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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


Saudis used aim9 against Iranian Shahed multiple times with failure and sometimes success.

Multiple videos and sources available.

They paid 1 million per shot on average which is closer to 2 million adding maintaining F15.
Ukraine is a testing ground for drone and anti drone warfare now really.

I am curious how the gepard tanks or anti-drone guns will work. These are better suited then expensive anti-missile systems.

Iran using its drones will open eyes of USA and Israel how to develop better counters however. Now the drone warfare is no longer 1 way street. (Russians also started using more grenade dropping drones and artillery spotters)
You are very wrong. Chinese and Indians buying the oil very cheap. 2.9 billions people buying their oil and gass. These two countries will send cheap products in market and otherside europ is buying expensive gass from its best friend usa. Eu Manufacturing costs is going up. In China and India manufacturing cost is going down. Tell me who's economy is in good shape. Russians are getting money weapons from China india and iran along with their own tech. common man which world are you living...you live in Mars right? Europe alongside Ukrainen are the biggest losers. Usa selling weapons and gass. This statement is very strong View attachment 886469
Westerns are been brain washed.
Look at middle and lower income Americans and Europeans they have been decimated inflation is rampant and retirement funds are down by 70%

Yet they told Russia is in ruines..

Well Russia is doing much better economically due to their energy exports
Iran is a paria state where its ayatollah leaders are too busy killing young women for not adhering to medieval religious laws.

Ofcourse iran does not recognize voting where 90% world shows a working moral compass….no suprise there.
How Iran has fallen really…i look up to its history and the iranians in europe are generally very nice people.
go say that to the countries who voted no to it AKA USA and Ukraine or the ones who abstained AKA democracy heaven like Australia , Austria, Finland , France, Germany, Iceland , Italy, Netherlands, New Zeeland ,Luxemburg, Norway, Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Poland , Portugal , Korea ,Turkey , United Kingdom aka all Europe and usa and their respective follower like Japan and Korea
so go your fake crocodile tears some where else nobody buy it here
Those Shaheds, and cruise missiles can be easily shot down with a gun, which is what I am inclined to believe in due to news of UA planes downing more than 4 targets per sortie.

Missiles not gun.


Paid journalism:D
Ukrainian fighter crashing while chasing Iranian drone per Ukrainian sources.


This pretty one million dollar sidewinder is being used to maybe shoot one Iranian drone, costing about 20k.
what is this these guys literally working their *** off while those two in back watching them literally beside that lift truck , is it a new way of pranking new recruits ?
what is this these guys literally working their *** off while those two in back watching them literally beside that lift truck , is it a new way of pranking new recruits ?

Just imagine if they were Iranian doing this,
It would be CNN first page for fun
The aim9 isn't compatible with the Mig29, also the most advanced variant of the aim9 only costs 400,000 dollars. Not 1 million
if AGM-88 can be made compatible with the Mig-29 why not AIM-9
I think Poland had a program to modernize its mig-29 with AIM-9x
there was another video and other videos , there is nothing strength , the damage was not to weight bearing part of the bridge , only some meshing and guards on the side that were used by personnel who want to maintain the bridges and rails not train itself

you can go there and film them passing if you don't want to believe russian , the ukrainina made a big mistake on where to detonate the bomb , if they fid it at the place the road is hanged under those arches , they probably could destroy both the rail road and road and made the repairs a lot harder

that's one piece bend from middle not two . and we see if my weeks is correct or not . the piece won't be made on the bridge they make them some place else probably some temporary workshop beside the bridge , then they transport it to the place and put it there the work on them certainly is started somewhere else . and as you see the work on road bridge already started , and as one piece is actually intact and only need putting back in place probably the work would be a lot faster than I predicted

I guess on the high way - we will just wait and see.

As for the rail bridge , from all the reports i have been reading they are passing the trains on ferries for now and not on the bridge.

against our foreign policy that refuse accepting the change of borders by forces , we still don't recognize the parts Russia took from Georgia or the part Armenia took from Azerbaijan or Azerbaijan later took from Armenia , we didn't recognize Luhansk and Donetsk as independent country we stated we won't recognize Kosovo as a country , even in 1952 we were part of the countries who abstained in voting for UN general assembly resolution 505 and in 1971 in UN general assembly resolution 2758 we say yes to restoring the UN rights to mainland China .till today we don't have any relation with Taiwan , you can look deeper in recent history . we simply don't recognize any annexation or land grab by force, for us it simply is a matter of no no
Good. I hope you told that to Putin’s face during bilateral meetings. Putin tends to invent stories to justify aggression.
not next to you , you have those missiles somewhere , load the Himras , the himras go somewhere else and fire its load , come back and reload and again go somewhere else and again empty its load , that's how you increase the survivability of the system .
may look unnecessary but its how its done and the result showed its effective way to do it
not available for me it want subscription , and you can do that for fuel and ammunition as your production is limited and your consumption is not constant , one day you use more , one day you use less

