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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

You have 16 (1-16) pods of missile to distribute between the 16 HIMARS. You will deliver 4 Pods (1-4) to location A, B, C, D and those pods will be next to the HIMARS at A, B, C and D. Then you will have 4 (5 -8) Pods always on the road and going around between A, B, C and D, and another 4 Pod (9-12) to back up that previous 4 (5-8) Pod, again, continuously going between A, B, C and D and finally, you have the last 4 pod as spare, So at any time, 12 pod will be on the move, 1, 2, 3, 4 will be next to Location A, B, C and D near to those HIMARS, so if you can find out where that is, then you will probably having a go at those HIMARS instead. And then you will have 8 Pods constantly on the road, say 5 going from D to A, 6 going from A to B, 7 going from B to C, and 8 going from C toD, 9 going the other direction from A to D, 10 going the other direction from B to C, 11 going the other direction form C to B and 12 going the other direction from D to A)

so Pod 5-12 will be constantly on the move. and 13-16 will be in strategic reserve, so if any location still runs out of the pod, they will be sent. so at any time, of the 16 pod, 12 will be constantly on the move, and 4 will be store and static, which mean if you can use your Iranian drone to target, you can at best take out 1/4 of the combat power, that is IF you know where they are storing those pod, and 3/4 of the combat power is out of reach for you, because they will be constantly on the move between location A, B, C and D.except its good for theory , you have more than 16 pods and when you load those pods on the launcher , from somewhere you must replenish them . those somewhere is your reserve and logistic node and its where it get hit.
the strategic reserve is what I care , you hit it , there won't be any replacement for the ones on the move and there won't be any on the move any more , here the weak link is not the moving pods and the launcher , its the strategic reserve

I just told you that those voted no/abstained did so because the bill used wording that would be easy to abuse by russia.
And now russia are indeed abusing “denazification” To ethnically cleanse areas of ukraine. It just proved us right and that russia was using it for a pathetic propaganda tool.
then how come its bad for Iran not to consider voting on such sham resolution ? how its good for you to abstain and show your moral but Iran refuse to participate in such sham is bad ?
that's hypocrisy and double standards

Nazism is almost non-existant in netherlands, and we have laws against promoting it already. It hurts to see “denazification” being abused like this by russia.
But keep up your pathethic mental gymnastics buddy.
Nazism always were nonexistence in Iran so we don't even needed law against it
More state murders of young women
unrelated for discussing it you can go to 5-6 thread that discussing it right now , wonder why moderators allow such amount of parallels threads on that matter

Iran is a Pariah state that lost its moral compass. It hope the iranians can rid themselves of the ayatollahs or set that leadership on to a more moderate path.
on this we have higher moral ground than you as we never ever recognized any land grab by force by any nation if its an ally nation , on other hand you guys time and time recognized such moves , even participated in them
then how come its bad for Iran not to consider voting on such sham resolution ? how its good for you to abstain and show your moral but Iran refuse to participate in such sham is bad ?
that's hypocrisy and double standards
There are multiple abstaining the russia attack vote. Not nice but that is not my issue.

Iran supports Russia militarily. This speaks volumes. More then their voting. They are clearly in pro-russia camp. Their drones being used to hit civilian infrastructure (no more electricity and water for those ukranians through winter—-posts from russia millbloggers)
expect at 21st century after all those wars in 20-21 century people have learned their lessons that you don't entrench tanks and armors , they must be on move , want entrenched weapon go get some mortars and howitzers

There are multiple abstaining the russia attack vote. Not nice but that is not my issue.

Iran supports Russia militarily. This speaks volumes. More then their voting. They are clearly in pro-russia camp. Their drones being used to hit civilian infrastructure (no more electricity and water for those ukranians through winter—-posts from russia millbloggers)
go tell that to the countries who supported UAE and KSA attack on poor Yemeni people or supported destruction of Libya or bombing Serbia on Kosovo. or supporting certain country killing and bombing Palestinian as I said crocodile tear .
those UAVs are only Iranian design but made in Russia you did not even grasped that yet

civilian infrastructure
some call them double use facilities, like medical equipment and cancer drugs EU and USA prevented enter Iran
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the strategic reserve is what I care , you hit it , there won't be any replacement for the ones on the move and there won't be any on the move any more , here the weak link is not the moving pods and the launcher , its the strategic reserve
Again, it's a small portion of the actual combat force, in my example it's 1/4 but in reality, is more like 1/7 or 1/10 if you disperse your combat power which is what Ukrainian is doing because you will not be having 4 HIMARS at 4 different places, it will be 1 here 2 there and 16 HIMARS in maybe 10 different place, which mean instead of 8 constantly on the road, it might have been 10 or 12 or might not even be a strategic reserve at all. Not to mention if you ever can target those, those pods are very easily be replaced.

In the field, this is what we call chasing the white ghost or puff the magic dragon, you are basically dedicating your resource on something that is not useful. It only useful if you enemy have enough industrial power to make a lot of excess stock, it CERTAINLY not in Ukrainian case.

