begin work was a lot faster than what I predict
by the way what's your idea about the speed of repair on the road it seems they don't need to replace one plate at all and the repair would be a lot faster in the road (about it not begin look at the right side of the photo their floating crane already move one plate into place to be fixed I'm more interested to see what they want to do with other section
Ah us = Iran? I don’t see Iran votes yes on Russia annexation on Donbas, why not?
Anyway I can see a new war on the horizon between Iran and Saudi Arabia. That’s coming. the Saudi are too dumb to alienate US and EU. those greedy oil sheiks hug Putin they hunt some more dollars on oil. Let’s see if their overpriced weapons can protect their palaces.
How do you know when someone are losing?

When they start building ww2 style trench lines:

Ukrainians dying at a higher rate than Russian are just vatnik myth. At the 1st days of fighting maybe. but their lost are usually around 1/3 compared to the Russian casualty overall.
Thats very sad state of affairs when people think that using old tactics means they are failing. Do you know that World militaries still follow Sun Tzu's art of war ?
lol , we don't recognize the voting
by the way let look at the other interesting voting to fight glorification of Nazism just happened one year ago, guess the one who said no are nazi countries ,the one who abstained nazi simpathizers

we again didn't recognize that voting
Iran is a paria state where its ayatollah leaders are too busy killing young women for not adhering to medieval religious laws.

Ofcourse iran does not recognize voting where 90% world shows a working moral compass….no suprise there.
How Iran has fallen really…i look up to its history and the iranians in europe are generally very nice people.

The nazi-glorification vote is taken out of context. USA and Ukraine were disagreeing with the wording…knowing full well Russia was planning its “denazification” excuse for annexation. Russia refused to amend the bill. And look and behold! Now a year later we see russia ethnically cleansing their brother nation…torturing and raping civilians…all for “denazification”.
Its utterly disgusting that these russian fascist taint this anti-nazism movement so much.
Iran is a paria state where its ayatollah leaders are too busy killing young women for not adhering to medieval religious laws.

Ofcourse iran does not recognize voting where 90% world shows a working moral compass….no suprise there.
How Iran has fallen really…i look up to its history and the iranians in europe are generally very nice people.

The nazi-glorification vote is taken out of context. USA and Ukraine were disagreeing with the wording…knowing full well Russia was planning its “denazification” excuse for annexation. Russia refused to amend the bill. And look and behold! Now a year later we see russia ethnically cleansing their brother nation…torturing and raping civilians…all for “denazification”.
Its utterly disgusting that these russian fascist taint this anti-nazism movement so much.

0.01 percent of Iranians came to protest in the streets. No genuine video ever showed more than 200 people together despite all tries.
Really don't see how that is possible , the clip they posted about the train passing looked fake and could have been taken anywhere any time.
there was another video and other videos , there is nothing strength , the damage was not to weight bearing part of the bridge , only some meshing and guards on the side that were used by personnel who want to maintain the bridges and rails not train itself
If they really had solid evidence they would post a clip of it going through the damaged area , they did not post it ,cause they don't have it . From the looks of the tracks , nothing can drive through it. And the picture show they are still working on it.
you can go there and film them passing if you don't want to believe russian , the ukrainina made a big mistake on where to detonate the bomb , if they fid it at the place the road is hanged under those arches , they probably could destroy both the rail road and road and made the repairs a lot harder
As for the high way -On those two pieces that fell into the sea , they have not even began working - you estimated a week , yet the work has not even started yet.
that's one piece bend from middle not two . and we see if my weeks is correct or not . the piece won't be made on the bridge they make them some place else probably some temporary workshop beside the bridge , then they transport it to the place and put it there the work on them certainly is started somewhere else . and as you see the work on road bridge already started , and as one piece is actually intact and only need putting back in place probably the work would be a lot faster than I predicted
The aim9 isn't compatible with the Mig29, also the most advanced variant of the aim9 only costs 400,000 dollars. Not 1 million


Saudis used aim9 against Iranian Shahed multiple times with failure and sometimes success.

Multiple videos and sources available.

They paid 1 million per shot on average which is closer to 2 million adding maintaining F15.
Ah us = Iran? I don’t see Iran votes yes on Russia annexation on Donbas, why not?
against our foreign policy that refuse accepting the change of borders by forces , we still don't recognize the parts Russia took from Georgia or the part Armenia took from Azerbaijan or Azerbaijan later took from Armenia , we didn't recognize Luhansk and Donetsk as independent country we stated we won't recognize Kosovo as a country , even in 1952 we were part of the countries who abstained in voting for UN general assembly resolution 505 and in 1971 in UN general assembly resolution 2758 we say yes to restoring the UN rights to mainland China .till today we don't have any relation with Taiwan , you can look deeper in recent history . we simply don't recognize any annexation or land grab by force, for us it simply is a matter of no no

Saudis used aim9 against Iranian Shahed multiple times with failure and sometimes success.

Multiple videos and sources available.

They paid 1 million per shot on average which is closer to 2 million adding maintaining F15.

Those Shaheds, and cruise missiles can be easily shot down with a gun, which is what I am inclined to believe in due to news of UA planes downing more than 4 targets per sortie.
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