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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

You cannot have low tax is you aren't a martial society. You cannot be a martial society without armed freemen. You cannot have armed freemen without sharing power with them.

Westernization as a phenomenon is entirely thanks to Europe experiencing an explosion of civilian militancy circa 1810-1830.

Now Westerners have reverted back to sheeple, and their societies are declining because of that. You can have a Kingdom, a Sheikhdom, an Emirate, but never a Serf-dom. Slaves can't rule not because of them having no rights, but because they are not ready to  fight for those rights.

Now, the West is a lot of people who don't want to pay high taxes for a professional army, while wanting somebody else to protect them from Putins, and such.
You were exactly right till March of this year. As an example, German population had considered the arms industry to be the equivalent of a vice (tobacco) like business and pressuring banks not to provide any financial assistance (letters of credit, loans) to arms manufacturers.

This is how bad the lack of support for armed forces was in some countries. By not physically being overt Putin had weakened Europe more than what any other tactic. That of course does not hold true any more
Europeans worked so hard to throw jews out of Europe , then you think they allow them come back
where do you guys this sh**. I am not jewish or Israeli (common accusation from those that are out of arguments). This makes no sense. About 85% of Jewish population is split between Israel and US.

Most of the rest of it is in advanced countries spread around Europe. Ukraine's population is only 0.2 % jewish so completely insignificant.

Total number of Jews around the world is 14M and change with most living in rich countries. WTF do you think anybody would want to Ukraine. 14M makes it slightly more than population of Tehran, less than Karachi.

I got news for you, there are very few Jews and almost nobody wants to leave the country they are in.

Abusing ex man can become very violent sometimes he can turn a terrorist. See Putin. He is very angry because ex wife Ukraine runs into the arms of a richer man. Putin the loser.
Yes Xi shares the same fate he cries all days after his ex spouse Taiwan.
To take the abusive relationship further: 'I only hit you harder because when I slap you less you resist'.

Btw for US this ex-spouse used to be Cuba
The man questions my iq. But the idiot does not know Chachan forces were Fighting in Syria.. usa and Isreal lost Syrian war in hands of Russian watch the video now I have doubt on your mental health. Do you know what is going on outside of your door. I am sure you have no idea . And you talk on international politics lol.Are you sure you Pakistani? As i know many people use Pakistani flags to run their lie in Pakistan. By the way I did not read your idiotic post as I did not want to waste my time.. I dont blame west for every crime budy. Infact I have reasonable good friend who are western. west is very Civilized society. But I am talking about western establecimiento they love blood. Common people in europ They nice people but they been poison by evil media.. But you can not deny the fact west has given us world war1 n 2 plus countless wars in last 100 years... when I give you reference of historical events. It mean everything has Connection to one another. You can not run from your shadow. As we know Russian shoulders are still in Syria usa want to have shoulders in Ukraine. Similar to Cuban Missile crisis. When Americans installed weapons in turkey and soviet installed weapons in Cuba. Isreal is very important for usa to control Arabs. Next move usa will make to destabilize Saudi Arabia though Israel if they refused to listen American demands. Which is Isreal's solo purpose to be in Arabs land. It is complete complex chass game. You need to have brain to understand this shit. I came to know that you have brain size of chicken 🐔. Lol
I don't question your IQ because its zero. You have no idea that Afghanistan is a land locked country, so I won't insult Pakistan by asking you are you in Pakistan. You can't even read the map you yourself posted and highlighted the border.

And yes I have been on Pakistan side to see the millions of refugees sent over and a whole Klashnikov culture that has not gone away. To this your point is Russia should be justified in having access to a warm water port, despite this overflow of refugees.

As for Israel/Syria: yes those people fought. But what did it matter. They fought a western Syria movement that was organic with no support. Any idiot would have prevailed over them. It changed no equation on Israel thats as powerful as it was and became even bolder: it moved its capital and its relentless expansion into occupied territories.