Saudis used aim9 against Iranian Shahed multiple times with failure and sometimes success.

Multiple videos and sources available.

They paid 1 million per shot on average which is closer to 2 million adding maintaining F15.
I know the Saudis have been using them against the drones, which bearing in mind, is not a bad idea. The AIM9X the most advanced variant is only 400k dollars. The Sidewinder is not compatible with the Mig29 Ukraine uses. It was most likely an R73 which costs ~100,000 dollars at most?
go tell that to the countries who supported UAE and KSA attack on poor Yemeni people
Usa does it so iran can do it too!

or supported destruction of Libya or bombing Serbia on Kosovo.
Stopping a dictator killing civilians or serbians doing another srebrenica?

Its just a situation of “damned if you do damned if you dont.” Not acting against serbia you would claim we dont care for kosovo muslims blahblahblah. Acting against serbia we are imperialist (and still dont care about muslims…somehow)

“Palestine”? Yesh Iran funding so many terrorist groups certainly helps. Such morals to resolve this conflict.

those UAVs are only Iranian design but made in Russia you did not even grasped that yet
Nonsense. Reports of plane deliveries were given. And sharing designs is still a low move for a country supposedly “actively neutral”
some call them double use facilities, like medical equipment and cancer drugs EU and USA prevented enter Iran

Context matters. Unfortunately loose sanctions are often abused by pariah states.
Cement for terror tunnels in hamas
Or going for nuclear bombs for the ayatollahs. (and then the salafi saudis also want them…the horror)

I hoped iran would be an rational alternative for the saudis (unfortunately west is oil addicted) . However they seem to be in a competition with the saudis on medieval behaviour.
at this rate, they can probably introduce a resolution at UNGA and kick Russia out of Security Council and they will pass. It's 143 to 5.......
general assembly don't have the right to do it otherwise all 5 permanent member already would have been kicked out
general assembly don't have the right to do it otherwise all 5 permanent member already would have been kicked out
General Assembly HAVE the right to enforce a resolution if they were passed by 2/3.

Or how do you think China replace Taiwan in Security Council back in 1970?

Article 18 of UN Charter

Article 18​

  1. Each member of the General Assembly shall have one vote.
  2. Decisions of the General Assembly on important questions shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. These questions shall include: recommendations with respect to the maintenance of international peace and security, the election of the non-permanent members of the Security Council, the election of the members of the Economic and Social Council, the election of members of the Trusteeship Council in accordance with paragraph 1 (c) of Article 86, the admission of new Members to the United Nations, the suspension of the rights and privileges of membership, the expulsion of Members, questions relating to the operation of the trusteeship system, and budgetary questions.
  3. Decisions on other questions, including the determination of additional categories of questions to be decided by a two-thirds majority, shall be made by a majority of the members present and voting.
They can literally kick Russia out of UN if they passed the resolution by 2/3...
You are clueless. That’s a war. People will go to extremes. If no oil no gas no electricity, ok, people will still survive we just go back to old age. No joke, I myself have prepared for everything I built this oven for the coming winter. many Germans do that here.

Ghahahahhwh you are funny man... keep thinking that your home is on Mars. We are here to tall facts. Fact is you living on earth . Acceptance is in your hands. If a pigeon thinks closing eyes will save him from cat than he is mistaken
Usa does it so iran can do it too!
means USA and EU who does it , don't have the moral to make any complains
Stopping a dictator killing civilians or serbians doing another srebrenica?

Its just a situation of “damned if you do damned if you dont.” Not acting against serbia you would claim we dont care for kosovo muslims blahblahblah. Acting against serbia we are imperialist (and still dont care about muslims…somehow)

“Palestine”? Yesh Iran funding so many terrorist groups certainly helps. Such morals to resolve this conflict.
no you guys supporting the one who kill people or use hellfire against children tricycles help .
and dictator or not , you guys made a mental gymnasium and use a resolution that didn't allowed you attack Libya to attack Libya
Kosovo , the exact situation of Donbass and Luhansk for 8 years , and do I supposed to have some sort of double standards when it come to Muslims ?
Nonsense. Reports of plane deliveries were given. And sharing designs is still a low move for a country supposedly “actively neutral”
we have a 150milliard dollar economy deal wit Russia , have you see what those airplane carry , have you ever had a photo of them unload or load any Weapon
Context matters. Unfortunately loose sanctions are often abused by pariah states.
Cement for terror tunnels in hamas
Or going for nuclear bombs for the ayatollahs. (and then the salafi saudis also want them…the horror)
yeah , cancer drugs for bomb . sonographic equipment for bomb , you and your mythical bomb , its 40 years that Iran is 6 month to1 year away from the bomb . go guess how real the claims and accusation are till today the only illegal nuclear material found in Iran is the one that ware stained the equipment we bought from Pakistan and they used the equipment to build bombs
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