Again, You really should read up how logistic work. It's not the way you think it does. If not that one, go look for another one

Imagine you have 4 HIMARS in location A, 4 HIMARS in location B, 4 HIMARS in location C and 4 HIMARS in location D.

You have 16 (1-16) pods of missile to distribute between the 16 HIMARS. You will deliver 4 Pods (1-4) to location A, B, C, D and those pods will be next to the HIMARS at A, B, C and D. Then you will have 4 (5 -8) Pods always on the road and going around between A, B, C and D, and another 4 Pod (9-12) to back up that previous 4 (5-8) Pod, again, continuously going between A, B, C and D and finally, you have the last 4 pod as spare, So at any time, 12 pod will be on the move, 1, 2, 3, 4 will be next to Location A, B, C and D near to those HIMARS, so if you can find out where that is, then you will probably having a go at those HIMARS instead. And then you will have 8 Pods constantly on the road, say 5 going from D to A, 6 going from A to B, 7 going from B to C, and 8 going from C toD, 9 going the other direction from A to D, 10 going the other direction from B to C, 11 going the other direction form C to B and 12 going the other direction from D to A)

so Pod 5-12 will be constantly on the move. and 13-16 will be in strategic reserve, so if any location still runs out of the pod, they will be sent. so at any time, of the 16 pod, 12 will be constantly on the move, and 4 will be store and static, which mean if you can use your Iranian drone to target, you can at best take out 1/4 of the combat power, that is IF you know where they are storing those pod, and 3/4 of the combat power is out of reach for you, because they will be constantly on the move between location A, B, C and D.
Imagine running out of T-72... It won't be long before they start (really) looting museum pieces for armor.
They already did, or else how or where do you think they have that many AK or SKS, some photo online suggested that Russian troop and their separatist counterpart are using WW2 PPsh and Mosin Nagant in the front line.
Yeah figure a couple of bulldozers even civilian versions can do the job. Even against Luhansk and Donetsk in future when overcoming such obstacles.
There are no sure fire way to stop tank, it would literally be pointless now, and if we are actaully giving those engineering vehicle or breaching vehicle we have, those obstacle would have been breached in no time even if they booby trap those defence.
As for the rail bridge , from all the reports i have been reading they are passing the trains on ferries for now and not on the bridge.
I heard ferries are for truck . you cant conjure up train carrying ferries from somewhere in so short amount of time m they are rare and they are used in places they are needed ,

Good. I hope you told that to Putin’s face during bilateral meetings. Putin tends to invent stories to justify aggression.
don't need to tell him , our foreign minister spokesman said it for many times that its against our foreign policy to accept change of borders by military use , it was the case even since before the revolution . and our action on those are clear , we don't recognize it, bilateral meetings with Putin was not about us acknowledge Russia right to annex any Ukrainian land or we say him you are right in attacking Ukraine , we just do business with another country that we recognize we can't be responsible for everything they do
go say that to the countries who voted no to it AKA USA and Ukraine or the ones who abstained AKA democracy heaven like Australia , Austria, Finland , France, Germany, Iceland , Italy, Netherlands, New Zeeland ,Luxemburg, Norway, Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Poland , Portugal , Korea ,Turkey , United Kingdom aka all Europe and usa and their respective follower like Japan and Korea
so go your fake crocodile tears some where else nobody buy it here
I just told you that those voted no/abstained did so because the bill used wording that would be easy to abuse by russia.
And now russia are indeed abusing “denazification” To ethnically cleanse areas of ukraine. It just proved us right and that russia was using it for a pathetic propaganda tool.

Nazism is almost non-existant in netherlands, and we have laws against promoting it already. It hurts to see “denazification” being abused like this by russia.
But keep up your pathethic mental gymnastics buddy.

Siding with russia 🇷🇺 On its annexation attempt on ukraine.
More state murders of young women

Iran is a Pariah state that lost its moral compass. It hope the iranians can rid themselves of the ayatollahs or set that leadership on to a more moderate path.
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