And it did it with full recognition from the Arabs you are such a big fan of. I see your bitterness for the west, but part of it stems from not having visited. The most you have gone is to the UAE and those b*(*Ds are in bed with Israel just like the west that you dislike.

And yes, pls stop posting stupid maps and with bad logic and nobody will call you out.

Ukraine’s armed forces on Wednesday downed four Russian helicopters

Possibly 6 !!
I think Yongpeng Sun-Tastaufen would say that the really good helicopters are not being used and they were supplied by China and they are waiting to use them later in the war. Now they just use the ones that can be lost 4-6 at a time. But the ones they are NOT using can never be shotdown because they are made in China

Liberation of 10 houses? Wow not bad, great success for Russia military. After taking over they probably liberated washing machines, television sets from the houses.
Go Wagner: worth every penny. Frankly this may be more the convicts accomplishment.

Drones are cheap and manufactured dozens a day. A good way to deplete surface to air missiles which are expensive and slow to manufacture.
Not as fast as how Russia is depleting its cruise missiles to have resorted to S300s (and even removing batteries from Syria)
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In times of strife you will know who your friends are.

I do hope we keep a list of whom stabbed us in the back on this. Saudis as nr1.
For Saudis, I understand what they did and why they did it even though other Gulf countries did not want to cut production.

Ultimately they want to maximize the oil revenue after 7 years of low prices and this is the last surge of oil prices as on-going shift from hydrocarbon.

I don't agree with Saudis but I know why they did it. I don't agree because it makes the poorest hurt the most (oil high and so is every other input down to food).

What they did not factor in is they are trying to diversify their economy and want to court foreign capital. The entire NOEM project is an example. Then the question is, whose foreign capital are they going to attract? Russians that could move their capital already did to UAE.

US and European capital is whats going to be at risk

Pakistan is nowhere. Irrelivant. It has an army that calls the shots, but sells its country to the highest bidder. The Americans have always been the highest bidder. Hence, the Pak army is indebted to the US.

In the Ukraine war Pakistan has once again played the wrong cards. It has made an enemy out of Russia. Pakistani army is appeasing the Americans. The Americans will ditch Pakistan high and dry like they always have.
The question is not intended to dispute what you are using but can you clarify what you mean (as in specific actions) Pakistan played the wrong card, vs. play no card.

The army is a factor but Pakistan has another weakness: a large part of its economy is tied to foreign remittances. US/UK/European remittances are higher than Saudi Arabia. There is virtually nothing coming from Russia. This does not factor overtly in Army's decision but its tough to cut that supply line when nothing is coming from Russia
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Very well explained. The initial military goals were reached with immense display of power. It is in the aftermath, of adding/overreaching with geopolitical goals where Nato/USA had often miscalculated.

It is at “winning hearts and minds”, nation building, and fostering the right alliances where they failed. And we see the results where taliban returns in power, syria falls to assad/russia, Libya is a mess, and iraq under heavy iranian influence.
Also, US (as wrong as those actions were), never failed in those 3 countries to the point to threaten nuclear weapons. Thats ultimately what makes Putin look weak (and is weak): when you have to take on a country 1/5th your size and threaten nukes. Nation building was a dumb neo-con goal but never were nukes on the table
Russia destroys itself with its unprovoked war in Ukraine. Blames the West for its military failure. Wants to nuke everyone

Ukrainens are fools. This is what happened when you choose a emotional idiot as your leader. He was comedian and made his country a joke. If I was president of Ukraine I could have safe my country my history my infrastructure with one line. (We will stay neutral). We not going to join any organizations. They were fool by usa. Infact this time there is bigger fool then Ukrainens. It is Europe. They have to look after 5 millions refuses and plus experience gas for the sake of usa wishes
Their entire male population mobilized and stayed in Ukraine. Its not the comedian, its their dignity.

When Putin mobilized 300K, 300K men also left. There is the difference

Ukraine fighter crashes whiles trying to hit an Iranian drone
Video? Source? Or we believe it because you typed it?

They're using air-to-air missiles to destroy Shaheed-136 drones that costs $20,000 USD a piece. :(
Guess what, the plane crashed. 😲

Sounds like Belarus is a legit HIMARS target now

Putin wants to open a Second Front from Belarus in order to distract Ukraine from winning the First Front. The Belarussians are too dumb to realize that they will be used as cannon fodder for the Ukrainians by Putin;
For the company making the ultimate next generation missile (S400) and I say this sarcastically, they have to source basic computer network package to run its office from the US company. This is just to run the business and its operation.

Two observations:

1. this is a top tier advanced company that can't gets its business done without working around export controls of basic stuff.
2. They got away with it when the sanctions were soft: this is what I mean that Putin is going to move the clock back on Russian productivity by 20 years.

Special Report-How a US firm supplied networking technology to maker of feared Russian missiles​


FILE PHOTO: Victory Day Parade in Moscow
Aram Roston and David Gauthier-Villars
Wed, October 12, 2022 at 10:46 AM·13 min read

(publishes to additional subscribers)
By Aram Roston and David Gauthier-Villars
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, American companies have been prohibited from dealing with MMZ Avangard, a state-owned firm that makes missiles for one of Russia's most sophisticated weapons, the S-400 air-defense system.
In a measure of Western concern about the S-400, the United States ejected Turkey, a NATO member, from a joint fighter jet program in 2019 after Ankara took delivery of the Russian system.
But even as the United States was taking actions to blunt MMZ Avangard's business, a publicly traded American technology company, Extreme Networks, was providing MMZ Avangard with computer networking equipment for its office IT systems, according to emails and other business records seen by Reuters, as well as interviews with people familiar with the matter.

In a statement to Reuters, Extreme said that based on information provided by the news agency it believed equipment "may have" been sold to MMZ Avangard using a surrogate buyer. Extreme said the equipment was sold without its knowledge. It added, without providing evidence, that an intermediary in Russia was "complicit" in supplying its products via a front company to "bad actors." Extreme said it is reporting its findings of these potential sales to U.S. authorities.
Ukraine has accused Russia of deploying missiles made by MMZ Avangard against ground targets since Russia launched what it terms its "special operation" on Feb. 24. Ukrainian authorities said MMZ Avangard missiles killed at least thirty civilians in a gruesome attack against a convoy on the edge of the southern city of Zaporizhzhia last month. Neither Kremlin officials nor MMZ Avangard responded to questions for this article. MMZ Avangard's parent, Almaz-Antey, also didn't comment.
Between 2017 and 2021, MMZ Avangard obtained over half a million dollars' worth of Extreme equipment for its IT systems, according to the business records reviewed by Reuters and the people familiar with the matter. The products included high-speed switches, an essential building block of corporate IT networks, and software.
The records also show that the deals went through a seemingly innocuous corporation near Moscow, and despite two Extreme officials raising concerns, the sales went forward.
That a Russian military company, identified as a threat by Washington, continued to acquire U.S. computer hardware is a case study in how Western countries may have overestimated their ability to choke the Russian economy with export bans and trade sanctions. It also highlights how dependent Russia's military machine is on U.S. high-tech equipment.


In April, six weeks after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, an Extreme employee filed an internal complaint, seen by Reuters, alleging that the company was selling to various military manufacturers in Russia. "Extreme equipment is used on Russian warships," the complaint said, "in communications systems."
Extreme said in its statement that the allegations were brought by a disgruntled employee. An investigation by the firm had found nothing to corroborate any of the claims until Reuters brought "new facts" to the company's attention this month. The company said it ceased operations in Russia in March, adding that it subsequently launched a process to dismiss the disgruntled employee for poor performance. It said it has no records of sales involving Russian warships.
Extreme, which trades on the NASDAQ exchange and is headquartered in Morrisville, North Carolina, has earned a solid reputation in the United States and is an official partner of the National Football League. The NFL declined to comment for this article.
A Reuters investigation in August found that while the United States and allies banned high-tech exports to Russia to try to cripple its defense industry, and many tech companies announced that they had halted exports to Russia, the flow of Western brand-name computer parts to Russian clients hasn't stopped.
This account of how Extreme supplied MMZ Avangard and at least two other Russian military companies is based on interviews with three people familiar with the shipments as well as a review by Reuters of documents spanning five years to 2021. The documents include sales records and email exchanges between Extreme employees, customers and distributors. The shipments are reported here for the first time.


The U.S. Department of Commerce, which administers export restrictions, declined to comment for this story.
Russian companies, including those in the military sector, have virtually no choice but to buy foreign equipment to build the computer networks necessary for modern-day business. Russia has very limited domestic production of networking equipment.
Founded in 1996, Extreme is a junior player in the computer networking industry. Last year, it posted revenue of $1.1 billion, compared with $50 billion for Cisco Systems.
Still, the smaller company is a "meaningful competitor," according to Alex Henderson, a network and security analyst at Needham and Company in New York. The U.S. military as well as NASA use Extreme hardware and support, according to contracting records, and the company has built up a substantial marketing profile.

In Russia, as well, Extreme lists prestigious customers, such as the Ministry of Health, the federal pension fund and Lomonosov Moscow State University.
But according to documents seen by Reuters, other buyers of Extreme equipment included not just MMZ Avangard but a major Russian military shipbuilding company and a high-tech defense electronics manufacturer.
One of the documents shows that in the four years ending 2020, Russian customers purchased $41.5 million worth of equipment. Reuters couldn't determine Extreme's total sales to sanctioned or military firms because it wasn't clear if transactions other than those involving MMZ Avangard had been recorded under cover names.
In its statement to Reuters, Extreme said it doesn't report country specific revenue.
In Russia, Extreme maintained contacts with its customers in order to help design complex networks that expand over time, according to two of the people familiar with the matter. Each customer or potential buyer had its own account manager at the company and was listed on internal sales records. Actual sales, though, were done through authorized intermediaries.

Extreme, in its statement to Reuters, said it rarely provided direct installation services. It said it had no such contracts with DEMZ or MMZ Avangard.
In its statement, Extreme said it has a "firm policy" not to work with sanctioned entities, but added it isn't always notified of the end customer, especially when its products are sold through so-called "stocking" distributors that hold an inventory.
Extreme named one of those distributors as RRC and said it believed RRC was "complicit" in the scheme to supply MMZ Avangard. RRC and its Cyprus parent, BD Enterprise Networking didn't respond to messages from Reuters seeking comment.
For Russian military companies, Extreme equipment had a strong selling point, the three people familiar with the shipments said: Unlike larger rivals, Extreme doesn't require service subscriptions and frequent software updates. "It is absolutely autonomous," one of the people said of the equipment. "It works without a license and you don't even need to be connected to the internet." This means, another person said, that "you don't need to fear that your system will go dark because someone in the U.S. decided to disconnect you."
Extreme said that the "autonomous model" is not unique to the company, but acknowledged it has become relatively rare.

It was no secret in Russia that MMZ Avangard used Extreme equipment. In late 2019, the missile manufacturer issued a tender through Russia's online public procurement platform, saying it needed spare parts for the Extreme computer networks it possessed. Extreme didn't dispute this but said it wouldn't necessarily be aware of such a tender.
A few months before, in the summer of 2019, an intermediary had contacted Extreme's representative office in Russia, asking for advice on a network upgrade for the missile company, the documents show. "We are working on a solution for the customer, MMZ Avangard," an employee of the intermediary wrote in a June 28, 2019, email to an Extreme system engineer. "I was told that I could seek your help."
As soon as its equipment arrived in Moscow, Extreme dispatched a staff engineer to MMZ Avangard's offices to help ensure a smooth installation, one of the people familiar with the shipments said.
In its statement to Reuters, Extreme said it had no records of an Extreme employee installing equipment at MMZ Avangard.
When it came to processing MMZ Avangard's purchasing orders, the missile maker's name didn't appear on Extreme's books. Instead, Extreme's Moscow employees recorded the orders as having been placed by a company called OOO DEMZ, according to emails and sales records, as well as three people familiar with the matter.


"It was necessary to use a cover because the Russian company is blacklisted in the U.S.," one of the people familiar with the shipments said. It has been illegal for U.S. companies to do business with MMZ Avangard since July 2014, when the U.S. Treasury Department listed its parent company, Almaz-Antey, as a "blocked" entity. The Treasury declined to comment for this story.
MMZ Avangard began buying products from Extreme in December 2017 and was disguised under the DEMZ cover in Extreme business records from that date, according to emails and other documents seen by Reuters. The most recent transaction using the DEMZ cover that Reuters identified was in September 2021. In total, the records show that Extreme shipped goods worth about $645,000 in this way during that period.
Extreme, in its statement, said it now believes that its equipment may have been acquired through a "front company." Extreme confirmed that the DEMZ account listed product purchases for approximately $645,000.
DEMZ is a small company based in Dmitrov, a city 50 miles north of Moscow. Russian corporate records list Vladimir Markov as its general director. Reached by phone, Markov said that DEMZ, which made tools for railcar maintenance, ceased all operations in 2016. The executive said he had never heard of Extreme or of DEMZ buying Extreme equipment for itself or on behalf of others.
The apparent ruse was a shallow one. Purported executives for DEMZ, listed in the Extreme customer records seen by Reuters, were actually employees of the missile maker who had provided their MMZ Avangard email addresses. They even included the Avangard email addresses when they applied for access to an Extreme customer service portal. One of these people declined to comment. The other couldn't be reached. Some of the documents also listed mmza.ru - MMZ Avangard's domain name - as DEMZ's purported web address.

On the last day of 2019, as a "DEMZ" order was winding through Extreme's approval system, an Extreme sales manager working in North Carolina emailed RRC, the Russian distributor, with a question about the domain name: "Can you tell me what the relationship is between DEMZ and mmza.ru?" An employee of the distributor responded that mmza.ru was "the customer's" domain. The employee didn't elaborate. A subsequent message indicates that the sale went through.
Extreme, in its statement, did not address questions about MMZ Avangard staff registering for access to online support, and an Extreme sales manager raising questions about the web domain.
Nearly a year later, dealing with another set of "DEMZ" orders, an employee from Extreme's in-house compliance desk in Ireland spotted the mmza.ru domain in the sales paperwork and researched it. "This link," the compliance team employee said in a Nov. 11, 2020, email, "goes directly to https://mmzavangard.ru/ which is a defense contractor seemingly [sic] to specialize in ground to air missile systems, we need to further review before we can make a decision."
Extreme, in its statement, also did not address questions about this email.

The Extreme compliance employee instructed the Russia office to have "DEMZ," the purported customer, fill out a form to certify there was no military end-user, that the equipment would not be resold for any military purpose, and that it would not be transferred to any sanctioned company.
Less than a week after the message from the Extreme compliance employee, a two-page letter seen by Reuters attested that the end-user was not sanctioned, and would not use Extreme's equipment in a way banned by U.S. law. Bearing an illegible signature and a blue "DEMZ" stamp, the document was sent to Extreme's compliance desk, according to one of the people familiar with the matter.
DEMZ's business, according to the purported self-declaration, had nothing to do with sophisticated missiles. Rather it was "components for the Metalworking of country houses." DEMZ never made such components and was out of business at the time of the letter, according to former director general Markov.
"Just heard back from our supply team for the DEMZ orders," emailed the North Carolina manager on Nov. 25 "with some good news."
The sales could go through.
"Thank you," Extreme's Vienna-based regional director for Northern and Eastern Europe wrote.
U.S. export control specialists told Reuters self-declarations can be useful in determining whether a client is legitimate. However, upon coming across a red flag, "you stop or put on hold the transaction," said James Fuller, a former special agent with the U.S. Department of Commerce. "You don't offer an avenue to provide more false information, or suggest some kind of workaround."
Extreme in its statement to Reuters confirmed that its internal compliance officer had requested and received the self-declaration. The company added that it has "other screening processes to check for red flags."

Useless article, surprised Reuters put its name against it. Bold assertion but just a sentence with no basis. This assertion makes me feel like I am reading something from Tass.

Russia has depleted large part of precision ammunition - NATO official​

By Reuters Staff
1 Min Read

FILE PHOTO: A NATO flag is seen at the Alliance headquarters ahead of a NATO Defence Ministers meeting, in Brussels, Belgium, October 21, 2021. REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Russia has depleted a significant proportion of its precision-guided ammunition in its invasion of Ukraine and its industry cannot produce all kinds of ammunition and weapon systems due to Western sanctions, a senior NATO official said on Wednesday.

The official said he did not know how long it would take for Russia to mobilise the 300,000 troops Moscow is aiming for, and suggested it could take a few months.
A serviceman of the Russian Airborne Forces spoke about the episode of the battle with the liquidation of the tank breakthrough of the Ukrainian army. As reported, 6 tanks and more than 10 units of other armored and automotive vehicles were destroyed.

The Russian crew of the T-72B3 tank of the 2016 model, inspected the wrecked foreign-made T-72 tank of Ukraine.

The newest Russian battle tank T-14 "Armata" was noticed at the training ground of the Kazan Tank Command School. There has been unconfirmed information that the Russian army may use about nine T-14 Armata tanks in Ukraine to test their combat systems in real combat. To date, it is not known exactly how many T-14 Armata tanks the Russian army has, according to some sources, from 21 to 132, judging by the contracts and agreements that were reported in the media.

The FV104 Samaritan armored personnel carrier appeared in the Ukrainian army, this is an armored ambulance. The armored car was developed 46 years ago in England and is considered rare, only 100 pieces were produced. The transporter was developed on the basis of the British FV101 Scorpion tank and has a crew of 2 people. The vehicle can transport 4 wounded on stretchers and 2 medics. The vehicle has no weapons. The 190 horsepower engine is installed in the front right side of the hull. The maximum speed on the highway is 72 km / h, the cruising range is 480 km.

You are very wrong. Chinese and Indians buying the oil very cheap. 2.9 billions people buying their oil and gass. These two countries will send cheap products in market and otherside europ is buying expensive gass from its best friend usa. Eu Manufacturing costs is going up. In China and India manufacturing cost is going down. Tell me whose economy is in good shape. Russians are getting money weapons from China india and iran along with their own tech. common man which world are you living...you live in Mars right? Europe alongside Ukrainen are the biggest losers. Usa selling weapons and gass. This statement is very strong View attachment 886469
You don’t understand. The oil price cap aims to reduce Russia incomes not incomes other countries. Money just goes to others people pockets. If China, India get richer while Russia poorer, then ok. Win win.
Russia needs oil tankers but it hasn’t little to none. Russia needs insurance but no insurance companies. Russia needs finance but it needs to sell oil to get the money first.
That’s Russia weak points where western oil cap will plug in.

Let’s say the oil cap is $50 per barrel, every transactions above the level will be forbidden. Russia won’t find banks, tankers, insurance companies to ship oil.
Don't ask how the FSB get their hands on the bus x-ray.

So they got an Xray of the truck with explosives but did nothing about it. It be almost like the TSA showing a Xray of a gun in a suitcase but didn't show it til after the shooting on a plane. Reminds me of that Sims 3 fiasco with that Nazi claim. When a commander ask to plant 3 SIM cards, not SIMS 3 games.


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